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Ciepluch, C. C., "Effect of rapid pressure decay on solid
combustion/' ARS J. 31, 1584-1586 (1961).
Ciepluch, C. C., Alien, H., and Fletcher, E. A., "Ignition of
solid propellant rocket motors by injection of hypergolic fluids,"
J. 31, 514-518 (1961).
Paulson, R. A., "Studies related to the development of a
multiple start-stop solid propellant rocket motor," University
of Minnesota Master's Thesis (May 1965).

Moment of Inertia and Damping of

Liquids in Baffled Cylindrical Tanks
FRANKLIN T. DODGE* AND DANIEL D. KANA* Fig. 2 Liquid moment of inertia in a completely filled
Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas closed container.
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Introduction computing the sloshing forces and moments, and, in fact, it

is not needed at all. This, however, is not true for a real
I T has proved convenient in missile stability analyses to
represent the sloshing liquid in fuel tanks by an equivalent
mechanical model.1"4 Each vibration mode of the liquid
In Fig. 2, the ratio of /i iq for an ideal frictionless fluid to the
is treated as a degree of freedom and represented as a spring- moment of inertia of a rigid mass of liquid of the same shape
mass or pendulum system. One such model4 is shown in is shown as a function of h/d for an unbaffled tank. The
Fig. 1; it differs from most other equivalent mechanical liquid's inertia can be quite small. However, for a real
models by the use of a massless disk, with moment of inertia fluid, viscosity causes more of the fluid to follow the tank's
Idj located at the center of gravity of the liquid and coupled motion, and, thus, not only is a small amount of damping
to the tank motion through the dashpot c*. To understand present, but the apparent moment of inertia is somewhat
the significance of the disk, suppose that the free surface greater. As the friction increases, cd increases in proportion,
motions are prevented by a rigid cap fitted to the tank and but as Cd increases, less relative motion between the tank and
assume that the liquid is completely frictionless. This im- the disk is possible. Thus, some of the motion is transmitted
plies that the masses mn are rigidly attached to the tank and to the disk, and a part of its inertia must be included in Eq.
that cd and all the cn are zero. Then: if the tank is rotated (1). In the limit, as the damping increases to infinity, /iiq
about a transverse axis, the disk will not rotate (\f/ = — <p in approaches that of a rigid mass; in the model, this corre-
Fig. 1), and the effective moment of inertia of the liquid is sponds to the disk attached rigidly to the tank (cd = °°).
/liq = /O + WoW + E nkn2 (1)
tt = l /liq(Cd = OO) = J r i g = /O + (2)
Consequently, for a frictionless fluid, Id plays no part in
where / rig = md2[TV(V^)2 + rVL and m is the liquid mass.
For intermediate value of cd, /H q lies between the two values
given by Eqs. (1) and (2).
The present note gives a method for determining Id and
cd experimentally; furthermore, the differences in the model
shown in Fig. 1 and other simpler models, which do not em-
ploy moment of inertia damping, are evaluated.
Experimental Procedure
A capped tank, completely filled with water, was mounted
as a pendulum (Fig. 3). The distance from the pivot point
to the line of action of the tension springs was varied in a

Fig. 1 Mechanical model for fuel sloshing.

Received June 21, 1965; revision received July 23, 1965.

The results presented in this note were obtained during the course
of research sponsored by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
under Contract NASS-1555. The authors gratefully acknowledge
the editing, done by Gordon L. Dugger, which substantially im-
proved the Note.
* Senior Research Engineer, Department of Mechanical
Sciences. Member AIAA. Fig. 3 View of test tank and mounting.

Table 1 Liquid moment of inertia in a tank with compare with these results, but the trend displayed in the
h/d — 1 at various pendulum frequencies / table seems to be reasonable, and the following simple calcu-
for various numbers of baffles n lation shows that when the width of the baffle w approaches
the baffle spacing (i.e., f o r n ^ 5 in our case), /i iq // rig should
be about 0.5.
n = 0 Assume that for these conditions the flow may be decom-
2.1 0.17 0.28 0.50 0.70 posed into two domains: the liquid contained in a hypo-
3.4 0.17 0.28 0.34 0.51 thetical cylindrical shell enclosing the baffles essentially
5.0 0.19 0.31 0.36 0.52 follows the tank motion, whereas the inner core approximates
6.6 0.51 a potential flow region similar to an unbaffled tank of diameter
d — 2w. The moment of inertia can then be computed in
number of discrete steps to obtain various natural frequencies. two parts representing these rigid "outer shell" and potential
The ring baffles, which were used in sets of one located at flow "inner core" domains:
the tank midplane with three clustered about the midplane
or five equally spaced throughout the depth, were cemented
to the tank wall. The baffles were essentially rigid.f Both MfcfA W + A (d ~ 2uO'](W/..«),-. (4)
the empty tank and the full tank natural frequencies / were where Mos and MiC are the liquid masses contained in the
measured for each spring arrangement and baffle configura- outer shell and inner core, respectively :
tion. The apparent moment of inertia about the pivot point
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on January 27, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.28408

axis was computed from z

Mos = l - (d -
I = V(27r/) (3) (5)
where k is the angular spring constant. The difference be-
tween the full and the empty tank values gave Ji iq about the The ratio (7iiq/7rig);c is 0.21, as given in Fig. 2, for a liquid
pivot point. The liquid's moment of inertia about its center depth to tank diameter ratio equal to h/(d — 2w) = (19.6)/
of gravity axis was then obtained by the transfer axis theorem. (19.6 - 3.04) - 1.18. With these values, Eq. (4) gives 7Uq =
(This theorem, which usually applies only to rigid bodies, is 162 kg-cm2, and from Eq. (2), 7rig = 336 kg-cm2; thus,
valid for the liquid here because the actual tank motion can Iiia/Iris = 0.48. This value compares well with the results
be thought of as a rotation about the liquid center of gravity (Table 1) for a tank with five baffles and/ = 3.4 to 6.6 cps.
and a pure translation. In translation, however, the liquid The experimental results in Fig. 4 show that the log decre-
moves as a rigid body, and hence, the transfer theorem can ment was only 0.01 to 0.02 of that reported for sloshing in a
be used.) similar baffled tank (see Ref. 3 and Fig. 4). With no
Damping measurements were obtained by a logarithmic baffles, the log decrement was almost constant as frequency
decrement technique by shutting off the excitation at reso- and amplitude varied; with baffles, however, it increased as
nance and recording the decay curve (for 50 cycles) on a strip amplitude increased.
chart. The damping of the equivalent rigid system was ob- To compare these results with Bauer's model, the equations
tained by using an empty tank weighted with sufficient lead of motion for the model in Fig. 1 are written with the restric-
ballast, so that the pivot points supported the same weight, tion that the mn are rigidly attached to the tank. The perti-
and essentially the same / was obtained as for the full tank. nent results are that the experimental value of 7i iq is
The damping of the liquid alone was the difference of the full 7 nq = 7 rig - {7d/ 2
1} (6)
and empty tank values.
and the experimental damping coefficient is
Test Results and Correlation with Model
Ctest = Cd/[l ] (7)
Results are presented in Table 1. With no baffles, I\\JIi\g.
was consistent with the results of potential flow analyses4 (see Since the log decrement is d = 7rctest/co7iiq, Eqs. (6) and (7)
Fig. 2 for h/d = 1.0). The liquid moment of inertia increased can be rearranged to yield
with the number of baffles n, and for n = 5, 7i iq /7 ri g ^ 0.5
for / = 3.4 to 6.6 cps. There are no theoretical analyses to Id = 7 rig - 7 liq (<5/V) 2 [7 liq 2 /(7 rig - (8)
0.006 and
cd = co57J liq /[7r(7 rig -7 liq )] (9)
0.005 — 3
Because 6 was always on the order of 10 ~ , it can be seen
that for all practical purposes Id = 7rig — 7iiq. By compar-
ing this result with Eqs. (1) and (2), it can be concluded that
the coupling of the disk to the tank is so small for the values of
cd measured in our tests that any apparent variation of 7uq
with frequency cannot be predicted by the model. Thus,
simpler models, which do not employ the disk, appear to be
equally valid in predicting the moment response of the fluid.
This would probably also be the case in actual missile tanks,
since the viscosities of typical fuels are relatively low and
would give a relatively small value of cd.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 i.O 1.2 1.4 Lukens, D. R., Schmitt, A. F., and Broucek, C. T., "Approxi-
INITIAL AMPLITUDE, DEGREES mate transfer functions for a flexible booster and autopilot
Fig. 4 Liquid damping for tanks with no baffles and with analysis," Wright Air Development Div. TR-61-93 (April 1961).
five baffles: h = d = 19.6 cm, w = 1.52 cm, and b = 3.92 Armstrong, G. L. and Kachigan, K., "Propellant sloshing/'
cm. Handbook of Astronautical Engineering, edited by H. H. Koelle
(McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1961), Sec. 14.14, 15.
t More complete details of the experimental facility and test Abramson, H. N., Chu, W. H., and Ransleben, G. E., Jr.,
results are given in Ref. 5. "Representation of fuel sloshing in cylindrical tanks by an

equivalent mechanical model/5 ARS J. 31,1697-1705(1961). 1.00

Bauer, H. F., "Fluid oscillations in the containers of a space
vehicle and their influence on stability/' NASA TR-R-187
(February 1964).
Dodge, F. T. and Kana, D. D., "Moment of inertia and damp- 0.90
ing of liquids in baffled cylindrical tanks/' Tech. Rept. 11,
Contract NAS8-1555, Southwest Research Institute (June 1965).

- 0.80

Configuration Factors for Thermal
Radiation from Isothermal Inner Walls £0.60
of Cones and Cylinders "5
DARL D. BIEN* i 0.50
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on January 27, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.28408

NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

A — surface area
d = diameter
F = configuration factor
h = height of frustum, perpendicular to base 0.30
Q = heat rejected by the radiating surface
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Ratio of surface height to major diameter,
r = radius
T = temperature of the radiating surface
Fig. 1 Variation of surface inside configuration factor
e = emissivity of the radiating surface
with geometry.
a — Stephan-Boltzmann constant
1,2,3 = surface designation (Fig. 1) Under the assumption of Lambert's cosine distribution, the
configuration factor becomes a function of geometry alone
and has limiting values of zero and unity.1

T WO radiator configurations presently being considered

for the rejection of waste heat from space powerplants
are the cone and the cylinder. The shape of a launch vehicle
Frustum Configuration Factor
The amount of radiant energy transferred from surface
3 (Fig. 1) to space is given by
lends itself to such configurations, the nose of the rocket
conforming to the cone and the body to the cylinder. In ! F, s, (1)

certain applications, such radiators may be deployed, so that A determination of the configuration factor ^3_space is there-
the inner walls have a view of space limited primarily by the fore necessary to ascertain the amount of heat rejected by
geometry of the radiator itself. In such cases, the capability the radiating surface.
of the inner walls to reject heat is of interest, and a method The fraction of total radiant energy leaving the inner sur-
of determining the effectiveness of this inner surface as a face of the frustum of a cone that reaches space is also de-
radiator is required. sirable. Through reference to Fig. 1, it is seen that all radi-
To determine the heat loss from any surface having a ation leaving surface 3 and reaching space must go through
limited view of space, it is common to develop a configuration the imaginary surfaces designated 1 and 2. That is,
factor describing the fraction of total emission that escapes
to space. For simplicity of calculation, it is assumed that ^3-s (2)
the cylinder and the cone are isothermal black-body radiators.
where surface 1 is an imaginary circular disk placed in the
These assumptions lead to an idealization of the actual fin-
smaller end of the frustum of a cone, surface 2 is an imaginary
and-tube space radiator. No attempt is made in this paper
circular disk placed in the larger end of the frustum, and
to apply the configuration factors developed to nonisothermal
surfaces. surface 3 is the inner wall of the frustum of a cone.
Configuration factor algebra enables one to express F^.i and
The approach used herein begins with the known con-
figuration factor for two parallel circular disks whose centers ft-2 in terms of the known factor between parallel disks
Fi_2. Under the postulation of identical distribution func-
are on a common line normal to their planes. By means of
tions (in this case, Lambert's distribution) for each of the
configuration factor algebra, the factor for cones and cylinders
three surfaces, the reciprocity theorem holds, and
is expressible in terms of this known factor for two parallel
disks. This approach leads to an average factor for the en- A3 Fz-i = A, F^ (3)
tire surface under consideration.
But Fig. 1 shows that
i-2 ' (4)
The configuration factor for radiation from surface a to sur-
face b, written Fa.b, is defined as the fraction of total radiant By use of Eq. (4) in Eq. (3),
energy leaving surface a that is intercepted by surface 6.
F8-i = (A,/ A3) (I - Fi-2) (5)
Received July 2, 1965. When FS-Z is considered, the reciprocity theorem yields
* Aerospace Engineer, Systems Analysis Section, Space
Power System Division. As FS-, = A2 F2_3 (6)

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