Media and Technology: Test B

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1 Media and technology Test B

Name: Class: No.:
Date: / / Mark:
Enc. Educação: Teacher:

A. You will hear a news item on the radio about the person who created Facebook. For
items 1 to 5, circle the correct answer.


Nationality 1. English / Australian / American
Year he was born 2. 1994 / 1984 / 1974
He is famous for creating 3. the Internet / Twitter / Facebook
He studied at… University 4. Oxford / Harvard / Cambridge
Year he became billionaire in 5. 2005 / 2007 / 2012

B. You will hear a conversation between a mother and her daughter. Choose
the correct option.

1. The girl wants to buy a .

(a) smartphone (b) tablet (c) mobile phone

2. To purchase the phone she has to pay .

(a) nothing because it’s free (b) 15€ (c) 50€

3. The phone is .
(a) cheap (b) of a good quality (c) unique

4. What reason does the girl give for needing the phone?
(a) She can call her family in case of an emergency.
(b) She can make cheaper long-distance calls with it.
(c) She can use it to keep in touch with her friends.

5. In the end, her mother .

(a) doesn’t buy her the phone
(b) is still thinking of what to do
(c) decides to buy her the phone
Swoosh · 8.˚ ano Evaluation tests

20 Minutes
Read the text carefully.

Many of today’s teens spend a lot of their time

with their faces buried in a computer monitor or or
smartphone. Mums and dads who would prefer fer
that their t eens’ faces were buried in books
5 might suspect the cause of this phenomenon
is technology addiction.
Kimberly Young, director of the Center
for Internet Addiction Recovery and author
of Internet Addiction: A Handbook and
10 Guide to Evaluation and Treatment, defines
technology addiction as a habitual compulsion on
to engage in using technology instead of of teen,
addressing life’s problems. For example, a teen, henever
who instinctively pulls out her smartphone whenever
15 her mum begins lecturing her, might be addicted to
technology because such a reaction is a mechanism to
avoid conflict.
Teens are particularly susceptible to technology addiction for several reasons.
First, teens tend to have poor coping mechanisms. In the face of stress, they often
20 turn to what’s comforting to them, usually something easy to focus on, including
online videos or social media sites. Also, in the teen years, self-identity is crucial.
One attraction to technologies such as online video games and the Internet is the
anonymity it brings, allowing teens to express themselves without putting their ego
at risk.
25 Technology addiction can have several negative effects on a teen. The interest of
anonymity, for example, might pull a teen away from social engagement. Such an
avoidance of social settings could lead to a teen shutting himself off from his peers.
This also leaks into family life. A teen who overuses technology or uses technology to
cope with problems might refuse to engage in family discourse or family activities
30 in favour of using the newest gadget or phone application. And addiction can affect a
teen’s work and academic performance. A teen who rushes to get online after
school neglects his homework. A teen who is texting in class neglects the lesson.

Adapted from:

A. Choose (X) the best title for the text.

• The advantages of technology
• Technology addiction among teens
• The risks of social media
B. Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4.
1. In line 2 “buried in” means: (a) hidden from (b) giving all the attention to

2. In line 12 “to engage in” means: (a) to have an interest in (b) to be busy with

3. In line 15 “lecturing” means: (a) praising (b) having a serious talk

4. In line 27 “shutting himself off from his peers” means:

(a) running away from his friends (b) stop having any contact with his schoolmates

C. Decide if the following statements right (R) or wrong (W) according to the text.
1. Teenagers can usually deal with difficult situations.
2. Online games and the Internet attract teens because they don’t put
their ego at risk.
3. Through technology teenagers can be anonymous.
4. Technology addiction doesn’t affect family life.

D. Match the questions with the corresponding answers.

1. Who is Kimberly Young?
2. Which behaviour mentioned in paragraph two is a mechanism to
avoid conflict?
3. What happens to family life when teens become obsessed with
technology instead of dealing with their problems?
4. How can we see that a teenager is neglecting his/her homework?

(a) When he/she rushes to get online after school.

(b) When a teenager automatically pulls out the smartphone whenever his/her mum begins lecturing

(c) These teenagers don’t interact with their families.

(d) She’s the director of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the author of Internet
Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment.

10 Minutes

A. Choose the appropriate phrasal verb.

1. Could you turn down / switch off the music, please? It’s too loud.
2. I need to log in / hang up the phone now. My mother is calling me for dinner.
3. Can you switch off / on the radio? I want to hear the news.
4. To log out / in you have to write your password, don’t forget.
B. Match the parts to make complete sentences or questions with the Past Simple or
the Past Continuous.

1. He was watching TV when (a) see my email last night?

2. When I saw Rachel, (b) playing computer games online.

3. Did you (c) the telephone rang.

4. At ten o’clock I was (d) she was running in the park.

C. Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

1. When I was younger I have a mobile phone. Now I do.

2. He play Farmville on the computer, but he stopped a few months ago.

3. Peter have a small cell phone, but last week he sold it online and
bought a new smartphone.

4. I go online very often, but now I’m addicted to social networking.

35 Minutes

Complete the following phone conversation using the expressions in the box below.
Some are not necessary.

Carol: Hi. Is Jessica in, please?

Jessica: It’s me Carol. (1) ?
Carol: Glad that you’re at home.
(2) to the cinema with me?
Jessica: To the cinema!? (3) ?
Carol: Tonight at nine. There’s a premiere today.
Jessica: (4) ?
Carol: It’s a comedy.
Jessica: OK, but I have to ask my parents first.
Can I (5) later?
Carol: OK. I’ll wait for your call then.

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