Corrosion and Concrete Concrete Construction

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Corrosion and Concrete

cause extensive deterioration of the Zinc

C oncrete is compatible with a
great number of foreign materi-
als. As proof of this, take a look at
metal. One is the alkalies which ac-
tively attack aluminum. If concrete
Zinc, like lead, develops a protec-
tive covering when exposed to the
the floors of almost any manufac- which is to come into contact with atmosphere. This coating makes
turing plant to see how concrete aluminum is allowed to dry out be- zinc highly resistant to corrosion.
has resisted the effects of many ma- fore the aluminum contact is However, when embedded in con-
terials placed in contact with it or made—and then is kept dry after crete, this film cannot develop. In
spilled on it. As is the case with all contact has been made—little or no addition, zinc is susceptible to the
other construction materials, how- corrosion will take place. However, alkaline solutions present in con-
e ve r, there are some materials if aluminum is to be buried in con- crete. Zinc galvanized objects may
which will corrode if they are crete, for example as a conduit in a be embedded in concrete since the
brought into contact with concrete. slab-on-grade floor, these precau- layer of zinc is quite thin and any re-
Let’s examine a few of the materi- tions will be impossible and trouble sultant corrosion will not be trou-
als that will corrode on contact with is like to occur. Aluminum is also re- blesome. Solid zinc objects, howev-
concrete. A great deal of the corro- active with the halogen salts, one of er, should not be buried in concrete
sion will stem from alkaline solu- which is calcium chloride. Steps without a protective covering be-
tions in the concrete. These alkaline should be taken, therefore, to make cause the concrete will probably
solutions are inescapable because sure that calcium chloride—or an spall and crack, especially under
of the chemical composition of admixture containing it—is not damp conditions.
portland cement. It is this chemical used in these cases. Steps should al-
composition—and sometimes the so be taken to prevent the develop- Copper
chemical makeup of the aggre- ment of electrolytic action because Copper often is embedded in
gate—that forces a reaction be- this would speed up corrosion. It is concrete and ordinarily will not give
tween concrete and certain metals usually a good idea to provide a pro- any trouble. However, if chlorides—
or glass. tective coating around any alu- such as calcium chloride—are pre-
minum objects that will come in sent in the concrete, corrosion can
Aluminum contact with concrete. High-alumi- result. Although this corrosion
Aluminum is one of the most na cement concrete does not attack would probably not be extensive it
chemically active metals. Many alu- aluminum because a film of hydrat- might cause breaks in small copper
minum alloys are even more sus- ed aluminum oxide is formed and wires.
ceptible to corrosion in concrete this film appears to be stable in this
than is pure aluminum. In concrete environment. Cadmium
there are two factors which can re- Cadmium-plated parts will resist
sult in corrosion severe enough to Lead corrosion admirably under normal
Although lead is commonly used conditions, but, when buried in
as a protective covering for less sta- concrete, severe corrosion often oc-
ble metals, it sometimes corrodes curs. Once again it is the alkaline so-
appreciably in concrete. Character- lutions that are the culprit. To pro-
istically, when lead is exposed to air tect cadmium against corrosion, the
it rapidly develops a protective film metal should be given the same pro-
of lead carbonate. Once this film has tective coating as aluminum.
been developed, it is highly resistant
to corrosion. Unfortunately lead Glass
embedded in concrete cannot de- Although glass is highly resistant
velop this protective film and an un- to most acids, some glass is attacked
protected lead pipe will often dete- readily by alkalies. There have been
riorate to the point where leaks cases where the glass in windows
develop. Usually bituminous felt or glazed directly into concrete wall
bituminous coatings protect lead units has deteriorated at the contact
from corrosion. Like aluminum, points. The severity of this damage
lead does not corrode in high-alu- depends upon the alkalies set free in
Aluminum is compatible with concrete
mina cement concrete. the concrete and the amount of
if it is well protected.
moisture present. The amount of
free alkalies in concrete in turn de- cause strong galvanic corrosion harden before positioning the pipes
pends primarily upon the alkali cells are created at the pipe surface on the slab. The remaining concrete
content of the cement used in a mix, when a steel pipe comes into con- is then cast. This technique proba-
although both the aggregate and the tact with an electrically conducting bly would be restricted to fairly thick
water could contain substantial electrolyte that has variations in ei- slabs with low-slump concrete.
amounts of alkalies. Coatings are ther composition or concentration. Wood blocks should not be used
available to protect glass in contact It is not a good idea to lay pipe di- because they can cause corrosion.
with concrete. Glass aggregates rectly on a sand, earth or vermi- Aggregate size is also a considera-
have been developed for exposed culite base layer and then cast the tion. If the clearance below
aggregate work that are said to be concrete over it. The pipe in this sit- pipework will be, for example, 1 1/2
guaranteed to be non-reactive with uation makes contact with the base inches, the maximum aggregate size
any portland cement. material and this contact can set up should be considerably less than 1
a flow of corrosion-causing current. 1/2 inches to insure that honey-
General considerations Corrosion results from the differ- combing will not occur under the
The amount of corrosion caused ence in voltage between the con- pipes.
by embedding certain metals in crete and the metal. If you have ever As can be deduced from this short
concrete will depend upon how well experienced any problems of this study of corrosion and concrete,
specific construction and design type you probably noticed that the certain materials should not be
practices are followed. Some mate- leaks occurred at the bottom of the placed in or adjacent to concrete
rials will corrode so severely that at- pipes. unless the possibility of corrosion
tempts to prevent this corrosion in This contact between the pipes has been thoroughly investigated.
the field will be of little use. But cor- and the base material can be avoid-
rosion in some materials can be ed in several ways:
avoided or retarded by following a The pipes can be supported on
few rules. small concrete blocks or chips.
Steel, for example, does not ordi- The pipes can be raised on steel
narily react with concrete, but some reinforcing bar supports. PUBLICATION #C640035
engineers have experienced severe A layer of concrete can be cast Copyright © 1964, The Aberdeen Group
corrosion. This usually occurs be- and allowed to harden or partially All rights reserved

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