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Class - IV Session 2021 - 22 Subject - E.V.S.

Name ________________________________ Sec _______ Date_______


The excretory system helps in removing

wastes from our body. The process by which
wastes get removed from our body is called
excretion. The excretory system is made
up of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a
urinary bladder and a urethra. This is also
called the Urinary System.

Kidneys: They are two small

bean-shaped organs located at
the back of the stomach. Their
main function is to separate the
toxins and other waste material
from the blood and flush them
out of the body as urine. Urine
contains harmful substances that
are formed inside our body.
Ureters: Urine is then transported from the kidneys to the urinary bladder
through thin tubes called ureters.

Urinary Bladder: Urine is stored here inside the urinary bladder.

Urethra: Urine is released out of our body through the urethra.

Name them:
1) _______________________
2) _______________________
3) _______________________
4) _______________________

Other than the urinary system, skin,

lungs and even eyes help us to
excrete waste products in different
forms. Sweating is a type of
excretion where water, urea, and
other salts are excreted through the
skin. Lungs help us to exhale
gaseous wastes such as carbon
dioxide, nitrogen, etc. Tears
produced by our eyes are also a
means of excretion.

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