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Larangjo, Johannah Christine G.

BSN 407


1. Although it is mandated by law to learn and re-dedicate our time to the ideals and
nationalism of Rizal, it was pertaining to our personal pride and our national pride as
Filipinos. If not mandate by law, Rizal’s nationalism and patriotism would forever be
lost thus, with Rizal Law or RA 1425, it may be a pain in the ass to study again about
Rizal’s life, works and writings the end goal would be memory retention with
knowledge of how our country become how it is today.
2. With that said, I’ve come to realized again that Rizal is Father of Filipino Nation
because reading the RA 1425 or Rizal Law, he is the constant reminder of our never-
ending will to ght, for our rights and freedom. Even years have passed since his
death, the Rizal Law is a way we can remember all of his contributions that lead many
Filipino law makers to write and passed the law with respect to Rizal’s heroism.
3. Ultimately, Rizal is just another Filipino who have lived his life with how he wants.
However, he have lived a life wherein his deep love for his country exceeds than his
own life. He willingly sacri ce his time in e ort to make his words, action and works
into determination and drive for other Filipino in his time, to also look beyond what’s in
front of them and see what more can our country do for us Filipino. He is but an
ordinary man with unbreakable will to love the Philippines.

1. What is the most important objective of RA1425 or Rizal Law? Explain
- All schools are enjoined to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic
conscience and to teach the duties of citizenship is what I think is the most important objective of
RA 1425 (Rizal Law). As this pertains to all educational institutions to teach the youth about the
life, works and writing of Jose Rizal not just because it is regulated by the State but rather all
educational institutions is the place where all youths learn and develop sense of self, to where
and what must they take in order to grow and it is the perfect place to retain teachings of what
Jose Rizal left for our country.
2. Agree/Disagree: RA1425 or Rizal Law should be retained. Why/Why not
- I agree that RA1425 or Rizal Law should be retained because it is the foundation of a
man with dignity and pride that he is a Filipino. As they say, his life, works and writings are the
constant source of inspiration to patriotism which some times is fading in this era of sel shness
and power. However, the implementation of the Rizal Law, what should be taught in all



educational institutions should be handle by professors who have in-depth comprehension of
what Jose Rizal’s life, works and writings meant not just by memorizing dates or just by means
lecturing what should be emphasize about who is Jose Rizal and what he did.
3. Prove: RA1425/Rizal Law is relevant to 21st century learners
- 21st century is where youth’s voices are heard, standing up for what is right and doing
what you think is right are the norm. I think 21st century is the era that RA1425/Rizal Law is the
most relevant to all Filipino. There are numerous challenges that continues to hit us that almost
every human is being sel sh in taking care of themselves and the people around them. RA1425/
Rizal Law being taught to 21st century learners makes it in uential because nowadays learners
have depth understanding of what’s happening in the country. It’s relevance is making 21st
century learners uphold the truth what we perceived is right and to contribute to the well-being of
our country and we can see from different social media that there are more and more youth’s
standing up from the unjust treatment and unruly governance. 21st century learners are not afraid
but are brave
4. Create your own version or introduce your own changes of RA1425
- The term “re-dedication” should be change instead “pay tribute” to the ideals of
freedom and nationalism of Jose Rizal is what ts the 21st century. Since rededication mean to
devote one self to the ideals its as if we are being told by the law to lay our lives for our country–
which is not wrong either but it’s a term that may become a shackle that will cloud a man’s
judgement however “to pay tribute” to the ideals means to honor and praise. In today’s era, we
stand rm in our own beliefs and principles. Each and every Filipino have their own version of
patriotism and concept of freedom. This is why, in my humble opinion, paying tribute instead of
re-dedication might be a good change and approach about Rizal Law since it’s intention is to
have all educational institutions to partake Rizal’s life, works and writing, we might see changes
and understanding from 21st century learners.
5. Find applications or practical bene ts of complying with RA1425
- There is one practical bene ts of complying with RA1425 that I could think of and this
is the knowledge of knowing who is Jose Rizal, what made him our National Hero and what did
he do for our country and that’s if foreigners or even our own countryman ask us about Rizal and
why he is so important to us Filipinos. For our pride of being the same nationality as Rizal, at
least by complying with Rizal Law/RA1425 helped us to defend our pride and be proud.
Moreover, I also think that being a law-abiding citizen and being socially responsible are two
applications of complying with RA1425 as we students forge our paths to our ambitions and
career goals



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