Effects of Welding Parameters On Tensile Strength of Weld Metal in Flux Cored Arc Welding

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Effects of welding parameters on tensile

strength of weld metal in flux cored arc

K.-S. Bang*1, D.-H. Jung1, C. Park1 and W.-S. Chang2
Effects of welding parameters such as welding current, voltage and travel speed on the tensile
strength of weld metal in flux cored arc welding were studied. The results were interpreted in
terms of chemical composition and microstructural change in the weld metal. When heat input
was increased to 2?1 kJ mm21 by increasing welding current, the tensile strength of the weld
metal increased. However, the tensile strength of the weld metal decreased when heat input was
increased from 2?1 to 4?5 kJ mm21 by reducing travel speed or by increasing voltage. It showed
that when heat input is higher than 2?1 kJ mm21 the decrease in tensile strength was related with
the microstructural change. However, when heat input is lower than 2?1 kJ mm21 the increase in
tensile strength was hardly related with the microstructural change. As Pcm value in the weld
metal increases in the heat input up to 2?1 kJ mm21, it is believed that Pcm value has more
powerful effect than microstructure in the heat input range. It showed that variation of the welding
parameter resulted in different recoveries of the alloying elements in the wire. The recoveries
increased with an increase in welding current and/or travel speed, but they decreased with an
increase in voltage. The effects of welding parameters on the recoveries were rationalised with the
time available for the reaction with oxygen during welding.
Keywords: Weld metal, Welding parameter, Tensile strength, Chemical composition, Recovery

Introduction A range of heat input was achieved by varying travel

speed in manual metal arc welding. It was found that the
The flux cored arc welding of high strength steels has contents of carbon, manganese and silicon in weld metal
gained significant importance during the past 10 years. were reduced and the amount of grain boundary ferrite
In addition to the work1 on metal transfer during increased at the expense of acicular ferrite when heat
welding, various research works on mechanical proper- input was increased from 0?6 to 4?3 kJ mm21. As a
ties2–4 and microstructure5,6 of weld metal have been result, tensile strength of weld metal decreased substan-
conducted. Regarding to the tensile properties of weld tially. Vercesi and Surian11,12 studied the effect of heat
metal, de Rissone et al.7 reported that lower tensile and input on the mechanical properties of all weld metal
yield strength were obtained when using CO2 shielding deposits made by E 11018-M electrode. The heat input
gas or depositing two passes per layer. In general, as was varied by increasing current and voltage. They
heat input increases and cooling rate becomes slower, concluded that as heat input increased, tensile and yield
soft microstructural constituent such as grain boundary strength decreased because of the loss of manganese and
ferrite in weld metal forms more and thus tensile silicon, as well as the softening of the microstructure. de
strength of weld metal decreases.8,9 In addition to Rissone et al.13 also studied the effects of heat input on
microstructures, as chemical composition of weld metal the all weld metal microstructure and mechanical
influences tensile strength of weld metal, it is very properties by varying current, voltage and travel speed,
important to clarify the effect of heat input on the simultaneously. They concluded, however, that no
chemical composition of weld metal. Evans10 investi- influence of heat input was observed on the chemical
gated the effect of heat input on the microstructure and composition, but the carbon, manganese, and silicon
chemical composition of C–Mn all weld metal deposit. contents were somewhat lower in the welds obtained in
flat welding position than in uphill position.
Heat input is controlled by three welding parameters:
Division of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Pukyong
National University, Busan 608-739, Korea welding current, voltage and travel speed. In most
Welding Research Center, Research Institute of Industrial Science and research works including above mentioned works,11–13
Technology, Pohang 790-330, Korea the parameters were varied simultaneously to change
*Corresponding author, email ksbang@pknu.ac.kr heat input. Little has been attempted to evaluate the

ß 2008 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 23 October 2007; accepted 17 September 2007
DOI 10.1179/174329307X249397 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2008 VOL 13 NO 6 509
Bang et al. Effects of welding parameters on tensile strength of weld metal in flux cored arc welding

effect of each welding parameter separately. The columnar prior austenite grains and area fractions of
objective of present study was to establish the effect of microstructural constituents were measured in the last
each welding parameter on the chemical composition pass of weld metal using specimens prepared by
and tensile properties of weld metal in flux cored arc standard metallographic techniques. Samples were
welding. etched in a 2% nital solution. Measurement of area
fractions of microstructural constituents was performed
Experimental according to IIW classifications.14 Ten fields of 100
points were measured at 5006.
Two AWS E80T1-Ni1 flux cored wires (1?4 mm
diameter) were used to get multipass weld metals by
100%CO2 gas metal arc welding. Chemical compositions Results and discussion
of wires determined by inductively coupled plasma Chemical compositions and tensile test results of all weld
emission spectrometry are given in Table 1. Wire no. 1 metals are summarised in Table 3. Tensile properties are
was used to evaluate the overall effect of heat input on average of two specimens. Variation of tensile strength
the tensile properties of weld metal, while wire no. 2 was of the weld metals that were welded by wire no. 1 as a
used to evaluate the effect of each welding parameter function of heat input is shown in Fig. 1. As expected, it
separately. Detailed welding conditions and joint con- decreases continuously with an increase in heat input.
figuration are shown in Table 2. Conditions 1–4 were Figure 2 shows variation of columnar prior austenite
used for wire no. 1. Note that all three welding grain size and area fraction of grain boundary ferrite in
parameters were varied simultaneously to get heat the weld metal as a function of heat input. Increases in
inputs from 2 to 4?6 kJ mm21. Conditions 5–12 were both columnar prior austenite grain size and area
used for wire no. 2 to get heat input from 1?4 to fraction of grain boundary ferrite are observed, indicat-
4?5 kJ mm21. In contrast with conditions 1–4, only one ing the microstructural change caused the decrease in
welding parameter was varied while maintaining the two tensile strength. To determine the effect of heat input on
others as constant as possible. For example, for chemical composition of the weld metal, Pcm value of
conditions 5–7, welding current was varied from 251 to weld metal was calculated. Pcm is often used as a weld
370 A while maintaining voltage and travel speed almost cracking parameter because it indicates hardenability of
constant as 33 V and 5?8 mm s21 respectively. Similarly, weld metal or heat affected zone. The formula used for
travel speed was varied from 5?8 to 3?3 mm s21 for the calculation is as follows15
conditions 7–9, and voltage from 38 to 45 V for
conditions 10–12. A plate (600 MPa grade) with Pcm~CzSi=30zMn=20zCu=20zNi=60z
19 mm thickness was used as a base plate. Its chemical Cr=20zMo=15zV=10z5B
composition is also given in Table 1.
After welding, two tensile specimens with 24 mm where all the elements are expressed in wt-%. According
gauge length and 6 mm diameter were obtained from the to the equation, higher Pcm means larger amounts of
centre of each weld metal and tested at room tempera- alloying elements such as carbon, manganese, silicon,
ture in as welded condition. Chemical composition of etc. in the weld metal. Figure 3 shows variation of Pcm
weld metal was also determined from the centre of weld as a function of heat input. It decreases with an increase
metal by spectrographic analysis. Average width of the in heat input, indicating that the loss of alloying

Table 1 Chemical compositions of wires and base plate

Chemical composition, wt-%

C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo Al Nb Ti B

Wire no. 1 0?075 0?51 2?39 – 0?80 – 0?30 – 2?07 0?0099

Wire no. 2 0?049 0?66 2?58 – 0?95 – 0?44 – 2?12 0?0099
Base plate 0?037 0?137 1?50 0?197 0?209 0?069 0?043 0?039 0?019 –

Table 2 Welding conditions and joint configuration used

Welding conditions

No. Current, A Voltage, V Speed, mm s21 Heat input, kJ mm21 Joint configuration

1 367 32 5?8 2?0

2 377 41 5?3 2?9
3 417 42 4?3 4?1
4 428 43 4?0 4?6
5 251 32 5?8 1?4
6 303 33 5?8 1?7
7 370 33 5?8 2?1
8 364 32 4?7 2?8
9 373 33 3?3 3?7
10 425 38 4?2 3?9
11 427 42 4?2 4?2
12 419 45 4?2 4?5

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2008 VOL 13 NO 6 510

Bang et al. Effects of welding parameters on tensile strength of weld metal in flux cored arc welding

1 Variation of tensile strength of weld metal as function 3 Variation of Pcm value of weld metal as function of
of heat input (welding wire no. 1; welding conditions heat input (welding wire no. 1; welding conditions 1–4)

2 Variation of columnar size and area fraction of grain 4 Variation of tensile strength of weld metal as function
boundary ferrite in weld metal as function of heat input of heat input (welding wire no. 2; welding conditions
(welding wire no. 1; welding conditions 1–4) 5–12)

elements in the weld metal is also a reason for the 2?1 kJ mm21, and then decreases with an increase in
decrease in tensile strength of weld metal. heat input. The welding parameter used to vary heat
Variation of tensile strength of the weld metals input was indicated in the figure. Heat inputs up to
that were welded by wire no. 2 as a function of heat 2?1 kJ mm21 were obtained by increasing welding
input is shown in Fig. 4. It is quite different from Fig. 1 current, while range of 2?1–3?7 kJ mm21 by reducing
in that it does not show continuous decrease in tensile travel speed, and range of 3?9–4?5 kJ mm21 by increas-
strength with an increase of heat input. Instead it ing voltage. The continuous decrease in tensile strength
increases initially and reaches maximum 725 MPa at with an increase in heat input above 2?1 kJ mm21 is

Table 3 Chemical compositions and tensile properties of weld metals

Chemical composition, wt-% Tensile properties

No. C Si Mn Cr Ni Al Nb Ti B Tensile strength, MPa Yield strength, MPa Elongation, %

1 0?049 0?49 1?69 0?06 0?70 0?03 0?02 0?046 0?0034 664 600 26
2 0?044 0?40 1?42 0?03 0?76 0?02 0?01 0?035 0?0026 599 533 27
3 0?046 0?41 1?42 0?04 0?73 0?02 0?01 0?032 0?0023 588 506 28
4 0?046 0?40 1?38 0?04 0?78 0?02 0?01 0?028 0?0022 573 488 29
5 0?036 0?53 1?93 0?05 1?05 0?03 0?01 0?049 0?0047 650 568 31
6 0?038 0?53 1?95 0?06 0?93 0?03 0?02 0?053 0?0042 678 589 26
7 0?047 0?59 2?03 0?06 1?00 0?04 0?02 0?064 0?0053 731 629 23
8 0?047 0?58 1?96 0?06 0?94 0?04 0?02 0?058 0?0049 724 591 27
9 0?045 0?53 1?91 0?06 0?95 0?03 0?02 0?043 0?0046 682 551 27
10 0?041 0?54 1?87 0?06 0?98 0?03 0?02 0?048 0?0044 677 598 25
11 0?041 0?47 1?72 0?06 1?02 0?03 0?02 0?038 0?0044 648 561 27
12 0?039 0?37 1?49 0?07 0?80 0?02 0?02 0?033 0?0028 573 471 32

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Bang et al. Effects of welding parameters on tensile strength of weld metal in flux cored arc welding

5 Variation of area fraction of grain boundary ferrite in

weld metal as function of heat input (welding wire no.
2; welding conditions 5–12)

consistent with the previous research works.8,9 However,

the increase in tensile strength in the heat inputs up to
2?1 kJ mm21 is not. This indicates that an influence of
heat input on the tensile strength of weld metal is
dependent on the welding parameter used to vary the
heat input. Figure 5 shows variation of area fraction of
grain boundary ferrite in the weld metal as a function of
heat input. It changes very little up to 2?1 kJ mm21 and
then increases continuously with an increase in heat
input. Optical microstructures with heat input up to
2?1 kJ mm21 are shown in Fig. 6. This suggests that the
continuous decrease in tensile strength is certainly
related with the microstructural change when the heat
input is above 2?1 kJ mm21, while the increase in tensile
strength is hardly related with the microstructural
change when the heat input is up to 2?1 kJ mm21.
Figure 7 shows variation of weld metal Pcm value as a
function of heat input. It is very much similar to the
variation of tensile strength shown in Fig. 4. It can be
noticed that Pcm increases when the heat input is up to
2?1 kJ mm21. Therefore, it is believed that Pcm has
more powerful effect than microstructure even though
the exact contribution of each factor is not known.
Above results show that the effect of heat input on the
Pcm value of weld metal is dependent on the welding
a 1?4 kJ mm21; b 1?7 kJ mm21; c 2?1 kJ mm21
parameter used to control the heat input. Pcm or
6 Optical microstructures of weld metals
chemical composition of weld metal is determined by the
alloying elements recovered from wire and dilution of
base plate. After determining the dilution of base plate decrease. Travel speed also has influence on the
geometrically from transverse section of the weld, recoveries of both elements. As it increases, the
recovery of alloying elements in wire was calculated recoveries of both elements increase. In fact, similar
using following equation trends were observed in the recoveries of silicon,
titanium and aluminium. As all these elements react
Recovery(%) ~ with oxygen strongly during welding, these results
(weld metal composition{dilution|base plate composition) indicate that oxidation loss of the elements during
wire composition welding decreases when current or travel speed
increases, while the loss increases when voltage
increases. These observations support the previous
Calculated recoveries of carbon and manganese, for works16–18 that recoveries of deoxidation elements in
example, as a function of welding current, voltage and wire are dependent on the time available for reaction
travel speed are shown in Figs. 8–10 respectively. As with oxygen during welding. According to Grong,19
welding current increases, recovery of carbon increases higher current gives more rapid detachment of droplets
while recovery of manganese changes little. However, as in wire tip because of higher melting rate and thus gives
voltage increases, the recoveries of both elements shorter reaction time with oxygen, giving higher

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2008 VOL 13 NO 6 512

Bang et al. Effects of welding parameters on tensile strength of weld metal in flux cored arc welding

with an increase in current, suggesting a more rapid

detachment of droplets in higher welding current
condition. In the meantime, the observed effects of
voltage and travel speed on the recoveries of the
elements also can be explained using the concept of
time available for reaction with oxygen. Since voltage
has no effect on the melting rate of wire tip,20 the
observed low recoveries of the elements in high voltage
are caused by the longer reaction time with oxygen
during droplet transfer in the arc column, since an
increase in voltage gives longer arc column. On the other
hand, as an increase in travel speed gives shorter
reaction time in the weld pool,21 recoveries of the
deoxidation elements increased along with increasing
travel speed as shown in Fig. 9. The observed effect of
travel speed on the recoveries of deoxidation elements in
7 Variation of Pcm value of weld metal as function of heat this experiment agrees with the other previous work.21
input (welding wire no. 2; welding conditions 5–12) In order to investigate the observed effects of welding
parameters which are obtained in different welding
recoveries of deoxidation elements. To confirm the rapid wires, other welding were performed using wire no. 1
detachment of droplets with an increase in current in shown in Table 1. Three different welding conditions
this experiment, arc voltage signals were recorded when were used: 389 A/45 V/4?0 mm s21, 435 A/45 V/
welded with conditions 5–7. As shown in Table 2, these 4?3 mm s21 and 443 A/46 V/4?5 mm s21. As welding
conditions vary welding current from 251 to 370 A. current and travel speed were increased simultaneously
Voltage and travel speed were maintained almost con- while maintaining voltage almost constant, heat input is
stant as 33 V and 5?8 mm s21 respectively. Recorded the same as 4?5 kJ mm21 in all three conditions. Based
signals are compared in Fig. 11. It is clear that the on the results obtained in wire no. 2, tensile strength of
frequency of voltage change, which corresponds to the weld metal is expected to increase when welding current
frequency of droplet transfer from wire tip, increases and travel speed were increased because such variation

8 Effects of welding current on recovery of a carbon and b manganese

9 Effects of voltage on recovery of a carbon and b manganese

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Bang et al. Effects of welding parameters on tensile strength of weld metal in flux cored arc welding

a 251 A, 32 V, 5?8 mm s21; b 303 A, 33 V, 5?8 mm s21;

c 370 A, 33 V, 5?8 mm s21
11 Comparison of voltage signal in different welding

voltage. The effects of welding parameters on the

recoveries can be rationalised with the time available
10 Effects of travel speed on recovery of a carbon and b for the reaction with oxygen during the welding process.

of the parameters would result in higher Pcm. In fact

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