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GROUP MEMBERS: Bernardo, Danizelle Kaye/Arcillas, Erlyn/Arcillas, Eugelle/Dacleson, Arvie

Jianne/Seruela, Angela



World Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events

The article was about, African Literature and its time. This article talks about on how the

continents of African literature evolved through the mid-twentieth century into a vigorous

collection, including novels, short stories, plays, poems, memoirs, and essays. Literature in Africa

is a medium of expression that aims to serve the inhabitants and it has taken on what happened to

them under and after colonization. Each volume of African literature and Its Times focuses on

outstanding fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from a specific nation or area, offering roughly more

than 50 works in ten-page point-by-point expositions. Other works covered in African Literature

and its time begins to convey the complexity of African societies. Also, in the decades of

European rules they had an amnesic effect on Africa. The reference here is that they are also rich

in foundation of oral literature of proverb, songs, folktale and legend.

On nearly years, in the last 2 decades of the nineteenth century, Africa’s rich array of

ethnic groups had suffered an era of in testified colonial rule. The decades of European rule had

an amnesic effect on Africa.

The volumes do include not only a mix of perspective and experiences from all region

of the continents, but also stories that rise above the issues of the moments to convey integrity of

a culture.

The European nations embarked control almost all of the Africa. With the rush of

colonizers, this led to emergence of an African Literature written in European languages. The

story of Africa in today’s world, of its relationship to Europe. These stories are to confront its

people in the present and to examining their past, including histories in which it passes from one

generation to the next.

We have learned that African Literature teaches people of African values and skills that

can help them succeed in a variety of careers. Diplomacy and foreign relations, hospitality and

tourism, engineering, legal services, education, business, and healthcare are just a few examples.
Literature also fosters critical and creative thinking in pupils and enables them to make

connections between global and local concerns. It entails collaborating and communicating well
Group Discussion Assessment Rubric

Please use this rubric in assessing your group’s performance in accomplish the modules. You are to accomplish this as a group after your discussion.

Pre-Beginning Beginning Approaching Meeting Exceeding

Desired Points Your Rating
3.01-5 3.0 (2.01- 2.9) (1.6- 2.0) (1.0 – 1.5)
Group mates rarely or Group mates often make effective Group mates effective use of Group mates make effective 1.0
Uses never make effective use use of collaboration time. collaboration time and sometimes use of collaboration time and
Not Observed
Time of collaboration time. facilitates others’ participation. facilitates others’
participation. 1
Not Observed Group mates comments Group mates comments are mostly Group mates comments are on task and Group mates comments are 1 1.0
Contribu are mostly off task. on task and sometimes move the often move the conversation forward. on task, thoughtful, and
tes Ideas conversation forward consistently move the
conversation forward.

Not Observed Group mates are not Group mates are respectful but Group mates are respectful and usually Group mates are respectful 1 1.0
respectful and/or does not does not demonstrate active demonstrates active listening. and consistently demonstrates
listen to others. listening. active listening through body
language and tone of voice.
Not Observed Group mates participate Group mates participate, but Group mates usually participate Group mates consistently 1 1.0
only if asked, or refuses to sometimes needs to be asked. without being asked. participate without being
participate. asked.
Not Observed Group mates discourage Group mates sometimes encourage Group mates usually encourage others Group mates consistently 1 1.0
Encourag others from participating others to participate and does not to participate and does not dominate. encourage others to
es Others and/or dominates. dominate. participate and does not

Group Score (Highest Possible Score is 1 or 5/5 1 1.0

Group Name and email address: Women of Eternals Documenter: Bernardo, Danizelle Kaye C.

Discussion Leader: Bernardo, Danizelle Kaye C.

Member: Arcillas, Eugelle/Dacleson, Arvie/Arcillas,

Rapporteur: Dacleson, Arvie and Arcillas Erlyn
Time Manager: Bernardo, Danizelle Kaye C.
Written Assignment Group Assessment Rubric


(1.0F1.50) SATISFACTORY (2.01F2.50) (2.51F3.0) (3.01F5.0) Rating Rating
INTRODUCTION The introduction The introduction The introduction The introduction is The is an absence of an 1.0 1.0
provides an provides a does not directly poorly stated. introduction.
interesting (“catchy”) background in the develop the thesis
background in the development of a statement or main
development of a thesis statement or idea.
clear thesis main idea.
statement or main

THESIS The thesis statement or The thesis The thesis The thesis statement or The thesis statement or 1.0 1.0
STATEMENT main idea is statement or main statement or main main idea is main idea is
distinctly stated and idea clearly stated idea is stated but poorly stated but is vague.
is a direct response and is in response lacks a direct poorly related to the
to the assignment to the assignment relation to the assignment prompt.
prompt. prompt. assignment prompt.

COHERENT The presentation of The presentation of The presentation of The presentation of The presentation is 1.0 1.0
PRESENTATION details and specifics details and specifics details and specifics details and specifics want of details and
OF DETAILS AND are well-styled, are coherent and are coherent. are poorly specifics.
SPECIFICS coherent, creative creative expressed and are
and sustains the boring.
reader’s interest.

LOGIC AND The details and The details and The details and The details and The assignment is 1.0 1.0
ARGUMENTATION specifics are logical, specifics are specifics builds up specifics builds up devoid of details and
makes strong use of logical, and builds the thesis the thesis statement specifics.
references and up the thesis statement or main or main idea of the
strongly builds up statement or main idea of the assignment but are
the thesis statement idea of the assignment. based personal
or main idea of the assignment. Reference are opinion.
assignment. Reference are sometimes used.
frequently used.

SYNTHESIS The details and The details and There is an attempt to There is an attempt to There is no synthesis of 1.0 1.0
specifics are specifics are synthesize details synthesize details details and
synthesized synthesized to and specifics and specifics but specifics.
creatively to elucidate the elucidate the fails to elucidate the
elucidate the original original position of position of the position of the paper.
position of the paper. the paper. paper.

WRITING The written The written The written The written The written 1.0 1.0
MECHANICS AND assignment is well- assignment is assignment is fairly assignment is assignment suffers
REFERENCING organized according organized organized poorly organized from serious writing
to standards of according to according to according academic problems.
academic writing and standards of standards of writing but has
is relative free from academic writing academic writing serious grammatical
grammatical errors. It with occasional with noticeable errors that disturb
also follows the grammatical errors grammatical errors the flow of writing.
proper that disturb the flow that disturb the flow
documentation and of writing. It also of writing. It
duly acknowledges follows the proper practices proper
source used. documentation and documentation and
duly acknowledges attempts
source used. acknowledges
source used.

Total Rating 1.0 1.0

Group Name: Women of Eternals Group Email Address:

Members: Danizelle Kaye Bernardo, Erlyn Arcillas, Eugelle Arcillas, Arvie Jianne Dacleson, Angela Seruela

The leader instructed the members to work

on the give tasks and gave encouragements
to finish the work together. The members
agreed with the leader and actively
responded in group chat.
We conducted a virtual meeting for us to discuss the topic of Literature 4 and 6. We enthusiastically work on
our tasks with this group video call and learned a lot from each other.

Afterwards, the leader finalized the discussions to finish the output and rated the Group Assessment Rubric.

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