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BSIT 3 SET-A ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Explain the following Act terms that defined and follow

with your own idea. a.addresse-is refering to a person intended by the originator or initiates
something to receive the electronic information or data. a programmable device
that stores,retrieves and processes data. c.Electronic data Message-to generate send,receive
and stored the electronic optical or similar. d.Information and communication system-The
Information and Communication Systems and Services bachelor's degree program offers a
compact, practice-oriented education in information and communication technology at the cutting
edge. e.Electronic Signature-refers to data in electronic form, which is logically associated with
other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory to sign. f.Electronic Document-is
any electronic media content (other than computer programs or system files) that is intended to
be used in either an electronic form or as printed output. g.Electronic key-means a smart
card,security token biometric or any other mode of authentication or verification in ang form.
h.Intermediary-comes from the Latin intermedius, which is also the root word for intermediate.
Inter- means between, and medius means the middle — intermediary retains that sense of being
in the middle. Intermediaries are used to negotiate between two countries who are at odds,
between a company and a client over a contract, between two bickering children, or between a
boss and an employee in salary negotiations. I.Originator-The command by whose authority a
message is sent. The responsibility of the originator includes the responsibility for the functions of
the drafter and the releasing officer. See also releasing officer. j.Service Provider-is an individual
or entity that provides services to another party. The provision of services between a service
provider and a company is typically governed by a service agreement.

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