Lesson No.2.EXERCISES - physICS For ENGINEERS - Kinematics.velocity and Acceleration of Particles - April2021

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Lesson No.

2: Sample Problem (Exercises) :

Kinematics (Motion in One Dimension) Fundamentals of Velocity and

Acceleration of a Particle

1. Sir Fabro riding on his motorcycle from Savemore Nagtahan to Partas Station-
Cubao in 20 minutes, then he returned to Savemore Nagtahan in 25 minutes. The
distance between the two places is approximately 4.8 km, traffic on the level road
is neglected.

a. What is his velocity as it travels from Savemore Nagtahan to Partas Station-

Cubao and Partas Station-Cubao to Savemore Nagtahan?
b. What is the Average Speed and Average Velocity for the entire journey?

2. A car initially moving at 30 m/s accelerates at a constant acceleration of 5 m/s 2 for

5 seconds. Then it travels at constant velocity for 50 seconds and the car
decelerated at a constant rate of 3 m/s2 and stop. Find,
a. The total distance covered by the car.
b. The average speed of the car for the entire trip.

3. A particle moves along the x – axis according to the given equation x = 3t4 – 2t2 –
15. Where x is in meter and t is in seconds. Find the following when t = 2 s.
a. The position of the particle,
b. Its velocity,
c. Its acceleration

Note: Quiz No. 2 (April 29, 2021, Thursday – same time)

Coverage: Lesson No. 2 – Fundamentals of Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle
Lesson No. 2 – Kinematics (Motion in One Dimension) Fundamentals of Velocity
and Acceleration of a Particle

Solution to Sample Problem (Exercises) :

1. Figure:
a. Figure A: From Savemore Nagtahan to Partas Station-Cubao
Sir Fabro V0 = 0 VA
Savemore Partas Station-
Nagtahan Cubao
A t =0 xA = sA = 4.8 km B tA = 20 min.

b. Figure B: From Partas Station-Cubao to Savemore Nagtahan

Savemore Partas Station-
Nagtahan Cubao
xB = sB = 4.8 km
tB = 25 min.

a. The velocity of Sir Fabro’s motorcycle from Savemore Nagtahan to Partas Station-Cubao and
Partas Station-Cubao to Savemore Nagtahan.
b. The Average Speed and Average Velocity of Sir Fabro’s motorcycle for the entire journey.

a. Solving the velocity of Sir Fabro’s motorcycle.
Vx = s
1. From Savemore Nagtahan to Partas Station-Cubao
xA sA
VA = t = t

Since: Conversion:
1000 m
xA =MxB = sA = sB = 4.8 km x 1 km = 4,800 m
60 s_
tA =in20 min x = 1200 s
1 min.
nnMiii Miii
60 s_
tB =n innn innnx
25 min 1 min. = 1500 s
n n
xA sA 4,800 mMiiiinnnn
= 4 m/s Answer
VA = t = tA =
A 1200 s
2. From Partas Station-Cubao to Savemore Nagtahan
xB sB nnn
VB = t = t Miiiinn
- 4,800 m = - 3.2 m/s
VB = Miii Answer
s Miiiinnn
innn innn n
Note:nThe negative
n sign of the velocity indicates the negative direction.

Miii Miii
innn innn
n Miiiinnn
b. Solving for the Average Speed and Average Velocity of Sir Fabro’s motorcycle for the entire
1. For Average Speed, 2. For Average Velocity,
Δx xB – xA
sT sA + sB Vx = Δt = tB – tA
Vs = tT = tA + tB
sB – sA
4,800 m + 4,800 m Vx = t – t
Vs = 1,200 s + 1,500 s
4,800 m – 4,800 m
9,600 m Vx = 1,500 s – 1,200 s
Vs =
2,700 s 0_
= 0 Answer
Vx = 300 Miiiinn
Vs =Miii
3.56 Miiiinn
m/s Answer
innn nn
n Miiiinnnn
2. Figure: V1 = V2
V0 = 30 m/s V1 V2 Miiiinnnn V3 = 0
Car Miiiinnnn Constant Velocity Slowing Down

a1 = 5 m/s2 a2 = 0 Miiii
a = -3 m/s2
S1 = ? S2 = ? nnnn S =? Stop

t0 t1 = 5 s t2 = 50 s t3 = ?
a. The total distance covered by the car.
b. The Average speed of the car for the entire trip.
a. Solving the total distance covered by the car, ST = S1 + S2 + S3
then solving the S1, S2, and S3

1. For S1 and V1 ,
V0 = 30m/s V1 = ?
a1 = 5 m/s2
t0 S1 = ? t1 = 5 s
a. For S1 , b. For V1 ,
S1 = S = V0 t + ½ at2 V1 = V = V0 + at
S1 = V0 t1 + ½ a1t12 V1 = V0 + a1t1
S1 = 30 m/s (5) s + ½ (5 m/s2) (5)2 s2 V1 = 30 m/s + (5 m/s2) 5 s
S1 = 212.50 m V1 = 55 m/s
2. For S2 and V2 ,
V1 = 55m/s V2 = ?
a2 = 0
t1 S2 = ? t2 = 50 s

a. For S2 , b. For V2 ,
S = V0 t + ½ at2 0 Since: V1 = V2 = constant velocity
S2 = V1 t2 + ½ a2 t22 Therefore: V2 = V1 = 55 m/s
S2 = 55 m/s (50 s)
S2 = 2,750 m
3. For S3 and t3 ,
V2 = 55m/s V3 = 0
a3 = - 3 m/s2 Stop
t2 S3 = ? t3 = ?
a. For S3 , b. For t3 ,
V2 = V02 + 2as V = V0 + at
2 0
S3 = V – V02_ V3 = V2 + a3t3
0 - V2_ - 55 m/s_
t3 = =
V3 – V2 _ 2
a3 - 3 m/s2
S3 =
2 a3
2 2 2
t3 = 18.33 s
S3 = - (55) m /s
2 (- 3 m/s2) Therefore: For the total distance covered by the car,
S3 = 504.17 m ST = S1 + S2 + S3
ST = 212.50 m + 2,750 m + 504.17 m
ST = 3,466.67 m Answer

b. Solving the Average speed of the car for the entire trip,

Vs = tT Therefore:
Since: tT = t1 + t2 + t3 V = 3,466.67 m_ = 47.27 m/s Answer
tT = 5 s + 50 s + 18.33 s 73.33 s
tT = 73.33 s
ST = 3,466.67
3. Figure: Required:
V1 = 0 V=?
a=? a. The position of particles,
-x +x b. Its velocity,
t0 = 0 x = 3 (2) – 2 (2) – 15 t = 2 s
4 2

c. Its acceleration.
a. Solving the position of particles,
x = 3t4 – 2t2 – 15 Since: t = 2 s
x = 3 (2)4 – 2 (2)2 – 15
x = 25 m Answer
b. Solving the velocity of particles (using differential equation of velocity)
V = (3t – 2t – 15)
4 2
Recall the differentiation formula, by Algebraic Function
Rule: Therefore: 0
4 2
d (c) d (3t ) d (2t ) d (15)
1. =0 V= – –
dx dt dt dt
d (un) du
2. = nUn-1 V = 12t3 – 4t – 0
dx dx V = 12t3 – 4t → when t = 2s
d (u ± v) d (u)± dv + c
du V = 12 (2)3 – 4 (2)
3. =
dx dxdx dx
V = 88 m/s Answer
c. Solving the acceleration of particles (using differential equation of acceleration)
a = dv
d (12t3 – 4t)
a = d (12t ) – d (4t)
dt dt
a = 36t – 4 → when t = 2 s

a = 36 (2)2 – 4
a = 140 m/s2 Answer

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