Android Development:: 1-Prerequistes

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Android Development:


 Java (OOPS)
 Java (Data Structures)
 Java (Problem Solving)
 GitHub

2-Development Phase:

a) Basic:
 Types of Files
 Hello World App.
 Types of Layouts (Coordinator Layout Important)
 Widgets.
 Intents (Navigations)
 Project 1: Tic Tac Toe game
 Project 2:
b) Complex UI Designs:
 Lists (Recycler View)
 Toasts.
 Dialogues.
 Fragments.
 Navigation drawer.
 Internal Database (Content provider keyword)
 Build (Multi-Threading, Memory leakage Keywords)
 Services and Broadcast receiver.
c) API:
 Retrofit Library in Android.
 Project:
d) Android Jetpack:
 Architectural Code. (MVVM framework)
 Sensor.
 Firebase.
 Project:
e) Google play deployment.
f) Unit Testing (After launching App).

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