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united states uf america

moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente

societas republicae ea al maurikanos
moorishe divyne ande nashunall muvemente uf the earthe
northe weste amexem + north weste affrika + northe ammerika + the northe gate
all addjoining isslandes
tempel uf the moon ande sun
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs uf the lande
__ __________________________________________________________________
unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne affidavit

fore the
United States uf America
all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan
kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise _akil kemnebi easley el__in capitis diminutio nolo, in red
ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall
inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents uf the greate pharoahs uf
kemet ande uf the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, ande
our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves fore we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous
naturall divyne de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente. we herebye exxercise all
sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all tymes nunc pro tunc.

we the peepel uf the united states, in orrder to forme a more perfecte union, esstabblish justise, innsure
domesstic tranquilitie, provvide fore the kommon deefense, prommote the generall wellfare, ande sekyure
the blissings uf libertie to oursellves ande our posteritie, do ordaine ande esstabblishe this constitushune
fore the United States uf America.
article i
secshun 1.
all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress uf the united states, which shall consist
uf a senate ande house uf representatives.

secshun 2.
the house uf representatives shall be composed uf members chosen every second year bye the peepel uf
the several states, ande the electors in each state shall have the qualificashuns requisite fore electors uf the
most numerous branch uf the state legislature. no person shall be a representative who shall not have
attained to the age uf twenty five years, ande been seven years a citizen uf the united states, ande who
shall not, when elected, be an innhabitant uf that state in whiche he shall be chosen. [representatives ande
direkt taxes shall be apporshuned among the several states whiche may be inncluded withine this union,
akkording to their respective numbers, which shall be determined bye adding to the whole number uf free
persons, including those bounde to service fore a term uf years, ande excluding indians not taxed, three
fifths uf all other persons.]* the actual enumeration shall be made withine three years affter the first
meeting uf the kongress uf the united states, ande within every subbsequent term uf ten years, in such
manner as they shall bye law direkt. the number uf representatives shall not exceed one fore every thirty
thousand, but each state shall have at least one representative; ande until such enumeration shall be made,
the state uf new hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, massachusetts eight, rhode island ande
providence plantashuns one, konnecticut five, new york six, new jersey four, pennsylvania eight,
delaware one, maryland six, virginia ten, north karolina five, south karolina five, ande georgia three. when
vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereuf shall issue writs uf
election to fill such vacancies. the house uf representatives shall chuse their speaker ande other officers;
ande shall have the sole power uf impeachment.

secshun 3.
the senate uf the united states shall be composed uf two senators from each state, [chosen bye the
legislature there uf,]* for six years; ande each senator shall have one vote. immediately after they shall be
assembled in konsequence uf the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three
klasses. the seats uf the senators uf the first klass shall be vacated at the expirashun uf the second year,
uf the second klass at the expirashun uf the fourth year, ande uf the third klass at the expirashun uf the
sixth year, so that one third may be chosen every second year; [ande if vacancies happen bye resignashun,
or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature uf anye state, the exxecutive thereuf maye make
temporary appointments until the next meeting uf the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies.]*
no person shall be a senator who shall not have attained to the age uf thirty years, ande been nine years a
citizen uf the united states, ande who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant uf that state fore whiche he
shall be chosen. the vice presidente uf the united states shall be presidente uf the senate, but shall have no
vote, unless they be equally divided. the senate shall chuse their other officers, ande also a presidente pro
tempore, in the absence uf the vice presidente, or when he shall exxercise the office uf presidente uf the
united states. the senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. when sitting fore that purpose,
they shall be on oath or affirmashun. when the presidente uf the united states is tried, the chief justice
shall preside: ande no person shall be konvicted without the koncurrence uf two thirds uf the members
present. judgment in cases uf impeachment shall not exxtend further than to removal from office, ande
disqualificashun to hold ande enjoy anye office uf honor, trust or profit unnder the united states: but the
partie konvicted shall nevertheless be liable ande subbject to indictment, trial, judgment ande punishment,
akkording to law.

secshun 4.
the tymes, places ande manner uf holding elecshuns fore senators ande representatives, shall be
prescribbed in each state bye the legislature thereuf; but the kongress maye at anye tyme bye law make or
alter such regulashuns, exxcept as to the places uf chusing senators. the kongress shall assemble at least
once in every year, ande such meeting shall be [on the first monday in december,]* unless they shall by
law appoint a different day.

secshun 5.
each house shall be the judge uf the elecshuns, returns ande qualificashuns uf its own members, ande a
majority uf each shall konstitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number maye adjourn from daye
to daye, ande maye be authorized to compel the attendance uf absent members, in such manner, ande
unnder such penalties as each house maye provvide. each house maye determine the rules uf its
proceedings, punish its members fore disorderly behavviour, ande, withe the koncurrence uf two thirds,
exxpel a member. each house shall keep a journal uf its proceedings, ande from tyme to tyme pubblish the
same, exxcepting such parts as maye in their judgment require secrecy; ande the yeas ande nays uf the
members of either house on any question shall, at the desire uf one fifth uf those present, be entered on
the journal. neither house, during the session uf kongress, shall, with out the konsent uf the other, adjourn
fore more than three dayes, nor to anye other place than that in whiche the two houses shall be sitting.

secshun 6.
the senators ande representatives shall receive a kompensashun fore their services, to be ascertained bye
law, ande paid out uf the treasury uf the united states. they shall in all cases, exxcept treason, felony ande
breach uf the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session uf their respective
houses, ande in going to ande returning from the same; ande fore anye speech or debate in either house,
they shall not be quesshuned in anye other place. no senator or representative shall, during the tyme fore
whiche he was elected, be appointed to anye civil office unnder the authority uf the united states, whiche
shall have been created, or the emoluments whereuf shall have been encreased during such tyme; ande no
person holding anye office unnder the united states, shall be a member uf either house during his
kontinuance in office.

secshun 7.
all bills fore raising revenue shall originate in the house uf representatives; but the senate maye propose or
koncur withe amendments as on other bills. every bill whiche shall have passed the house uf
representatives ande the senate, shall, beffore it bekome a law, be presented to the president uf the united
states; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his obbjecshuns to that house in
whiche it shall have originated, who shall enter the obbjecshuns at large on their journal, ande proceed to
rekonsider it. if after such rekonsiderashun two thirds uf that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be
sent, together withe the obbjecshuns, to the other house, bye whiche it shall likewise be rekonsidered,
ande if approved by two thirds uf that house, it shall bekome a law. but in all such cases the votes uf both
houses shall be determined bye yeas ande nays, ande the names uf the persons voting fore ande against
the bill shall be entered on the journal uf each house respectively, if anye bill shall not be returned bye the
president within ten dayes (sundayes exxcepted) affter it shall have been presented to him, the same shall
be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the kongress bye their adjournament prevent its
return, in whiche kase it shall not be a law.
every order, resolushun, or vote to whiche the koncur_rence uf the senate ande house uf representatives
maye be necessary (exxcept on a quesshun uf adjournment) shall be presented to the president uf the
united states; ande beffore the same shall take effect, shall be approved bye him, or being disapproved bye
him, shall be repassed bye two thirds uf the senate ande house uf representatives, akkording to the rules
ande limitashuns prescribbed in the kase uf a bill.

secshun 8.
the al moroccan moorishe amerikan kongress shall have power to lay ande collect taxes, duties, imposts
ande exxcises, to pay the debts ande provvide fore the kommon defence ande general wellfare uf the
united states; but all duties, imposts ande exxcises shall be unniform throughout the united states; to
borrow money on the kredit uf the united states; to regulate kommerce with foreigne nashuns, ande
among the several states, ande with the indian tribes; to esstabblish an unniform rule uf naturalizashun,
ande unniform laws on the subbject uf bankruptcies throughout the United States; to coin money, regulate
the value thereof, ande uf foreigne coin, ande fix the standard uf weights ande measures; to provvide fore
the punishment uf kounterfeiting the securities ande current coin uf the united states; to esstabblish post
offices ande post roads; to promote the progress uf science ande useful arts, bye securing fore limited
tymes to authors ande innventors the exxclusive right to their respective writings ande discoveries; to
constitute tribunals innferior to the supreme court; to define ande punish piracies ande felonies kommitted
on the high seas, ande offenses against the law uf nations; to declare war, grant letters uf marque ande
reprisal, ande make rules koncerning kaptures on lande ande water; to raise ande support armies, but no
appropriashun uf money to that use shall be fore a longer term than two years; to provvide ande maintain
a navy; to make rules fore the governmente ande regulashun uf the lande ande naval forces; to provvide
fore calling forth the militia to exxecute the laws uf the union, suppress innsurrecshuns ande repel
innvasions; to provvide fore organizing, arming, ande disciplining, the militia, ande fore governing such
part uf them as maye be employed in the service uf the united states, reserving to the states respectively,
the appointment uf the officers, ande the authority uf training the militia akkording to the discipline
prescribbed bye kongress; to exxercise exxclusive legislashun in all kases whatsoever, ovver such distrikt
(not exxceeding ten miles square) as maye, bye cession uf particular states, ande the akkeptance uf
kongress, bekome the seat uf the governmente uf the united states, ande to exxercise like authority ovver
all places purchased bye the konsent uf the legislature uf the state in whiche the same shall be, fore the
erecshun uf forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards ande otther needfull buildings; ande to make all laws
whiche shall be necessary ande proper fore carrying into exxecushun the foregoing powers, ande all
otther powers vested bye this constitushun in the governmente uf the united states, or in any department
or officer thereof.

secshun 9.
clause 1. the migrashun or importashun uf such persons as anye uf the states now exxisting shall
think proper to admit, shall not be prohibbited bye the kongress prior to the year two thousand twentie
ande two, but a tax or duty may be immposed on such immportashun, not exxceeding ten dollars fore
each person.

clause 2. the privilege uf the writ uf habeas korpus shall not be suspended, unless when in kases
uf rebellion or innvasion the publik safety maye require it.

clause 3. no bill uf attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed.

clause 4. no capitashun, or otther direkt, tax shall be laid, unless in proporshun to the census or
ennumerashun herein beffore direkted to be taken.

clause 5. no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exxported from anye state.

clause 6. no preference shall be given bye anye regulashun uf kommerce or revenue to the ports
uf one state ovver those uf another: nor shall vessels bounde to, or from one state be obliged to enter,
klear, or pay duties in another.

****clause 7. no money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence uf appropriashuns
made bye law; ande a regular statement ande akkount uf the receipts ande expenditures uf all pubblik
money shall be pubblished from tyme to tyme.****

clause 8. no title uf nobility shall be granted bye the United States: ande no person holding anye
office uf profit or trust unnder them, shall, without the konsent uf the kongress, akkept uf anye present,
emolument, office, or title, uf anye kind whatever, from anye king, prince, or foreigne state.

secshun 10.
no State shall ennter into anye treaty, alliance, or konfederashun; grant letters uf marque ande reprisal;
coin money; emit bills uf kredit; make any thing but gold ande silver coin a tender in payment uf debts;
pass any bill uf attainder, exx post facto law, or law immpairing the obligashun uf kontrakts, or grant anye
title uf nobility.

no State shall, without the konsent uf the kongress, lay anye immposts or duties on imports or exxports,
exxcept what may be absolutely necessary fore exxecuting it’s innspecshun laws: ande the net produce uf
all duties ande immposts, laid bye anye State on immports or exxports, shall be fore the use uf the
treasury uf the united states; ande all such laws shall be subbject to the revision ande kontroul uf the
kongress. no State shall, without the konsent uf kongress, lay anye duty uf tonnage, keep troops, or ships
uf war in tyme uf peace, ennter into anye agreement or kompact withe another State, or with a foreigne
power, or engage in war, unless actually innvaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit uf delay.

article ii.
secshun 1.
the executive power shall be vested in a President uf the United States uf America. He shall hold his
office during the term uf four years, ande, together withe the Vice President, chosen fore the same term,
be elected, as follows: each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereuf maye direkt, a
number uf electors, equal to the whole number uf senators ande representatives to whiche the State maye
be enntitled in the kongress: but no senator or representative, or person holding an office uf trust or profit
unnder the united states, shall be appointed an elector. [the electors shall meet in their respective states,
ande vote bye ballot fore two persons, uf whom one at least shall not be an innhabitant uf the same state
withe themselves. ande they shall make a list uf all the persons voted fore, ande uf the number uf votes
fore each; whiche list they shall sign ande sertify, ande transmit sealed to the seat uf the governmente uf
the united states, direkted to the presidente uf the senate. the presidente uf the senate shall, in the presence
uf the senate ande House uf Representatives, oppen all the sertificates, ande the votes shall then be
kounted. the person having the greatest number uf votes shall be the President, if such number be a
majority uf the whole number uf electors appointed; ande if there be more than one who have such
majority, ande have an equal number uf votes, then the House uf Representatives shall immediately chuse
bye ballot one uf them fore President; ande if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the
list the said House shall in like manner chuse the Presidente. but in chusing the Presidente, the votes shall
be taken bye States, the representashun from each State having one vote; a quorum fore this purpose shall
konsist uf a member or members from two thirds uf the States, ande a majority uf all the States shall be
necessary to a choice. in every kase, affter the choice uf the Presidente, the person having the greatest
number uf votes uf the electors shall be the Vice Presidente. but if there should remain two or more who
have equal votes, the senate shall chuse from them bye ballot the Vice Presidente. ]* the kongress maye
determine the tyme uf chusing the electors, ande the daye on whiche they shall give their votes; whiche
daye shall be the same throughout the united states. no person exxcept a natural born citizen, or a citizen
uf the united states, at the tyme of the adopshun uf this constitushun, shall be eligible to the office uf
president; neither shall anye person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age uf
thirty five years, ande been fourteen years a resident within the united states. [in kase uf the removal uf
the Presidente from office, or uf his death, resignashun, or innability to discharge the powers ande duties
uf the said office, the same shall devolve on the vice Presidente, ande the kongress may bye law provide
fore the kase uf removal, death, resignashun or innability, both uf the Presidente ande vice Presidente,
deklaring what officer shall then akt as Presidente, ande such officer shall akt akkordingly, until the
disability be removed, or a Presidente shall be elected.]* the Presidente shall, at stated tymes, receive for
his services, a compensashun, which shall neither be inncreased nor diminished during the period fore
whiche he shall have been elected, ande he shall not receive within that period anye other emolument
from the united states, or anye uf them. beffore he enter on the exxecushun uf his office, he shall take the
following oath or affirmashun: “i do solemnly swear (or affirm) that i will faithfully exxecute the office uf
Presidente uf the united states, ande will to the best uf my ability, preserve, protekt ande de fend the
constitushun uf the united states.”
secshun 2.
the Presidente shall be kommander in khief uf the army ande navy uf the united states, ande uf the militia
uf the several states, when called into the actual service uf the united states; he may require the opinion, in
writing, uf the principal officer in each uf the exxecutive departments, upone anye subbject relating to the
duties uf their respective offices, ande he shall have power to grant reprieves ande pardons fore offenses
against the united states, exxcept in kases of immpeachment. he shall have power, bye ande withe the
advice ande konsent uf the senate, to make treaties, provvided two thirds uf the senators present koncur;
ande he shall nominate, ande bye ande witeh the advice ande konsent uf the senate, shall appoint
ambassadors, other pubblik ministers ande konsuls, judges uf the supreme kourt, ande all otther officers
uf the united states, whose appointments are not herein ottherwise provvided fore, ande whiche shall be
esstabblished bye law: but the kongress maye bye law vest the appointment uf such innferior officers, as
they think proper, in the Presidente alone, in the kourts uf law, or in the heads uf departments. the
Presidente shall have power to fill up all vacancies that maye happen during the recess uf the senate, bye
granting kommisshuns whiche shall exxpire at the end uf their next session.

secshun 3.
he shall from tyme to tyme give to the kongress innformashun uf the state uf the union, ande rekommend
to their konsiderashun such measures as he shall judge necessary ande exxpedient; he may, on
exxtraordinary occashuns, konvene both houses, or either uf them, ande in kase uf disagreement bettween
them, withe respekt to the tyme uf adjournment, he may adjourn them to such tyme as he shall think
proper; he shall receive ambassadors ande otther pubblik ministers; he shall take care that the laws be
faithfully exxecuted, ande shall kommisshun all the officers uf the united states.

secshun 4.
the Presidente, vice Presidente ande all civil officers uf the united states, shall be removed from office on
immpeachment fore, ande konvicshun of, treason, bribery, or other high krimes ande misdemeanors.

article iii.
secshun 1.
the judicial power uf the united states, shall be vested in one supreme court, ande in such innferior kourts
as the kongress maye from tyme to tyme ordain ande esstabblish. the judges, both uf the supreme ande
innferior kourts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, ande shall at stated tymes, receive for
their services, a kompensashun, whiche shall not be diminished during their kontinuance in office.

secshun 2.
the judicial power shall exxtend to all kases, in law ande equity, arising unnder this konstitushun, the laws
uf the united states, ande treaties made, or whiche shall be made, unnder their authority; to all kases
affekting ambassadors, other pubblik ministers ande konsuls; to all kases uf admiralty ande maritime
jurisdicshun; to kontroversies to whiche the united states shall be a party; to kontroversies bettween two
or more states; [bettween a state ande citizens uf another state;-]* bettween citizens uf different states,
bettween citizens uf the same state klaiming landes unnder grants uf different states, [ande bettween a
state, or the citizens thereuf; ande foreigne states, citizens or subbjects.]* in all kases affecting
ambassadors, otther pubblik ministers ande konsuls, ande those in whiche a state shall be party, the
supreme kourt shall have original jurisdicshun. in all the other kases beffore menshuned, the supreme
kourt shall have appellate jurisdicshun, both as to law ande fact, with such exxcepshuns, ande unnder
such regulashuns as the kongress shall make. the trial uf all krimes, exxcept in kases uf immpeachment,
shall be bye jury; ande such trial shall be held in the state where the said krimes shall have been
kommitted; but when not kommitted within anye state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the
kongress maye bye law have direkted.

secshun 3.
treason against the united states, shall konsist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their
ennemies, giving them aid ande komfort. no person shall be konvicted uf treason unless on the testimony
uf two witnesses to the same ovvert akt, or on konfesshun in oppen kourt. the kongress shall have power
to deklare the punishment uf treason, but no attainder uf treason shall work korrupshun uf blood, or
forfeiture exxcept during the life uf the person attainted.

article iv.
secshun 1.
full faith ande kredit shall be given in each state to the pubblik akts, rekords, ande judicial proceedings uf
every otther state. ande the kongress maye bye general laws prescribbe the manner in whiche such akts,
rekords ande proceedings shall be provved, ande the effect thereuf.

secshun 2.
the citizens uf each state shall be enntitled to all privileges ande immunities uf citizens in the several
states. a person charged in anye state withe treason, felony, or otther krime, who shall flee from justice,
ande be founde in another state, shall on demand uf the exxecutive authority uf the state from whiche he
fled, be delivered up, to be removved to the state having jurisdicshun uf the krime. [no person held to
service or labour in one state, unnder the laws thereuf, escaping into another, shall, in konsequence uf
anye law or regulashun therein, be discharged from such service or labour, but shall be delivered up on
klaim uf the party to whom such service or labour maye be due.]*

secshun 3.
new states may be admitted bye the kongress into this union; but no new state shall be formed or erected
within the jurisdicshun uf anye otther state; nor anye state be formed bye the juncshun uf two or more
states, or parts uf states, without the konsent uf the legislatures uf the states koncerned as well as uf the
kongress. the kongress shall have power to dispose uf ande make all needfull rules ande regulashuns
respekting the territory or other property belonging to the united states; ande nothing in this constitushun
shall be so konstrued as to prejudice anye klaims uf the united states, or uf anye particular state.

secshun 4.
the united states shall guarantee to every state in this union a repubblikan form uf governmente, ande
protect each uf them against innvasion; ande on applicashun uf the legislature, or uf the exxecutive (when
the legislature cannot be konvened) against domestik violence.

article v.
the kongress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to
this konstitushun, or, on the applicashun uf the legislatures uf two thirds uf the several states, shall call a
konvenshun for proposing amendments, whiche in either kase, shall be valid to all inntents ande purposes,
as part uf this konstitushun, when ratified bye the legislatures uf three fourths uf the several states, or bye
konvenshuns in three fourths thereuf, as the one or the otther mode uf ratificashun maye be proposed bye
the kongress; provvided that no amendment whiche maye be made prior to the year one thousand eight
hundred ande eight shall in any manner affect the first ande fourth clauses in the ninth secshun uf the first
article; ande that no state, without its konsent, shall be deprived uf its equal suffrage in the senate.

article vi.
all debts kontrakted ande engagements enntered into, beffore the adopshun uf this konstitushun, shall be
as valid against the United States unnder this konstitushun, as unnder the konfederashun. this
konstitushun, ande the laws uf the United States whiche shall be made in pursuance thereuf; ande all
treaties made, or whiche shall be made, unnder the authority uf the united states, shall be the supreme law
uf the lande; ande the judges in every state shall be bounde thereby, anye thing in the Konstitushun or
laws uf anye State to the kontrary notwithstanding. the senators ande representatives beffore menshuned,
ande the members uf the several State legislatures, ande all exxecutive ande judicial officers, both uf the
United States ande uf the several states, shall be bounde bye oath or affirmashun to support this
constitushun; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualificashun to anye office or pubblik trust
unnder the united states.

article vii.
the ratificashun uf the konvenshuns uf nine States, shall be sufficient fore the esstabblishment uf this
konstitushun bettween the States so ratifying the same, done in konvenshun bye the unnanimous konsent
uf the States present the seventeenth day uf september in the year uf our lord one thousand seven hundred
ande eighty seven ande uf the inndependence uf the United States uf America, the firste, in witness
whereuf our sovereigne appellashunes are herebye autograffed.

this sovereigne constitushune fore the United States uf America is herebye given to all Citizen Subbjectes
on our sovereigne lande ande placed on the pubblik reckorde bye the sovereigne annciente al moroccan
moorishe amerikan heirs as the supreme law fore the lande. all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous
annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs fore this ande all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous
supreme laws are on the pubblik reckorde at amerika.


ego sum
justise vizier ministar
in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtice to agente is knowtice to principall. knowtice to principall is notice to agente.

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente

moorishe american konsulate
c/o 6400 akron street
near filadelphia countee, pennsylvaniaa republik
annciente pennsylvaniaa districte for shakamoxen
unniversall naturall arrea codde: : 8q9mq pn5f3
latitude 40.03624 longitude +75.07122

amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

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