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Learning Center
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Application Form
A. Position' Applied

I \/ I Full Time I Part Time

Tutor Data Entry

Tutor trainer Receptionist
Marketing V- Bt ~l_ Vi L: I ~l 'V"" '~1 \'

B. Personal Information

Name , I (~\
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NRIC No g".':>t,) ,-, ,.'J

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~ r. ~ C (., :( Nationality it t (~ I' r, 1: i~
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Date of Birth )-r ' c,: ~

)­ Gender j
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Race t~t ~ .' 'II 1\ ~/ Religion (,I< ~ ~, f:

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Marital Status )il kjl-i

Age JS
Address ." i
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Contact Home Mobile t-' -, '" ­
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information E-mail ;~((l

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EPF No Income
GI {; 1,«
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Name r} '-,:\.1.1.
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()"'1 h-. ( v r' , ;,.( Ir' .,t'I
Home I Mobile I(~{ (; ,{
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C. Employment Record


Job Title: From: To:

Reason for leaving/

D. Education, Training Course and Development

Name of school/college/ Quali'f1cation/ Date

Subject studied
university/training body Level gained


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E. Skill

- This section is for you to give specific information in support of your application.
- For Part time, please list down the time you are able to work.

Expected Salary RM
Expected Salary After
Probation Period

F. Declaration and Signature

The information supplied in this application form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

........ :~!.r.?..!~·( c

Signature Date

Thank you for completing the form. Please return your completed form together with your photo
copy of NRIC, higher certificate and resume
G. For Office Use Only
» Comments by interviewer

Person in charge ~/iJ t -~

Ve'h \) .­
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Contact Number
t (I/ Ii 2 .~
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Comment / Remark: 1ft)! (­ (A;~I,J'K' l'i.
• I • )1/ i 2_1)(:;

@Recommend for employment

D Hold for further consideration / interview

>- Human Resource Unit

Person in charge
Contact Number
Comment / Remark:

o Hold for further consideration / interview
o Reject

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