A1.Lopez - Daniela.Learning Outcomes and Cognition

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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Nombres y apellidos: Daniela Virginia Lopez Delgado

Asignatura: Construct Learn Exper Learn Outco Evalu Resou Manag Strat Envir

Learning Activity one

Link to the presentation:



Evaluation Criteria

Rubric For Online Presentations

4 3 2 1 Points
Content Content is Content is Content is Content is
accurate and accurate but accurate but questionable
information some some and
is presented information is information is information is
in logical not presented not presented not presented
order. in logical in logical in logical
order, but is order, making order, making
still generally it difficult to it difficult to
easy to follow. follow.
Slide Creation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
flows well flows well, flows well is
and logically tools used some tools disorganized,
and reflects correctly to used to show tools are not
extensive make It acceptable used in
use of tools interesting. understanding relevant
in a creative . manner.
Pictures, Clip Images are Images are Most images images are
Art And appropriate appropriate are inappropriate.
Learning Outcomes Evaluation
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

and pleasing but layout is appropriate.

to the eye. cluttered.
Mechanics No spelling Few spelling Some spelling Most of the
or grammar or grammar or grammar text has
errors. errors. errors. spelling or
Interactive Comprehensi General Acceptable Little
managing of ve use of understandin understanding understandin
technology. g of of technology g of
tool. technology. technology
TOTAL: /20

Maximun Extension

Design just ten slides presentation.

Learning Outcomes Evaluation

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Learning Outcomes Evaluation

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Learning Outcomes Evaluation

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Learning Outcomes Evaluation

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Learning Outcomes Evaluation

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Learning Outcomes Evaluation

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