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January 2020 Issue

The Central Point

Official Newsletter of UAP QC CENTRAL Chapter

UAP District A3 collaborates with Habitat for

A3 District Director Peji
Cipriano, Chapter Presi-
Inside this issue: dents Benj Sanvictores of
South Triangle Chapter
and Grace Quebral of QC
UAP District A3 collabo- 1
rates with Habitat for Hu- Central with Professional
manity Development Committee
Head Bruno Yonzon visit-
National Architecture Week 2 ed Habitat for Humanity
Celebration Philippines Incorporated
Chapter’s Monthly GMM 2 (HFHPI) to seek partner-
ship for a probable chap-
AFA Activities in UP, Na- 4,5 ter and district activity in
tional Museum and Mabini
celebration of World Ar-
Community Hospital
chitecture Day (WAD)
District A3 Activities 6 2019 with a theme Archi-
tecture Housing For
Commission on Young 4
Architects All…(cont. p7)

UAP-QC Central, AFA goes to Batangas!
QC Central actively 6 UAP QC Central Chap-
participates Nationwide ter initiated a courtesy
Architecture Week
visit to Municipal
Congress Courtesy Call 6 Mayor Noel “Bitriks”
Luistro of Mabini, Ba-
Volunteer Architects Net- 6
work Launch
tangas LGU together
with UAP Regional Dis-
trict A3 under the lead-
ership of DD Arch, Peji
Cipriano, Committee on
Special points of Legislation and Codes
interest: headed by Chair Arch.
 AFA featured in a book! Joey Francisco, QC
Central Chapter Presi-
 Area A Assembly on Feb dent Arch. Grace Que-
21-22, 2020 bral and Batangas Chap-
 QC Central and Habitat for ter headed by Chapter
Humanity Collaboration President Arch. Ric
 AFA Access Audit in Ba-
Quilao. A handbook on
tangas RA 9266 with PD 1096
was turned over to
Mayor Luistro who is a
civil engineer together
continue at page 5
The Central Point January 2020 Issue

Page 2
Nationwide Architecture Week
QC Central Chapter represented by
District Director Peji Cipriano and
Chapter President Grace Quebral
along with other District A3 chapter
presidents participated in the open-
ing ceremony of the National Archi-
tecture Week 2019 celebration with
a theme Abot TaNAW: Tahanan
Para sa Lahat.
Editorial Team
President Director
Layout Artist
VP for Programs Director
VP for Operations Director


Photographer Secretary Director


Photographer RANDY GOMEZ
Treasurer Director

Editorial Team Adviser
Auditor CRUZ

“The best way to find yourself Immediate Past President
is lose yourself in the service
of others.”
COMMITTEES (F.Y. 2019-2020)
- Mahatma Ghandi Membership Bids & Awards
Contact Information
UAP Website CARLOS G. CASTRO Professional Development

UAP HQ Landline Communication ABEGAIL O. ALEJANDRO

+6328 888-9266 ILDEFONSA AGNES B. DIZON Special Projects
QC Central Account KRISTIAN N. BAUTISTA Documentation/Newsletter

The Central Point January 2020 Issue

Page 3
General Membership Meetings
This Fiscal year will be full of surprises, in which the new
sets of officers and committee heads along with new
members of the chapter are officially inducted last July
17, 2019 at the Hive Hotel & Convention Place. The
event also marks the 3rd founding anniversary of Archi-
tects For Accessibility (AFA). Present in this activity was
the invited guest speaker and inducting officer National
President Benj Panganiban Jr. who presented his plans
and programs for this new fiscal year with his theme
‘United, Able and Proactive’. Area A Vice President
Cecilia Viray was also invited as charging officer.

“What is your Diversity?”- that’s what Arch. Armando Eugene

De Guzman III asked the participants at the 2nd chapter GMM
held in Davies Color Hub. The Resource Speaker, a proud Ka-
Central and Past Chapter President explained and elaborated the
importance and means of establishing a local and global ready
architectural private practice. Arch. De Guzman also shared
some notable tips in dealing with clients, industry partners and
allied professionals.

The topic for this month’s GMM was quite interesting as our
KaCentral and staunch advocate of RA 9266, Arch. Celso
Nieves presented several topics about the difference between
the Practice of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Arch.
Nieves started his lecture by defining the term Architect and
its origin from different cited sources. He also presented a
video presentation discussing the specific roles of each pro-
fession in a particular design and construction project.

UAP – QC Central Chapter’s activity for the general membership for the
month of October is in partnership with UAP – QC South Triangle, Com-
mittee on Young Architects, UAP Balangkasan Committee and UAP Re-
gional District A3. The chapter spearheaded and facilitated the first part of
the Arktoberfest 2019, a moderated panel discussion with CPD lecture
entitled ‘Balangkasan sa UAP RD A3 – Unang Pamamalakaya: Emerging
Technologies in the Field of Architecture held at the UAP National Head-
quarters .

Engr. Agustin S. Torres was again invited by the chap-

ter for the second time, giving an in-depth discussion
about building permitting. The two-hour cpd accredit-
ed seminar was very informative and useful to all prac-
ticing member architects. Several copies of Engr. Tor-
res’ entitled “2005 IRR of PD 1096 or the National
Building Code of the Philippines were also sold during
the event.

Bring It On! was the chapter’s theme for this year’s Christmas Party. A girl-power movie
which centers team effort in the course of preparing for a cheerleading competition to achieve
the essence of winning not by cheating, but by bringing it on. Lots of fun games and exciting
raffle items and cash prizes were given away during the event that was made possible by the
chapter’s supportive industry partners. Highlight of the event was the open mic karaoke sing-
ing competition participated by young and elder KaCentral members followed by raffle, give-
aways and other exciting fun games. And lastly, the party would not end without crowning
the Mr. & Ms. best dressed in sports attire of the night, winning
2,000.00 cash prize each. The 6th GMM was also a fundraising
event for the benefit of the homeowners of Sterling Compound
in North Caloocan on January 2020. All attendees spared their
200.00 cash for purchasing of grocery items to be distributed
on the 3rd Community Design Charette Program spearheaded
by Habitat For Humanity Philippines in partnership with Re-
gional District A3.
The Central Point January 2020 Issue

Page 4

AFA featured in a Book!

The Federation of Philippine
Photographers Foundation, Inc,
(FPPFI) formally launched their
new book entitled INSPIRE/
EMPOWER: Images and Sto-
ries of Persons with Disabilities
Founded in 2006 by Carmen
in the Philippines during the
Reyes Zubiaga of National
annual celebration of Interna-
Council for Disability Affairs, tional Day for Persons with
and our very own Architects Disabilities (IDPD). It advo-
Rix Abordo and Peji Cipriano, cates the struggles of the Per-
Architects for Accessibility sons With Disabilities in the
(AFA) continues to promote country. Architects for Acces-
the rights and welfare of Per- sibility a subgroup and affiliate
sons With Disabilities (PWDs) of UAP QC Central Chapter is
by providing information cam- also featured in the book, in
paign awareness programs such such the chapter advocates on
as access audits and the like. promoting the rights of Persons
with Disabilities by making
sure the to provide an inclusive
and accessible built environ-

AFA in Action: Another Access Audit Success!

At UP College of Architecture - Annex Building
UAP – QC Central Chapter’s sub-
group, Architects for Accessibility
(AFA) initiated another Accessibil-
ity Audit at the College of Architec-
ture Building in University of the
Philippines Diliman Quezon City.
AFA’s advocacy extended not only
for a barrier-free commercial estab-
lishments but also for an accessible
educational buildings. Official pho-
toshoot of Architects For Accessi-
bility (AFA) members also took
place during the event for a book
feature on advocacy in accessibility
and Persons With Disability.
At the National Museum of Natural History
UAP – QC Central
Chapter’s sub-group,
Architects for Accessi-
bility (AFA) initiated
another Accessibility
Audit at the National
Museum of Natural His-
tory located at the Luneta
Park in Manila City.
AFA’s advocacy extend-
“Start by doing what’s
ed not only for a barrier-
necessary; then do free commercial estab-
what’s possible; and lishments but also for an
accessible tourism.
suddenly you are doing
the impossible.”

-Francis of Assisi
The Central Point January 2020 Issue

Page 5

Mabini, Batangas
(continuation from page 1)
...the presence of Vice
Mayor Pablo Villanueva and
Municipal Engineer Joebert
Gonzales. The good mayor
assured his support and co-
operation upon the full im-
plementation of RA 9266 in
the municipality of Mabini
in Batangas. QC Central
Chapter also conducted an
initial accessibility auditing
on the on-going construction
of Mabini Community Hos-
pital before its final comple-
tion and turn over on 2020.
This activity was made pos-
sible through the coordina-
tion of our Ka-central Arch.
Herminio Simbol who also
designed one of the Mabini
Municipal Hospital Build-
UAP-QC CENTRAL with UAP-BATANGAS CITY poses for a photo in front of Mabini Community Hospital, Mabini, Batangas

"Coming together is a
beginning. Keeping together
is progress. Working together
is success."

--Henry Ford
The Central Point January 2020 Issue

Page 6
KaCentral joins NCA 2019
The KaCentral delegates explored the primary tourist destinations within South Cotabato at the 2nd day
of the National Conference of Architects (NCA 2019). They were able to experience to take the 774
steps of the famous Lake Sebu Seven Falls. Had lunch on a boat cruise at Punta Isla Lake Resort’s float-
ing restaurant with a perfect view of the Lake Sebu. A fascinating cultural show and informative Lake
Sebu tours were part of the entertainment of the whole lunch cruise that lasted about an hour. One of the
highlights of the day tour was the visit in Lang Dulay Weaving Center, a Manlilikha ng Bayan Center
opened by a skillful T’nalak weaver Lang Dulay to preserve and continue the art of T’boli textile weav-
ing in the province. The group was able to dine at the well-known Apareja Buko Halo-Halo where a
local specialty halo-halo in a fresh coconut shell is being served. The adventurous day tour was fol-
lowed by a festive closing ceremonies and fellowship night to conclude the 3-day event.
QC Day Wreath-Laying Design Excellence Award
VAN Launch
Ceremony Launch
Our KaCentral and
Brigada Eskwela volun-
teers joined the Volunteer
Architects Network
(VAN) Launch and cele-
brated Brigada Eskwela
2019 thanksgiving with
our Ka-Districts from A3
which was held in Sparks
Place, Cubao, Quezon
Last August 19, 2019 was Quezon
City day and the commemoration of QC Central Chapter members who Proposed PWD Gawad Kalinga Village Mini Park Ocular Visit
the birth of the 2nd President of the are also part of the organizing com-
Philippines, Manuel Luis Quezon. QC Central and Archi-
mittee, participated and supported the tects For Accessibility in
District Area A3, once again, orga- launching of Design Excellence collaboration with Dis-
nized a wreath laying ceremony to Award (DEA) 2020 on November 15, trict A3 and Sparks Asia
honor the late Manuel Luis Quezon 2019 at the UAP National Headquar- have conducted an initial
followed by the first District A3 ters. Present on the launching are ocular inspection of the
team building joined by other Dis- orcom members Arch. Elise Francis- identified site as part of
trict A3 chapters. co, Arch. Justin Francisco, Arch. Joey the design and accessibil-
Francisco and District Director for ity consultancy of the
A3 Arch. Peji Cipriano. Design Ex- proposed mini park for
cellence Award is a prestigious award the community of PWD
giving body of the United Architects Gawad Kalinga Village at
of the Philippines which aims to Brgy. Escopa in Quezon
City. The mini park will
showcase and give prestigious recog- In the continuous effort of promoting
be funded and donated by
nition to the best of the best built the rights of persons with disabilities,
Telus as part of their CSR
designs by a Filipino Architect. program.
AGUHON: Mind Your Own Business CPD Seminar

“Twenty years from now you

will be more disappointed by
the things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe QC Central members attended and participated in the Aguhon CPD seminar series enti-
harbor. Catch the trade winds tled Mind Your Own Business, a CPD Seminar spearheaded by UAP Tandang Sora under
the chapter’s SORA TREE program in partnership with District A3 and Committee on
in your sails. Explore. Dream. Young Architects (CYA). Several topics presented, such as leadership, preparation in
Discover.” starting one’s own practice, branding and marketing and, operation and management of
― H. Jackson Brown Jr. one’s own firm focusing on young architects.
The Central Point January 2020 Issue

Page 7

UAP-QC Central, District A3 collaborates with Habitat

for Humanity Philippines Incorporated (HFHPI).
Housing for Humanity Philippines Incorpo-
rated (HFHPI) is a non-profit organization that
needs assistance and volunteers from different
sectors in providing decent and sustainable
housing solutions for low-income Filipino
families. The architect’s expertise and services
through volunteerism plays essential role in
assisting the good foundation to perform its
organizational mandate.
In celebration of the World Architecture Day,
the chapter, along with Regional District A3
and its chapters QC Silangan, Tandang Sora
and South Triangle participated in a Commu-
nity Design Charette: My Dream House De-
sign Workshop, in partnership with Habitat
For Humanity and homeowners of Sterling
Compound in North Caloocan to help map out
the community's needs and aspirations in a
Residents of Sterling Compound,
conceptual, pre-design stage of affordable and North Caloocan actively partici-
better housing units. Each group has a desig- pates in the making of their own
dream-houses with the assistance
nated volunteer architects to facilitate each of the participating architects from
team in giving technical assistance and exper- District A3 in coordination with
Habitat for Humanity Philippines
tise in basic building laws as well as tips in Incorporated.
basic drawings and sketches which guided
them in envisioning their dream houses.
"Alone we can do so little,
together we can do so
much." --Helen Keller

On November 17, 2019, KaCentral participat-

ed once again in the Community Design Cha-
rette Program spearheaded by Habitat For Hu-
manity Philippines in partnership with Region-
al District A3. The homeowners themselves
drew a floor plan of a 28.0 square meter lot
with careful consideration of the minimum
requirements of BP 220 or the Socialized
Housing Law. All space requirements were
determined by each group and they were asked
to vote individually of the best floor plan of
their choice. The most voted floor plan was set
-out by using masking tapes to aid the home-
owners of sterling compound in visualizing the
space planning of their future homes.
F.Y. 2019-2020 Calendar
July 6 1st Board Meeting for FY 2019-2020

July 11 District A3 Joint Induction & Turnover Ceremonies

July 17 1st GMM for FY 2019-2020: Dream Girls “A strong woman stands up
for herself. A stronger wom-
July 28 Pre-Planning Meeting of Commission on Government & External an stands up for everybody
Affairs else.”
August 3 2nd Board Meeting for FY 2019-2020

August 19 Quezon 141 A3 All For One: Wreath Laying and Team Building

August 24 Accessibility Audit Report Training Upcoming Activities

August 29 2nd GMM for FY 2019-2020: A League of Their Own
September 7 Volunteer Architects Network (VAN) Launch
(year 2020)
September 14 Ocular Visit of Proposed PWD Gawad Kalinga Village Mini Park
February 27 8th GMM
ArktoberFest Coordination Meeting #1
Online Nomination for New Set of Officers for FY 2020-2021
3rd Board Meeting for FY 2019-2020
February 21-22 ARAPAW: Area A Assembly 2020
September 19 ArktoberFest Coordination Meeting #2
February 28 Chapter Bids Submission
September 20 Crown Pipes Mooncake Festival & Dice Game
TBA Blood Letting
September 25 World Architecture Day 2019 Collaboration Meeting with Habitat
For Humanity Philippines March 9 Chapter Anniversary and Election of New Set of Officers

September 26 3rd GMM for FY 2019-2020: Yours, Mine and Ours

September 28 Mind Your Own Business (Aguhon CPD Seminar Series #1)

September 30 Talk on Accessibility and Universal Design for Housing and Build- WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE
October 5 4th Board Meeting for FY 2019-2020

October 6 Community Design Charette: My Dream House Design Workshop

in Celebration of World Architecture Day 2019

October 7 Accessibility Auditing of National Museum of Natural History

October 17-19 National Conference of Architects (NCA) 2019 Ugyon…Pagkakaisa

October 21 First National Working Committee Meeting for the Celebration of

International Day for Persons With Disabilities (IDPD)

October 26 Arktoberfest PART 1: Balangkasan sa UAP RD A3 – Unang Pama-

malakaya: Emerging Technologies in the Field of Architecture

November 6 Accessibility Auditing of UP College of Architecture Building

November 9 5th Board Meeting for FY 2019-2020

November 13-15 Accessibility Audit Training for the Local Government Unit of

November 15 UAP Design Excellence Award Grand Launch

November 17 Second Community Design Charette in Partnership with Regional

District A3 and Habitat For Humanity Philippines

November 18 Courtesy Visit to Mabini Batangas Municipal Mayor Noel B.

Luistro and Initial Accessibility Auditing of Mabini Community

November 22 Newsletter Committee Technical Meeting

November 23 Theses For A Cause

November 28 5th GMM for FY 2019-2020 Million Dollar Baby

December 3 Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation Book Launch at

the International Day for Persons with Disability Celebration

December 5 6th GMM for FY 2019-2020 Bring It On: UAP QC Central Annual
Christmas Party

December 8 National Architecture Week 2019 Abot TaNAW: Tahanan Para sa

Lahat (Opening Ceremony)

National Architecture Week 2019 Abot TaNAW: Tahanan Para sa

Lahat (Balangkasan: Is our Philippine Architectural Law Future-

December 14 6th Board Meeting for FY 2019-2020

December 17 Dangal ng mga Taong May Kapansanan

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