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By T. Russell Gentry1 and Mohamed Husain2

ABSTRACT: Experiments on commercially-produced composite reinforcements have shown that the transverse
coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of these rebar are 3 – 5 times higher than the CTE of concrete. In this
paper, thermoelastic solutions of plain and spirally wrapped composite rebar, embedded in concrete and subject
to a uniform temperature increase, are presented. Comparisons are made between bars with no spiral wrapping
and those produced with a spiral wrap of unidirectional rovings. Results show that the spiral wrapping, included
primarily to improve the bond between the concrete and the composite rebar, also aids in the reduction of overall
thermal expansion of the rebar. Thermoelastic solutions of unidirectional composite rods and concrete predict
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that the tensile stresses in the concrete surrounding the rebar will exceed the tensile strength of the concrete for
relatively small temperature increases. The extent of this cracking cannot be determined from the analytical
predictions. To predict the extent of the cracking, nonlinear thermoelastic simulations, completed using the
COSMOS-M finite-element code, are used to determine the extent of concrete cracking. Results show that
cracking decreases with a decreasing rebar diameter and increasing confining pressure of the concrete.

INTRODUCTION gauge techniques but could not be quantified adequately from

the experiments.
Plastic composite reinforcements are typically constructed This paper presents thermoelastic analytical and numerical
as unidirectional rods with various surface treatments added to solutions of the composite reinforcing bar both bare and em-
improve the bond between the reinforcement and the concrete. bedded in concrete. Elastic solutions of a unidirectional com-
The pultrusion process is often used to manufacture the pre- posite rod embedded in concrete are presented. The elastic
cursor rod. The geometry of the bars and the production meth- solutions predict that the thermal swelling of the composite
ods allow for little or no inclusion of transverse fiber in the reinforcements under moderate temperature increases will be
rods; consequently, they are essentially unidirectional and sufficient to bring the concrete to its tensile strength (generally
transversely isotropic. The coefficient of thermal expansion taken to be around 10% of its compressive strength). Elastic
(CTE) of neat thermosetting resins (polyesters, vinylesters, and solutions of wrapped unidirectional rods are presented, and the
epoxies) ranges between 40 and 90 ⫻ 10⫺6/⬚C (Agarwal and effect of the wrapping on the transverse expansion is described
Broutman 1990). The transverse CTE of unidirectional com- via a parametric study. Finally, numerical simulations of uni-
posites is dominated by the CTE of the matrix and may be directional composite rods embedded in concrete are pre-
even higher than the CTE of the matrix, due to the thermal sented. These nonlinear simulations were completed using the
restraint on thermal expansion in the longitudinal direction COSMOS-M (COSMOS-M 1996) and LS-DYNA (LS-DYNA
(Schapery 1968). The CTE of plain concrete is generally taken 1997) finite-element codes. This paper focuses on COSMOS-
to be 10 ⫻ 10⫺6/⬚C but varies somewhat depending on the M models, which treat concrete as a tension-softening mate-
aggregate used in the concrete (Tia et al. 1991; Beer and John- rial. A future paper will describe the LS-DYNA models, which
ston 1992). allow for prediction of the extent and direction of concrete
Anecdotal information regarding the performance of con- cracking.
crete reinforcements indicates that the transverse thermal ex-
pansion of composite rebar may cause splitting-type cracking THERMOELASTIC SOLUTION OF COMPOSITE ROD
in concrete. Gentry and Bank have documented splitting-type IN CONCRETE
cracking that parallels the reinforcement in precast concrete
reinforced with glass/vinylester rebar (1994). Matthys et al. The basis for a closed-form solution for the axisymmetric
(1996) have presented numerical solutions that predict ther- problem of a round rod embedded in a cylinder of a second
mally-induced transverse cracking in concrete reinforced with material with different thermoelastic constants is presented in
aramid composite bars and strips. Timoshenko and Goodier (1970). This solution was modified
Gentry and Hudak (1996) measured the coefficients of ther- for the case of a unidirectional composite rod in a concrete
mal expansion of unidirectional composite rods and composite cylinder by Rahman et al. (1995). The rod is considered to be
reinforcing bars using strain gauge techniques. Transverse transversely isotropic, and the closed-form solution makes
CTEs were found to be between 3 and 4 times higher than plain stress assumptions. Further modifications in the solution
that of plain concrete (Table 1). The helical wrapping of glass are added in this work to consider longitudinal strain in the
rovings, found on some of the commercially-produced com- composite rod (due to mechanical loading of the bar). The
posite rebar, appeared to constrain the transverse thermal ex- differential pressure generated across the boundary of the two
pansion of the bars. This constraint was verified using strain materials is
Asst. Prof., College of Arch., Georgia Inst. of Technol., Atlanta, GA (␣T ⫺ ␣c)⌬T ⫺ ␯LT εL
P= (1)
30332-0155. E-mail: (␤ ⫹ ␯c)/Ec ⫹ (1 ⫺ ␯TT )/ET
Grad. Res. Asst., The Catholic Univ. of Am., Dept. of Civ. Engrg.,
Washington, DC 20064. where P = pressure across the boundary; ␣T = transverse CTE
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 1999. To extend the closing of the composite rod; ␣C = CTE of concrete; ⌬T = change in
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager temperature; ␯LT = major Poisson ratio; εL = longitudinal strain
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on August 13, 1998. This paper is part of the Journal
in the composite reinforcement; ␤ = shape coefficient that de-
of Composites for Construction, Vol. 3, No. 2, May, 1999. 䉷ASCE, pends on the diameter of the composite rod and the thickness
ISSN 1090-0268/99/0002-0082 – 0086/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. of the concrete cover (Fig. 1); ␯C = Poisson ratio of the con-
19015. crete; EC = modulus of elasticity of the concrete; ␯TT = in-

J. Compos. Constr. 1999.3:82-86.

TABLE 1. Experimentally Determined CTEs (per ⴗC) after Gen-
try and Hudak (1996)

Longitudinal Transverse
Material structure CTE CTE
(1) (2) (3)
Smooth composite roda 4.8 ⫻ 10⫺6 38 ⫻ 10⫺6
Composite rebarb 8.2 ⫻ 10⫺6 32 ⫻ 10⫺6
Composite rebarc 7.5 ⫻ 10⫺6 44 ⫻ 10⫺6
Steel rodd 11 ⫻ 10⫺6 11 ⫻ 10⫺6
Concretee 9.9 ⫻ 10⫺6 —
Smooth glass/vinylester rod manufactured by DFI Pultruded Com-
posites Inc., 12.7 mm diameter.
Glass/vinylester rebar with helical overwrap. Rebar manufactured by
Creative Pultrusions Inc., 12.7 mm diameter.
Marshall Composites rebar with molded reinforcing lugs. Nominal
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diameter 12.7 mm.

SAE 1095 steel rod, 12.7 mm diameter.
Commonly accepted value for plain concrete (Beer and Johnson

FIG. 1. Axisymmetric Model of Unidirectional Composite Rod

Embedded in Concrete
FIG. 2. Predicted Stress in Concrete for Rise of 40ⴗC in 12 mm
and 20 mm Unidirectional Composite Reinforcements
plane Poisson ratio of the composite rod; and ET = transverse
modulus of the composite rod. ing will occur regardless of the clear cover used for the 40⬚C
The tangential or hoop stress in the concrete can be calcu- temperature rise considered.
lated as It is interesting to note that mechanical tensile strain in the

冋 冉 冊册 longitudinal direction will tend to alleviate the thermal swell-

0.25d 2 0.5d ⫹ c
␴t = 1⫹ P (2) ing of the reinforcement. Assuming that the reinforcement is
c(d ⫹ c) x operating at about 40% of its longitudinal strength — around
where d = diameter of the composite rod; c = concrete cover 600 MPa for the glass/vinylester composites considered here
distance; and x = distance at which the hoop stress is calcu- — the thermal swelling potential at a temperature increase of
lated (x ⱖ d/2). 40⬚C is ‘‘zeroed’’ by the transverse shrinkage due to the axial
The maximum stress in the concrete occurs at the surface tensile strain. Bond stresses in straight bars are typically high-
of the composite rod, i.e., x = d/2. From (2), the maximum est in low moment, high shear zones in flexural members. In
stress in the concrete is therefore these locations, the thermal swelling is most likely to be much
greater than any transverse shrinkage due to axial tensile
(␣T ⫺ ␣c)⌬T ⫺ ␯LT εL strain.
␴t,max = ␤ (3) The previous discussion can only consider the case of uni-
(␤ ⫹ ␯c)/Ec ⫹ (1 ⫺ ␯TT )/ET
directional composites without the helical wrapping often pres-
The stresses predicted by (2) are depicted in Fig. 2 for com- ent to aid in the bond of the composite reinforcement. In the
posite rods of 12 mm and 20 mm diameter and for various text that follows, an analytical solution of a helically wrapped
clear cover distances. The elastic moduli and CTE used in the composite rod is presented.
case study are taken from measurements made on a smooth
vinylester glass rod (Table 1). The Poisson ratios are taken THERMOELASTIC SOLUTION OF WRAPPED
from Rahman et al. (1995). In the graphs, tension cracking of UNIDIRECTIONAL ROD
the concrete is indicated when the stress exceeds 3 MPa (about
10% of the compressive strength of the concrete). For both The helical or spiral wrapping used by some manufacturers
the 12 mm and 20 mm diameter rods, it is predicted that crack- of composite reinforcements is typically an E-glass roving.

J. Compos. Constr. 1999.3:82-86.

The mechanical and thermal properties of this helical wrap ␣w 1 ⫺ ␣w /␣T
will be dominated by its longitudinal properties, denoted Ew R= ⫹ (7)
␣T 1 ⫹ rw n(1 ⫺ ␯TT )/i
and ␣w in the text that follows. It is probable that the wrapping
will be more stiff and less thermally expansive than the trans- where rw = tw /r* and is denoted the ‘‘wrapping volumetric
verse direction of the composite rod to which it is partially ratio,’’ a measure of the volume of fiber used to wrap the
opposed. Due to its helical nature, the wrapping has a com- unidirectional rod. The variable n = Ew /ET and is denoted the
ponent that is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the rod and ‘‘wrapping stiffness ratio,’’ a measure of the stiffness of the
a component that is circumferential. An inclination factor, de- helical wrap compared with the transverse stiffness of the uni-
noted i, is introduced to resolve the circumferential component directional rod. The inclination factor i introduced previously,
of the helical wrapping: provides the circumferential component of the wrapping.
For commercially produced reinforcements, wrapping vol-

hw umetric ratios between 0.025 and 0.1 appear typical. For E-
i = 1 ⫹ 0.025 (4) glass/vinylester rods with an E-glass roving helix, the wrap-
ping stiffness ratio is approximately 8. For E-glass/vinylester
where hw = pitch of the helix; and r* = radius of the composite rods with a carbon fiber helix, the wrapping stiffness ratio is
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rod. approximately 25.

A closed-form solution of the helically wrapped composite The wrapping volumetric ratio can be increased by increas-
bar under thermoelastic loading is unavailable. In the text that ing the size of the roving used to wrap the unidirectional rod
follows, the wrapping is considered to be uniformly distributed or by decreasing the pitch of the spiral. Reinforcement designs
around the bar in a smeared fashion (Fig. 3). The solution using a filament-wound exterior around a pultruded unidirec-
therefore represents the average restraint provided by the he- tional interior might be tailored to limit the thermal expansion
lical wrap. Measurements taken on bars wrapped with E-glass in the reinforcement to that of concrete. In Fig. 4, a parametric
rovings confirm that the restraint is highest just adjacent to the study depicts the effect of varying both the volumetric and
wrap and is reduced away from the wrap. The experimental stiffness ratios. As the graphs show, both an increase in stiff-
evidence indicates that, even in the locations furthest from the ness of the wrap, and an increase in volume of the wrap, lead
wrapping, the transverse CTE is significantly reduced by the to a reduction in the apparent thermal expansion of the com-
presence of the wrapping (Gentry and Hudak 1996). This posite reinforcements. Reductions of 50% are possible, how-
thickness of the wrapping is taken as the cross-sectional area ever, the quantity of wrapping required will be high. More
of the wrapping fibers (Aw) divided by the pitch of the helix:

tw = (5)

Following deformation compatibility rules identical to those

used to generate (1), the thermoelastic pressure generated by
the ‘‘smeared’’ helix can be derived:

(␣T ⫺ ␣w)Ew ⌬T
P= (6)
⫹ (1 ⫺ ␯TT )Ew /ET

By solving for the transverse displacement due to the pres-

sure P, which is in turn due to the temperature rise ⌬T, and
comparing the displacement with the wrap to the displacement
without the wrap, the overall restraining effect of the wrap can
be considered. A dimensionless parameter R is introduced that
provides a measure of the level of thermal restraint provided
by the circumferential component of the helical winding. A
value of R equal to 1 indicates a condition where no thermal
restraint is provided by the wrapping; values below 1 indicate
a restrained condition:

FIG. 4. Effect of Wrapping Volume and Wrapping Stiffness on

FIG. 3. Schematic of Wrapped Composite Rod Restraint of Transverse Thermal Expansion


J. Compos. Constr. 1999.3:82-86.

moderate reductions in transverse thermal expansion seem
quite possible with appropriately designed wrapping schemes.


The elastic solutions presented above are useful, but they
are limited in the geometry and material properties that can be
considered. The thermoelastic solution that is summarized by
(3) appears to indicate that tension cracking of the concrete
will occur due to expected temperature increases. The extent
of this cracking cannot be predicted by the simplified elastic
model. The stress fields represented by the curves in Fig. 2
will be invalid as soon as a single crack is generated in the
concrete. To better understand the effect of noncircular ge-
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ometries and concrete tension cracking, a set of finite-element

case studies was generated and run using the COSMOS-M
(1996) and LS-DYNA (1997) finite-element codes. Solutions
from the COSMOS-M code are presented in the following.
The geometry of the finite-element mesh is shown in Fig.
5 (the composite rod has been extracted in the figure). The
model is fully three-dimensional, but, for this discussion, only
thermally-induced stresses in the cross-section are considered.
Future analyses will consider extraction of the reinforcement
from the concrete after the thermal loads are applied. The
model exploits half symmetry. The dimensions of the model
were selected based on the geometry of test specimens devel-
oped previously as part of this research. The loading applied
was a 40⬚C temperature increase. For the results presented, a
plane stress assumption was made in selecting the out-of-plane
support conditions for the model.
The composite materials were modeled as elastic ortho- FIG. 6. Stress Distributions in Concrete from (a) Linear and
tropic. The brittle concrete model used in the COSMOS-M (b) Nonlinear Finite-Element Analyses of Concrete Specimen
Subject to 40ⴗC Temperature Increase
code follows that presented by Chen and Buyukozturk (1985).
In this model, the concrete cracks completely in tension when
it reaches 17% of its compressive strength. figure in Fig. 6 shows the same mesh subjected to the same
Principal tension stresses from two stress analyses using loading, but with the concrete modeled with the nonlinear,
COSMOS-M are depicted in Fig. 6. The upper figure provides tension-softening material model. In this case, the maximum
results from a linear-elastic concrete model. In this case, for a predicted stress in the concrete is approximately 5 MPa. This
40⬚C temperature increase, maximum tension stresses of ap- is the tension strength that is inherent in the model used. The
proximately 11 MPa are predicted in the concrete. Addition- pattern of elements surrounding the composite reinforcement
ally, these high tension stresses spread out from the reinforce- shows this peak stress. The high stress level penetrates only
ment’s surface well into the depth of the concrete. A horizontal two elements deep into the concrete (about 1 mm). Below this
splitting crack seems probable, given the specimen geometry, level of high stress, another layer of much lower stresses ex-
concrete cover, and high elastic stresses predicted. The lower ists. This layer is depicted in an ‘‘exploded’’ view at the bot-
tom of Fig. 6. This stress-relieved layer is adjacent to the dam-
aged areas and has, consequently, unloaded. At approximately
2 mm from the surface of the composite reinforcement, the
stresses in the concrete again become elastic. Moving away
from the surface of the reinforcement, into the concrete, the
stresses predicted in the nonlinear model are well below that
predicted in the linear model. The damaged areas allow for
release of the thermally-induced movements directly adjacent
to the rebar.
It should be noted that the concrete damage represented here
cannot be considered to be cracks. The concrete damage model
used in this analysis is not robust enough to predict crack
genesis and spreading; rather, it predicts a crack network that
will occur around the perimeter of the rebar. This network will
probably be the strongest in the horizontal plane due to the
rather low level of clear cover used in the model (19 mm).


Given the analytical and numerical predictions presented
here and previously by Rahman and others, it appears likely
that currently available composite reinforcements will generate
FIG. 5. Finite-Element Mesh of Composite Reinforcement Em- some cracking due to transverse thermal expansion. The he-
bedded in Concrete lical wrapping schemes currently used by some reinforcement

J. Compos. Constr. 1999.3:82-86.

manufacturers might be tailored to restrict the transverse ex- COSMOS-M Version 1.75 advanced modules user’s manual. (1996).
pansion of the unidirectional composites to tolerable levels. Structural Research and Analysis Corporation, Los Angeles.
Gentry, T. R., and Bank, L. C. (1994). ‘‘Application of FRP reinforcement
For application of current composite reinforcements, the se-
in structural precast concrete.’’ Proc., 3rd Mat. Engrg. Conf., ASCE,
lection of large clear cover distances and wide bar spacing Reston, Va., 575 – 582.
should help reduce the potential for thermally-induced crack- Gentry, T. R., and Hudak, C. E. (1996). ‘‘Thermal compatibility of plastic
ing. composite reinforcements and concrete.’’ Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Ad-
The effect of thermally-induced cracking on the bond be- vanced Composite Mat. for Bridges and Struct., Canadian Society for
tween concrete and composite reinforcement is of primary in- Civil Engineering, Montreal, 149 – 156.
terest. It is possible that the nonlinear finite element modeling Gentry, T. R., and Husain, M. (1998). ‘‘Thermal compatibility of concrete
and composite reinforcements: analytical and numerical predictions.’’
introduced here can be advanced to model the bond pullout of Proc., 1st Int. Conf. on the Durability of Composites for Infrastructure,
bars after the application of thermal loading. These numerical University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, 203 – 215.
simulations must be accompanied by reliable laboratory test LS-DYNA Version 940 user’s manual. (1997). Livermore Software Tech-
data on bond loss due to thermal cycling. nology Corporation, Livermore, Calif.
Matthys, S., De Schutter, G., and Taerwe, L. (1996). ‘‘Influence of trans-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS verse thermal expansion of FRP reinforcement on the critical concrete
Downloaded from by New York University on 05/14/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

cover.’’ Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Mat. for Bridges
The writers would like to acknowledge the support of the U.S. Na- and Struct., Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, 665 –
tional Science Foundations under grants CMS – 9522825 and CMS – 672.
9796143. The assistance of Christin Hudak, who completed the experi- Rahman, A. H., Kingsley, C. Y., and Taylor, D. A. (1995). ‘‘Thermal stress
ments referenced in this work, is acknowledged. Finally, the writers in FRP-reinforced concrete.’’ Proc., Can. Society for Civ. Engrg. An-
would also like to acknowledge the student support provided by the
nual Conf., Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, 2,
ASCE O. H. Amman Research Fellowship.
605 – 14.
Schapery, R. A. (1968). ‘‘Thermal expansion coefficients of composite
APPENDIX. REFERENCES materials based on energy principals.’’ J. Composite Mat., 2(3), 280 –
Agarwal, B. D., and Broutman, L. J. (1990). Analysis and performance 404.
of fiber composites, 2nd Ed., John Wiley, New York. Tia, M., Bloomquist, D., Alungbe, G. D., and Richardson, D. (1991).
Beer, F. P., and Johnston, Jr., E. R. (1992). Mechanics of materials, 2nd ‘‘Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete used in Florida.’’ FHWA
Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. Rep. No. 409-2995, Federal Highway Administration, Washington,
Chen, E. S., and Buyukozturk, O. (1985). ‘‘Constitutive model for con- D.C.
crete in cyclic compression.’’ J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, 111(6), 797 – Timoshenko, S. P., and Goodier, J. N. (1970). Theory of elasticity. Mc-
814. Graw-Hill, New York.


J. Compos. Constr. 1999.3:82-86.

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