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BioWin user and configuration data

Project details

Project name: Vinto Project ref.: UASB-TF-Sedimentador

Plant name: PTAR Vinto User name: none

Created: 31-01-2005 Saved: 09-10-2021

SRT: **** days

Temperature: 18,0°C




Percolador Tasa Media

Afluente PEAS UASB


Configuration information for all Anaerobic

Digester units

File C:\Users\Blues\Documents\Vinto\Vinto - UASB - 1-TF - Sedimentador (127 l-s).bwc 1

Physical data

Element name Volume [m3] Area [m2] Depth [m] Head space volume

UASB 9000,0000 1800,0000 5,000 1,0

Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Pressure [kPa] pH

UASB 103,0 -

Configuration information for all Effluent units

Configuration information for all Ideal clarifier


Physical data

Element name Volume[m3] Area[m2] Depth[m]

Ideal clarifier20 2,074E+5 1,383E+5 1,500

Ideal clarifier28 2,000E+4 5000,0000 4,000

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Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Split method Average Split specification

Ideal clarifier20 Fraction 0,08

Ideal clarifier28 Ratio 0,00

Element name Average Temperature Reactive Percent removal Blanket fraction

Ideal clarifier20 Uses global setting No 80,00 0,05

Ideal clarifier28 Uses global setting No 90,00 0,05

Configuration information for all COD Influent


Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Afluente

Flow 11035,2085248

Total COD mgCOD/L 781,27

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mgN/L 58,06

Total P mgP/L 15,48

Nitrate N mgN/L 0

pH 7,30

Alkalinity mmol/L 6,00

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ISS Influent mgISS/L 37,00

Calcium mg/L 80,00

Magnesium mg/L 15,00

Dissolved O2 mg/L 0

Element name Afluente

Fbs - Readily biodegradable (including Acetate) [gCOD/g of total COD] 0,1670

Fac - Acetate [gCOD/g of readily biodegradable COD] 0,1460

Fxsp - Non-colloidal slowly biodegradable [gCOD/g of slowly degradable COD] 0,7300

Fus - Unbiodegradable soluble [gCOD/g of total COD] 0,0480

Fup - Unbiodegradable particulate [gCOD/g of total COD] 0,1300

Fna - Ammonia [gNH3-N/gTKN] 0,6000

Fnox - Particulate organic nitrogen [gN/g Organic N] 0,5000

Fnus - Soluble unbiodegradable TKN [gN/gTKN] 0,0200

FupN - N:COD ratio for unbiodegradable part. COD [gN/gCOD] 0,0350

Fpo4 - Phosphate [gPO4-P/gTP] 0,5070

FupP - P:COD ratio for unbiodegradable part. COD [gP/gCOD] 0,0110

FZbh - OHO COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 0,0200

FZbm - Methylotroph COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZaob - AOB COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZnob - NOB COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZaao - AAO COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZbp - PAO COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZbpa - Propionic acetogens COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZbam - Acetoclastic methanogens COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

FZbhm - H2-utilizing methanogens COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 1,000E-4

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FZe - Endogenous products COD fraction [gCOD/g of total COD] 0

Configuration information for all Sidestream Mixer


Physical data

Element name Volume[m3] Area[m2] Depth[m]

Sidestream Mixer31 0 N/A N/A

Configuration information for all General Mixer


Physical data

Element name Volume[m3] Area[m2] Depth[m]

General Mixer32 0 N/A N/A

General Mixer7 0 N/A N/A

Configuration information for all Pump units

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Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Value/Average

Recirculacion Constant power 40

PEAS Constant power 20

Configuration information for all Dewatering unit


Physical data

Element name No Volume

Dewatering unit19 0

Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Split method Average Split specification

Dewatering unit19 Flow paced 0,11 %

Element name Percent removal

Dewatering unit19 90,00

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Configuration information for all Point clarifier

Physical data

Element name No Volume

Point clarifier2 0

Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Split method Average Split specification

Point clarifier2 Flow paced 200,00 %

Element name Percent removal

Point clarifier2 99,85

Configuration information for all Sludge units

Configuration information for all Splitter units

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Physical data

Element name Volume[m3] Area[m2] Depth[m]

Splitter11 0 N/A N/A

Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Split method Average Split specification

Splitter11 Flowrate [Side] 10000

Configuration information for all Stream (SV)

Influent units

Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Soda

Ordinary heterotrophic organisms (OHO) mgCOD/L 0

Methylotrophs mgCOD/L 0

Ammonia oxidizing biomass (AOB) mgCOD/L 0

Nitrite oxidizing biomass (NOB) mgCOD/L 0

Anaerobic ammonia oxidizers (AAO) mgCOD/L 0

Polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) mgCOD/L 0

Propionic acetogens mgCOD/L 0

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Methanogens - acetoclastic mgCOD/L 0

Methanogens - hydrogenotrophic mgCOD/L 0

Endogenous products mgCOD/L 0

Slowly bio. COD (part.) mgCOD/L 0

Slowly bio. COD (colloid.) mgCOD/L 0

Part. inert. COD mgCOD/L 0

Part. bio. org. N mgN/L 0

Part. bio. org. P mgP/L 0

Part. inert N mgN/L 0

Part. inert P mgP/L 0

Stored PHA mgCOD/L 0

Releasable stored polyP mgP/L 0

Fixed stored polyP mgP/L 0

Readily bio. COD (complex) mgCOD/L 0

Acetate mgCOD/L 0

Propionate mgCOD/L 0

Methanol mgCOD/L 0

Dissolved H2 mgCOD/L 0

Dissolved CH4 mg/L 0

Ammonia N mgN/L 0

Sol. bio. org. N mgN/L 0

Nitrous Oxide N mgN/L 0

Nitrite N mgN/L 0

Nitrate N mgN/L 0

Dissolved N2 mgN/L 0

PO4-P (Sol. & Me Complexed) mgP/L 0

Sol. inert COD mgCOD/L 0

Sol. inert TKN mgN/L 0

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ISS Influent mgISS/L 0

Struvite mgISS/L 0

Hydroxy-dicalcium-phosphate mgISS/L 0

Hydroxy-apatite mgISS/L 0

Magnesium mg/L 0

Calcium mg/L 0

Metal mg/L 0

Other Cations (strong bases) meq/L 1000,00

Other Anions (strong acids) meq/L 0

Total CO2 mmol/L 0

User defined 1 mg/L 0

User defined 2 mg/L 0

User defined 3 mgVSS/L 0

User defined 4 mgISS/L 0

Dissolved O2 mg/L 0

Flow 1E-5

Configuration information for all Trickling filter


Physical data

Element name Volume [m3] Area [m2] Depth [m] Media area [m2]

Percolador Tasa Media 1,006E+4 1257,0000 8,000 9,855E+5

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Element name Specific area [m2/m3] Specific volume [m3/m3]

Percolador Tasa Media 98 0,05

Operating data Average (flow/time weighted as required)

Element name Average DO Setpoint [mg/L]

Percolador Tasa Media 6,0

BioWin Album

Album page - Biogas

Biogas Production
5.000 UASB Off gas flow rate (dry)

F lo w (m 3 /d )








43.470 43.475 43.480 43.485 43.490 43.495

T ime (days)

Album page - Biogas

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Biogas Composition
100 UASB Off gas Methane
90 UASB Off gas Carbon dioxide

C o n te n t (% ) 70







43.470 43.475 43.480 43.485 43.490 43.495

T ime (days)

Album page - UASB pH

Caustic Flow


F lo w (m 3 /d )






0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,025 0,03 0,035 0,04 0,045 0,05 0,055 0,06 0,065 0,07 0,075 0,08 0,085 0,09

T ime (days)

Album page - UASB pH






43.470 43.475 43.480 43.485 43.490 43.495

T ime (days)

Album page - Afluente UASB

F L O W (m 3 /d )



01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Afluente Flow

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Album page - Afluente UASB
C O N C (m g /L )




01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Afluente Total COD Afluente Total suspended solids

Album page - Afluente UASB

C O N C (m g P /L )



01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Afluente Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Afluente Total P

Album page - Efluente UASB

C O N C (m g /L )

Efluente UASB


01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19


Album page - Efluente UASB

C O N C (m g N /L )

Efluente UASB

01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Efluente UASB TKN UASB Efluente TP Efluente UASB Amonio

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Album page - Efluente UASB

Album page - Efluente Trickling

Album page - Efluente Trickling

C O N C (m g /L )

Trickling Filter
01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Percolador Tasa Media Total COD Percolador Tasa Media Total suspended solids
Percolador Tasa Media Total Carbonaceous BOD

Album page - Efluente Trickling

C O N C (m g P /L )

Trickling Filter
01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Percolador Tasa Media Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Percolador Tasa Media Total P

Album page - Efluente

F L O W (m 3 /d )

Flujo Afluente


01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

Afluente Flow

Album page - Efluente

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C O N C (m g /L )


01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19


Album page - Efluente

C O N C (m g N /L )

01-02-19 01-05-19 01-08-19 01-11-19 01-14-19 01-17-19 01-20-19 01-23-19 01-26-19 01-29-19

NTK PT Amonio

Global Parameters


Name Default Value

Hydrolysis rate [1/d] 2,1000 2,1000 1,0290

Hydrolysis half sat. [-] 0,0600 0,0600 1,0000

Anoxic hydrolysis factor [-] 0,2800 0,2800 1,0000

Anaerobic hydrolysis factor (AS) [-] 0,0400 0,0400 1,0000

Anaerobic hydrolysis factor (AD) [-] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Adsorption rate of colloids [L/(mgCOD d)] 0,1500 0,1500 1,0290

Ammonification rate [L/(mgCOD d)] 0,0800 0,0800 1,0290

Assimilative nitrate/nitrite reduction rate [1/d] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Endogenous products decay rate [1/d] 0 0 1,0000

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Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0,9000 0,7500 1,0720

Substrate (NH4) half sat. [mgN/L] 0,7000 0,7000 1,0000

Byproduct NH4 logistic slope [-] 50,0000 50,0000 1,0000

Byproduct NH4 inflection point [mgN/L] 1,4000 1,4000 1,0000

AOB denite DO half sat. [mg/L] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

AOB denite HNO2 half sat. [mgN/L] 5,000E-6 5,000E-6 1,0000

Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,1700 0,1700 1,0290

Anoxic/anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0800 0,0800 1,0290

KiHNO2 [mmol/L] 0,0050 0,0050 1,0000


Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0,7000 0,7000 1,0600

Substrate (NO2) half sat. [mgN/L] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,1700 0,1700 1,0290

Anoxic/anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0800 0,0800 1,0290

KiNH3 [mmol/L] 0,0750 0,0750 1,0000


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Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0,2000 0,2000 1,1000

Substrate (NH4) half sat. [mgN/L] 2,0000 2,0000 1,0000

Substrate (NO2) half sat. [mgN/L] 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0190 0,0190 1,0290

Anoxic/anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0095 0,0095 1,0290

Ki Nitrite [mgN/L] 1000,0000 1000,0000 1,0000

Nitrite sensitivity constant [L / (d mgN) ] 0,0160 0,0160 1,0000


Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 3,2000 3,2000 1,0290

Substrate half sat. [mgCOD/L] 5,0000 5,0000 1,0000

Anoxic growth factor [-] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Denite N2 producers (NO3 or NO2) [-] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,6200 0,6200 1,0290

Anoxic decay rate [1/d] 0,2330 0,2330 1,0290

Anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,1310 0,1310 1,0290

Fermentation rate [1/d] 1,6000 1,6000 1,0290

Fermentation half sat. [mgCOD/L] 5,0000 5,0000 1,0000

Fermentation growth factor (AS) [-] 0,2500 0,2500 1,0000

Free nitrous acid inhibition [mol/L] 1,000E-7 1,000E-7 1,0000


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Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 1,3000 1,3000 1,0720

Methanol half sat. [mgCOD/L] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Denite N2 producers (NO3 or NO2) [-] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0400 0,0400 1,0290

Anoxic/anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0300 0,0300 1,0290

Free nitrous acid inhibition [mmol/L] 1,000E-7 1,000E-7 1,0000


Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0,9500 0,9500 1,0000

Max. spec. growth rate, P-limited [1/d] 0,4200 0,4200 1,0000

Substrate half sat. [mgCOD(PHB)/mgCOD(Zbp)] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

Substrate half sat., P-limited [mgCOD(PHB)/mgCOD(Zbp)] 0,0500 0,0500 1,0000

Magnesium half sat. [mgMg/L] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

Cation half sat. [mmol/L] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

Calcium half sat. [mgCa/L] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

Aerobic/anoxic decay rate [1/d] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

Aerobic/anoxic maintenance rate [1/d] 0 0 1,0000

Anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0400 0,0400 1,0000

Anaerobic maintenance rate [1/d] 0 0 1,0000

Sequestration rate [1/d] 4,5000 4,5000 1,0000

Anoxic growth factor [-] 0,3300 0,3300 1,0000

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Name Default Value

Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0,2500 0,2500 1,0290

Substrate half sat. [mgCOD/L] 10,0000 10,0000 1,0000

Acetate inhibition [mgCOD/L] 10000,0000 10000,0000 1,0000

Anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,0500 0,0500 1,0290

Aerobic/anoxic decay rate [1/d] 0,5200 0,5200 1,0290


Name Default Value

Acetoclastic max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0,3000 0,3000 1,0290

H2-utilizing max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 1,4000 1,4000 1,0290

Acetoclastic substrate half sat. [mgCOD/L] 100,0000 100,0000 1,0000

Acetoclastic methanol half sat. [mgCOD/L] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

H2-utilizing CO2 half sat. [mmol/L] 0,1000 0,1000 1,0000

H2-utilizing substrate half sat. [mgCOD/L] 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

H2-utilizing methanol half sat. [mgCOD/L] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Acetoclastic propionic inhibition [mgCOD/L] 10000,0000 10000,0000 1,0000

Acetoclastic anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,1300 0,1300 1,0290

Acetoclastic aerobic/anoxic decay rate [1/d] 0,6000 0,6000 1,0290

H2-utilizing anaerobic decay rate [1/d] 0,1300 0,1300 1,0290

H2-utilizing aerobic/anoxic decay rate [1/d] 2,8000 2,8000 1,0290

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Name Default Value

OHO low pH limit [-] 4,0000 4,0000

OHO high pH limit [-] 10,0000 10,0000

Methylotrophs low pH limit [-] 4,0000 4,0000

Methylotrophs high pH limit [-] 10,0000 10,0000

Autotrophs low pH limit [-] 5,5000 5,5000

Autotrophs high pH limit [-] 9,5000 9,5000

PAO low pH limit [-] 4,0000 4,0000

PAO high pH limit [-] 10,0000 10,0000

OHO low pH limit (anaerobic) [-] 5,5000 5,5000

OHO high pH limit (anaerobic) [-] 8,5000 8,5000

Propionic acetogens low pH limit [-] 4,0000 4,0000

Propionic acetogens high pH limit [-] 10,0000 10,0000

Acetoclastic methanogens low pH limit [-] 5,0000 5,0000

Acetoclastic methanogens high pH limit [-] 9,0000 9,0000

H2-utilizing methanogens low pH limit [-] 5,0000 5,0000

H2-utilizing methanogens high pH limit [-] 9,0000 9,0000


Name Default Value

OHO DO half sat. [mgO2/L] 0,1500 0,1500

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PAO DO half sat. [mgO2/L] 0,0500 0,0500

Anoxic/anaerobic NOx half sat. [mgN/L] 0,1500 0,1500

AOB DO half sat. [mgO2/L] 0,2500 0,2500

NOB DO half sat. [mgO2/L] 0,5000 0,5000

AAO DO half sat. [mgO2/L] 0,0100 0,0100

Anoxic NO3(->NO2) half sat. [mgN/L] 0,1000 0,1000

Anoxic NO3(->N2) half sat. [mgN/L] 0,0500 0,0500

Anoxic NO2(->N2) half sat. (mgN/L) 0,0100 0,0100

NH3 nutrient half sat. [mgN/L] 0,0050 0,0050

PolyP half sat. [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0100 0,0100

VFA sequestration half sat. [mgCOD/L] 5,0000 5,0000

P uptake half sat. [mgP/L] 0,1500 0,1500

P nutrient half sat. [mgP/L] 0,0010 0,0010

Autotroph CO2 half sat. [mmol/L] 0,1000 0,1000

H2 low/high half sat. [mgCOD/L] 1,0000 1,0000

Propionic acetogens H2 inhibition [mgCOD/L] 5,0000 5,0000

Synthesis anion/cation half sat. [meq/L] 0,0100 0,0100


Name Default Value

Biomass volatile fraction (VSS/TSS) 0,9200 0,9200

Endogenous residue volatile fraction (VSS/TSS) 0,9200 0,9200

N in endogenous residue [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in endogenous residue [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Endogenous residue COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200

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Particulate substrate COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,6000 1,0600

Particulate inert COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,6000 1,0600

Molecular weight of other anions [mg/mmol] 35,5000 35,5000

Molecular weight of other cations [mg/mmol] 39,1000 39,1000


Name Default Value

Yield [mgCOD/mgN] 0,1500 0,1500

AOB denite NO2 fraction as TEA [-] 0,5000 0,5000

Byproduct NH4 fraction to N2O [-] 0,0025 0,0025

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Fraction to endogenous residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200


Name Default Value

Yield [mgCOD/mgN] 0,0900 0,0900

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Fraction to endogenous residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200

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Name Default Value

Yield [mgCOD/mgN] 0,1140 0,1140

Nitrate production [mgN/mgBiomassCOD] 2,2800 2,2800

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Fraction to endogenous residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200


Name Default Value

Yield (aerobic) [-] 0,6660 0,6660

Yield (fermentation, low H2) [-] 0,1000 0,1000

Yield (fermentation, high H2) [-] 0,1000 0,1000

H2 yield (fermentation low H2) [-] 0,3500 0,3500

H2 yield (fermentation high H2) [-] 0 0

Propionate yield (fermentation, low H2) [-] 0 0

Propionate yield (fermentation, high H2) [-] 0,7000 0,7000

CO2 yield (fermentation, low H2) [-] 0,7000 0,7000

CO2 yield (fermentation, high H2) [-] 0 0

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

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Endogenous fraction - aerobic [-] 0,0800 0,0800

Endogenous fraction - anoxic [-] 0,1030 0,1030

Endogenous fraction - anaerobic [-] 0,1840 0,1840

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200

Yield (anoxic) [-] 0,5400 0,5400

Yield propionic (aerobic) [-] 0,6400 0,6400

Yield propionic (anoxic) [-] 0,4600 0,4600

Yield acetic (aerobic) [-] 0,6000 0,6000

Yield acetic (anoxic) [-] 0,4300 0,4300

Yield methanol (aerobic) [-] 0,5000 0,5000

Adsorp. max. [-] 1,0000 1,0000

Max fraction to N2O at high FNA over nitrate [-] 0,0500 0,0500

Max fraction to N2O at high FNA over nitrite [-] 0,1000 0,1000


Name Default Value

Yield (anoxic) [-] 0,4000 0,4000

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Fraction to endogenous residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200

Max fraction to N2O at high FNA over nitrate [-] 0,1000 0,1000

Max fraction to N2O at high FNA over nitrite [-] 0,1500 0,1500

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Name Default Value

Yield (aerobic) [-] 0,6390 0,6390

Yield (anoxic) [-] 0,5200 0,5200

Aerobic P/PHA uptake [mgP/mgCOD] 0,9300 0,9300

Anoxic P/PHA uptake [mgP/mgCOD] 0,3500 0,3500

Yield of PHA on sequestration [-] 0,8890 0,8890

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

N in sol. inert [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Fraction to endogenous part. [-] 0,2500 0,2500

Inert fraction of endogenous sol. [-] 0,2000 0,2000

P/Ac release ratio [mgP/mgCOD] 0,5100 0,5100

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200

Yield of low PP [-] 0,9400 0,9400

Mg to P mole ratio in polyphosphate [mmolMg/mmolP] 0,3000 0,3000

Cation to P mole ratio in polyphosphate [meq/mmolP] 0,1500 0,1500

Ca to P mole ratio in polyphosphate [mmolCa/mmolP] 0,0500 0,0500

Cation to P mole ratio in organic phosphate [meq/mmolP] 0,0100 0,0100


Name Default Value

Yield [-] 0,1000 0,1000

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H2 yield [-] 0,4000 0,4000

CO2 yield [-] 1,0000 1,0000

N in biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Fraction to endogenous residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200


Name Default Value

Acetoclastic yield [-] 0,1000 0,1000

Methanol acetoclastic yield [-] 0,1000 0,1000

H2-utilizing yield [-] 0,1000 0,1000

Methanol H2-utilizing yield [-] 0,1000 0,1000

N in acetoclastic biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

N in H2-utilizing biomass [mgN/mgCOD] 0,0700 0,0700

P in acetoclastic biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

P in H2-utilizing biomass [mgP/mgCOD] 0,0220 0,0220

Acetoclastic fraction to endog. residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

H2-utilizing fraction to endog. residue [-] 0,0800 0,0800

Acetoclastic COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200

H2-utilizing COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1,4200 1,4200


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Name Default Value

Tank head loss per metre of length (from flow) [m/m] 0,0025 0,0025

Heating fuel/Chemical Costs

Name Default Value

Methanol [$/L] 272,1643 272,1643

Ferric [$/L] 61,8555 61,8555

Aluminium [$/L] 49,4844 49,4844

Natural gas [$/GJ] 1855,6656 1855,6656

Heating oil [$/L] 309,2776 309,2776

Diesel [$/L] 432,9886 432,9886

Custom fuel [$/L] 618,5552 618,5552

Biogas sale price [$/GJ] 1237,1104 1237,1104

Anaerobic digester

Name Default Value

Bubble rise velocity (anaerobic digester) [cm/s] 23,9000 23,9000

Bubble Sauter mean diameter (anaerobic digester) [cm] 0,3500 0,3500

Anaerobic digester gas hold-up factor [] 1,0000 1,0000

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) engine

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Name Default Value

Methane heat of combustion [kJ/mole] 800,0000 800,0000

Hydrogen heat of combustion [kJ/mole] 240,0000 240,0000

CHP engine heat price [$/kWh] 0 0

CHP engine power price [$/kWh] 92,7833 92,7833

Calorific values of heating fuels

Name Default Value

Calorific value of natural gas [kJ/kg] 48000 48000

Calorific value of heating fuel oil [kJ/kg] 42000 42000

Calorific value of diesel [kJ/kg] 46000 46000

Calorific value of custom fuel [kJ/kg] 32000 32000

Density of liquid heating fuels

Name Default Value

Density of heating fuel oil [kg/m3] 900 900

Density of diesel [kg/m3] 875 875

Density of custom fuel [kg/m3] 790 790

Mass transfer

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Name Default Value

Kl for H2 [m/d] 17,0000 17,0000 1,0240

Kl for CO2 [m/d] 10,0000 10,0000 1,0240

Kl for NH3 [m/d] 1,0000 1,0000 1,0240

Kl for CH4 [m/d] 8,0000 8,0000 1,0240

Kl for N2 [m/d] 15,0000 15,0000 1,0240

Kl for N2O [m/d] 8,0000 8,0000 1,0240

Kl for O2 [m/d] 13,0000 13,0000 1,0240

Henry's law constants

Name Default Value

CO2 [M/atm] 3,4000E-2 3,4000E-2 2400,0000

O2 [M/atm] 1,3000E-3 1,3000E-3 1500,0000

N2 [M/atm] 6,5000E-4 6,5000E-4 1300,0000

N2O [M/atm] 2,5000E-2 2,5000E-2 2600,0000

NH3 [M/atm] 5,8000E+1 5,8000E+1 4100,0000

CH4 [M/atm] 1,4000E-3 1,4000E-3 1600,0000

H2 [M/atm] 7,8000E-4 7,8000E-4 500,0000

Properties constants

Name Default Value

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K in Viscosity = K e ^(Ea/RT) [Pa s] 6,849E-7 6,849E-7

Ea in Viscosity = K e ^(Ea/RT) [j/mol] 1,780E+4 1,780E+4

Y in ML Viscosity = H2O viscosity * (1+A*MLSS^Y) [-] 1,0000 1,0000

A in ML Viscosity = H2O viscosity * (1+A*MLSS^Y) [m3/g] 1,000E-7 1,000E-7

A in ML Density = H2O density + A*MLSS [(kg/m3)/(g/m3)] 3,248E-4 3,248E-4

A in Antoine equn. [T in K, P in Bar {NIST}] 5,2039 5,2039

B in Antoine equn. [T in K, P in Bar {NIST}] 1733,9260 1733,9260

C in Antoine equn. [T in K, P in Bar {NIST}] -39,5 -39,5

Chemical precipitation rates

Name Default Value

Struvite precipitation rate [1/d] 3,000E+10 3,000E+10 1,0240

Struvite redissolution rate [1/d] 3,000E+11 3,000E+11 1,0240

Struvite half sat. [mgTSS/L] 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

HDP precipitation rate [L/(molP d)] 1,000E+8 1,000E+8 1,0000

HDP redissolution rate [L/(mol P d)] 1,000E+8 1,000E+8 1,0000

HAP precipitation rate [molHDP/(L d)] 5,000E-4 5,000E-4 1,0000

Chemical precipitation constants

Name Default Value

Struvite solubility constant [mol/L] 6,918E-14 6,918E-14

HDP solubility product [mol/L] 2,750E-22 2,750E-22

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HDP half sat. [mgTSS/L] 1,0000 1,0000

Equilibrium soluble PO4 with Al dosing at pH 7 [mgP/L] 0,0100 0,0100

Al to P ratio [molAl/molP] 0,8000 0,8000

Al(OH)3 solubility product [mol/L] 1,259E+9 1,259E+9

AlHPO4+ dissociation constant [mol/L] 7,943E-13 7,943E-13

Equilibrium soluble PO4 with Fe dosing at pH 7 [mgP/L] 0,0100 0,0100

Fe to P ratio [molFe/molP] 1,6000 1,6000

Fe(OH)3 solubility product [mol/L] 0,0500 0,0500

FeH2PO4++ dissociation constant [mol/L] 5,012E-22 5,012E-22

Pipe and pump parameters

Name Default Value

Static head [m] 0,2500 0,2500

Pipe length (headloss calc.s) [m] 50,0000 50,0000

Pipe inside diameter [mm] 500,000 500,000

K(fittings) - Total minor losses K 5,0000 5,0000

Pipe roughness [mm] 0,200 0,200

'A' in overall pump efficiency = A + B*Q + C*(Q^2)[ - ] 0,8500 0,8500

'B' in overall pump efficiency = A + B*Q + C*(Q^2)[ [ - ]/(m3/d) ] 0 0

'C' in overall pump efficiency = A + B*Q + C*(Q^2)[ [ - ]/(m3/d)^2 ] 0 0

Fittings and loss coefficients ('K' values)

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Name Default Value

Pipe entrance (bellmouth) 0,0500 1,0000

90° bend 0,7500 5,0000

45° bend 0,3000 2,0000

Butterfly value (open) 0,3000 1,0000

Non-return value 1,0000 0

Outlet (bellmouth) 0,2000 1,0000


Name Default Value

Surface pressure [kPa] 101,3250 101,3250

Fractional effective saturation depth (Fed) [-] 0,3250 0,3250

Supply gas CO2 content [vol. %] 0,0350 0,0350

Supply gas O2 [vol. %] 20,9500 20,9500

Off-gas CO2 [vol. %] 2,0000 2,0000

Off-gas O2 [vol. %] 18,8000 18,8000

Off-gas H2 [vol. %] 0 0

Off-gas NH3 [vol. %] 0 0

Off-gas CH4 [vol. %] 0 0

Off-gas N2O [vol. %] 0 0

Surface turbulence factor [-] 2,0000 2,0000

Set point controller gain [] 1,0000 1,0000


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Name Default Value

Intake filter pressure drop [kPa] 3,5000 3,5000

Pressure drop through distribution system (piping/valves) [kPa] 3,0000 3,0000

Adiabatic/polytropic compression exponent (1.4 for adiabatic) 1,4000 1,4000

'A' in blower efficiency = A + B*Qa + C*(Qa^2)[ - ] 0,7500 0,7500

'B' in blower efficiency = A + B*Qa + C*(Qa^2)[ [ - ]/(m3/hr (20C, 1 atm)) ] 0 0

'C' in blower efficiency = A + B*Qa + C*(Qa^2)[ [ - ]/(m3/hr (20C, 1 atm))^2 ] 0 0


Name Default Value

k1 in C = k1(PC)^0.25 + k2 1,2400 1,2400

k2 in C = k1(PC)^0.25 + k2 0,8960 0,8960

Y in Kla = C Usg ^ Y - Usg in [m3/(m2 d)] 0,8880 0,8880

Area of one diffuser [m2] 0,0410 0,0410

Diffuser mounting height [m] 0,2500 0,2500

Min. air flow rate per diffuser m3/hr (20C, 1 atm) 0,5000 0,5000

Max. air flow rate per diffuser m3/hr (20C, 1 atm) 10,0000 10,0000

'A' in diffuser pressure drop = A + B*(Qa/Diff) + C*(Qa/Diff)^2 [kPa] 3,0000 3,0000

'B' in diffuser pressure drop = A + B*(Qa/Diff) + C*(Qa/Diff)^2[kPa/(m3/hr (20C, 1 0 0

atm)) ]

'C' in diffuser pressure drop = A + B*(Qa/Diff) + C*(Qa/Diff)^2[kPa/(m3/hr (20C, 1 0 0


Surface aerators

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Name Default Value

Surface aerator Std. oxygen transfer rate [kg O /(kW hr)] 1,50000 1,50000

Maximum power per rotor [kW] 20,00000 20,00000

Modified Vesilind

Name Default Value

Maximum Vesilind settling velocity (Vo) [m/d] 170,000 170,000

Vesilind hindered zone settling parameter (K) [L/g] 0,370 0,370

Clarification switching function [mg/L] 100,000 100,000

Specified TSS conc.for height calc. [mg/L] 2500,000 2500,000

Maximum compactability constant [mg/L] 15000,000 15000,000

Double exponential

Name Default Value

Maximum Vesilind settling velocity (Vo) [m/d] 410,000 410,000

Maximum (practical) settling velocity (Vo') [m/d] 270,000 270,000

Hindered zone settling parameter (Kh) [L/g] 0,400 0,400

Flocculent zone settling parameter (Kf) [L/g] 2,500 2,500

Maximum non-settleable TSS [mg/L] 20,0000 20,0000

Non-settleable fraction [-] 0,0010 0,0010

Specified TSS conc. for height calc. [mg/L] 2500,0000 2500,0000

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Emission factors

Name Default Value

Carbon dioxide equivalence of nitrous oxide 296,0000 296,0000

Carbon dioxide equivalence of methane 23,0000 23,0000

Biofilm general

Name Default Value

Attachment rate [ g / (m2 d) ] 8,0000 80,0000 1,0000

Attachment TSS half sat. [mg/L] 100,0000 100,0000 1,0000

Detachment rate [g/(m3 d)] 8000,0000 8,000E+4 1,0000

Solids movement factor [] 10,0000 10,0000 1,0000

Diffusion neta [] 0,8000 0,8000 1,0000

Thin film limit [mm] 0,5000 0,5000 1,0000

Thick film limit [mm] 3,0000 3,0000 1,0000

Assumed Film thickness for tank volume correction (temp 0,7500 0,7500 1,0000
independent) [mm]

Film surface area to media area ratio - Max.[ ] 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Minimum biofilm conc. for streamer formation [gTSS/m2] 4,0000 4,0000 1,0000

Maximum biofilm concentrations [mg/L]

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Name Default Value

Ordinary heterotrophic organisms (OHO) 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Methylotrophs 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Ammonia oxidizing biomass (AOB) 1,000E+5 1,000E+5 1,0000

Nitrite oxidizing biomass (NOB) 1,000E+5 1,000E+5 1,0000

Anaerobic ammonia oxidizers (AAO) 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Propionic acetogens 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Methanogens - acetoclastic 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Methanogens - hydrogenotrophic 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Endogenous products 3,000E+4 3,000E+4 1,0000

Slowly bio. COD (part.) 5000,0000 5000,0000 1,0000

Slowly bio. COD (colloid.) 4000,0000 4000,0000 1,0000

Part. inert. COD 5000,0000 5000,0000 1,0000

Part. bio. org. N 0 0 1,0000

Part. bio. org. P 0 0 1,0000

Part. inert N 0 0 1,0000

Part. inert P 0 0 1,0000

Stored PHA 5000,0000 5000,0000 1,0000

Releasable stored polyP 1,150E+6 1,150E+6 1,0000

Fixed stored polyP 1,150E+6 1,150E+6 1,0000

Readily bio. COD (complex) 0 0 1,0000

Acetate 0 0 1,0000

Propionate 0 0 1,0000

Methanol 0 0 1,0000

Dissolved H2 0 0 1,0000

Dissolved CH4 0 0 1,0000

Ammonia N 0 0 1,0000

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Sol. bio. org. N 0 0 1,0000

Nitrous Oxide N 0 0 1,0000

Nitrite N 0 0 1,0000

Nitrate N 0 0 1,0000

Dissolved N2 0 0 1,0000

PO4-P (Sol. & Me Complexed) 1,000E+10 1,000E+10 1,0000

Sol. inert COD 0 0 1,0000

Sol. inert TKN 0 0 1,0000

ISS Influent 1,300E+6 1,300E+6 1,0000

Struvite 8,500E+5 8,500E+5 1,0000

Hydroxy-dicalcium-phosphate 1,150E+6 1,150E+6 1,0000

Hydroxy-apatite 1,600E+6 1,600E+6 1,0000

Magnesium 0 0 1,0000

Calcium 0 0 1,0000

Metal 1,000E+10 1,000E+10 1,0000

Other Cations (strong bases) 0 0 1,0000

Other Anions (strong acids) 0 0 1,0000

Total CO2 0 0 1,0000

User defined 1 0 0 1,0000

User defined 2 0 0 1,0000

User defined 3 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

User defined 4 5,000E+4 5,000E+4 1,0000

Dissolved O2 0 0 1,0000

Effective diffusivities [m2/s]

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Name Default Value

Ordinary heterotrophic organisms (OHO) 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Methylotrophs 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Ammonia oxidizing biomass (AOB) 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Nitrite oxidizing biomass (NOB) 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Anaerobic ammonia oxidizers (AAO) 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Propionic acetogens 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Methanogens - acetoclastic 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Methanogens - hydrogenotrophic 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Endogenous products 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Slowly bio. COD (part.) 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Slowly bio. COD (colloid.) 5,000E-10 5,000E-10 1,0290

Part. inert. COD 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Part. bio. org. N 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Part. bio. org. P 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Part. inert N 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Part. inert P 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Stored PHA 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Releasable stored polyP 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Fixed stored polyP 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Readily bio. COD (complex) 6,900E-10 6,900E-10 1,0290

Acetate 1,240E-9 1,240E-9 1,0290

Propionate 8,300E-10 8,300E-10 1,0290

Methanol 1,600E-9 1,600E-9 1,0290

Dissolved H2 5,850E-9 5,850E-9 1,0290

Dissolved CH4 1,963E-9 1,963E-9 1,0290

Ammonia N 2,000E-9 2,000E-9 1,0290

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Sol. bio. org. N 1,370E-9 1,370E-9 1,0290

Nitrous Oxide N 1,607E-9 1,607E-9 1,0290

Nitrite N 2,980E-9 2,980E-9 1,0290

Nitrate N 2,980E-9 2,980E-9 1,0290

Dissolved N2 1,900E-9 1,900E-9 1,0290

PO4-P (Sol. & Me Complexed) 2,000E-9 2,000E-9 1,0290

Sol. inert COD 6,900E-10 6,900E-10 1,0290

Sol. inert TKN 6,850E-10 6,850E-10 1,0290

ISS Influent 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Struvite 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Hydroxy-dicalcium-phosphate 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Hydroxy-apatite 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Magnesium 7,200E-10 7,200E-10 1,0290

Calcium 7,200E-10 7,200E-10 1,0290

Metal 4,800E-10 4,800E-10 1,0290

Other Cations (strong bases) 1,440E-9 1,440E-9 1,0290

Other Anions (strong acids) 1,440E-9 1,440E-9 1,0290

Total CO2 1,960E-9 1,960E-9 1,0290

User defined 1 6,900E-10 6,900E-10 1,0290

User defined 2 6,900E-10 6,900E-10 1,0290

User defined 3 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

User defined 4 5,000E-14 5,000E-14 1,0290

Dissolved O2 2,500E-9 2,500E-9 1,0290

EPS Strength coefficients [ ]

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Name Default Value

Ordinary heterotrophic organisms (OHO) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Methylotrophs 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Ammonia oxidizing biomass (AOB) 5,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Nitrite oxidizing biomass (NOB) 25,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Anaerobic ammonia oxidizers (AAO) 10,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Propionic acetogens 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Methanogens - acetoclastic 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Methanogens - hydrogenotrophic 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Endogenous products 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Slowly bio. COD (part.) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Slowly bio. COD (colloid.) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Part. inert. COD 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Part. bio. org. N 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Part. bio. org. P 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Part. inert N 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Part. inert P 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Stored PHA 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Releasable stored polyP 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Fixed stored polyP 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Readily bio. COD (complex) 0 0 1,0000

Acetate 0 0 1,0000

Propionate 0 0 1,0000

Methanol 0 0 1,0000

Dissolved H2 0 0 1,0000

Dissolved CH4 0 0 1,0000

Ammonia N 0 0 1,0000

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Sol. bio. org. N 0 0 1,0000

Nitrous Oxide N 0 0 1,0000

Nitrite N 0 0 1,0000

Nitrate N 0 0 1,0000

Dissolved N2 0 0 1,0000

PO4-P (Sol. & Me Complexed) 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Sol. inert COD 0 0 1,0000

Sol. inert TKN 0 0 1,0000

ISS Influent 0,3300 0,3300 1,0000

Struvite 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Hydroxy-dicalcium-phosphate 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Hydroxy-apatite 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Magnesium 0 0 1,0000

Calcium 0 0 1,0000

Metal 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Other Cations (strong bases) 0 0 1,0000

Other Anions (strong acids) 0 0 1,0000

Total CO2 0 0 1,0000

User defined 1 0 0 1,0000

User defined 2 0 0 1,0000

User defined 3 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

User defined 4 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000

Dissolved O2 0 0 1,0000

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