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In this lesson you will work in groups to decide on the contents of a ‘life
skills’ school-leaving certificate.

You will:

- Practise language to talk about skills and abilities.

- Review language of regret and phrases for expressing degrees of
- Discuss what teenagers should learn at school.
- Make and evaluate suggestions for a life skills certificate.

English Online |

Watch a short part of this video and then discuss what the woman can do.

English Online |

Which of these things can you do?
When/where did you learn to do them and how well can you do them?

swim put a new pane of glass in a window

play chess do your own tax returns
change a plug administer emergency first aid
ride a bicycle This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY-SA-NC play a musical instrument
drive a car grow your own vegetables
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

dance cook a meal for four people

knit or crochet appreciate classical music

English Online | This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
What are the missing prepositions in these sentences?
a. I’m not very good with children but I get on well with animals.
b. I’m awful at riding a bike but I’m even worse at driving a car.
c. I’ve never been interested in gardening I’m afraid, but I think it’s probably
good for you to be outside in the fresh air.
d. I learnt everything I know about music from my mother.
e. I learnt to cook by helping my grandmother in the kitchen.

Share with your partner one thing that you are good or bad at.

English Online |

What kind of certificate do school-leavers get in your country?
Do you think it’s sufficient?

Do you agree or disagree with the basic idea from the

article on life skills?

Some comments were posted online about the article.

Each of you will get a comment in your chat box.
Share the comments with your groups and discuss whether you agree
or disagree with them.

English Online |

Look at the list of skills. Choose one that you would have liked to have learned in
school and explain why to your partner.

I wish someone had I regret messing around in If I’d learned how to take
taught me all those woodwork classes because I could care of my home, I’d save a
years ago. make/I’d like to make my own fortune today.
I wish I’d learnt to Of course I regret not paying any If I’d been taught to swim, I
cook when I was at attention now, but I’m not sure I was wouldn’t be afraid of the
school. ready at 16. water.
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English Online |
1. Each pair will be given a card with eight suggestions for what school-leavers should be
able to do. I’ll share the text in your chat box.

2. In breakout rooms, add four more ideas in your notebook and then number all twelve in
order of importance. You will be given 10 minutes.

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What have you learned from today’s lesson?

What did you find interesting/boring?

What did you need more practice with?

Did you participate fully?

Did you achieve your aims for this lesson?

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Complete the Progress activities on the English Online website.

Book my next lesson with English Online.

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