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Manage your staff so that all the members work as a team to provide efficient and friendly
service while performing the work of the day. Train your staff to assist customers to find the
products they need and ensure that any instances of dissatisfaction are dealt with quickly and in a
way that leaves the customer happy with the experience. Shopkeepers must create the work
schedule for all employees and keep track of the hours worked by all.

4. Fill any orders from customers or outside vendors accurately and arrange for their shipment or
local delivery. Deliveries should be completed in a timely manner and in the order they were
received. Shopkeepers are also responsible for ordering new merchandise from suppliers so that
inventory remains at the proper levels and there are no shortages. Inventory is typically taken
daily in most retail outlets.

5. Market your shop through local initiatives such as newspaper ads, billboards and flyer
distribution. Create a website for the business and ensure that it provides useful and accurate
information, weekly specials and events and a list of the products and services you provide.
Create promotional sales and special rewards campaigns to bring in customers and keep the shop
relevant within the community.

6. Pay your staff and suppliers on time and keep records of the revenue you collect and the
expenses you pay out. Deposit any cash profits and manage all the accounts associated with the

3.8 Nature of Business

1. Entry requirements

There are no set entry requirements. Experience of shop work, sales, administration or
management might be useful. You could take a short course in accounts or on how to start a
business to help you find work. You might need financial backing in order to set up a business.
You could also get into this job through a retail apprenticeship. The Business Support Helpline
can give you information on setting up your own business.

2. Skills required

You’ll need: planning and organizational skills number skills for handling cash and keeping
accounts marketing and business skills.

Graph 12: Customer’s friendlyness towards shopkeeper

This pie chart shows customer’s friendlyness towards the shopkeeper. 30% of respondent
shopkeeper said customer is friendly with them.40% of respondent shopkeeper said customer
were somewhat friendly with them,16.67% of respondent shop keeper said customer were very
friendly with them,10% of respondent shopkeeper said not at all friendly and rest 3.33% of
respondent shopkeeper said they don’t know about this.

Graph 14: Monthly income of shop keeper

This Pie chart shows the monthly income of shopkeeper.33.33% of respondent shop keeper said
they income 20001-30000 in a month.26.67% of respondent shop keeper said they income
10001-20000 in a month,16.67% of respondent shop keeper said they income 30001-40000 in
month,16.67% of respondent shop keeper said they income above 40000 in a month and 6.67%
of respondent shop keeper said they income below 10000 in a month.

Graph15: Shopkeeper’s perception about saint-martin’s environment

This Pie chart shows shopkeeper’s perception about saint-martin’s environment.36.67% of

respondent shopkeeper said saint-martin’s environment is neat and clean on the other hand
63.33% of respondent shopkeeper said Saint-martins environment is not neat and clean.

5.1 Findings

 Most of the shopkeepers are male (83.33%). Fifty percent of them were aged between 26-
35 years while 17.67% were aged between 16-25 years. About 33.33% shopkeepers
completed primary education followed by nearly 30% shop keepers who had higher
secondary education and 16.67% shop keepers who had secondary education.
 The majority number of shops includes Stationary, Restaurant and Tea Stall. 60% of
respondent shop owner were local and their financial condition isn’t so good.
 Majority percentage (40%) of respondent shop owner’s main reason behind engaging this
business that is easier way to earning livelihood.
 36.67% respondent of shop keeper’s goods and services quality is Satisfactory whereas
33.33% respondent of shopkeeper’s Excellent. 50 percent of respondent shop keeper’s
thought that it is very competitive to do business in Saint-martin.
 83.33% of respondent shopkeeper’s best seeling time is December- January. Majority
percent(53.33%) of respondent shoopkeeper’s hospitality level were Excellent.
 30% of respondent shopkeeper said customer were friendly with them whereas 40% of
respondent shopkeeper said customer were somewhat friendly with them. 33.33% of
product produced in locally whereas 43.33% of respondent shop owner merchandised
product from tekhnaf.
 33.33% of respondent shop keeper’s per month income 20001-30000 taka whereas
26.67% of respondent shop keeper’s per month income 10001-20000 taka. 63.33% of
respondent shopkeeper thought Saint-martin’s environment is not neat and clean.

 Most of the shop owner stated that lack of power supply they can’t provide service as
customer’s demand. Especially they can’t not preserve product for long time due to
freezing facility.

 67.67% of total product merchandised from outside of Saint-martin. As a result
transportation cost is increased and they were demanding high price to the customer that
dis-satisfied customer.
 Insufficient drinking water is another major problem in Saint Martin.
 Natural disaster and environmental risk causes great lose to their business.
 There is no banking facility in Saint-martin that is another problem.
 Lack of luxurious hotel in Saint-martin causes negative effect on foreign tourists.

5.2 Recommendations

Most of the local shop keepers are complete primary education. They should complete the higher
education because an educated entrepreneur can be not only asset for a country but also the
betterment of business.
Government should take steps for the local entrepreneur. Govt. should funding money to the
local entrepreneur for the betterment of shops in Saint-martin.
Distribution House
There should be establishing consumer goods distribution house. So, that shops keeper collect
goods and products at a fair price.
Transportation facility should be developed. Because shop keeper demand extra price for the
reason of transportation cost. Govt. should launch modern ship to increase the transportation
facility for the businessman. That’s help to transport the product easily.
Power Supply
In Saint-martin there is scarcity of power supply. Government or private sector should be
established the solar-panel system. So that shop keeper can freezing their product and also keep
product for many days.

Drinking Water
There is shortage of pure drinking water in Saint-martin. Tourist cost had high for bottle drinking
water. Govt. should establish new project to supply pure drinking water in Saint-martin.
Twelve month tourist arrival
In Saint-martin tourist season is only 4-5 month in a year. That’s why shop keeper tried to whole
year income in this time. Rest of the time they depend on that income and fishing. In this case
govt. and public sector should take necessary steps to make it 12 month tourist arrival facility.
Proper planning about shop
Island community or govt. should establish a proper planning about shop. Well-planned shop
establishment can increase the beauty of island and sales.
Luxurious Hotel
Govt. or private organization construct luxurious hotel also keep in mind that not hampering the
environment of the island. Bar & Casino should be building up. So that island increase attract in
foreign tourist. Foreign tourist spend more national tourist.
Marketing policy
The tourism industry in the country should have an effective marketing policy. Tourism is a
publicity dependent industry. By marketing tourist automatically increased in Saint-martin that
can be betterment for shopkeeper.

5.3 Conclusion

As the only 100% duty-free island in Bangladesh, it's no surprise that shopping is as popular as a
sail on a sunny afternoon. With prices between 20% and 60% higher than in the Cox Bazar , the
island teems with deals on everything from designer clothes, barmis items and so many. Saint
Martin is a free port and has no local sales taxes, VAT or other indirect taxes — the price you
see is the price you pay. For the local experience, nothing beats perusing the stalls and chatting
up the shopkeepers at one of the many open-air markets on both sides of the island. On Front
Street, the Craft Market brims with eager (some aggressive) shopkeeper who sell mostly the
same stuff also sold on other islands, but there are a few shopkeeper who design their own
jewelry. Prices are higher for locally-made goods.

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