Creative Brief Human Rights Arts

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African Prisons Project (APP)

P.O. Box 50046, Luzira

Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 751 384205

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison
communities in Africa.


‘Human Rights in Art and Art in Human Rights’
A Prison Human Rights/Creative Project
Is there any connection between Human Rights and the arts? Can one be used to
further the other? How” Why? This project aims to allow inmates to explore these
questions creatively whilst expressing themselves in their medium of choice and
becoming acquainted with the thirty (30) main rights enshrined in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
The Primary Objective is to create a series of artistic works from within the prison setting that
depict aspects of any of the Human Rights contained in the Universal declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR) or any other relevant instrument, particularly those that have greater effect on the lives of

The aim of producing these works is to create a suitable body of work that can be used to thank the
organisers and participants of the 28 th African Human Rights Moot Competition that took place at
the University of Botswana from 1st to 6th July 2019.

Having such a tangible, creative piece will act as a permanent reminder of the endeavor undertaken
by inmate students of law sponsored and tutored by the African Prisons Project. These art pieces,
where possible, will reside at the location of the person or organization being thanked and create
both a talking point and commerative piece about the African Prisons Project, its Law Programme
and its students’ participation in the moot.

Secondary Objectives of the creative competition would be to (1) stimulate all those hoping to
compete in the event to read up on and become aware of any and all rights that pertain to them
and (2) foster and grow closer ties with potential strategic partners and funders such as the United
Nations Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (OCHR) in Uganda.

Whilst artistic flair is preferred, no pre-qualification is required for entry into the event. If needed,
for exceptional proposals, required materials can be sought on the basis of charitable sponsorship –
in which case a separate communications campaign shall be devised to cover that event.

Competitors are encouraged to use as wide a variety of media from a non-exhaustive list of print,
audio, visual and it is hoped that the output shall range from production of poetry, prose, plays,
songs, musical compositions, radio plays, skits, theatre plays, film scripts, visual artistry such as
African Prisons Project (APP)
P.O. Box 50046, Luzira
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 751 384205

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison
communities in Africa.

paintings, drawings and sketches and other creative expressions such as dances and performance
art, to name but a few.

Correctly conceived and executed, this event should act as a clarion call for APP and what it has
achieved in June/July 2019 and a beacon of hope as to what it can achieve in the future,
exponentially. All work allowed to be so will be featured on the APP website and efforts will be
made to find additional media outlets (museums, galleries, national Theatre, for them).

What is the Target Audience for this Project – Demographic, Psychographic and Self-
The Primary Target Audience are the organisers and participants of the 28 th African Human Rights
Moot 2019 by, hopefully giving them a lasting memento of APP’s association in that event. The
Secondary Target Audience will be those organisations and individuals approached to support and
sponsor the creative event scheduled to take place – it is their interest and benevolence that will
propel this event from the mundane and pedestrian to something stellar. The Third Target
Audience will be that segment of the prison community that take an interest in taking part in this
event. It is intended that this demographic be made the target of a Rights education campaign that
may be able to bring out their artistry and creativity. The Final Target audience of this campaign
shall be the general public both in Uganda and outside but primarily that segment that has access
to online and social media resources.

What is the Vision for the Deliverable?
A tangible creative artefact in any achievable media capable of depicting some aspect of prison-
related human rights.

What are the Primary and Secondary Messages of the Project?

The Primary and Secondary Messages of the Project are respectively (1) Human Rights exist, they
are inalienable and universal to the extent that they relate – without discrimination, to prisoners
and other marginalized peoples as well (overt) and (2) African Prisons Project sponsors a Law
Programme amongst inmates which has achieved successes such as attendance at the African
Human Rights Moot Competition 2019 and various graduations and that this programme deserves
financial and other support (subliminal).

What are the Style & Content Guidelines for this Project?
The Style & Content Guidelines for this project are that whatever material used or content
produced must be within APP’s financial reach (even with sponsorship), must not offend good
taste, the law or the prison rules in place. No reference should be made to either specific aspects of
African Prisons Project (APP)
P.O. Box 50046, Luzira
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 751 384205

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison
communities in Africa.

life within prison or aspects of each individual inmates’ legal case or conviction although aspects of
trial touching on Human Rights might be considered. Political Rights are expressly excluded.

When will the Project be delivered, published, or go ‘live’, including draft deadlines,
iteration timelines, etc.?
To Be Discussed.

Which African Prisons Project Staff members will work on the Project? Who are the
final Decision-Makers?
Emmanuel James Oteng (APP Uganda, Comms) will work on the project assisted by Seera Loreen (Intern),
Olivia Byass-Smithies (Intern), Annabel Smid (Intern) and Eva Noerfelt (Intern)

Dr. Florence Banoba (APP Country Director) will have final say on the project.


Human Rights can be expressed in various artistic media from poetry, prose, song,
visual art, sculpture or performance, etc.?
Attached to this paper as an Appendix, there will be examples of how Human Rights can be expressed in the
various media indicated above. This provides a spark from which ideas can be gained.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.


Guernica, 1937, Pablo Picasso

(Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia/Succession Pablo Picasso. VEGAP. 2017)

No artwork has become as important a symbol of anti-war movements as this heartbreaking painting by Pablo Picasso. The work depicts the overnight
bombing of the Spanish city of Guernica in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War. Picasso had been commissioned by the Spanish Republican government
to create an artwork, and was so disgusted by the atrocity that he chose it as his subject. The painting was made into a full size replica tapestry which
hangs in the United Nations headquarters in New York.

The Problem We All Live With, 1964, Norman Rockwell

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

(Norman Rockwell Museum)

Illustrator Norman Rockwell made his career depicting the normalities of American mid-century life - both the good and the bad. Painted in 1964, the
work shows a young black girl named Ruby Bridges walking down the road, on her way to attend an all-white school. She is flanked by security due to
the racial hatred this incited - she walks past racial slurs written on the walls. It became an iconic image of the Civil Rights Movement, and Barack
Obama had it put on display when he invited Bridges to meet him at The White House in 2011.

My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love, 1990, Dmitri Vrubel

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

(Getty Images)

In 1979, a famous photo of Soviet Union leader Leonid Brezhnev and German Democratic Republic leader Erich Honecker was taken. The two were depicted in a socialist fraternal
kiss - a kiss which is made on the mouth if two leaders consider themselves particularly close. Artist Dmitri Vrubel chose to paint this image onto the Berlin Wall, accompanied by the
controversial epithet. As the most famous part of the East Side Gallery, where murals are displayed on the remaining parts of the Berlin Wall, the painting is a symbol of how art can be
an expression of people power - a power that can change the direction of politics.

Redemption Song
Bob Marley
Old pirates, yes, they rob I But my hand was made strong
Sold I to the merchant ships By the hand of the Almighty
Minutes after they took I We forward in this generation
From the bottomless pit Triumphantly
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

Won't you help to sing Some say it's just a part of it

These songs of freedom? We've got to fulfill the Book
'Cause all I ever have Won't you help to sing
Redemption songs These songs of freedom?
Redemption songs 'Cause all I ever have
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery Redemption songs
None but ourselves can free our minds Redemption songs
Have no fear for atomic energy Redemption songs
'Cause none of them can stop the time Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
How long shall they kill our prophets None but…
While we stand aside and look? Ooh
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

Excerpt from ‘The Trial’ by Franz Kafka

‘Strange Fruit’ Picture & Lyrics

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

Strange Fruit
Billie Holiday
Southern trees bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees
Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh
Here is…

Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

Budget for Material Requirements for Competition

Visual Art/Sketching/Etching/Drawing/Painting
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

No. Item Desc. Unit Price Qty Total Comment

Graphite Pencils
1. 2B - General
2. 6B – Creating Dark
3. 4H – Lighter
4. White Eraser
5. Sketch Pad (9 in x 12
in/22.8 cm x 30.4
6. Painting Pad –
Acrylic ((9 in x 12
in/22.8 cm x 30.4
7. Painting Pad –
Canvas ((9 in x 12
in/22.8 cm x 30.4
8. New Wave grey - Oil
9. Stay Wet Palette -
10. Acrylic – Filbert Size
6 for general
painting &
11. Acrylic – 1 in Flat
Wash Brush for
most painting
12. Acrylic- Small liner
brush for finer detail
13. Watercolour – ¾ in
Flat Brush
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

14. Watercolour – Size

8, 10 or 14 Round
brush for General
15. Watercolour – Size 6
liner brush for
smaller detail
16. Paint – Acrylic –
Phthalo Blue
17. Paint – Oil – Phthalo
18. Paint – Acrylic –
Phthalo Green
19. Paint – Oil – Phthalo
20. Paint – Acrylic –
Gamboge Yellow
21. Paint – Oil –
Gamboge Yellow
22. Paint – Acrylic –
Cadium Red
23. Paint – Oil – Cadium
24. Paint – Acrylic –
Alizarin Crimson
25. Paint – Oil – Alizarin
Paint – Acrylic –
Burnt Umber
Paint – Oil – Burnt
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

Written Word/Poetry/Prose/Songwriting/Spoken Word/Play

No. Item Desc. Unit Price Qty Total Comment
1. 5” x 8” 70 Sheet
2. Blue Biro Pen
3. Music Sheets – 9 x
12” (folio size, used
for parts & some
4. Music Sheets – 11 x
17” (used for scores)
5. Music Sheets – 11 x
14” (used for scores)
6. Music Sheets – 8.5 x
11” (used for choral
7. Lyric Sheets in
Verse, Pre-Chorus,
etc., Bridge, Chorus
+ Tag)
8. Playtemplate
Format 1st Page
9. Playtemplate
Format 2nd Page
Working to bring dignity, hope and justice to men, women and children living and working in prison communities in Africa.

Performed Art/Dance/Mime/Other Performance Art

No. Item Desc. Unit Price Qty Total Comment
1. MP3 Player
2. Royalty Free Music

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