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Business Etiquette course

Submitted to:

Sandhya Anantani

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Submitted By:

Name Roll No.

Salonee Patel 177247
Assignment 1

Circle the hits and misses in the following example. (40)

Scenario 1

Mukul, Vinita and Dhanush had a meeting with a foreign client. Client was represented by
Dan and Rachel. Meeting was at Vibgyor, the fine dining restaurant at Plaza.

All 3 ensured that they are professionally dressed to their best and had done their homework.
Mukul is the project head and other 2 are his senior team members.

Meeting was scheduled on 3rd at 12noon.They decided to reach the venue directly from their

Mukul got stuck in the traffic and called Dhanush to check as it was already 11.45 and he
might take another 30 minutes. Dhanush conveyed that he and Vinita are there in the lobby
and they can’t start till he reaches as they are not very confident.

At 11.55 Dan and Rachel entered the lobby with smiles on their face-They greeted a customary
“Good Morning” to Dhanush and Vinita as they crossed them even though not knowing who
they were (In fact they were wishing everyone with whom they had an eye contact).They
directly walked to Vibgyor.

They found a table reserved for “Micro Chip”, their hosts-but couldn’t find anyone. Even
though the captain invited them to be seated-they politely said “Will be back” and went back
to the lobby and sat there. There was no irritation or complaint on their face. Dhanush and
Vinita had recognised them and were contemplating if they should go and introduce
themselves, but decided not to. Vinita called Mukul, who said he is almost there.

Mukul entered the lobby at 12.10 and rushed toward the guests who he had met earlier in US,
apologising profusely for being a bit late and blamed it on the undisciplined traffic and bad
roads. However, the guests were smiling and didn’t seem offended. He ushered both of them
to the restaurant without bothering to look behind and call the 2 colleagues. Captain steered
them towards the table and on reaching there, Mukul asked them to be seated and excused
himself as he suddenly remembered Dhanush and Vinita waiting in lobby however by that
time they had entered. Mukul hurriedly introduced them while they were being seated.
Dhanush extended his hand to Rachel, who was Dan’s junior and then to Dan, the act was
followed by Vinita. (She had to wait few seconds with hand extended as Dhanush was still
holding Dan’s hands after the brief intro bit).Both offered hands after being seated even though
Vinita attempted to raise herself, which was mirrored by both guests. Dan and Rachel gave
their business cards and somehow Vinita missed to offer hers in exchange.

After brief exchanges, they started to have a prelim business talk. Vinita was requested to
throw light on the developments till now .While she was on it, Mukul suddenly interrupted to
ask, if he should order some beer for which the guests politely said “Thanks, not now”.
However Dhanush answered that he will have one, even though question was to the guests. He
didn’t mind having it alone as others, Mukul himself and Vinita stayed out; however he again
asked others, if they are sure that they don’t want as he was served.

As the discussion progressed, Vinita was often stealing a glance to her mobile screen which
was displaying a call, even though in silent mode. The moment Dhanush took over the next
part of the brief, She excused herself and walked away to make a call. She had distanced
enough not to be audible, but she was visible. She joined after a 7 minute conversation on
phone. Meanwhile Dhanush initiated the luncheon order process. Mukul took the A LA
CARTE menu card and asked the guests, if he should order for them as he knows this place
and is frequent. He was attempting to be helpful and friendly and they politely agreed .The
restaurant had a very good spread and caters almost all the specialities.

Actually the guests have had a good breakfast and were not having an elaborate lunch in mind.
However, the hosts had not had proper breakfast and Mukul ordered a 5 course in Chinese
which included prawns. Dan and Rachel expressed happiness even though they had it as a
formality as Dan is not a Chinese food lover and Rachel had been avoiding sea food.

The meeting was then concluded and everyone was having a general talk. Vinita checked and
replied to a few of her SMS while Dhanush lit a cigarette. He offered the cigarette to Dan and
Rachel but they did not smoke and so refused.
1. Identify all the etiquette faux pas/errors in the above situation/s and list

• Punctuality: The guests arrived at the place before the host. Punctuality was not taken
into consideration by the host.
• Greeting Etiquette:
o Even though Vinita and Dhanush recognised their guests and instead of
introducing them and making them comfortable, they preferred to remain in their
comfort zone.
o The Junior was welcomed by Dhanush and Vinita before the senior member
o Dhanush did not shake hands thrice rather held the guests hand till the
introduction was over.
• Blame Game: Mukul came late and blamed the traffic instead of directly apologizing
and he proceeded with the guests without looking for his colleagues.
• Business Card Etiquette: Vinita did not exchange her business card in return.
• Conversation Etiquette: Mukul interrupted his colleagues, expressing disrespect for
Vinita, instead of waiting for her to conclude.
• Host Etiquette:
o Dhanush bought beer for himself and preferred to enjoy it, even though the guests
were questioned about it.
o The host ordered the food according to himself, rather than consulting the guests
about their preferences.
o The host had not acknowledged whether his visitors were okay with smoking.
• Mobile & Meeting Etiquette: Vinita was busy on her mobile phone during the
meeting. One should not use mobile phones during the meeting.
2. What was done right in these occasions?

• Mukul informed his colleagues that he would be a bit late and also that they should
start the presentation.
• Everyone was well dressed as per the occasion.
• Mukul excused himself, and then went to find his colleagues outside.
• Vinita rose from the chair to shake hands with the guests.
• Vinita kept her phone on silent mode.
• Vinita excused herself for making a call and she made sure that her voice was not

3. List down 5 etiquette a guest should follow in a meeting.

• The punctuality needs to be observed and one has to be there on time.
• Dress code should be followed and used according to the occasion.
• The phone must not be used during the conference.
• Introduce the people in proper heirarchial order.
• One must sit well and remain calm throughout the meeting (by preventing agitation
or not fidgeting)
• One must understand the unwritten rules as not to do such actions that make others
feel awkward.
• Choose a proper meal to eat which does not make hands oily or greasy.
• Agenda must be followed properly.
• Personal questions should not be asked.
• One should not interrupt others while they are speaking.

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