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(ACV-S01) Homework - Food blog

Student: Carlos Bilberto Coronado Cahuaza

My eating habit.
1. Write a brief description of your eating habits.
Hello, my name is Carlos Coronado, I eat three times a day, in the morning at breakfast I
eat light food, for example, a glass of orange juice with boiled egg, in the afternoon at
lunch, as the food that They prepare them at my work dealership and finally at dinner I
usually eat light food like a cup of coffee or tea with bread.
2. Answer the question:
What is a normal day in your life?
My normal day begins in the morning when I get up to bathe and then have breakfast, after
breakfast I get ready to go to work, at noon I have lunch in my work dining room and at
night I usually have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. with bread at home.
How do you usually eat between college, work, and home?
My diet at work and at university is almost similar because in general, they eat some
products that are in the different points of restaurants to complement my diet three times a

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