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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2021) 14:1317

3RD CAJG 2020

Classification of soils’ contamination susceptibility with the use

of the permeameter apparatus
Nikolaos Depountis 1 & Panagiotis Pelekis 1 & Nikolaos Sabatakakis 1

Received: 29 March 2021 / Accepted: 21 June 2021

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2021

The current work describes a laboratory method for classifying soils according to their contamination susceptibility by using the
permeameter apparatus. This methodology is applied in a laboratory environment by performing several tests on saturated soil
samples derived from several sites located in the surrounding area of the city of Patras in Greece: hence, investigating the
mechanisms of advection flow and hydrodynamic dispersion. Solute migration through the saturated soil samples is monitored
with continuous recordings on solute’s conductivity in the exit of the permeameter apparatus. Test results are presented in the
form of contaminant concentration-time graphs and are cross-validated with the use of the CANAL-T software, which is used in
1-D calculations of the solute’s concentration in space and time, for both conservative and non-conservative tracers. The good
correlation of the breakthrough curves of solute’s concentration with time, among the constant and falling head laboratory tests
and the respective software results, suggests that the permeameter apparatus can be used for the investigation of contaminant
transport processes in different soil samples. At the end of this procedure, it becomes efficient to classify all soils according to
their contamination susceptibility as unsusceptible, moderately susceptible, and highly susceptible soils, which is a very impor-
tant aspect in the investigation of soil contamination for scientific purposes and contaminant prevention from human activities.

Keywords Contamination susceptibility . Permeameter apparatus . Advection flow . Hydrodynamic dispersion . Soil

Introduction 2010; Parker and Van Genuchten 1984). Reviews of different

model approaches to describe the transport of dissolved sol-
Mass transport of solutes through porous media has been in- utes have also been given by Mayer et al. (2008), Feyen et al.
vestigated by several authors and researchers (Bear and (1998), Jury and Flühler (1992), and Nielsen et al. (1986).
Bachmat 1991; Rowe et al. 1995; Fetter 1994; Luckner and Based on the suggestions of the above approaches and
Schestakow 1991; Domenico and Schwartz 1998; experiments, it is presented in the current study a classification
Vanderborght and Vereecken 2007; Zhuang et al. 2021), and system for categorizing soil samples according to their con-
different techniques and experiments have been performed to tamination susceptibility. For this purpose, the permeameter
investigate solute breakthrough and transport mechanisms apparatus is used along with a conductometer device for the
(Cremer et al. 2016; Kumahor et al. 2015; Rolle and continuous recordings of the solute’s breakthrough at the out-
Kitanidis 2014; Hunt and Skinner 2010; Chiogna et al. flow of the apparatus. There are two types of permeameters,
the constant head and the falling head. The falling head
permeameter is commonly used for testing remolded or un-
Responsible Editor: Amjad Kallel disturbed fine-grained soils having less than 10−2 cm/s coeffi-
This paper was selected from the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal cient of hydraulic conductivity, whereas the constant head
of Geosciences (CAJG), Tunisia 2020 permeameter is used on coarse-grained cohesionless soils.
The tests are performed on saturated soil samples by initially
* Nikolaos Depountis releasing a known volume of NaCl solute on their surface and
the solute’s conductivity is continuously recorded in the out-
flow the permeameter cells. Afterwards, all soil samples are
University of Patras, Patras, Greece classified according to their contamination susceptibility (or
1317 Page 2 of 10 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:1317

suitability in retarding species) by interpreting their retardation dimensional conditions for non-reactive species in isotropic
capacity (Rd) upon the species of Na+ and Cl−. and homogeneous soils under steady-state ground water flow
It is well known that the basic hydraulic processes that can be expressed by the following equation (Domenico and
control solute transport in saturated soils are advection flow Schwartz 1998):
and hydrodynamic dispersion. Advection flow is the process
by which moving ground water carries dissolved solutes and ∂2 C ∂C ∂C
DL −uv ¼ ð5Þ
contaminant species are traveling at the same rate as the aver- ∂x2 ∂x ∂t
age linear velocity of the ground water (Bear 1979). According to Parker and Van Genuchten (1984), in the
Hydrodynamic dispersion combines the processes of molecu- case of soils that adsorb ions or molecules from the solute,
lar diffusion and mechanical dispersion existing in flowing the non-dimensional linear retardation factor Rd is taken into
ground water. In the current research, the lateral hydrodynam- consideration and the above equation modifies as:
ic dispersion was negligible compared with the longitudinal
hydrodynamic dispersion, after the suggestions made by ∂2 C ∂C ρd ∂S ∂C
DL −uv − ¼ ð6Þ
Freeze and Cherry (1979), Fetter (1994), and Vanderborght ∂x2 ∂x n ∂t ∂t
and Vereecken (2007) for similar cases. Therefore, for one-
dimensional flow, the hydrodynamic dispersion is represented where C is the solute concentration (g/cm3), ρd is the soil’s
by the following equation (Fetter 1994): dry density (g/cm3), and S is the adsorbed solute mass (μg/g).
Equation (6) is modified with the import of Rd as:
DL ¼ Dm þ Dd ¼ αL uv þ Dd ð1Þ
∂2 C ∂C ∂C
DL −uv ¼ Rd ð7Þ
where DL is the coefficient of longitudinal hydrodynamic ∂x 2 ∂x ∂t
dispersion (cm2/s), Dm is the coefficient of mechanical disper-
sion (cm2/s), Dd is the coefficient of effective diffusion (cm2/ In addition, Van Genuchten (1981) introduced the non-
s), αL is the dynamic dispersivity (cm), and uv is the average dimensional coefficients in mass transport of solutes and cre-
linear ground water velocity (cm/s). ated the following non-dimensional equations:
For laminar flow conditions in coarse soils, mechanical
∂C ∂S 1 ∂2 C ∂C
dispersion is dominant compared with effective diffusion þ ðRd −1Þ ¼ − ð8Þ
∂T ∂T Pe ∂X 2 ∂X
and, therefore, Eq. (1) modifies and is represented by the fol-
lowing equation (Fetter 1994): ∂S
ðRd −1Þ ¼ wðC−S Þ ð9Þ
DL ≈αL uv ð2Þ
where Τ is the non-dimensional time coefficient which cor-
In the event of low ground water velocities, prevalent in responds to the time that a volume of solute, equal to the
fine soils, effective diffusion is dominant compared with me- volume of the soil’s voids, needs to be washed out from the
chanical dispersion and therefore Eq. (1) modifies and is rep- soil sample; S is the non-dimensional adsorbed solute mass,
resented by the following equation (Fetter 1994): Pe is the Peclet number, C is the non-dimensional solute con-
centration, and w and β are the non-dimensional transport
DL ≈Dd ð3Þ coefficients of the solute’s mass.
Berner (1971) and Bear (1979) gave a non-empirical rela- Equations (8) and (9) constitute the base of the CANAL-T
tionship between the coefficient of effective diffusion Dd and software, which was used in the discussed research for the
the coefficient of diffusion D. This relationship modifies Eq. comparison of the results obtained by the experimental proce-
(3) as: dure. This software solves the equations mentioned before,
representing the injection of a solute pulse in saturated porous
n media.
DL ≈D ð4Þ
where D is the coefficient of diffusion (cm2/s), n is the
soil’s porosity, and τ is the tortuosity of the flow path of the Materials used in the experiments
diffused species.
For species that are not adsorbed or are lightly adsorbed Soil selection and classification
onto the mineral surface, the ratio of n/τ2 ranges from 0.5 to
0.01 (Freeze and Cherry 1979). For the purposes of the current research, several soil samples
Mass transport of non-reactive species in saturated porous with different physical properties were selected from several
media is well described by the equation of advection flow- sites located in the surrounding area of the city of Patras in
hydrodynamic dispersion and the Darcy’s Law. The one- Greece (Fig. 1). The selected samples were classified
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:1317 Page 3 of 10 1317

Fig. 1 Map of the sampling area located in the surrounding area of the city of Patras in Greece (use of the Hellenic Geodetic Reference System, 1987)

according to the ASTM D-2487 Classification of Soils for both a high surface area per unit volume and significant
Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) electrical charges at the surface (Zheng and Bennett
and their physical properties were determined with the use 1995), and this favors the cation exchange of ions, e.g.,
of standard laboratory methods (Table 1). sodium ions (Na+).
A correction factor known as a retardation factor (Rd)
Solute selection considers how much a contaminant ' s velocity is affected
by sorption on solid surfaces. The overall correction factor
Silliman et al. (1998) have presented in their research is a measure of the bulk density of the media, the porosity,
intermediate scale experiments for the study of fluid flow and the distribution coefficient (Kd). The retardation factor
and the transport of conservative solutes in heteroge- in ground water has been measured quite often by using
neous, saturated porous media. Similarly, to the aforemen- non-adsorbing tracers and highly adsorbing contaminants
tioned research, other researches too have used conserva- (Rowe 1987).
tive solutes (Zhuang et al. 2021; Rolle and Kitanidis The retardation factor figures into the advection-dispersion
2014) for detecting solute transport. As a result, it was equation by dividing average linear velocity and any disper-
decided in the current research to use sodium chloride sion coefficients through by this retardation factor.
(NaCl) with an initial concentration of 8.76g/l or 0.15M. Retardation factor, for a particular chemical species, is the
Even though the sodium chloride solute (NaCl) is a con- ratio of solution velocity and species velocity or in other
servative solute, chloride ion (Cl−) is the conservative words the ratio between the rate of groundwater movement
tracer and sodium ion (Na+) is the reactive tracer, espe- and rate of contaminant movement (Bear and Verruijt 1987;
cially when it mitigates through clayey soils. Domenico and Schwartz FW 1998).
The surface of clays has an electrical charge, which is In the next paragraphs, it is explained in detail how ion
imbalanced and may be satisfied by adsorbing a charged exchange and adsorption processes manage to remove, in
ion. The adsorption may be relatively weak, or stronger some of the soil samples, the sodium ions (Na+) from the
if chemical bonding occurs between the surface and the selected NaCl solution, and, therefore, retard the solute’s
ion. Clays tend to be strong absorbers, since they have migration.
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Table 1 Physical properties and

classification of soil samples Sample Classification Gs d50 PI γd (kN/ n e k (cm/s) K (cm2)
(ASTM D-2487 n.d.) no. (mm) m3)

S1 SP 2.69 0.185 – 17.15 0.35 0.54 2.65×10−3 2.3×10−8

S2a SW 2.60 0.530 – 17.96 0.31 0.45 3.53×10−3 3.1×10−8
S2b ML 2.59 0.068 – 17.49 0.30 0.43 10−5 9.6×10−11
S3 SC 2.63 0.120 7.96 17.46 0.30 0.43 10−4 8.9×10−10
S4 SM 2.65 0.155 – 16.90 0.34 0.52 1.1×10−3 9.7×10−9
S5 SP 2.65 0.285 – 17.00 0.33 0.49 10−2 8.6×10−8
S6 SM 2.67 0.220 – 18.33 0.28 0.39 2.2×10−5 2×10−10
S7 ML 2.63 0.020 5.05 17.30 0.29 0.41 4×10−6 3.7×10−11
S8 ML-CL 2.68 0.024 6.89 17.34 0.28 0.39 2×10−6 1.9×10−11
S9 SM 2.62 0.455 – 17.21 0.36 0.56 2×10−3 1.8×10−8
S10 SM 2.61 0.145 – 17.06 0.32 0.47 7.5×10−3 6.6×10−9

The soil samples presented in Table 1 are the saturated porous media samples used in the current research. The
symbols in Table 1 correspond to Gs, specific gravity; d50, mean grain size diameter of soils; PI, plasticity index;
γd, dry unit weight; n, soil porosity; e, void ratio; k, hydraulic permeability; and K, intrinsic permeability

Experimental apparatus and description from a valve on the top of the cells, with the boundary condi-
of the research process tions remain the same as before (e.g., during the calculation of
hydraulic permeability). When the pulse has been fully
Arrangement of the apparatus injected in the soil sample, distilled water is released on the
top of sample to force the solute pulse to migrate under the
The apparatus used is the constant and falling head actions of advection flow and hydrodynamic dispersion. As a
permeameter apparatus, with appropriate modifications, and result, after some time, the solute pulse arrives at the outflow
the conductometer device (Fig. 2). The constant head appara- of the cells (Figure 2), where it is collected in appropriate
tus was used in tests involving soils with high to medium vessels for continuous measurements in its temperature and
hydraulic conductivities, such as sandy soils. The falling head its electrical conductivity. The experimental procedure ends
apparatus was used in tests involving soils with low hydraulic when the solute’s electrical conductivity gets equal to the ini-
conductivities, such as silty and clayey soils. The solute’s tial electrical conductivity of distilled water.
(NaCl) conductivity was measured in the outflow of the ap- The following equation was used to modify the conductiv-
paratus, for each soil, with the conductometer device, and so ity data (μS) measured with the conductometer device into
solute migration through the saturated samples was efficiently solute concentration data (Molarity). This equation is the re-
monitored (Fig. 3). sult of calibration among electrical conductivity and solute
concentration data.
Description of the research process C ðMolarityÞ ¼ 10−5 E:C:ðμS Þ ð10Þ

Each soil sample is placed in one of the cells of Fig. 2 and air is
removed from the soil’s voids by using a vacuum pump. Cross-relation of the experimental data with the
Afterwards, each sample is saturated by inserting distilled wa- software data
ter from a valve on the base of the cells, while vacuum is still
applied. When saturation has been achieved, the valve is get- CANAL-T software (Lobbo-Ferreira 1988; Leitao et al. 1996)
ting closed and the known procedure for calculating the hy- is used in calculations of the solute’s concentration in space
draulic and intrinsic permeability (see results in Table 1) is and in time, for both conservative and non-conservative
applied for each soil separately. tracers, considering Eqs. (8) and (9). The use of this software
After the calculation of hydraulic permeability and as the also permits the indirect calculation of the coefficient of hy-
soil sample is still saturated, the excessive water volume on drodynamic dispersion. In the discussed research, CANAL-T
the top of the sample can drain until water level balances to the software was used to cross-relate the software’s data with the
sample’s surface. Then, a known volume of sodium chloride experimental. The following boundary conditions existed dur-
solute (NaCl) is injected as a pulse on the sample’ s surface ing the experiments:
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:1317 Page 5 of 10 1317

Fig. 2 Arrangement of the

constant and falling head
permeameter apparatus

& Instant injection of a solute pulse in a saturated soil sample & The ratio Vtr/Vp which is the ratio among the pulse’s vol-
& Use of a finite soil sample ume to the soil’s voids volume.
& Steady flow conditions & The Peclet number Pe ¼ uvDdd50
& C(Χ=0, T)=C0, 0≤T≤Tp & The linear retardation factor Rd
& C(Χ=0, T)=0, T >Tp & The coefficients w and β, which for SP and SW soils were
w=0 and β=1, and for soils SM, SC, ML, and ML-CL
The correct use of the software demands the knowledge of were considered to be w>>0 and β=1/Rd.
the following parameters:
& The coefficient T ¼ tuLv ¼ VtQp that corresponds to how
& The non-dimensional time that the pulse needs to reach the many times a soil sample of length L is depleted by a pulse
t u of volume Q.
outflow of the soil sample: T p ¼ pL v

Fig. 3 Apparatus used from left to right, (a) constant head, (b) falling head, (c) conductometer device
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Analysis and interpretation steady-state flow conditions with a saturation degree

of the experimental results Sr=100%, hydraulic gradient i=9.51, and length of the flow
path L=18.2 cm. The injected solute had a volume Vtr=25cm3
All breakthrough curves obtained with the experimental re- with an initial solute concentration C0=0.15M. The cross-
sults are presented in the form of contaminant concentration- relation between the experimental data and the derived soft-
time graphs and are cross-related with the relevant curves ware data is satisfactory (Fig. 6). The normal Gauss distribu-
obtained by using the CANAL-T software. tion of the breakthrough curve suggests that mechanical dis-
persion is the dominant transport process of the solute pulse
Sample S1 (SP: poorly graded sand) The boundary conditions inside the SM sample. However, at the end of the curve,
existed during the experiment were similar to those of steady- something changes, and solute concentration is higher than
state flow conditions, with a saturation degree Sr=100%, hy- expected. The Peclet number is lower compared with the pre-
draulic gradient i=7.61, and length of the flow path L=18.2 vious experiments, but still mechanical dispersion dominates.
cm. The injected solute had a volume Vtr=100cm3 with an Due to the solute’s higher concentration at the outflow, a
initial solute concentration C0=0.15M. The cross-relation be- continuous “tail” exists, which extinguishes progressively as
tween the experimental data and the derived software data is advection flow continues. This suggests that soil sample SM
satisfactory (Fig. 4). The normal Gauss distribution of the responds relatively well to the solute’s pulse invasion and
breakthrough curve suggests that mechanical dispersion is adsorbs some of its ions, even though hydrodynamic cleaning
the dominant transport process of the solute pulse inside the was imposed in the sample during the experiment. Initial sol-
SP sample. Initial solute concentration C0 dilutes as it miti- ute concentration dilutes more now compared with the previ-
gates, with the peak solute concentration arriving at the out- ous experiments as it mitigates inside the sample. The peak of
flow at a time that is similar to the time that advection flow the solute’s concentration arrives at the outflow later, since the
arrives; thus, it may be concluded that advection flow is time to reach the outflow is longer compared with the time that
transporting the ions of the solute pulse. advection flow arrives; thus, molecular diffusion starts to take
part in the pulse transportation in this soil sample.
Sample S2a (SW: well-graded sand with fines) The boundary
conditions were similar as before. The injected solute had a Sample S5 (SP: poorly graded sand) The boundary conditions
volume V tr =25cm 3 with an initial solute concentration existed during the experiment were similar to those of steady-
C0=0.15M. The cross-relation between the experimental data state flow conditions with a saturation degree Sr=100%, hy-
and the derived software data is satisfactory (Fig. 5). From the draulic gradient i=7.61, and length of the flow path L=18.2
breakthrough curve interpretation, it may be concluded that cm. The injected solute had a volume Vtr=100cm3 with an
mechanical dispersion is the dominant transport process of the initial solute concentration C0=0.15M. The cross-relation be-
solute pulse inside the SW sample and that advection flow is tween the experimental data and the derived software data is
transporting the ions of the solute pulse. satisfactory (Fig. 7). The high Peclet number Pe=374.26
existed during the experiment corresponds to a turbulent in-
Sample S4 (SM: non-plastic silty sand) The boundary condi- stead of a laminar flow. The normal Gauss distribution of the
tions existed during the experiment were similar to those of breakthrough curve suggests that mechanical dispersion is the

Fig. 4 Breakthrough curves that 0,12

corresponds to SP (sample no. S1 Pe = 66.30
Rd = 1.00
of Table 1) K = 2.65*10-3 cm/sec
C(L,t) = 0.11mol/lt@361sec

Concentration (M)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Breakthrough curves in soil sample S1 (SP). Boundary conditions: Sr=100%, i=7.61, L=18.2cm and Time (sec)
uv =5.75*10-2 cm/sec. Injection of a volume tracer Vtr=100ml with initial concentration C0 =0.15M
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:1317 Page 7 of 10 1317

Fig. 5 Breakthrough curves that 0,1

corresponds to SW (sample no. Pe = 285.35
0,09 Rd = 1.00
S2a of Table 1) K = 3.53*10-3 cm/sec
0,08 C(L,t) = 0.09mol/lt@220sec


Concentration (M)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Breakthrough curves in soil sample S2a (SW). Boundary conditions: Sr=100%, i=7.61, L=18.2cm Time (sec)
and uv =8.67*10-2 cm/sec. Injection of a volume tracer Vtr=25ml with initial concentration C 0 =0.15M

dominant transport process of the solute pulse inside the SP soil sample SM responds very efficiently to the solute’s pulse
sample. Initial solute concentration C0 dilutes as it mitigates invasion and adsorbs some of its ions, even though hydrody-
inside the sample. The peak of the solute’s concentration ar- namic cleaning was imposed in the sample during the exper-
rives at the outflow at a time that is similar to the time that iment. Initial solute concentration dilutes more compared with
advection flow arrives; thus, advection flow is transporting the the previous experiments as it mitigates inside the sample. The
ions of the solute pulse. peak of the solute’s concentration arrives at the outflow later,
since the time to reach the outflow is now much longer com-
Sample S6 (SM: non-plastic silty sand) The boundary condi- pared with the time that advection flow arrives.
tions existed during the experiment were similar to those of In the tests conducted in soil sample no. S9 (SM) και no.
steady-state flow conditions with a saturation degree S10 (SM), with an expected retardation factor Rd=1.5 and
Sr=100%, hydraulic gradient i=9.51, and length of the flow Peclet numbers >20 (Table 2), the experimental results were
path L=18.2 cm. The injected solute had a volume Vtr=10cm3 like those of soil sample no. S4 (SM). In those tests, mechanical
with an initial solute concentration C0=0.15M. The cross- dispersion was the dominant transport process and the peak of
relation between the experimental data and the derived soft- the solute’s concentration arrived at the outflow later than ad-
ware data is satisfactory (Fig. 8). Molecular diffusion plays an vection flow arrived. In the test conducted in soil sample no. S3
important role in the transport process of the solute pulse (SC), with an expected retardation factor Rd=1.75 and Peclet
inside the SM sample, and at the end of the breakthrough number 3.64 (Table 2), molecular diffusion dominated slightly
curve, solute concentration is higher as expected. The Peclet compared with mechanical dispersion. In the tests conducted in
number in this experiment is lower compared with the previ- soil sample no. S2b (ML), no. S7 (ML), and no. S8 (ML-CL),
ous experiments. Due to the solute’s higher concentration at with an expected retardation factor Rd=2.0 and Peclet numbers
the outflow, a continuous “tail” exists which extinguishes pro- <1 (Table 2), molecular diffusion dominated clearly compared
gressively as advection flow continues. This suggests that the with mechanical dispersion.

Fig. 6 Breakthrough curves that 0,018

corresponds to SM (sample no. Pe = 33.03
S4 of Table 1) Rd = 1.50
0,014 K = 1.1*10-3cm/sec
Concentration (M)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Breakthrough curves in soil sample S4 (SM). Boundary conditions: Sr=100%, i=9.51, L=18.2cm Time (sec)
and uv = 3.1*10-2 cm/sec. Injection of a volume tracer Vtr=25ml with initial concentration C0 =0.15M
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Fig. 7 Breakthrough curves that 0,16

corresponds to SP (sample no. S5 Pe = 374.26
Rd = 1.00
of Table 1) 0,14
K = 10-2 cm/sec
C(L,t) = 0.15mol/lt@93sec

Concentration (M)




0 50 100 150 200 250
Breakthrough curves in soil sample S5 (SP). Boundary conditions: Sr=100%, i=7.61, L=18.2cm Time (sec)
and uv =0.23 cm/sec. Injection of a volume tracer Vtr=100ml with initial concentration C 0 =0.15M

Generally speaking, fine soils such as ML, ML-CL, and SC Solute transportation as explained before is controlled by
respond more effectively in the solute’ s invasion and trans- the main transport processes, and its arrival time at the outflow
portation by adsorbing ions and/or species form the solute and depends on the adsorption capacity of each soil. Soils with
diluting the solute’s concentration; therefore, the solute’s significant percentage of fines, especially clays, push away
pulse arrives much later at the outflow compared with the time the negatively charged ions of Cl− toward the center of the
that advection flow arrives. soil’s voids, where water velocity is higher. As a result, the
negatively charged ions mitigate faster than advection flow.
On the contrary, the positively charged ions of Na+ are
Discussion adsorbed by the clayey soils. This happens because clays have
a net negative charge. Thus, these negatively charged soil
All experimental results suggest that for the soils used in the particles will attract and hold positively charged ions or parti-
experiments, the main transport process of the solute’s pulse is cles, much like the opposite poles of a magnet attract each
controlled mainly by the grain size distribution, the porosity, other (Brandes 2005).
and the intrinsic permeability. The reduction of d50, which is Furthermore, from the breakthrough curve analysis, it is
the mean grain size diameter of the soil, results to a decelera- concluded that the width and height of maximum pulse con-
tion in the solute’s transportation. Reduction of soil’s porosity centration characterize the dispersion of the porous medium
results to a deceleration in solute transportation and to a higher and as the pulse mitigates initial solute concentration
contaminant adsorption. Reduction of intrinsic permeability decreases.
results to an increase of molecular diffusion and to a deceler- The good correlation among the conducted laboratory tests
ation of solute transportation. Additionally, small Peclet num- with the respective software results suggests that the modified
bers (Pe <5) result to an increase of molecular diffusion and to permeameter apparatus can be used for the investigation of
a deceleration of solute transportation. contaminant transport processes and retardation. As a result,

Fig. 8 Breakthrough curves that 0,007

corresponds to SM (sample no. Pe = 1.12
0,006 Rd = 1.50
S6 of Table 1) K = 2.2*10-5 cm/sec
Concentration (M)





0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000

Breakthrough curves in soil sample S6 (SM). Boundary conditions: Sr=100%, i=9.51, L=18.2cm Time (sec)
and uv= 7.4*10-4 cm/sec. Injection of a volume tracer Vtr=10ml with initial concentration C0 =0.15M
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:1317 Page 9 of 10 1317

Table 2 Experimental results of

the test procedure Sample no. Classif. d50 (mm) n K (cm2) Dd (cm2/s) Pe Rd

S1 SP 0.185 0.35 2.3×10−8 1.6×10−5 66.30 1.00

S2a SW 0.530 0.31 3.1×10−8 1.6×10−5 285.35 1.00
S2b ML 0.068 0.30 9.6×10−11 6×10−6 0.34 2.00
S3 SC 0.120 0.30 8.9×10−10 10−5 3.64 1.75
S4 SM 0.155 0.34 9.7×10−9 1.4×10−5 33.03 1.50
S5 SP 0.285 0.33 8.6×10−8 1.6×10−5 374.26 1.00
S6 SM 0.220 0.28 2×10−10 1.4×10−5 1.12 1.50
S7 ML 0.020 0.29 3.7×10−11 6×10−6 0.04 2.00
S8 ML-CL 0.024 0.28 1.9×10−11 6×10−6 0.02 2.00
S9 SM 0.455 0.36 1.8×10−8 1.4×10−5 165.90 1.50
S10 SM 0.145 0.32 6.6×10−9 1.4×10−5 22.30 1.50

Dd coefficient of effective diffusion, Pe Peclet number, Rd retardation factor

this leads to a soil classification system related to the contam- terms of their reaction in delaying and/or adsorbing contami-
ination susceptibility of soils. nant species.

a) Unsusceptible soils: Well-graded sands with fines (SW),

and poorly graded sands (SP). These soils do not react Availability of data and material (data transparency) Not applicable
sufficient in solute invasion due to the presence of high
Code availability (software application or custom code) Not applicable
Peclet numbers and high intrinsic permeabilities. The ini-
tial solute concentration is not diluted as in the other soil Funding Not applicable
samples and advection flow dominates.
b) Moderately susceptible soils: Non-plastic silty sands Declarations The current experimental work conducetd entirely in
(SM). These soils react rather sufficient in solute inva- the laboratory of Engineering Geology, University of Patras, Greece.
sion, depending how big or small is the Peclet number.
It must be mentioned that the soil sample no. S6 with Competing interests Not applicable
Pe=1.12 responds similarly to suitable soils in the solute’s
c) Highly susceptible soils: Non-plastic sandy silts (ML), References
sandy silts of low plasticity (ML), clayey silts of low
plasticity (CL and ML-CL), and clayey sands of medium ASTM D-2487 (n.d.) Standard classification of soils for engineering
plasticity (SC). These soils react sufficient in solute inva- purposes.
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