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Level: L2 - Procedure Tier: GLB - Global

Document Type: Procedure

Sub Element: BH Quality and Reliability
Doc Number: BH-QUA-025 (EN)
Rev: 2
Effective Date: 19 Mar 2020

Control of Monitoring, Measuring, Testing, and

Detection Equipment
The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for Baker Hughes organizations
to control equipment used in the monitoring, measurement testing, and detection of
products, services, and service-related products, to ensure conformity to specified

This document applies to all Baker Hughes Product Companies and Functions.
The requirements of this document apply to all monitoring, measuring testing, and detection
equipment used for development, production and service provision as well as in
determination of criteria for product acceptance within all Baker Hughes business entities.
This procedure is not applicable to Support Equipment (SE) that is used for Sales, Training or
other functions not related to production, inspection, testing, or service of Baker Hughes
The requirements in this procedure identified as [Supplemental API Q1] and/or [Supplemental
API Q2] are mandatory for Baker Hughes Organizations with active API Monogram Licenses,
API Q1 and/or API Q2 Registrations, or claiming conformity to API Q1 and/or Q2.

Description of Activity
1. General Requirements
1.1 Organizations will determine the monitoring, measurement, testing and detection
requirements, and the monitoring, measurement, testing and detection
equipment needed to provide evidence of conformity to these requirements.
1.2 Organizations will establish processes to ensure monitoring, measurement,
testing and detection equipment is calibrated and maintained and that the

Revision History
Rev. RDR Amendment Detail Reviewer Approver Effective Date
Current Revision
Rebranded and changed doc number to reflect the new company name.
2 3136 Updated references to Baker Hughes documents. Corrected reference to par. R. Scala F. Cantini 19 Mar 2020
5. at 5.3.4.
Three Previous Revisions
1 -- Initial Release. R. Scala F. Cantini 28 May 2018

BH-QUA-041 Rev 2

Copyright 2018, 2020 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is company confidential and proprietary property
of Baker Hughes and its affiliates. It is to be used only for the benefit of Baker Hughes and may not be distributed, transmitted, reproduced, altered, or used for
any other purpose without the express written consent of Baker Hughes.

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BH-QUA-025 (EN) Rev: 2
Effective Date: 3/19/2020
Control of Monitoring, Measuring, Testing, and Detection Equipment

equipment is used in a manner consistent with monitoring, measurement, testing

and detection requirements.
1.3 When used in the monitoring, measurement, testing and detection of specified
requirements, the ability of computer software to satisfy the intended application
will be confirmed and documented prior to initial use and reconfirmed as
1.4 [Supplemental API Q1] The organizations will verify that the equipment provided
from an external source, including third party, proprietary, employee-and
customer-owned equipment, is suitable and provide evidence of conformity to
the requirements of this procedure.
1.5 Organizations will define and document the responsibilities and competencies of
the personnel assigned to control testing, monitoring, measurement, and
detection equipment.
2. Calibration Program Requirements
2.1 Where necessary to ensure valid results, monitoring, measuring, testing and
detection equipment will:
a. be calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against
measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement
standards; where no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or
verification will be recorded;
b. be identified as necessary, to determine its calibration status;
c. be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement
d. be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance,
and storage.
2.2 [Supplemental API Q1] Organizations will ensure the calibration status is
identifiable by the user for the activities being performed, at all times.
2.3 [Supplemental API Q1] Organizations will maintain a registry, or an equivalent
system, of the required monitoring, measurement, testing, and detection
equipment used to determine product conformity to requirements, that includes
a unique identification, specific to each piece of equipment.
2.4 Organizations will maintain records of the results of calibration or verification.
Calibration records will include at a minimum:
a. Unique identification of the equipment;
b. Unique identification of the measurement standard used for calibration;
c. “As found” condition;
d. Adjustments, repairs or modifications carried out;
e. “As left” condition;
f. Date of calibration;
g. Identification of technician performing the calibration; and
h. Calibration interval and/or due date.

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BH-QUA-025 (EN) Rev: 2
Effective Date: 3/19/2020
Control of Monitoring, Measuring, Testing, and Detection Equipment

2.5 Organizations will ensure that the environmental conditions are suitable for the
calibrations, inspections, measurements, and tests being carried out. The type of
environment may be varied as needed provided the accuracy of the monitoring
and measuring equipment is not impaired during the process.
3. Calibration Program Requirements for External Providers
3.1 When organizations source calibration services from outside providers, such
providers will be qualified in accordance with BHGE-QUA-014 “Supplier Quality
3.2 Unless otherwise specified by Product Company requirements, verification of
implementation by Baker Hughes or third-party assessment of a calibration
provider’s QMS to ISO 9001, API Specification Q1, or of laboratory operations to ISO
17025, satisfies the requirements for qualification.
3.3 Organizations will formally communicate the calibration requirements to
calibration providers including the following, as a minimum:
a. Equipment type;
b. Unique identifier;
c. Check method;
d. Acceptance criteria;
e. Frequency;
f. Record requirements (see 2.4).
4. Calibration Program Documentation Requirements
4.1 Organizations will document their calibration processes including the
management of:
a. Equipment type;
b. Calibration status;
c. Traceability requirements;
d. Frequency of calibration at specified intervals, or prior to use;
e. Calibration or verification method, including adjustments and readjustments,
as necessary;
f. Acceptance criteria;
g. Control of equipment identified as Out of Tolerance to prevent unintended use
(see 5).
5. Control of Nonconforming Monitoring, Measuring, Testing and Detection Equipment
5.1 If the result of calibration prior to any adjustment or repair indicates that the
monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection equipment did not meet the
metrological requirements, this is considered an Out of Tolerance condition. When
Out of Tolerance conditions are identified, immediate actions will be taken to
address both the affected monitoring, measurement, testing, and detection
equipment and any affected product or service-related product.
5.2 Nonconforming monitoring, measurement, testing, and detection equipment will
be identified, removed from service, controlled to prevent unintended use, and not
be returned to service until the reason for the nonconformance condition has
been eliminated.

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BH-QUA-025 (EN) Rev: 2
Effective Date: 3/19/2020
Control of Monitoring, Measuring, Testing, and Detection Equipment

5.3 Organizations will investigate Out of Tolerance monitoring, measuring, testing, and
detection equipment and the effect on previously accepted product. This
a. assessing and recording the validity of previous measuring results;
b. documenting the results of the investigation of the Out of Tolerance
monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection equipment and any actions
taken as a result of the investigation.
5.3.1 When the investigation defined in section 5.3 indicates a product could
be adversely affected because of the use of Out of Tolerance
monitoring, measurement, testing, and detection equipment,
organizations will evaluate the affected product. This includes:
a. a determination of affected product;
b. a determination of required customer communication.
5.3.2 [Supplemental API Q1] If it is determined that product does not conform
to Design Acceptance Criteria (DAC) or contractual requirements and
has been shipped, organizations will notify the customers and maintain
records of the evidence of customer notification.
5.3.3 Records will be kept regarding all Out of Tolerance conditions, in
accordance with the requirements of BH-QUA-013 “Control of Records”.
5.3.4 Organizations will define the methods used to establish traceability of
monitoring, measurement, testing, and detection equipment to
products, so that actions defined under section 5. can be executed on
all affected product and product related services, as applicable.

Responsibility and Authority

Management is responsible for ensuring the availability of the necessary resources to
ensure effective compliance with the requirements of this procedure.
Users of monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection equipment are responsible for:
• using only monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection equipment that conforms to
the requirements of this procedure;
• using monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection equipment that is within the
calibration period;
• identifying and reporting damaged monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection
• identifying and reporting monitoring, measuring, testing, and detection equipment
with damaged, missing, or illegible labeling or identification.
Baker Hughes QMS Committee has the authority to define the minimum requirements for
this procedure.

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BH-QUA-025 (EN) Rev: 2
Effective Date: 3/19/2020
Control of Monitoring, Measuring, Testing, and Detection Equipment

The following records produced by this procedure will be maintained and controlled
according to requirements of BH-QUA-013 Control of Records procedure:
• Record of software confirmation/reconfirmation (1.3).
• Competency records for personnel performing calibration activities (1.5).
• Records of the basis used for calibration or verification of monitoring, measuring,
testing, and detection equipment if no international or national measurement
standards exist (2.1 a.).
• Calibration and verification records for equipment maintained internally (may be in
form of database) (2.4).
• Calibration records (certifications) provided by suppliers/subcontractors (2.4).
• Procurement documents for calibration services (outsourced and/or purchased) (3.3).
• Out of Tolerance condition records, including (5.);
- results of the investigations of Out of Tolerance conditions;
- assessment of the validity of previous measuring results;
- actions to be taken on the affected testing, monitoring and measurement
- actions to be taken on affected product.
• [Supplemental API Q1] Evidence of notification to the customer if nonconforming
product has been shipped (5.3.2.).

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BH-QUA-025 (EN) Rev: 2
Effective Date: 3/19/2020
Control of Monitoring, Measuring, Testing, and Detection Equipment

Terms, Definitions and Acronyms

• BH Oilfield Services Glossary
• QMS Lexicon
Terms and Definitions
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.

• BH-QUA-002 QMS Transition Policy
• BH-QUA-003 Quality Manual
• BH-QUA-013 Control of Records
• BHGE-QUA-014 Supplier Quality Management

Compliance Requirements
• Refer to BH-QUA-002 for details on Baker Hughes QMS Transition.

Not Applicable.

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