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October 2021 - November 2021

Drivers to strike Over Night Tube shifts

NO to compulsory Night Tube duties and unsafe shift patterns
London Underground manage- relaxing weekend will be just a
ment are going ahead and rein- distant memory. Strike Dates
troducing Night Tube (NT)
without fixing any of the prob- A guarantee that nobody will
lems. They consistently told us be forced to work NT. Some RMT instruct all train operator
there was no intention to bring it guarantee that turned out to be. and instructor operators working
back before Christmas, yet here Management keep repeating the on night-tube lines (Central, Ju-
we are with a planned reintroduc- mantra “there are plenty of volun- bilee, Northern, Piccadilly & Vic-
tion on 2 lines at the end of No- teers”. When we asked that they
vember. carry out a survey to ascertain toria) not to book on for any duty
how many would volunteer they commencing between 04:30 on
The reps on the Central and Vic- said they would not do it because 26/11/21 and 04:29 27/11/21.
toria lines have now had full ac- it “may be interpreted as a refer-
cess to the duties and rosters endum”. Further all train operator and in-
and have identified many anoma- structor operators working on
lies. The team at Schedules has Well, guess what – we did our the Central and Victoria lines are
been beavering away making own survey and discovered that instructed not to book on for any
changes where possible at the the vast majority will not volun- duty commencing:
request of the reps; but you can’t teer to work extra shifts, with a
make a silk purse out of a sow’s clear majority stating they don’t  between 20:30 on 27/11/21
ear! What is left is still a bag of even want to work their own and 04:29 on 28/11/21
shite. shifts!
 between 20:30 on 3/12/21
Have they addressed Furthermore, management say and 04:29 on 4/12/21
our concerns? that they won’t be encouraging
Admin Staff to organise the  between 20:30 on 4/12/21
No increase in weekend work- changeovers because the sheer and 04:29 on 5/12/21
ing. There is a huge increase in volume of work involved is pro-
hibitive. And syndicate organisers  between 20:30 on 10/12/21
weekend working – across the
in some depots say they will find and 04:29 on 11/12/21
board the numbers of Saturdays
and Sundays has gone up. The it almost impossible to facilitate  between 20:30 on 11/12/21
company says that as some of changeovers because of the na-
ture of the rest day patterns and 04:29 on 12/12/21
the turns incur a bonus payment
they don’t count as weekend spread over 2 weeks.  between 20:30 on 17/12/21
working! LUL has single- and 04:29 on 18/12/21
handedly reinvented the meaning Safety implications
of the “weekend” and they are not All train operator and instructor
even embarrassed about it. The adverse effect of fatigue on operators working on night-tube
our health and well-being is a lines (Central, Jubilee, Northern,
Furthermore, they have in- major concern for LU workers. Piccadilly & Victoria) are also
creased the number of Fridays Pressure from both unions repre-
worked. Soon the days of spend- senting drivers has been instru- instructed not to book on for any
ing a Friday evening out with mental in getting LU take the is- duty commencing from 04:30 on
friends and family followed by a sue more seriously and employ a 18/12/21 to 04:29 19/12/21.
degree of risk management to
tackle the worst aspects of fa- your health, full stop. Studies 07.30 on a Sunday and having
tigue. Slowly but surely, progress have shown that it can reduce life that Sunday imposed on you as
was being made. The Night Tube expectancy by several years. one of your 2 rest days that week.
grade consolidation proposal has Studies by the World Health Or- Think what that means – working
driven a horse and cart right ganisation have shown links be- until breakfast time on a Sunday
through all the good work that tween shift work and increased and then having to drive on 5 of
has been done. risk of cancer. the remaining 6 days on your ros-
Fatigue leads to slower reactions, While we might not be able to
reduced ability to process infor- eliminate shift working and fa- And what if you somehow man-
mation, memory lapses, absent- tigue entirely, we can combat its age to swap your Friday and Sat-
mindedness, decreased aware- worst effects and put mitigations urday NT duties? Do you really
ness, lack of attention, underesti- in place. The Night Tube grade imagine that you will be swapping
mation of risk, and reduced coor- consolidation, meaning we'll work them for Friday and Saturday rest
dination. Fatigue can lead to er- late shifts and night shifts in the days? It is far more likely that
rors, accidents, and injury. It is same week before moving to a you’ll be getting Friday and Satur-
often a root cause of major acci- different shift pattern the following day late duties with rest days on
dents. week, is the direct opposite of Monday to Thursday – so you’ll
what both unions have been try- still miss out on quality time with
Disasters such as the capsizing ing to achieve. It's all very well friends and family but won’t be
of the ship MS Herald of Free En- citing the few extra quid we get getting a bonus for doing so.
terprise in 1987 (193 dead), the for doing this work, but you can’t
Chernobyl meltdown in 1986 (31 spend that in your early grave. Next Steps
direct casualties, tens of thou-
sands of indirect deaths) and the To improve our health as railway Management think it’s all over -
Clapham Junction train crash in workers, we need all unions to but it isn’t. The RMT has secured
1988 (35 deaths) have all been work together to combat fatigue, a strike mandate through a ballot
attributed in part to the fatigue of and not accept fatigue inducing which returned a tremendous yes
the workers involved. shift patterns because they are vote. We have named strike
politically expedient. But manage- dates (see text box) in the hope
When Night Tube was initially ment have ignored repeated re- that LUL will finally see sense
proposed, LU wanted existing full quests from the Safety Council to and not force you to work unsafe
-time drivers to work the night properly risk assess the reintro- rosters.
shifts, exactly as they are propos- duction of NT.
ing now. Both unions objected, If you want to help us stop the
and we went on strike; part of our The gift that keeps imposition of these NT duties
argument was that the proposed on giving support the strikes, join us on the
shift patterns would be massively picket lines – whichever union
fatigue-inducing. Those strikes
Earlier this year ASLEF and LUL you are in, you have legal protec-
succeeded in forcing an agree-
reached an agreement on NT tion if you decide not to cross a
ment from LU to create a dedicat-
which tore up your Framework picket line.
ed Night Tube workforce on both
Agreement without even asking
trains and stations.
you if it is what you wanted. It has It’s not too late to stop this
resulted in turmoil as the RMT madness.
LU's fatigue working party, at-
refused to sign up to a deal which
tended by unions, senior man-
sees TO21 drivers being forced
agement, and experts on the top-
to drive in passenger service
ic, has looked closely at duty
through the night for the first time
scheduling and the allocation of
shift patterns within rosters. Sci-
entific evidence has shown that
It will mean that you will work
certain shift patterns are more
more weekends than ever before.
fatigue inducing that others. For
It will leave you fatigued through
example, moving from lates to
not only working mixed shifts in
earlies is deemed worse than
one week but also working until
vice versa. Shift work is bad for

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