Syllabus Applied Physics

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Applied Physics Syllabus

Instructor: Dan Wilkins

Contact Information: Room 113
Office Phone Number: 268-6358

Instructor: Matt Krahe

Contact Information: Room 114-B
Office Phone Number: 268-6360

Length: 1 year
Grade Level: 11-12

Course Description: Applied Physics is a science course for students interested in the technical fields. This
course is designed for the student who needs a broad understanding of physics and the ability to apply those
principles in the work force. It is a lab-based approach to the concepts of force, work, rate, power, resistance,
and energy as they may apply in mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal systems. A course taught, using
both science and vocational facilities and materials. This course counts as either a career technical or science
credit. It also serves as a prerequisite (may be taken simultaneously) for Auto Tech.

Course Expectations: Our role in this class is to provide a framework that includes theory, best practices,
activities, and assignments for you to utilize in the development of your knowledge, understanding, and skills.
We care very much how and what you learn in this class, but believe that you are responsible for participating
in learning from the activities provided. This class requires significant participation in laboratory activities and
class discussion. This venue of learning requires students to be self-motivated and take responsibility for their
Method of Instruction
A balanced approach of many different methods of teaching will be used. Methods will include lecture, lab,
virtual lab, projects, quizzes and exams.

Work Completion
All work must be completed and will be graded when the instructor indicates that the work is due.

Chapter Topics:
Semester 1 Semester 2

● Mechanical Systems • Electrical Systems

Ø Work Ø Work
Ø Rate Ø Rate
Ø Power Ø Power
Ø Resistance Ø Resistance
Ø Energy Ø Energy
● Fluid Systems • Thermal Systems
Ø Work Ø Work
Ø Rate Ø Rate
Ø Power Ø Power
Ø Resistance Ø Resistance
Ø Energy Ø Energy

Grading Scale:
90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 59% and below = F

Active Physics: An Inquiry Approach to Physics

Safety instructions will be provided on a daily basis depending on the type of lab/activity. Students are
expected to follow the instructor’s direction at all times. Inability to follow directions will result in removal from


1. BE PROMPT- You must be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a
2. BE PREPARED- Bring your book, notebook, and writing utensil to class on lecture days. During
labs, wear appropriate clothing (ex. Hair ties, glasses-no contacts, no loose clothing.)
3. BE COURTEOUS- To your teachers and classmates.
-Keep your hands and feet to yourself
-No profanity vulgarity or insolent behavior
4. BE RESPECTFUL- To your teacher, classmates and surroundings.
-Do not deface or destroy other peoples or school property.
-Treat others how you want to be treated.
5. BE SAFE- In the classroom and in lab
-Follow the instructor’s directions at all time.
-Horseplay will not be tolerated.
-Be aware of possible hazards located throughout the room.
6. ADHERE to GFHS dress code.
7. CELLULAR TELEPHONES /TEXT MESSAGING/MEDIA: Please turn off all cellular phones and
media devices during class time unless directed by the teacher. Text messaging is not permitted
in this class.

If classroom rules are violated, the following discipline plan will be followed:
1. Formal Warning
2. Detention and call home.
3. P.A.R Call home to parent, sent to Associate Principal
4. Removal from class and sent to Associate Principal. Discipline will be determined
by Associate Principal.

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