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Business Etiquette course

Submitted to:

Sandhya Anantani

Submitted on:


Submitted By:

Name Roll No.

Salonee Patel 177247
Q1. Write 5 etiquette to follow in each of the following situations.

1. Waiting room Etiquette

 Respect the privacy of others who are waiting. Do not keep on talking with them
unnecessarily just because you are bored. If required bring something to read.
Unless you have a very long wait ahead of you, skip the music and earbuds
 Do not talk loudly on phone calls
 Do not eat oily, liquid or messy food in the waiting room, if you are hungry try
to carry a handy snack which is convenient to eat like nuts.
 Don’t leave young children unattended in the waiting room
 Arrive early, and prepared, if you are going to be late, be sure to call the office to
let them know.
 Putting a magazine back after you read it.

2. Flight etiquette
 The Elbow and Armrest Rule: The person occupying the middle gets to keep
his/her hand on both the arm rest as the people on either side gets the support on
one side of their seat respectively.
 Do not keep your feet on the seat or on the food table which is provided. If
possible never leave your feet bare while on a plane or a hygiene purpose.
 Never recline your seat while on a day flight which is less than 2 hrs. If it is a
flight in the late evening or during night of 2 hrs also, only then one is supposed
to recline the seat. One can recline a seat in a long distance flight only after 2 hrs
in the day time. Also, before reclining always inform the person who is sitting
behind you.
 Do not just wander around in an aisle: While boarding the plane, try to put your
bag in the overhead cabin as soon as possible and occupy the seat assigned. Do
not stand unnecessarily, it becomes very inconvenient for the other passengers.
 Do not eat home cooked food like thepla, poha, aachar while on a flight. Avoid
eating such food.
 Keep the window shade up: Always ask the people in the row before opening or
closing the window shade. It might be possible that the person might be sleeping
and the opening a window shade might disturb him/her.

3. Train travel etiquette

 Do not occupy the seats which are reserved for pregnant women or elderly
citizens. Even if the seat is vacant and the train is moving do not prefer to sit on
the seat.
 Know when your stop is coming and proceed towards the door a while before u
reach your stop. If someone is blocking your way always say excuse me and never
push them.
 Always wait behind the yellow lines on the platform it is for your safety.
 For the convenience of other people: Do not talk loudly while in a train. Do not
litter around in a train.
 Always let the passengers get off the train first and then get in the train. Leave
space for the passengers to get off the train generally stand on the right side of
the door so that the passengers can get off the train from the left side.

4. Mall etiquette
 When you approach the mall entrance, hold the door for others. Do not shut the
door even if you see them coming right behind you.
 Never block the entrance of any store. If you want to browse and look at window
displays, step off to the side to do so.
 Avoid talking or texting on your cell phone for long periods of time
 Do not let your children litter around in the mall or let them run wherever they
 The rule of "walk on your left" and "stand on your right" signs on the sides of the
escalators should be followed. One should not take up both sides of the
 Do not enter in a store while eating or drinking something.
5. Elevator etiquette
 Do not have a very long conversation while in an elevator. Always try to have a
small talk.
 When you see a person approaching the lift and there is some space in the lift
then always stop the lift door. However, do not hold the lift door for too long, it
might disturb others.
 Never talk on a cell phone while in a life. Also, never check what others are doing
on their phone
 Step aside or out of the lift so that people behind you can exit the lift if they want.
 While waiting in a queue always let the people in the elevator exit first before
you enter the lift.

6. Mobile phone etiquette

 Always keep you mobile in silent made or on vibrate while in an office.
Never keep you mobile on loud ringtone in an official environment.
 Never chew anything while speaking over the phone. It is important to
concentrate while attending a call and also for the person on the other side of the
call, it becomes very annoying that a person is chewing while answering his call.
 Avoid calling any of the clients or colleagues before 8 in the morning and after 8
in the evening.
 Do not keep on calling a single person continuously if he/she is not answering
your call.
 Do not answer your call while in a meeting. If possible try auto generate message
which indicated the caller that you are in a meeting and will get back to him/her
once the meeting gets over.
Q2. Write an Email on any one of the following topics

1. You need more time to finish a project that was given to you with a

Dear (Mr./Boss/Client/Co-Worker Name)

I’m reaching out because, unfortunately, I won’t be able to submit project within time that
was allotted for its completion. I take full responsibility for not being able to do so, and for
not reaching out sooner.

Attached, I’ve included a rough draft of the project. However, it is not yet ready to be
shared with the team.

Now that I know how long it would take to complete the project, I feel confident I can have
the project finished in within next two days. Hence, I would request for an extension till
12:00 p.m. on 22th March, 2020.

I apologize deeply for the inconvenience and would like to tell you this does not happen

Yours Sincerely,
Salonee Patel
2. Your colleague has sent you his file for proof reading but you found
many errors in it.

Dear (Co-Worker Name)

I have referred through the project that you sent me earlier this morning. However, there is
a certain error that should be made.
I would request you to go through the document once again. If you might need some help
feel free to communicate.

Yours Sincerely,
Salonee Patel

3. You want to reprimand an employee who is not performing up to the


Dear (Co-Worker Name)

This is an official written reprimand to inform you that you have not been able to fulfill the
assigned responsibility, and it has been noted that since you joined, you have not been up
to the level that was expected to result in you being placed on the list of poor performers.
It may lead to wilful insubordination and negligence of duties, as per your existing
designation. Responsibility for the necessary action is to perform below the level. In order
to develop your performance, you are warned; failure to do so shall invoke appropriate
You are also advised to provide a written explanation of your poor performance as soon as
you receive this letter.

Yours Sincerely,
Salonee Patel

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