Philippine Presidents Contribution and Reflection

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1. Ferdinand E.

 infrastructure development
 safeguarding the country against communism
 international diplomacy
 agricultural productivity
 dismantle the oligarchy that had dominated the nation
One of the major infrastructure developments contributed by Pres. Marcos
near and familiar to us is the San Juanico Bridge. We all know how much it helped
us with our transportation and economic purposes. We knew Ferdinand Marcos as a
dictatorial president, imposing Martial Law in a democratic country, thus that is when
his image became brutal and controlling, but his projects during his presidency had
really did contributed to developing this country, only that his administration had a
cruel ending.

2. Corazon C. Aquino
 restoration of freedom or democracy into the country
 Women Empowerment, allowing progressive participation of women at
different levels of society
 1987 Constitution
 provided free secondary education
 Led to strive to survive the 1990 earthquake, 1991 super typhoon
Thelma, and the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo.
It was hard to find Cory’s contribution to the country during her presidency.
But I realized, how can she make big moves, big projects when she has to recover
the country into a more stable state after the Marcos reign. I can only imagine her
pain and difficulties being the President at that time, she lost her husband and she
was given the huge responsibility of leading a falling country, even facing natural
calamities. I read in one of the articles, her husband predicted that the person who
will be the next president after Marcos will surely be doomed to fail, ironically, it was
her wife. Despite that, she remained poised in a middle of a coup, staying calm
despite the difficulties she faced.
3. Fidel V. Ramos
 purged the national police force of corrupt officers
 modernization of public infrastructure through an expanded Build-
Operate-Transfer (BOT) law
 deregulation of key industries and the liberalization of the economy
 Peace agreements with the communists, New People’s Army, and the
Muslim separatist, Moro National Liberation Front
 Implemented Social Reform Agenda (SRA)
It was Ramos administration, when Philippines truly attained political stability
and rapid economic growth. So far, it is my first time reading an article
complimenting a Filipino President’s way of leadership, which he was able to do
effectively. During his administration, the Philippines even received an award which
is the 1997 UNESCO Peace Prize, for attaining peace agreement among the two
long-active guerilla insurgencies. Truly, Ramos did well in reviving the Philippine
economy and improved the Filipinos way of life.

4. Jose Marcelo Ejercito

 immediate relief of corrupt officials in the military and police hierarchy
 ordered a wide-ranging investigation of all government contracts
 ordered the investigation of suspected big-time tax evaders
 housing program on a national basis, targeting low-cost homes for the
 priority to Agriculture and bring down cost of medicine
Erap is the only president who wasn’t able to finish his administration because
of impeachment over issues involving plunder, which he was even imprisoned
resulting of the vice president taking over the position. Knowing what his
contributions are mainly focused of eliminating illegal activities inside the government
involving people with power, it must have retaliated on him resulting to his position
taken away from him plus his involvement with gambling. His way of leadership and
entertainment, end his career as the Philippine President.
5. Gloria M. Arroyo
 supported the Framework Plan for Women which aimed to promote
women’s economic empowerment, protect women’s human rights, and
promote and strengthen gender-responsive governance
 Implementation of the Gender-Responsive Economic Actions for the
Transformation of Women (GREAT Women) Project
 RA 9262: Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004
 The Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
  successfully closed the gender gap by promoting human development
Arroyo as the second female president expectedly valued women’s right and
empowerment during her administration. She is also the 2 nd president after Marcos,
who was able to sit on the president position longer, with exactly 9 years. As a
woman living in the same country, it is truly commendable of her efforts for giving
women equal opportunities with other gender, and even closed the gender gap,
making the Philippines, rank six out of 130 countries in 2008 in the Global Gender

6. Benigno C. Aquino III

 conclusion of a peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF) in October 2012
 stable economic growth during his administration
 reformation of the Philippine Education Program, implementing K-12
 strengthen the agricultural sector by making credit accessible to small
farmers and fisherfolks
 No Wang-wang Policy
During P’noy’s presidency, he showed equity by the no wang-wang policy in
which he was even late a couple of times on his meeting because he, himself as the
president at that time, did not use it. It can only be used for very important situations
like for example in medical emergencies. His reformation on the basic education in
the country, is something that I truly agreed of to promote quality education and be
globally competent. It is also good to know that he is one of the presidents giving
importance on the agricultural sector the fact that it is the source of income of the
common Filipino people. P’noy may had a few bad decisions during his
administration, but I see him as a president that is broad-minded and professional.

 Britannica

 Club de Madrid
 Global Leadership, Foundation

 Global

 Iowa State University, Archives of Women’s Political Communication

 McKittrick, D. (October 23, 2011), “Cory Aquino: President of the

Philippines who brought Democracy to the Islands”

 New World Encyclopedia

 Pedrasa, I. (July 20, 2010), “P.Noy’s Wang-wang Policy sets Culture


 Philippine Commission on Women

(Notes: On the reflection part, contains subjective information that may be agreed or disagreed by
other people. Remember, it is just a personal opinion.)

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