Abbyshay Gayle Communication I.A Full

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studies I. A on
“Sexual exploitation
on women.”

Subject: Communication Studies

Done by: Abby shay Gayle



Preface ………………………………………………………..2

Dry tears……………………………………………………….3-11


The theme of this S.B.A is “Sexual exploitation on women”. This portfolio is focused on the topic”The

physiological impact of sexual exploitation on Women in Mandeville, Manchester.” Sexual exploitation

is defined as the exploitation of another person's sexuality for the purpose of gratification, financial gain,

personal benefit or advantage. The reason why I chose this sensitive topic is because of the increased

cases of sexual exploitation  in Mandeville according to CISOCA. The intended purpose of this portfolio

is to be informative about sexual exploitation and how it commonly occurs in small families.

                         This portfolio also incorporates an original piece entitled “Dry tears”. This piece

enlightens the intended audience about the challenges that women face when they are sexually exploited.

There is also an analysis that evaluates the original piece. I would highlight the psychological effects on

sexual exploitation mainly.  The preface also looks on the intended audience, the circumstances and the

basis for selecting them. 

                                       For academic purposes, I am pursuing a degree in the medical field. For my

academic interest in the subject communication studies, this research equipped me with the ability to

properly conduct a research in my subject. It has also helped me to become a better speech organizer and

it eliminates fear. Career wise, I am interested in working in the nursing sector that deals with children,
women and men that will possibly go through these harsh circumstances in one part of their life which

can affect their health. Therefore, this theme is suitable relation to my desired field in medicine.


The narrative, “Dry tears'' is about a young adolescent who was sexually exploited by an individual who

was close to her. It also addresses some of the challenges that these victims face overtime silencing their

voice. The climax of the story when Tanzsia was left home alone with her very suspicious and Strange

step brother Adrian. However, it was shortly after she was sexually exploited by him under his care.

                            The story was written under the objectives of bringing across a few points. The purpose

is to inform the intended audience that Women who are often sexually exploited are exploited by some

relative or someone close to them. The second purpose is to provide an understanding of the

Psychological effects that affects most women/ girls after their traumatic experience. Finally it provides

encouragement to women who are victims of sexual exploitation to speak out and not be silenced.

                           The targeted audience is intended to be women and girls in particular. Considering that

1/10 women may face these circumstances in small families and communities. All women would be

encouraged to be aware of their environment and who they trust around their  children for their own

safety and precaution.

                    The reflective piece “Dry tears’’ will be presented in the written  third person narrative form

for the intended audience. There are a number of reasons why this narrative was chosen. First it provides
an insight of what goes on into the mind of victims and perpetrators. Second, it also  provides an

imaginative and visual aspect in means to evoke emotions for readers. It serves to encourage,inform and

enlighten the audience. A diversity of language uses will be incorporated to argument the presentation, as

well as the message being conveyed. In addition, language dialect Patio will be used to enhance the

understanding for the intended audience who resides in Jamaica.

                             I anticipate that the research will not only be informative, but also interesting and

encouraging for the audience.


‘Dry tears’
Golden rays of sunlight lit Tanzsia’s face as she murmeremed ever so softly in her sleep.

”Tanzsia get up outta e bed now!” Her mother shouted from across the room stirring her from her sleep.

Tanzsia hissed her teeth in annoyance before ripping the thin sheet from her body.

“Me wake.’’

She replied before shoving her barefoot in her yard slippers. 

She headed towards the bathroom and her eyes fell on the reflection of herself in the mirror. Tanzsia was

always classified as the’ pretty browning ‘in her community of summersault Greenvale. Her eyes were a

deep shade of honey brown that complimented her brown skin and small features. Tanzsia had what you

call ‘coolie hair’ in Jamaica that had an advantage over the typical natural kinky hair. She let out a breath

of exhaustion before she removed her gaze from her reflection and started to do her morning routine.

                           After she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Tanzsia changed from her nightie gown

into her yard clothes before she pranced off into the kitchen where her mother had called earlier. When

she arrived in the kitchen, her body stiffened awkwardly at the change of atmosphere. Her mother’s back
was turned towards her as she flipped something on the stove. The scent of omelet wafted through

Tanzia’s nostril and her stomach grumbled in response.

“Yuh finally wake.’’ Her mother began followed by a small chuckle.

“Morning mumz,a yuh wake me innuh mummy.” Tanzsia replied teasingly.

She took a seat at the kitchen table dreading a thought at the arrival of her step brother and father.

She was beyond uncomfortable with the encounters she had with Adrian her step brother. He was

strangely flirtatious with her and it was deemed inappropriate but no for him, ‘A likkle joke mi a run’.

“Breakfast ready Hnou come!’’ 

Tanzia’s mother Pauline shouted at the top of her voice.

Tanzsia darted her eyes at the entry of her step Father and Adrian into the kitchen. Her shoulders stiffened

and hunched awkwardly when Adrian’s dark beady eyes anchored his gaze on her. Her gaze instantly fell

towards her fidgeting fingers.

“Morning, everybody.”

Adrian voiced boomed cheerily earning the attention of Pauline.

“Bwoy! nobodda wid e noise.” she responded followed by a smile.

They all laughed, except Tanzsia in truth she didn’t want to be here but just to be confined in her room.

Everybody took their seats respectively and Pauline shared their breakfast before she took her seat.

Tanzsia bit into her scrumptious cheese omelet and took a sip into her milo tea as her ears irked up at the

conversation her mother and step father was striking.

‘’We haffi guh town today fi collect e package,” she began staring at James from across the table.

“Mhm.” he responded groggily before directing his gaze to his breakfast.

Adrian eyes wandered to Tanzia’s body hawkishly and she gripped the cup harder almost burning herself

with the milo tea

“Mine u bun up u self”’ Pauline scolded and their gazes landed on her. 


Tanzsia shifted her foot uncomfortably and turn her gaze to her mother.

“Suh mommy yah bring me?” She inquired furrowing her brows together.

“Bring u weh!” 

“A business we ago do ago reach back out five”, she finished off silencing Tanzsia and her inquires.

She threaded a hand through her hair pretending not to be fazed by the announcement. Adrian picked up

on her uneasiness and he shifted his gaze to avoid being suspicious.

           After breakfast gathering was over, Tanzsia returned back to her room in attempts to avoid Adrian

all day. She sneaked few snacks into her room with the intention to not come out the room until her

mother was home. It was around 11 pm when Tanzsia was scrolling through her Instagram feed when her

mother sounded outside the room door.

“Tansy soon come, make sure u no give no trouble.”

She warned and Tanzsia scoff at the thought of Adrian being her guardian for the time being.
“Yes mommy, bring back waah cheese patty fimi  please.” She implored.

‘’Aright, later Tansy.”

was her mother’s last words before she shuffled from the room door.

 Silence gripped at Tanzia’s throat in a suffocating manner and her hands suddenly became clammy. She

was all alone with Adrian of all people who shamelessly ogled her body whenever Mr. James and her

mother was oblivious. Tanzsia pulled the sheet over her body and stiffly lay back in her bed lost in her

own world and thoughts.  5.

         An hour had passed when her room door rattled aggressively startling her from her nap. Tanzsia

eyes narrowed at the door and she hurdled the sheet close to her in a sit up position.

“Tansy open e door, sump me waah show u.” Adrian voice husked with a lustful voice.

Tanzsia stomach churned with disgust, her nose crinkling at his antics.

“No moof!”She retorted harshly not caring how unpleasant and disrespectful it sounded.

The door rattled more aggressively this time and Tanzsia could hear his  breathing on the other side

becoming more heavy. She was very aware that he was picking her room door.

“Adrain lef me alone!” She cursed with an eye roll and hardened jaw.

He didn't stop until he was successful in prodding her door open. Tanzia’s mouth flew open when he

pushed the door so hard it hit the wall. There stood Adrian, his beady eyes assessing her small frame

under his hungry gaze. Standing at six foot, he was quite intimidating this close  to Tanzsia for she felt so


“Weh yah do in here?” Tanzsia asked, widening her eyes on him. 

His full dark lips upturned in a smirk and Tanzsia jaw clenched in anger. How dare he invade her privacy,

yet still have the audacity to be smug. She stood from her bed and angrily plummeted her pillow towards

his frame hitting him in the chest.

“Come out!” She screamed angrily with her face flushed from the altercation.

His eyes darkened dangerously and the tension in his neck chord jutted out. He was beyond angry.

How could she possibly act this way when he only wanted to see her he thought bitterly? His eyes

traveled to her endowed body and he smirked. At the age of sixteen, she was quite developed like a 6.

blooming flower ready to be picked and he wanted to have her. He swiftly walked towards her frame and

his rough hands harshly gripped her hips,

“Let mi go.”

Tanzsia writhed in his strong hold disgusted at the feel of her body close to his.

“You know how long me waah hol’u.”

He whispered lustfully into her ear and she whimpered before weakly pushing him back.

 He faltered a little before regaining his firm posture back.

“You deaf fi leave me alone!” She growled dangerously at him.

He only chuckled with an amusing glint in his eyes.

“Watch yah.”

He mused before gripping her flushed to his body.

She squirmed uncomfortably into his grip  as she aggressively  fought him to leave her alone but he was

too strong.

“Ssh, it nah go hurt Tansy,”

“Just easy u self.” He soothed harshly in her ears leaving a soft kiss to her earlobes.

Tears pooled in Tanzia’s eyes and chills ran through her body at the thought.
“No lef me!”

She screamed desperately at him followed by a loud sob that racked her body.

He roughly clamped his rough hands over her mouth and threw her small frame to the bed.

Her body bounced aggressively at the force and her heart pounded fast in her chest.

She didn’t have the courage she had earlier, she was beyond petrified at him.

“Please Adrian, Pleaseee.”

She sobbed weakly with her eyes wide and doe eyed filled with fear. 7.

He didn’t respect her wishes because of his own lust that consumed him.     That day he took her

innocence, stealing the gold that glitters in her. 


          After what happened earlier, Tanzsia was beyond distraught and disgusted with herself. How

could she allow this to happen? yet how could she be silenced. Tanzsia cried in her pillow because of the

shame and guilt that was tearing at her insides. Pauline suspected the weird behavior from her daughter

but failed to put a finger on what happened to her. She was concerned for her daughter’s wellbeing,

sharing her complaints to her husband James.

“James, me think sump wrong wid Tansy.”  

She began truthful to her husband who was situated on their bed with his eyes glued to Sunday Observer.

‘’Mmmh mek u seh that?”

“You nuh know a suh tansy stay.” he replied looking up from his gleaner.

Pauline was beyond confused at her detached attitude she showed earlier.

‘’She nuh waah come outta har home, not even the patty she come fah.”

She complained seemingly aware that her husband gaze shared a glint of concern as well.
“Nun no wrong, she alright.” He reassured welcoming Pauline to his arms.

Pauline enveloped into her husband's arms hanging onto the thread of hope nothing was surely wrong

with her.

            Few days had passed and Tanzsia had become depressed down to the put of slitting her wrist for

her own comfort and pleasure. Her health had disintegrated for she was not eating well and coping.

 She avoided her family at all cause because of anxiety that overtook her body when she saw them.

Her heart beat would skyrocket in her chest and her body sweats uncontrolled whenever her mother calls

her. She was always around the edge, aware of her surroundings. Tanzsia was busy staring at her body in

8. her dresser mirror when a knock sounded on the door. Her mother was home and so forth she found

comfort in that. Adrian wouldn’t dare to try anything with her. 

“Tansy u mummy a call u, open the door.’’ Adrian spoke softly from the other side. At the sound his

voice her heart palpitated in her chest and she gulped nervously.

“Tell har seh mi a come.” She whispered softly almost inaudible. 

Adrian huffed before he prodded her door open once more. Tanzsia stay unmoved and numbed by his


“Get out.” She ordered weakly, her gaze still on her laps.

“Tansy look pan mi, stop behave suh.''

He argued with his gaze glued to her disheveled frame. Adrian felt the need to be alone with her and so he

softly closed the door behind. Tanzsia was unfazed, depressed yet angry. She was strangely quiet as he

took his advances to her.

“Just stay quiet, u mummy naah guh hear.” He said eyeing her hungrily. 

She quickly rose from the bed defiantly , with her tear stained cheeks and unruly curls.

“Get out!”

She screamed at him pointing her fingers warningly at his frame.

“Stop yu…”Adrain was cut off by Tanzsia who roughly pushed him and sprinted past him. 
He cursed under his breath and fear constricts his heart. What if she run gone tell Pauline? That nagging

voice in his head sounded. His jaw twitched dangerously and he trailed after her. 

Tanzsia ran to her mommy room, her heart beat fast and steadily when she busted the door open. Her

mother instantly sat up from the bed with concern creasing her features.

“Wah wrong tansy ?”

She asked bewildered at her appearance. 

Pauline eyes trailed to Tanzia’s wrist that had red angry marks of razor on her  skin. 9.

“Tansy weh u do?” She implored to know with her eyebrows deeply knitted and her mouth slightly ajar in


She was unable to decipher why Tanzsia would harm herself like that.

Tears welled up Tanzia’s eyes and she was unable to hold back her tongue.

“Adrian rape mi!” she blurted out unable to hold back the loud sob that racked her body.

Pauline face turned pale and her eyes widened dangerously.


Weeks had slowly passed after Pauline found out what her step son did to her daughter. James

was beyond livid that his 18 year old son had the audacity to lay fingers on Tanzsia and so they threw him

out and he was charged with sexual assault later on. Tanzsia was then brought to therapy for the

psychological impacts the situation scarred her with. She had to deal with suicide ideation, Self harm,

self-hate and post traumatic disorder. All these internal scars she was burdened with left her anxious and

fearful all the time. 

Tanzsia sat rigidly before her therapist Joana canoe who shared a small smile warmly.

Her dark eyes penetrated behind her black rimmed glasses and felt vulnerable and small under her stare.

“Now Tanzsia ,  tell me what happened.”

“Your free to express, there is no judgment here.”

She reassured softening her gaze able to understand the circumstances for she was a victim herself.
Tanzsia shook her head solemnly and shakily started.

“This is how it started.”

She started off unaware that her own story would also impact other women in the future.

The Gold that glitters in them was damaged and caged deep down for repair.

 Pauline also learnt a lesson to not trust anyone with her child and she further on implored young mothers

in the community like herself to keep a watch to their children and surroundings. 10.

Tanzsia story was like many others who are suffering in silence and so she implores every victim to speak

out against the wrath of perpetrators and their wicked act. 11.


In conclusion, it could be said that it solidified my purpose in identifying some of the challenges
face after being sexually exploited. Also throughout the piece, I effectively used various

linguistic criteria to appeal to the readers. These also include numerous communicative

behaviors as well as attitudes to languages. It also vividly depicts how sexual exploitation can

affect and influence an individual’s behavior as well as many consequences. This is portrayed in

Tanzsia behavior as opposed to the actions of “sexual exploitation”


Jamaica Observer Manchester

Effects of Sexual Violence | RAINN › effects-sexual-violence

The psychological impact of sexual exploitation on women

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