Tugas Bahasa Inggris: (Relative Pronoun)

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1. Maria is the woman. Maria is going to semarang next year
Maria is the woman who is going to semrang next year
2. Sinta teaches Biology in senior High School. She is twenty four years old.
Sinta who is twenty for years old teaches Biology in senior High Schoo.
3. That woman is my mother. She is in a red dress.
The woman who is in a red dress is my mother.
4. The leptop is very convenient to use. I bought it yesterday.
The leptop that I bought yesterday is very convenient to use.
5. Dody just replied to my email. I talked to him yesterday.
Dody, whom I talked to yesterday, just replied to my email.
6. The man wanted to buy the red car. He came yesterday.
The man who came yesterday wanted to buy the car.
7. I just talked whit my brother. He is in Papua
I just talked with my brother, who is in Papua
8. Robert Downey Jr. ated very well in this movie. I adore him very much
Robert Downey Jr. whom Iadore very much, acted very well in this movie.
9. The man is my uncle. The man helped you yesterday.
The man who helped you yesterday is my uncle
10. I don’t know the man. You met him last night
I don’t know the man whom you met last night
11. Rifai is the man. We are going to recommend Rifai for the job
Rifai is the man whom we are going to recommend for the job
12. The girl on the plane. They want her.
The girl whom they want is on the plane
13. Rina is a dedicated social worker. Her job is helping people.
Rina whose job is helping people is a social worker
14. Susi is a kind girl I have ever met. I feel lucky to know her.
Susi to whom I fell so lucky to know is a kind girl
15. The diamond is the most expensive diamond in the word. It was showcased in the
exhibition today.
The diamond which was showcased in the exhibition today is the most expensive
diamond in the world
16. The boy who is playing fotbooll on the is my neighbor
17. I am looking for someone who is willing to help me fix my sink
18. The table which is made of oak wood has broken
19. He can choose a room whichever he likes
20. He is the one for whom I’m waiting

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