02 Decicion Making

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CH2: Making Decisions

Contemporary Management

Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020

Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020
Write down all possible decisions that managers
are likely to make across the four common
management process stages

Directing Evaluation
Planning Organizing
(Leading) and Control


Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020
Planning Organizing Leading Control Improvement

Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020
Decisions Managers May Make

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Decisions Managers May Make

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Decision: A process Of Making a choice from
two or more alternatives.



Analyzing &
Weight to
Identifying Criteria
The Problem
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The Decision-Making Process
Step 1: Identify a Problem
– Problem – an obstacle that makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal
or purpose.
– Every decision starts with a problem, a discrepancy between an
existing and a desired condition.
– Example – Amanda is a sales manager whose reps need new laptops.

Existing Desired
Condition Condition

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The Decision-Making Process
Step 2: Identify Decision Criteria
– Decision Criteria are factors that are important (relevant) to
resolving the problem.
– Example – Tarek decides that memory and storage
capabilities, display quality, battery life, warranty, and carrying
weight are the relevant criteria in her decision.

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The Decision-Making Process
Step 3: Allocate Weights to the Criteria
– If the relevant criteria aren’t equally important, the decision
maker must weight the items in order to give them the
correct priority in the decision.

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General Criteria for
Possible Courses of

Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020
The Decision-Making Process
Step 4: Develop Alternatives
– List viable alternatives that could resolve the problem
– Example – Tarek, identifies eight laptops as possible choices.
(See Exhibit 2-3.)

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Possible Alternatives

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The Decision-Making Process
Step 5: Analyze and Selecting Alternatives
– Appraising each alternative’s strengths and weaknesses.
– An alternative’s appraisal is based on its ability to resolve the issues
related to the criteria and criteria weight.
– The alternative with the highest total weight is chosen.

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Evaluation of Alternatives
Weight 10 X Score 10

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Step 6: Execution (Implement the Alternative)
The Decision- • Putting the chosen alternative into action
Making Process • Conveying the decision to and gaining
commitment from those who will carry out the

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The Decision-Making Process
Step 7: Evaluate Decision Effectiveness
– The soundness of the decision is judged by its outcomes.
– How effectively was the problem resolved by outcomes resulting
from the chosen alternatives?
– If the problem was not resolved, what went wrong?

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Making Decisions: Rationality
Rational Decision-Making
Describes choices that are logical and consistent while maximizing value.
Assumptions of Rationality
– The decision maker would be fully objective and logical

– The problem faced would be clear and unambiguous

– The decision maker would have a clear and specific goal and know all possible
alternatives and consequences and consistently select the alternative that
maximizes achieving that goal

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Making Decisions:
Bounded Rationality

• Bounded Rationality – decision-

making that’s rational but limited
(bounded) by an individual’s
ability to process information.
• Satisfice – accepting solutions
that are “good enough.”
• Escalation of commitment – an
increased commitment to a
previous decision despite
evidence it may have been

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Making Decisions: The Role of Intuition
Making decisions based on experience, feelings, and accumulated judgment.

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What Is Intuition?

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Structured Problems Programmed Decision
Straightforward, familiar, and easily a repetitive decision that can be handled
defined problems. by a routine approach.

series of sequential a guideline for making
steps used to respond to decisions.
a well-structured
problem. an explicit statement
that tells managers what
can or cannot be done.

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Unstructured Problems Non-Programmed
problems that are new or unusual and for Decisions
which information is ambiguous or
unique and nonrecurring and involve
custom made solutions.

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Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020 25
Programmed Versus
Non-Programmed Decisions

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Decision-Making Conditions
Where are most of our decisions?
Risk – a situation in which the
decision maker can estimate Certainty – a situation
the likelihood of certain in which a manager
outcomes. can make accurate
decisions because all
outcomes are known.

Uncertainty – a situation in which a decision maker

has neither certainty nor reasonable probability
estimates available.

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Managing Risk
• Managers can use historical data from past experiences or secondary
information that lets them assign probabilities to different alternatives.

• Managers use this information to help make decisions by calculating the

expected value – the expected return from each possible outcome – by
multiplying expected revenues by (the probability).

• This exercise will give the manager an idea of the average revenue that
they can expect over time if everything relative to the probability
remains constant.
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Expected Value

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Common Decision-Making Biases

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Decision-Making Biases and Errors

Heuristics – using “rules of thumb” to simplify decision-


Overconfidence Bias – holding unrealistically positive

views of oneself and one’s performance

Immediate Gratification Bias – choosing alternatives

that offer immediate rewards and avoid immediate

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Decision-Making Biases and Errors (cont.)

Anchoring Effect – fixating on initial information and ignoring

subsequent information.

Selective Perception Bias – selecting,

organizing and interpreting events based on the
decision maker’s biased perceptions.

Confirmation Bias – seeking out information that

reaffirms past choices while discounting contradictory

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Decision-Making Biases and Errors (cont.)

Framing Bias – selecting and highlighting certain aspects of

a situation while ignoring other aspects.

Availability Bias – losing decision-making objectivity by

focusing on the most recent events.

• Representation Bias – drawing analogies and seeing

identical situations when none exist.

Randomness Bias – creating unfounded meaning out of random

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Decision-Making Biases and Errors (cont.)

Sunk Costs Errors – forgetting that current actions cannot

influence past events and relate only to future consequences.

Self-Serving Bias – taking quick credit for successes and blaming

outside factors for failures.

Hindsight Bias – mistakenly believing that an event could have

been predicted once the actual outcome is known (after-the-fact).

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Overview of Managerial Decision-Making

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Guidelines for Making Effective Decisions
• Understand cultural differences

• Create standards for good decision-making

• Know when it’s time to call it quits

• Use an effective decision-making process

• Build an organization that can spot the unexpected and quickly

adapt to the changed environment

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▪ Superior to individual decision making
▪ Choices less likely to fall victim to bias
Group Decision ▪ Able to draw on combined skills of group members

Making ▪ Improve ability to generate feasible alternatives

▪ Groups provide a broader perspective
▪ Employees are more likely to be satisfied and to support the final decision
▪ Opportunities for discussion help to answer questions and reduce uncertainties
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Group Decision Making
Many decisions are made in a group setting.
• Groups tend to reduce cognitive biases and
can call on combined skills, and abilities.
There are some disadvantages with groups:
Group think: biased decision making resulting from
group members striving for agreement.
• Usually occurs when group members rally
around a central manger’s idea (CEO), and
become blindly committed without
considering alternatives.
• The group tends to convince each member
that the idea must go forward.

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Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of Business – MBA Program 2020 39
Improved Group
Decision Making
• Devil’s Advocacy: one member of
the group acts as the devil’s
advocate and critiques the way the
group identified alternatives.
• Dialectical inquiry: two different
groups are assigned to the problem
and each group evaluates the other
group’s alternatives.
• Promote diversity: by increasing the
diversity in a group, a wider set of
alternatives may be considered.

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Use Individual DM Use Group DM
• Short time ▪ Need for innovation and creativity
• Unimportant to group ▪ Data collection

• Manager can take decision ▪ Importance of acceptance

▪ Importance of solution
• Dominate the decision
▪ Complex problem
• Destructive conflict
▪ Democratic process
• Members hesitant
▪ Risk taking solution needed
• Confidential data ▪ Better understanding
• Incapability of members ▪ Whole responsibility
• Manager’s dominance ▪ Feedback required
• Indirect effect on group members

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The Six Thinking Hats
Edward de Bono

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The White Hat Only The Facts
● What do you know about

● What are the facts

● What do you need or want to know

● Where would you go to find out this


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The Red Hat Our Feelings
● What are you feeling now

● Which solution is best based on your feelings

● What prejudices are present

● Do you have a gut feeling

● What does your intuition tell you

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The Black Hat The Devil’s
● What should you be cautious about

● Of what should you be careful

● What are the difficulties

● Why won’t this work

● What are the risks

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The Yellow Hat The Glass
Half Full
● What is good about this

● What would be a positive outcome

● Can this be made to work

● What do you like about this

● What can be the value of this

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The Green Hat New Ideas

● Can you create another way to do this

● How would you solve this problem

● What other possibilities are there

● What are some other approaches to this issue?

● Can this be done in a more simple way?

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The Blue Hat The Process
● Summary of everything

● What’s next

● What is the action plan

● Outcome of the meeting

● Are we asking the right questions

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Organizational Learning and Creativity
• Organizational Learning
• Managers seek to improve a employee’s desire and ability to understand and
manage the organization and its task environment so as to raise effectiveness.
• The Learning Organization
• Managers try to maximize the people’s ability to behave creatively to maximize
organizational learning.

Contemporary Management - Dr. Marwan El Messiry – Eslsca School of

Eslsca School of Business - Dr. Marwan El Messiry - Contemporary Management
Business – MBA2019
Program 2020
• Organizational Learning
Organizational • Managers seek to improve a employee’s desire and ability to
understand and manage the organization and its task environment
Learning & so as to raise effectiveness.

Creativity • The Learning Organization

• Managers try to maximize the people’s ability to behave creatively
to maximize organizational learning.

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Senge’s Principles for Creating a Learning Org.?

Peter Michael Senge is an American systems scientist who is a senior lecturer at

the MIT Sloan School of Management, co-faculty at the New England Complex
Systems Institute, and the founder of the Society for Organizational Learning

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