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Supplementary Material for

Assessing nature’s contributions to people

Sandra Díaz,* Unai Pascual,* Marie Stenseke, Berta Martín-López, Robert T. Watson,
Zsolt Molnár, Rosemary Hill, Kai M. A. Chan, Ivar A. Baste, Kate A. Brauman, Stephen
Polasky, Andrew Church, Mark Lonsdale, Anne Larigauderie, Paul W. Leadley,
Alexander P. E. van Oudenhoven, Felice van der Plaat, Matthias Schröter, Sandra
Lavorel, Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Elena Bukvareva, Kirsten Davies, Sebsebe
Demissew, Gunay Erpul, Pierre Failler, Carlos A. Guerra, Chad L. Hewitt, Hans Keune,
Sarah Lindley, Yoshihisa Shirayama
*Corresponding author. Email: (S.D.); (U.P.)

Published 19 January 2018, Science 359, 270 (2017)

DOI: 10.1126/science.aap8826

This PDF file includes:

Supplementary Text
Figs. S1 to S3
Tables S1 and S2
Supplementary Materials for

Assessing nature’s contributions to people

Supplementary Text

Sandra Díaz1,2*, Unai Pascual3,4,5*, Marie Stenseke6, Berta Martín-López7, Robert T. Watson8,
Zsolt Molnár9, Rosemary Hill10, Kai M. A. Chan11, Ivar A. Baste12, Kate A. Brauman13, Stephen
Polasky14, Andrew Church15, Mark Lonsdale16, Anne Larigauderie17, Paul W. Leadley18, Alexander
P. E. van Oudenhoven19, Felice van der Plaat17, Matthias Schröter20,21, Sandra Lavorel22, Yildiz
Aumeeruddy-Thomas23, Elena Bukvareva24, Kirsten Davies25, Sebsebe Demissew26, Gunay
Erpul27, Pierre Failler28, Carlos A. Guerra21,29, Chad L. Hewitt30, Hans Keune31,32, Sarah Lindley33,
Yoshihisa Shirayama34

Consejo Nacional de investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Instituto Multidisciplinario de
Biología Vegetal (IMBIV), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Casilla de Correo 495, 5000,
Córdoba, Argentina.

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales,
Departamento de Diversidad Biológica y Ecología, Córdoba, Argentina.

Basque Centre for Climate Change, Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Campus of the
University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Leioa 48940, Bilbao, Spain.
Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, María Díaz Haro, 3, 48013 Bilbao, Spain.
University of Cambridge, Department of Land Economy, 16-21 Silver St., Cambridge CB3 9EP,
Unit for Human Geography, Department of Economy and Society, School of Economics Business
and Law, University of Gothenburg, P.O. Box 625, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden.
Leuphana University, Faculty of Sustainability, Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary
Sustainability Research, Lüneburg, Scharnhorststr. 1, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany.
Tyndall Center Department of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK.
MTA Centre for Ecological Research Institute of Ecology and Botany, H-2163 Vácrátót,
CSIRO Land and Water and James Cook University Division of Tropical Environments &
Societies, Box 12139 Earlville BC, Cairns, Queensland, 4870 Australia.
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, 2202
Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
The Folgefonn-Centre, Skålafjøro 17, 5470 Rosendal, Norway.
Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota. 1954 Buford Ave, Suite 325, St Paul, MN
55108, USA.
Department of Applied Economics/Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University
of Minnesota, 1994 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108 USA.
School of Environment and Technology, University of Brighton.
Monash University and Charles Darwin University.
IPBES Secretariat, UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, D-53113 Bonn, Germany.
ESE Laboratory, Univ. Paris-Saclay / CNRS / AgroParisTech, 91400 Orsay, France.
Institute of Environmental Sciences CML, Leiden University, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC, Leiden,
The Netherlands.
UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Ecosystem Services,
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany.
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Deutscher Platz
5e, 04103 Leipzig, Germany.
Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, CNRS - Université Grenoble Alpes, CS 40700, 38058 Grenoble
Cedex 9, France.
CNRS, Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, UMR5175, Biocultural Interactions
(IBC) team, 1919, route de Mende, F-34293, Montpellier cedex 5, France.
Biodiversity Conservation Center, ul. Vavilova, 41, office 2, Moscow, 117312, Russia.
Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia.
Department of Plant Biology & Biodiversity Management, College of Natural Sciences, Addis
Ababa University, P.O. Box 3434, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 06110
Diskapi-Ankara, Turkey.
Blue Governance Research Group, Portsmouth business School, Universtiy of Portsmouth,
Portsmouth, PO3 1DE, UK.
Institute of Biology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Am Kirchtor 1, 06108, Halle
(Saale), Germany.
School of Science and Environmental Research Institute, University of Waikato, Hamilton 3240
New Zealand.
Belgian Biodiversity Platform - Research Institute Nature & Forest (INBO), Kliniekstraat 25,
1070 Brussels, Belgium.
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610
Wilrijk, Belgium.
Department of Geography, School of Environment, Education and Development, University of
Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK.
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), 2-15 Natsushima Cho,
Yokosuka City, Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan.
Supplementary figures

Fig. S1. Evolution of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) and other major categories in the
IPBES conceptual framework (1) with respect to the concepts of ecosystem services and human
wellbeing as defined in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2). Categories in grey are part of
the frameworks but not the main focus of this paper. The element “nature’s benefit to people” was
adopted by IPBES Second Plenary, and further developed into NCP by IPBES Fifth Plenary in order
to fully capture the fact that the concept includes all contributions to people, both positive (benefits)
and negative (detriments). Concepts pointed by arrow heads replace or include concepts near arrow
tails. Concepts in dotted-line boxes are no longer used: following the present view of the MA
community (3, 4), supporting ecosystem services are now components of nature or (to a lesser extent)
regulating NCP. Cultural ecosystem services was defined as a separate ecosystem service category
in the MA; IPBES instead recognizes that culture mediates the relationship between people and all
NCP. For more details of NCP according to the generalizing and conceptual perspectives, see
Figure S2 and Figure S3.

MA (2005) IPBES (2013) IPBES (2017)

Nature Nature
Biodiversity and Biodiversity and
ecosystems ecosystems

Mother Earth… Mother Earth…

Ecosystem Nature’s benefits Nature’s contributions

services (ES) to people to people (NCP)
Supporting Nature’s gifts
Cultural contex t

ES Regulating NCP

Cultural Non-material NCP


Material NCP
ES Generalizing

Good quality of life Good quality of life

Human Human
Human wellbeing wellbeing wellbeing

Living in harmony Living in harmony

with nature… with nature…
Fig. S2: Two perspectives on nature’s contributions to people (NCP). NCP is a key element of
the IPBES conceptual framework (1) (shown in simplified version on the right). NCP can be seen
through the generalizing (green, bottom), or through the context-specific perspectives (blue, top). In
the generalizing perspective, 18 NCP are distinguished and organized in three broad groups –
material, non-material and regulating– of general applicability (represented by the white-line figure
overlapping the landscape at the bottom, shown in full in Figure S3). In the context-specific
perspective such universally applicable categories are largely not meaningful; the white-line figure
overlapping the landscape at the top (a simplification of the Warlpiri perspective on nature-human
relationships) represents only one of very many possible framings of NCP; see Table S2 for
explanation and examples. Note that between the generalizing and context-specific perspectives
there are gradual transitions, rather than sharp distinctions. Depending on the context, a stakeholder
can report a specific NCP as part of any of the 18 NCP in the generalizing perspective, as part of a
bundle of context-specific NCP (see examples in Table S2) or as transitional between the two.

Context-specific perspective

Good quality of life

Nature’s Anthropogenic
Direct drivers
contributions assets
to people Natural drivers
(NCP) Institutions and Anthropogenic
governance and other drivers
indirect drivers


Generalizing perspective
Fig. S3. Mapping of the 18 NCP reporting categories used in IPBES assessments onto three
broad groups distinguished within the generalizing perspective (see main text and Figure S1
and Figure S2). Most NCP straddle across groups to some degree. To indicate this, the NCP in the
material and non-material groups extend into their respective columns. The non-material dimension
of regulating NCP is not as widely recognized across cultures; therefore they are represented
as encroaching only slightly beyond their column in the Figure. Maintenance of options (NCP
18), conveys the various dimensions of the potential opportunities offered by nature, and thus
spans all three NCP groups. NCP 18 includes things such as the maintenance into the future of
all current and future NCP, embodying the capacity of nature for supporting the resilience of
ecosystems and their ability to transform to novel states and derived NCP (5-7). Explanation and
examples of all NCP are given in Table S1.

Material NCP Non-material NCP Regulating NCP

1. Habitat creation and maintenance

2. Pollination and dispersal of seeds and
other propagules
3. Regulation of air quality
4. Regulation of climate
5. Regulation of ocean acidification
6. Regulation of freshwater quantity,
location and timing
7. Regulation of freshwater and coastal water quality
8. Formation, protection and decontamination
of soils and sediments
9. Regulation of hazards and extreme events
10. Regulation of detrimental organisms
and biological processes
11. Energy
12. Food and feed
13. Materials, companionship and labor
14. Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources
15. Learning and inspiration
16. Physical and psychological experiences
17. Supporting identities
18. Maintenance of options
Supplementary tables

Table S1. Reporting categories of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) used in IPBES
assessments according to the generalizing perspective

The 18 NCP reporting categories recommended for IPBES assessments, according to the
generalizing perspective (see main text and Figure 2). The NCP listed here are in some cases
sharply-defined contributions, and in some others represent bundles of similar contributions.
Beyond IPBES, this list of NCP is meant to be indicative, not exhaustive. The explanations,
examples and references are also illustrative. The order of NCP in the table does not denote
importance or priority. The placing of each of the 18 reporting categories in the broad groups of
material, non-material and/or regulating NCP is shown in Figure S2. The NCP are provided,
depending on the case, by particular organisms, by ecosystems, or by particular mixtures of
organisms, assembled naturally (e.g. the assemblage of pollinators in a landscape) or artificially
(e.g. a planted grove, or a plant mixture on a green roof). Note that these contributions can be
positive or negative according to the cultural and socio-economic context of the stakeholders, or
even perceived as benefits or decrements by same stakeholder group according to the spatial or
temporal context (8-11).

Reporting categories of nature’s Brief explanation and some examples

contributions to people

1 Habitat creation and maintenance The formation and continued production, by ecosystems or
organisms within them, of ecological conditions necessary or
favorable for living beings of direct or indirect importance to
humans. E.g. growing sites for plants (12), nesting, feeding,
and mating sites for animals, resting and overwintering areas
for migratory mammals, birds and butterflies (12, 13),
roosting places for agricultural pests and disease vectors (14),
nurseries for juvenile stages of fish (15-18), habitat creation at
different soil depths by invertebrates (19)

2 Pollination and dispersal of seeds and Facilitation by animals of movement of pollen among flowers
other propagules (20-22), and dispersal of seeds, larvae or spores of organisms
beneficial or harmful to humans (20, 23-28)
3 Regulation of air quality Regulation (by impediment or facilitation) by ecosystems, of
CO2/O2 balance, O3, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx),
volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulates, aerosols,
allergens (29-34)
Filtration, fixation, degradation or storage of pollutants that
directly affect human health or infrastructure (35-38)

4 Regulation of climate Climate regulation by ecosystems (including regulation of

global warming) through:
• Positive or negative effects on emissions of greenhouse
gases (e.g. biological carbon storage and sequestration;
methane emissions from wetlands) (32, 39-41)
• Positive or negative effects on biophysical feedbacks from
vegetation cover to atmosphere, such as those involving
albedo, surface roughness, long-wave radiation,
evapotranspiration (including moisture-recycling) and cloud
formation (42-46)

• Direct and indirect processes involving biogenic volatile

organic compounds (BVOC), and regulation of aerosols and
aerosol precursors by terrestrial plants and phytoplankton (46-

5 Regulation of ocean acidification Regulation, by photosynthetic organisms (on land or in water),

of atmospheric CO2 concentrations and so seawater pH, which
affects associated calcification processes by many marine
organisms important to humans (such as corals) (56-58)

6 Regulation of freshwater quantity, Regulation, by ecosystems, of the quantity, location and

location and timing (59) timing of the flow of surface and groundwater used for
drinking, irrigation, transport, hydropower, and as the support
of non-material contributions (NCP 15, 16, 17) (60-62)

Regulation of flow to water-dependent natural habitats that in

turn positively or negatively affect people downstream,
including via flooding (wetlands including ponds, rivers,
lakes, swamps) (63-67)

Modification of groundwater levels, which can ameliorate

dryland salinization in unirrigated landscapes (68-71)

7 Regulation of freshwater and coastal Regulation – through filtration of particles, pathogens, excess
water quality nutrients, and other chemicals – by ecosystems or particular
organisms, of the quality of water used directly (e.g. drinking,
swimming) or indirectly (e.g. aquatic foods, irrigated food and
fiber crops, freshwater and coastal habitats of heritage value)
(60, 72-76)

8 Formation, protection and Formation and long-term maintenance of soil structure and
decontamination of soils and processes by plants and soil organisms. Includes: physical
sediments protection of soil and sediments from erosion (77, 78), and
supply of organic matter and nutrients by vegetation;
processes that underlie the continued fertility of soils
important to humans (e.g. decomposition and nutrient cycling)
(79-81); filtration, fixation, attenuation or storage of chemical
and biological pollutants (pathogens, toxics, excess nutrients)
in soils and sediments (81-85)
9 Regulation of hazards and extreme Amelioration, by ecosystems, of the impacts on humans or
events their infrastructure caused by e.g. floods, wind, storms,
hurricanes, heat waves, tsunamis, high noise levels, fires,
seawater intrusion, tidal waves (86-90)
Reduction or increase, by ecosystems or particular organisms,
of hazards like landslides, avalanches (91-94)

10 Regulation of detrimental organisms Regulation, by organisms, of pests, pathogens, predators or

and biological processes competitors that affect humans (materially and non-
materially), or plants or animals of importance for humans.
Also the direct detrimental effect of organisms on humans or
their plants, animals or infrastructure. These include e.g.:
• Control by predators or parasites of the population size of
animals important to humans, such as attacks by large
carnivores (95-98), or infestation by liver fluke, on game or
livestock) (99, 100)
• Regulation (by impediment or facilitation) of the abundance
or distribution of potentially harmful organisms (e.g.
venomous, toxic, allergenic, predators, parasites, competitors,
pathogens, agricultural weeds and pests, disease vectors and
reservoirs) over the landscape or seascape (101-107)
• Removal, by scavengers, of animal carcasses and
human corpses (e.g. vultures in Zoroastrian and some
Tibetan Buddhist traditions) (108-111)
• Biological impairment and degradation of infrastructure (e.g.
damage by pigeons, bats, termites, strangling figs to buildings)
• Direct physical damage to crops, forest plantations,
livestock, poultry and fisheries by mammals, birds and reptiles
(96, 97)
• Damage caused by invertebrates as pests of
agriculture, horticulture, forest, and stored products, and
by affecting health of domestic animals (115-117)
• Direct damage caused by organisms to humans by e.g.
frightening, hurting, killing, or transmitting diseases (96)
• Regulation of the human immune system by a diverse
environmental microbiota (118)
11 Energy Production of biomass-based fuels, such as biofuel crops,
animal waste, fuelwood, agricultural residue pellets, peat

12 Food and feed Production of food from wild , managed, or domesticated

organisms, such as fish, bushmeat and edible invertebrates,
beef, poultry, game, dairy products, edible crops, wild plants,
mushrooms, honey (22, 124-138)
Production of feed (forage and fodder) for domesticated
animals (e.g. livestock, work and support animals, pets) or for
aquaculture, from the same sources (127, 128, 130, 139, 140)

13 Materials, companionship and labor Production of materials derived from organisms in cultivated
or wild ecosystems, for construction, clothing, printing,
ornamental purposes (e.g. wood, peat, fibers, waxes, paper,
resins, dyes, pearls, shells, coral branches) (119, 128, 141-
Live organisms being directly used for decoration (i.e.
ornamental plants, birds, fish in households and public
spaces), company (e.g. pets), transport, and labor (including
herding, searching, guidance, guarding) (141, 147-157)

14 Medicinal, biochemical and genetic Production of materials derived from organisms (plants,
resources animals, fungi, microbes) used for medicinal, veterinary and
pharmacological (e.g. poisonous, psychoactive) purposes.
Production of genes and genetic information used for plant
and animal breeding and biotechnology (12, 158-164)
15 Learning and inspiration Provision, by landscapes, seascapes, habitats or organisms, of
opportunities for the development of the capabilities that
allow humans to prosper through education, acquisition of
knowledge and development of skills for well-being,
information, and inspiration for art and technological design
(e.g. biomimicry) (165-174)

16 Physical and psychological Provision, by landscapes, seascapes, habitats or organisms, of

experiences opportunities for physically and psychologically beneficial
activities, healing, relaxation, recreation, leisure, tourism and
aesthetic enjoyment based on the close contact with nature
(e.g. hiking, recreational hunting and fishing, birdwatching,
snorkeling, diving, gardening) (175-187)

17 Supporting identities Landscapes, seascapes, habitats or organisms being the basis

for religious, spiritual, and social-cohesion experiences:
• Provisioning of opportunities by nature for people to
develop a sense of place, belonging, rootedness or
connectedness, associated with different entities of the living
world (e. g. cultural, sacred and heritage landscapes, sounds,
scents and sights associated with childhood experiences,
iconic animals, trees or flowers) (187-198)
• Basis for narratives, rituals and celebrations provided by
landscapes, seascapes, habitats, species or organisms (13, 21,
169, 188, 189, 191, 199)
• Source of satisfaction derived from knowing that a parti-
cular landscape, seascape, habitat or species exists (200, 201)

18 Maintenance of options (202) Capacity of ecosystems, habitats, species or genotypes to keep

options open in order to support a good quality of life.
Examples include:

• Benefits (including those of future generations) associated

with the continued existence of a wide variety of species,
populations and genotypes. This includes their contributions
to the resilience and resistance of ecosystem properties in the
face of environmental change and variability (6, 7, 203-206)

• Future benefits (or threats) derived from keeping options

open for yet unknown discoveries and unanticipated uses of
particular organisms or ecosystems that already exist (e.g. new
medicines or materials) (5)

• Future benefits (or threats) that may be anticipated from on-

going biological evolution (e.g. adaptation to a warmer
climate, to emergent diseases, development of resistance to
antibiotics and other control agents by pathogens and weeds)
(5, 207)
Table S2: Two examples of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) reporting categories,
according to the context-specific perspective

In addressing NCP within the context of knowledge systems other than physical, natural and
economic sciences, the 18 generalizing categories of Table S1 are often not applicable. This is
typical, but not exclusive (e.g. (208) of the knowledge systems of indigenous peoples and local
communities. Instead different categories or more holistic relationships through practices are
recognized. In some cases, relationships between nature and people are highly reciprocal, with
NCP arising from practices of mutual care (13, 209-211). The two examples below are illustration
of the diverse ways in which NCP are framed in different cultural contexts. Note that this
perspective and the generalizing perspective are not mutually exclusive; they often blend and
interweave (212-215).
Example 1 - Categories used to recognize context-specific NCP in the IPBES Pollination
Assessment (21)
In the IPBES Pollination Assessment, engagement with ILK-holders led to part of NCP being
framed as “gifts” to both people and biota, through “practices” that link people and pollinators in
ongoing reciprocal relationships. ILK-holders explained how pollination processes are understood,
celebrated and managed holistically through fostering fertility, fecundity, spirituality and diversity;
see (21) for full referencing.
How NCP is The categories Examples/description
framed to suit used for analysis
this context of NCP in this
Practices (for Practices of Kawaiwete people in the southern Amazon perceive that the
and with valuing diversity spiritual entity who protects stingless bees will inflict “bee illness”
pollinators) and fostering on those who do not show respect and observe silence when
gifted to biocultural collecting honey; they identify 37 stingless bee species and protect
indigenous diversity 28 forest tree species used for nesting as well as 19 other plant
peoples and species used for food by these bees.
local Landscape Seven practices were identified:
communities management
practices i. Taboos that protect pollinators and pollinator resources;
ii. Kinship relationships that protect pollinators and
pollination resources;
iii. Mental maps and animal behaviour knowledge as
management practices;
iv. Fire management to enhance pollination resources;
v. Manipulation of pollination resources in different seasons
and landscape patches;
vi. Biotemporal indicators for management actions;
vii. Providing pollinator nesting resources.
Diversified Four types of diversified farming systems that influence
farming systems agrobiodiversity, pollinators and pollination were identified:
i. Shifting cultivation (e.g. Milpa systems in central
ii. Home gardens (e.g. Mesoamerican home gardens contain
some 811 cultivated species);
iii. Commodity agroforestry (e.g. shade coffee systems
provide habitat for bird pollinators);
iv. Farming of semi-domesticated and domesticated bees.
Example 2 - How Warlpiri understand nature’s contributions to people ((191)

For the Warlpiri people, nature’s contributions to people are understood in terms of Ngurra-kurlu, roughly
translated as “from country” or “country within people”. In Aboriginal English, a person’s land, sea, sky,
rivers, sites, seasons, plants and animals; place of heritage, belonging and spirituality; is called “country”
(216). The term Ngurra-kurlu reflects the fundamental Warlpiri perspective of reciprocity between people
and country. In this context, people and country are one body Palka. The image embedded in the first
column represents Ngurra-kurlu, Warlpiri people's understanding of how country contributes to people and
vice-versa (painting by Daniel Rockman Jupurrurla, from Ref. (191), reproduced under the Creative
Commons license).

How NCP are The categories Examples/description

framed to suit this used for analysis
context in this context

Ngurra-kurlu Law The Law provides the guidelines, the knowledge, beliefs,
meaning “from practices, rules and regulations. “The law is a serious thing
country”. “This and it needs to be followed…Wawirri (red kangaroo) is a
ngurra-kurlu is symbol of the Law. Men cooking a kangaroo is a serious
palka: he got his thing”
own heart, he’s got
his own kidney, he’s Skin “Skin” groups connect people with each other and with
got his own liver. If nature through obligations and responsibilities; for example
you take one of them different skin groups have responsibility for Emu
away, his whole dreaming, Emu song lines, Emu ceremony and thereby the
body will drop” Emu.

Ceremony Many types of ceremony are needed for ngurra-kurlu to

function properly – public and secret rituals of women and
men separately; atonement and reconciliation ceremonies;
initiation. Ceremony supports the healthy functioning of
people and country.

Language Language encodes the unique Warlpiri worldview

“language is like a tree, it makes you stand firm in
country”. There is skin language, land language, ceremony
language, law language. People change their language to
show respect, to show the messages of sacred objects and
Country Country is in the middle of the Ngurra-kurlu template and
links everything; it is home.
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