52 List Journaling Prompts

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List Journaling
That Spark Self-Discovery
& Inspired Ideas
Journaling is paying attention to the inside for the purpose of living well
from the inside out. ~ Lee Wise

List journaling offers a simple way to access deeper level thoughts, ideas, and insights
without writing tons of paragraphs. It’s a perfect technique for when you want to journal,
but don’t want to write pages of thoughts.

As a technique, list journaling requires little explanation. All you need to do is pick a
prompt, craft your answer in list form, and then write yourself empty!

The trick is to play with your target number [i.e. how many items you intend to add to your list].

The higher the number, the more you’ll have to dig to generate answers. This is where the
magic happens. Once you’ve written through the surface level, easy to access answers,
you’ll have to work a bit harder. As a result, you’ll make fresh connections, tap into new
depths of thinking, and ultimately reveal some genius onto the page.

So get excited!

You now have 52 thought-provoking list journaling prompts to dive into.

[That’s one a week for an entire year.]

The 52 prompts are divided across four categories:

 Idea generation  Know yourself better
 Expand your comfort zone  Life lessons

I’m excited to see where your list journaling takes you.

Now get to writing :)

Georgina El Morshdy
Host, Writing Your Best Self Podcast.

P.S. For more list journaling tips and ideas, check out this episode of Writing Your Best Self.

List Journaling Secrets For Self-

Awareness & Brilliant Ideas
Listen Now

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 B Y B E S T S E L F V E N T U R E S L LC . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D.

x creative ways you could build more momentum in your life.

x questions you need to ask yourself.

x solutions to a pressing problem you face currently.

x impactful ways to spend your free time.

x ways to unlock your imagination and inspiration.

x problems in your life that you’d like to solve.

x ideas for elevating your capacity to learn.

x topics you can’t stop thinking about.

x predictions you can make about your future from the trajectory of your life today.

x different ways to tell the story of yesterday/last week/last month/last year.

x bold ideas for creating more connections and building your network.

x deep questions you want to ask your parents/grandparents.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 B Y B E S T S E L F V E N T U R E S L LC . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D.

x ideas for infusing more [insert value] into your life. [e.g. adventure curiosity, joy etc.]

x boundaries you’d benefit from instilling into your life and why.

x things you’re still procrastinating over.

x bigger moves that you could take next.

x skills/qualities/attributes you admire in other people.

x white lies you tell yourself to keep you small.

x shifts you’d make in your life if you had a magic wand.

x things that would make it feel easy to take the leap.

x things you’d do in the next year if you knew you couldn’t fail.

x requests you’d make of others if you weren’t scared of getting a no.

x things you’ll regret if you don’t do them in your life.

x things you’d love to be, have, and do in your lifetime.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 B Y B E S T S E L F V E N T U R E S L LC . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D.

x things in your life that you can be grateful for.

x attributes you love and appreciate about yourself.

x skills you have that you’re under-utilizing currently.

x examples of the way that fear holds you back.

x things you know you should be doing but aren’t - and why.

x beliefs you have about life.

x things you’re most proud of.

x things that make you happy.

x ‘truths’ about yourself that you’re ready to uncover and own.

x sit-up-and-take-note reasons to believe in yourself and know you CAN do it.

x radically honest ways you’re wasting time, money, and energy in your life.

x ideas for taking better care of yourself.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 B Y B E S T S E L F V E N T U R E S L LC . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D.

x secrets of your success.

x lessons you learned from the last decade of your life.

x powerful childhood memories that shaped your life.

x lessons [good or bad] you learned from a parent or grandparent.

x challenging experiences that made you stronger.

x ways you demonstrated resilience in your life.

x characteristic or habits that you’ve inherited from your parents.

x things you have been able to forgive, release, and let go.

x times you proved to yourself that you categorically CAN do it.

x key decisions and moments that shaped your life.

x questions you’d love your 85-year-old self to answer.

x things you’d feel proud to say your life stood for.

C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 B Y B E S T S E L F V E N T U R E S L LC . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D.
Want More Journaling Tips?
If so, subscribe to the Writing Your Best Self podcast.


Listen to the podcast, and you’ll discover tried-and-tested journaling techniques that help you
unlock your inner wisdom so you can achieve your biggest goals and create your best life.

Recent Episodes Include:

Why A Journaling Practice Can

Spark Your Best Self

The Three Cs of Journaling

The Foolproof Way To Overcome

Writer’s Block In Your Journal

Five Easy Steps To Make Journaling

A Habit

When Is The Best Time To Journal?

Top Three Journaling Mistakes [And

With Georgina
How To Avoid Them]

New Episodes Each Week!

Visit writingyour.bestself.co

Writing Your Best Self Podcast is brought to you by BestSelf Co.

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C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 B Y B E S T S E L F V E N T U R E S L LC . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D.

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