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RECENT wireless sensor networks have tion overhead, fast convergence, load balanc-

played critical roles in a variety of applica- ing and high battery efficiency; 2) EDS also
tions including environmental monitoring, tar- adds contributions beyond DS. First, EDS pro-
get tracking, and distributed data storage.A vides strictly guaranteed coverage provision by
fundamental problem faced by current sen- explicitly detecting and handling the circum-
sor network deployment is to efficiently pro- stances under which DS fails to work. Second,
vide the required coverage.Specifically, there applying the proposed coverage measurement
is a question of how to guarantee that every rule, EDS improves energy efficiency of cover-
point/location in the target region is continu- age provision. Third, EDS achieves load bal-
ously covered by a certain number of sensors, ancing over multiple rounds by employing an
with the objective to prolong the network life- integer hashing function to generate reference
time as much as possible. This problem is chal- times for different rounds, eliminating the need
lenging due to the limitation of wireless sen- of a sensor to gather multiple reference times
sor devices, as well as the ad hoc properties from every neighbor.
of large-scale network deployment. An effec- The only communication overhead incurred
tive approach to extend network lifetime is to by EDS is neighbor discovery, which hap-
have sensors autonomously schedule their duty pens only once in the initialization phase of
cycles according to local information, while si- a static sensor network,Neighbor discovery is
multaneously satisfying global sensing cover- also needed by other network functionalities
age requirements. This is referred to as cover- such as routing or connectivity maintenance,
age maintenance in the literature. meaning that EDS does not add extra commu-
Inspired by the existing coverage mainte- nication overhead.
nance scheme proposed in [2](referred to as
differentiated surveillance (DS)), this paper
1.1 Sensor Node
proposes enhanced differentiated surveillance
(EDS). In a static sensor network, EDS allows A sensor node is a node in a wireless sensor
sensors to establish working schedules by sim- network that is capable of performing some
ply exchanging one message within neighbor- processing, gathering sensory information and
hood including their IDs, coordinates and sens- communicating with other connected nodes in
ing properties. Using the received information, the network. The typical architecture of the
every sensor applies a hash function to produce sensor node is shown in figure. The main com-
random reference times (of itself and its neigh-
bors) and employs a proposed rule to calculate
a set of locations to measure the coverage to its
sensing area. Based on the reference times and
the set of locations, every sensor can instan-
taneously generate a working schedule for its
entire lifetime in a distributive manner. With
every sensor scheduling on/off sensing states
according to its own working schedule, the re-
quired coverage of the target region is continu-
ously guaranteed. The benefits of EDS mainly
lie in two folds: 1) Inheriting from DS, EDS
achieves the benefits of minimal communica- Figure 1: Sensor Node Architecture

ponents of a sensor node as seen from the figure memory used for storing application related or
are microcontroller, transceiver, external mem- personal data. b) Program memory used for
ory, power source and one or more sensors. programming the device. This memory also
contains identification data of the device if any.
1.2 Microcontroller
Microcontroller performs tasks, processes data 1.5 Power Source
and controls the functionality of other compo- Power consumption in the sensor node is for
nents in the sensor node. The advantages of the Sensing, Communication and Data Pro-
microcontrollers are their flexibility to connect cessing. More energy is required for data
to other devices, programmable interface and communication in sensor node. Energy ex-
lesser power consumption since these devices penditure is less for sensing and data pro-
can go to sleep state and part of controller can cessing. The energy cost of transmitting 1
be active. Kb a distance of 100 m is approximately the
same as that for the executing 3 million in-
1.3 Transceiver structions by 100 million instructions per sec-
Sensor nodes make use of ISM band which ond/W processor. Power is stored either in
gives free radio, huge spectrum allocation and Batteries or Capacitors. Batteries are the main
global availability. The various choices of wire- source of power supply for sensor nodes. Bat-
less transmission media are Radio frequency, teries can be chargeable or non-rechargeable.
Optical communication (Laser) and Infrared. They are also classified according to elec-
Laser requires less energy, but needs line of trochemical material used for electrode such
sight for communication and also sensitive to as NiCd(nickel-cadmium), NiZn(nickel-zinc),
atmospheric conditions. Infrared like laser, Nimh (nickel metal hydride), and Lithium-Ion.
needs no antenna but is limited in its broad- Current sensors are developed which are able
casting capacity. Radio Frequency (RF) based to renew their energy from solar, thermogen-
communication is the most relevant that fits to erator, or vibration energy.
most of the WSN applications. The function-
ality of both transmitter and receiver are com- 1.6 Sensors
bined into a single device know as transceivers
are used in sensor nodes. Transceivers lack Sensors are hardware devices that produce
unique identifier. The operational states are measurable response to a change in a physical
Transmit, Receive, Idle and Sleep. condition like temperature and pressure. Sen-
sors sense or measure physical data of the area
to be monitored. The continual analog signal
1.4 External Memory
sensed by the sensors is digitized by an Analog-
From an energy perspective, the most relevant to-digital converter and sent to controllers for
kinds of memory are on-chip memory of a mi- further processing. Characteristics and re-
crocontroller and FLASH memory - off-chip quirements of Sensor node should be small size,
RAM is rarely if ever used. Flash memories consume extremely low energy, operate in high
are used due to its cost and storage capac- volumetric densities, be autonomous and oper-
ity. Memory requirements are very much ap- ate unattended, and be adaptive to the envi-
plication dependent. Two categories of mem- ronment. As wireless sensor nodes are micro-
ory based on the purpose of storage a) User electronic sensor device, can only be equipped

with a limited power source of less than 0.5 sensing perimeters of the two sensors. Note
Ah and 1.2 V. Sensors are classified into three that two coincident sensing perimeters are not
categories. regarded to be contacted with each other. The
part of the sensing perimeter of sensor j con-
• Passive, Omni Directional Sensors: Pas-
tained in the sensing area of sensor i is called
sive sensors sense the data without actu-
the perimeter segment of j in i. Two sensors
ally manipulating the environment by ac-
are called sensing neighbors if their sensing ar-
tive probing. They are self powered i.e.
eas overlap.
energy is needed only to amplify their ana-
Definition 1: K-coverage maintainance -
log signal. There is no notion of ‘direction’
Given a set of sensors, S, deployed in region,
involved in these measurements.
A, and a natural number, K, a subset S 1 of S
• Passive, narrow-beam sensors: These sen- provides K-coverage maintenance if and only if
sors are passive but they have well-defined
notion of direction of measurement. Typ-
ical example is ‘camera’.

• Active Sensors: These group of sensors where CS (v) and CS 1 (v) denote the coverage
actively probe the environment, for exam- to point v by S and S 1 , respectively.
ple, a sonar or radar sensor or some type Definition 1 indicates that, to provide K-
of seismic sensor, which generate shock coverage maintenance, the subset S 1 should K-
waves by small explosions. cover a point if the point is K-covered by the
The overall theoretical work on WSN’s consid- full set, S, and should maintain the original
ers Passive, Omni directional sensors. Each coverage to the point otherwise.
sensor node has a certain area of coverage for
which it can reliably and accurately report the 2.1 Assumptions
particular quantity that it is observing.
This paper assumes that each sensor has a
locally unique ID. Sensors are static. Sens-
2 Enhanced Differentiated ing perimeters are assumed to be circles with
Surveillance(EDS) the radius called sensing range(SR).Each node
knows its own location and nodes are not mov-
The following notations are used throughout ing.Communication range (CR) is assumed to
the paper: the sensing area of a sensor is be large enough so that sensing neighbors are
the area that the sensor covers and the sens- within one communication hop. This assump-
ing perimeter of a sensor is the boundary of tion usually holds in practice. In the case that
its sensing area. Note that a sensors sensing CR is not large enough, EDS can work through
perimeter is not covered by the sensor. The multi-hop transmissions.
number of sensors covering a point is called the This paper also assumes that sensors
coverage to the point. If a point is within the are location-aware and time synchro-
sensing areas of at least K sensors, it is said to nized.Although equipping a GPS device
be K-covered. A target area is K-covered if ev- with each sensor is expensive and thus un-
ery point within the area is K-covered. A point realistic, there are a good number of sensor
is called an intersection point between two sen- localization schemes(e.g., [3] [4]) allowing
sors if the point is a contact point between the sensors to obtain their own locations without

using GPS.There are also many existing 2.2 Critical point set
schemes (e.g., [5] [6]) on time synchronization
EDS relies on the critical point set as defined
in wireless sensor networks.
below to establish working schedules for
K-coverage maintenance.
Many sensor network applications require lo-
cation awareness, but as told it is often too Definition 2:Critical point set - For every
expensive to include a GPS receiver in a sen- sensing neighbor, j, sensor is critical point
sor network node. Hence, localization schemes set, CPSi, contains either: 1) the intersection
for sensor networks typically use a small num- points within is sensing area between j and
ber of seed nodes that know their location and other sensing neighbors of i, or 2) if such in-
protocols whereby other nodes estimate their tersection points do not exist for j, one sam-
location from the messages they receive. pling point on the perimeter segment of j in i.
If no critical point is produced for any neigh-
bor, CPSi contains a sampling point within the
Time synchronization in a wireless sensor
sensing area of i.
network is critical for accurate timestamp-
ing of events and fine-tuned coordination of
wake/sleep duty cycles to reduce power con-
sumption.Time synchronization is an impor-
tant issue in the correct operation of deployed
sensor networks. First, it is often critical to
keep a globally synchronized clock when a sen-
sor reading is taken in order to determine the
right chronology of events. The lack of a global
clock will result in inaccurate timestamping
as the local clocks drift on each sensor node.
As a base station collects sensor data, inaccu-
rate time stamps from different sensor nodes Figure 2: Examples of critical point set
can lead the base station to falsely reorder,
or even reverse, an actual sequence of events. Examples of the critical point set are shown
Second, time synchronization has been found in Fig. 2, in which circles of various sizes rep-
to be crucial for efficiently maintaining low resent sensing perimeters. CPSi contains 6
duty cycles in sensor networks. The majority critical points, among which u, v, and w are
of the lifetime of a sensor network should be intersection points between sensing neighbors,
spent sleeping to conserve energy. During the and x, y, and z are sampling points on perime-
brief wake periods, neighboring sensor nodes ter segments. CPSj only contains one critical
should be synchronized to be awake together point, a.
so that packet messages can be quickly routed Theorem:Coverage measurement rule -
between neighbors and over multiple hops to Given a natural number K, the sensing area
the base station. If the sleep times are unsyn- of a sensor is K-covered if and only if every
chronized or random, then packets containing critical point of the sensor is K-covered.
sensor event data may be slow to propagate Proof:
through the sensor network, because neighbors According to Definition 2, there exist two
may be asleep and unable to relay messages. cases of a critical point set.

Figure 3: Three sensors covering a critical point establish working schedules.

Case 1:The critical point set contains in- than the minimum coverage of perimeter seg-
tersection points between two sensors and/or ments. Definition 2 implies that there exists
sampling points on perimeter segments. In at least one critical point on each perimeter
this case, the sensing area is divided into sub- segment. Due to the continuity of the sensing
regions by perimeter segments (e.g., in Fig. coverage, coverage of any point on a perime-
2, the sensing area of i is divided into 8 sub- ter segment is no less than the closest critical
regions). Due to the continuity of sensing cov- point on the perimeter segment. That means
erage (i.e., two points have the same coverage the minimum coverage of perimeter segments
if there exists a path between them that does is no less than the minimum coverage of crit-
not cross any sensing perimeter), all points in ical points. Therefore, the minimum coverage
the same sub-region have equal coverage. Since of a sensing area is no less than the minimum
the sensing perimeter of a sensor is not covered coverage of critical points. Since a sensors crit-
by the sensor, the coverage of a sub-region is ical points are within its sensing area, the mini-
always larger than or equal to the coverage of mum coverage of critical points equals the min-
the part of the perimeter segments bounding imum coverage of its sensing area.
the sub-region. Thus, the minimum coverage Case 2:The critical point set only contains a
of the sub-regions is no less than the minimum sampling point within the sensors sensing area.
coverage of the perimeter segments. Since a In this case, there is no perimeter segment in
point within a sensing area is either within the sensors sensing area. It is clear that the
a sub-region or on a perimeter segment, the coverage of the sampling point represents the
minimum coverage of a sensing area is no less coverage of the sensors sensing area.

In either case, the minimum coverage of a tion of time after reference point Ref. For any
sensors critical points equals the minimum cov- given tuple (T, Ref, Tf ront , Tend ), a node exe-
erage of its sensing area. Therefore, if every cutes the following working schedule:
critical point of a sensor is K-covered, its sens- A node wakes up at time (T × i +Ref - Tf ront )
ing area is also K-covered, and vice versa. and goes to sleep at time (T × i +Ref + Tend )

2.3 Scheme description

In this section, EDS is specified in detail for
sensor networks.
EDS for static sensor networks:Each node in
the sensor network is either in sleeping mode
or in working mode. Our goal is to have as
many nodes as possible go to sleep to save en-
ergy and extend the lifetime of the sensor net-
work while guaranteeing 100 % sensing cover-
age to the target area.The lifetime of a sensor Figure 4: Node Working Schedule
network is composed of an initialization phase
and a sensing phase.In the initialization phase, It should be noted that the following two
every sensor broadcasts a message including its rules hold for the schedule:
ID, coordinates, and sensing range to sensing
neighbors. Every sensor stores the IDs, coordi- Rule1 :The tuple (T, Ref, Tf ront , Tend ) for
nates, and sensing ranges of its sensing neigh- each node is chosen during the initialization
bors in a neighbor list.In this phase, each sen- phase and does not change during the whole
sor node finds its own position and synchro- sensing phase, unless rescheduling is required
nizes time with neighboring nodes. After that, for faulttolerance purposes.
nodes enter into a sensing phase and start to
sense environmental events. The sensing phase Rule2 :Time duration Tf ront and Tend should
of nodes is divided into rounds with equal du- be in the interval [0, T) and furthermore,
ration and are synchronized. Each node will the sum of Tf ront and Tend , which is the
establish a working schedule through our algo- time duration for a node to work during each
rithm, which tells it when to sleep and when round, should be less than or equal to T.
to work for each round. When a node goes to
sleep, its sensing, communication and compu- After the initialization phase, EDS works
tation components can all be asleep and only in rounds of duration T . At the beginning of
a timer needs to work and wake up all compo- each round, every sensor executes the follow-
nents according to its schedule. ing steps to establish its working schedule for
We denote the duration of each round as T. the round.
The schedule for a node is determined by a
tuple with four parameters: (T, Ref, Tf ront , First, using the collected information about
Tend ). As shown in Figure 4, Ref is a random neighbors (i.e., their IDs, locations and sensing
time reference point chosen by a node within ranges), the sensor calculates its critical point
[0, T). Tf ront is the duration of time prior to set according to Definition 2.
the reference point Ref and Tend is the dura- Second, the sensor hashes its own and sens-

ing neighbors IDs into reference times within coverage where K > 1), a simple approach is
[0, T) using the following formula: to extend the two segments starting from the
sensors reference time to the end points of its
working period proportionally to K (i.e., multi-
ply the length of the two segments by K). For
example, 2-coverage can be achieved by dou-
bling the active period of each sensor in the
manner as illustrated in the middle part of Fig.
where refi and IDi denote the reference
3. However, this approach can not guarantee
time and ID of sensor i, respectively, Hash is
the required coverage when an active period of
an integer hash function that generates a uni-
a sensor, after being extended, is greater than
formly distributed integer number from an in-
the round duration, T . This situation is re-
teger hash key, n is the round number initially
ferred to as overflow hereinafter. Since a sen-
set to 0, and IN Tmax represents the maximum
sor cannot offer an active period greater than
integer. The integer hash function, Hash, is
T , overflow may cause some time interval in-
required to be strongly collision-free, meaning
sufficiently covered (i.e., not K-covered). The
that two different inputs have very low proba-
upper part of Fig. 3. shows that overflow oc-
bility to be hashed to the same value, and able
curs when each sensor triples its active period
to achieve avalanche effect, meaning that a sin-
to provide 3-coverage to u. The active peri-
gle bit of difference in the input makes about
ods of sensor 1 and 3, after being tripled, are
half of the output bits different [7]. The refer-
both greater than T . As indicated in the up-
ence times are sorted in ascending order.
per part of Fig. 3, there is an interval that is
Third, for every critical point u, the sensor
insufficiently covered (i.e., not 3-covered).
generates a list Lu as a subsequence of the
In EDS, every sensor detects overflow by
sorted list, composed of the reference times
checking whether the active period of any sen-
of the sensors that cover u. It then sets a
sor in Lu , after being multiplied, is greater
working schedule for 1-coverage to cover half
than T . If overflow happens, the sensor adjusts
of the intervals between its own reference time
the reference time list Lu to form an evenly dis-
and adjacent reference times. An example
tributed reference time list Levenu while keep-
is shown in the lower part of Fig. 3. ref1 ,
ing the original order of Lu . The sensor then
ref2 , and ref3 (ref1 < ref2 < ref3 ) denote
redoes the third step to calculate a working
the reference times of sensors 1, 2, and 3 that
schedule for 1-coverage based on Leven u , and
cover u. The working schedules established by
extends the working schedule by K for K-
sensors 1, 2, and 3 to provide 1- coverage are:
coverage. Since the reference times are evenly
distributed in Leven
u , sensors covering u have
the same length of active period. If overflow
ref1 + ref3 − T ref1 + ref2 still happens, it must happen to all the sensors
[ , ]
2 2 in the list, causing all of them to stay active
ref1 + ref2 ref2 + ref3 for the entire round. Clearly, overflow of Leven
[ , ] u
2 2 only happens when the number of sensors cov-
ref2 + ref3 ref1 + ref3 + T ering u is less than K.
[ , ]
2 2 Finally, the sensor combines working sched-
ules for all the critical points to generate a final
To provide differentiated coverage (i.e., K- working schedule. Note that, since the refer-

ence time may vary for different critical points ing schedule for v to cover half of the intervals
due to overflow, the final working schedule may between its own reference time and the two ad-
be composed of multiple discrete active peri- jacent reference times (in the same manner as
ods. EDS). Working schedules for all the grid points
In a static sensor network, message exchange are combined into a single integrated schedule
only happens once in the initialization phase, as the final working schedule of the sensor. DS
and no further communications are triggered supports differentiated coverage by extending
by EDS during the whole lifetime of the net- a sensors final working schedule proportionally
work. Furthermore, the only message ex- to the required coverage.
changed in the initialization phase can be com- DS possesses the beneficial features of min-
bined with neighbor discovery as usually re- imum communication overhead, fast conver-
quired by other network functionalities. EDS gence and high battery efficiency, as inherited
also converges fast in that a sensor can instan- by EDS. However, despite of its obvious advan-
taneously establish its working schedule based tages, DS fails to provide coverage guarantee
on collected neighbor information without re- when overflow happens. Also, since DS uses a
ferring to the decisions of its sensing neighbors. virtual square grid and only checks coverage at
Due to the avalanche effect of the integer hash each grid point, it employs a conservative sens-
function, the reference times of a sensor in two ing range smaller than normal sensing range,
consecutive rounds are very different and can leading to underestimation of coverage redun-
be regarded as independent. In this way, EDS dancy. Therefore, DS spends more energy than
achieves load balancing over multiple rounds. EDS on coverage provision. Furthermore, to
By exchanging final working schedules achieve load balancing over multiple rounds,
among neighbors, sensors can further shrink DS requires a sensor to gather multiple ran-
their active periods while still guaranteeing the dom reference times of each sensing neighbor.
required coverage of every critical point (re- 2nd pass optimization can also be employed
ferred to as 2nd Pass EDS). 2nd Pass EDS im- to shrink sensor working schedules (referred to
proves the energy efficiency of coverage provi- as 2nd Pass DS).
sion at the cost of extra communication over-
head other than neighbor discovery. 2.5 Location errors and time syn-
chronization skew
2.4 The existing differentiated
EDS assumes that each sensor is aware of its
surveillance scheme
own location. In practice, however, location
EDS is inspired by the existing differentiated measurement is often noisy and incurs error.
surveillance (DS) scheme. In DS, each sen- Therefore, the location obtained by a sensor is
sor randomly generates a reference time and usually inaccurate. In EDS, inaccurate loca-
broadcasts it to neighbors at the beginning of tion incurs faulty calculation of critical points,
each round. Sensors can also combine multiple and causes errors in measuring the coverage of
random reference times into one message to es- other sensors to the sensors sensing area. As a
tablish schedules for multiple rounds. The tar- result, location errors may lead to some areas
get region is covered by a virtual square grid. not adequately covered.
For each grid point, v, within a sensors sens- EDS also assumes time synchronization
ing area, the sensor sorts the reference times of among sensors. Time synchronization guaran-
the neighbors that cover v. It then sets a work- tees a consistent view among sensing neighbors

on their working schedules, so that coverage demonstrates that EDS and DS have minimal
to a certain location can be continuously pro- communication overhead. Therefore, this
vided by multiple sensors in a time division section focuses on the other aspects, energy
manner. However, in a real sensor network de- consumption of coverage provision and battery
ployment, sensors cannot be perfectly synchro- efficiency.
nized. Time synchronization skew may cause
gaps between the active periods of sensors cov-
ering a location, and thus leaves the location
insufficiently covered during the gaps.

3 Simulation Evaluation
EDS simulation module is implemented on the
MIT uAMPS NS-2 extension. In order to elim-
inate the edge effect (i.e., sensors close to the
edge of the deployment area have larger proba-
bility to stay active due to lower density), sim-
ulations are carried out over a square region of
100 × 100m2 with wraparound in both dimen-
Figure 5: Energy consumption of coverage pro-
sions, in which sensors are uniformly deployed.
Thus, the simulated network represents a finite
subregion of a large-scale sensor network.
Energy consumption of coverage provision:
For static sensor networks, four coverage
Fig. 5 shows the energy consumption of cov-
maintenance schemes were compared: EDS,
erage provision by varying sensor density (Fig.
2nd Pass EDS, DS, and 2nd Pass DS.
5(a)) and required coverage (Fig. 5(b)). The
required coverage in Fig. 5(a) and sensor den-
sity in Fig. 5(b) are set to 1-coverage and 0.08
nodes/m2, respectively.
Fig. 5(a) indicates that all the schemes con-
sume energy at nearly stable rates with the in-
crease of sensor density. EDS has lower energy
consumption rate than DS because DS relies
on conservative SR and underestimates sens-
ing redundancy.
Fig. 5(b) shows that EDS outperforms DS
to provide various required coverage. However,
the margin between EDS and DS diminishes af-
ter the required coverage reaches a certain de-
1)Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency of gree. For example, EDS is only slightly better
coverage maintenance depends on various than DS to provide 6-coverage.Further analy-
aspects, such as communication overhead, sis reveals that this abnormality is caused by
energy consumption of coverage provision, overflow, which happens more frequently with
and battery efficiency. Previous discussion the increase of the required coverage. Since DS

does not handle overflow, it fails to schedule fect, the integer hash result can be regarded
enough sensing activities to provide sufficient as independent in different rounds. Therefore,
coverage when overflow happens. One such ex- EDS should also be able to balance the energy
ample we have seen is shown in the upper part consumption among sensors.In the tests, each
of Fig. 5. With the increase of the required sensor starts with full energy capacity. The en-
coverage, DS suffers from worse guarantee of ergy consumption of an active round is fixed at
coverage provision. 10%, and the energy consumed by each sensor
Fig. 5 also demonstrates that 2nd pass in a round is proportional to the total length
optimization is effective in reducing energy of its active periods.
consumption.Note that 2nd pass optimization Fig. 6 depicts the half-node network life-
achieves the improvement at the cost of more time, measured as the network operating time
communication overhead to exchange schedule until half of the sensors use up their energy,the
information among neighboring sensors. Fig. half-node network lifetime of each scheme in-
5 also shows that 2nd Pass EDS outperforms creases almost linearly with the growth of sen-
2nd Pass DS in all the cases. sor density. In all the cases, EDS and 2nd Pass
EDS have a longer half-node network lifetime
2)Load balancing: than DS and 2nd Pass DS, respectively.Fig. 6
demonstrates that, like DS and 2nd Pass DS,
EDS and 2nd Pass EDS also effectively dis-
tribute work load over sensors.

4 Conclusion
This paper proposes a distributed sensor
scheduling scheme to maintain required cov-
erage for wireless sensor networks. The pro-
posed scheme provides strictly guaranteed cov-
erage provision while presenting minimal com-
munication overhead, fast convergence, load
Figure 6: Load balancing balancing and high battery efficiency. Com-
munication overhead is minimized because the
DS is able to balance the energy consump- proposed scheme has no extra communica-
tion among sensors due to the randomness of tion overhead other than neighbor discov-
reference times generated. Instead of having ery.Convergence is fast with each sensor in-
every sensor to generate a random reference stantly calculating its working schedule based
time and exchange it with its neighbors, EDS on neighbor information without referring to
allows every sensor to produce reference times the decisions of its neighbors. Load is bal-
(of itself and sensing neighbors) using an inte- anced due to the randomness of reference times
ger hash function with avalanche effect. The generated by an integer hash function. Bat-
integer hash function maps an integer hash tery efficiency is high because the proposed
key (i.e., the summation of a sensor ID and scheme forms an efficient discharge profile, ex-
a round number) to a uniformly distributed haustively utilizing energy stored in a bat-
integer hash result. Due to the avalanche ef- tery. In addition, 2nd pass optimization can

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