Automated Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count Using The Mindray BC - 6800 Hematology Analyzer

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Received: 7 January 2018    Accepted: 25 May 2018

DOI: 10.1111/ijlh.12876


Automated nucleated red blood cell count using the Mindray

BC-­6800 hematology analyzer

V. Houyhongthong1 | W. Nunphuak1 | C. Sripatumtong2 | C. Parnsamut2 | C. Ketloy2

Division of Laboratory Medicine, King
Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Abstract
Thailand Introduction: In current laboratory practice, obtaining a nucleated red blood cell
Department of Laboratory Medicine,
(NRBC) count by manual microscopy (MM) is a laborious and time-­consuming pro-
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand cess. Modern hematology analyzers based on different technologies and methods
have variable accuracies when determining NRBC counts. The aim of this study was
Chutitorn Ketloy, Assistant Professor of to compare NRBC counts acquired by an automated Mindray BC-­6800 analyzer (BC-­
Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
6800), a flow cytometry (FC) reference method, and traditional MM.
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
Thailand. Methods: A hundred EDTA samples with initial NRBC flags from the BC-­6800 were
included. FC was used as a reference method to correlate the NRBC count with BC-­
6800 and MM counts. In addition, the performance of the Mindray SC-­120 analyzer
for preparing automated blood films for manual NRBC counting was compared to
that of manually prepared blood films.
Results: The NRBC counts obtained with the BC-­6800 and MM vs the reference
method were highly correlated (r = .994 and .989, respectively). However, the BC-­
6800 showed a lower bias than MM when compared with FC (0.3 × 109/L and
−6.0 × 109/L, respectively). NRBC counts obtained using the automated Mindray SC-­
120 films were comparable to manually prepared films.
Conclusion: The Mindray CAL8000 automated hematology system, which is com-
posed of the BC-­6800 and the SC-­120, yields a precise NRBC count and can replace
the traditional MM method for obtaining accurate and reproducible NRBC counts in
high-­value samples, such as patient monitoring samples used to determine the neces-
sity of transfusion therapy in thalassemia patients. Moreover, this method offers sev-
eral advantages, including a faster turnaround time, labor savings, and cost

flow cytometry, manual microscopy, Mindray BC-6800, nucleated red blood cell

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N thalassemia patients, determining the number of NRBCs is ben-

eficial for blood transfusion management. 3 In hospitalized pa-
Nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) arise in normal development tients, especially in intensive care units, an increased number of
as precursors to red blood cells (RBCs). They also arise in patho- NRBCs is associated with a higher rate of mortality.7,8 In addition,
logical states. Generally, NRBCs are physiologically present in the accurate identification and enumeration of NRBCs is crucial
the blood of newborns and pregnant women.1,2 The detection of for obtaining correct white blood cell (WBC) counts as NRBCs
NRBCs in the peripheral blood can be a marker of many patho- can interfere with the WBC count in automated hematology an-
logical conditions and is of significant prognostic value. 3-8 In alyzers (HAs).

Int J Lab Hem. 2018;1–6. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd |  1  
2       HOUYHONGTHONG et al.

Currently, there are 3 methods for determining the NRBC count. the number of NRBCs can be quantitated in a dedicated NRBC
The first method, manual microscopy (MM), is the traditional method channel based on an optical fluorescence system associated with a
that is currently used in most laboratories. The number of NRBCs are combination of a patented dying agent and a fluorescent dye. In this
counted together with 200 WBCs and reported as an absolute num- channel, RBCs were lysed, and the nucleic acid in the nucleated cells,
ber, as recommended by the International Council of Standardization which included NRBCs and WBCs, was stained with a fluorescent
in Hematology (ICSH) and the Clinical and Laboratory Standards dye. NRBCs exhibiting a weak florescence signal can then be differ-
Institute (CLSI) guidelines.10 This method is time consuming, labori- entiated from WBCs, which have a strong florescence signal and are
ous, and imprecise due to both intra-­and interobserver factors. The presented as an absolute number, as recommended by the ICSH.14
second method, the flow cytometry (FC) method, has been proposed
as a precise reference method for the NRBC count; however, this
2.3 | Manual microscopic NRBC count
method requires expensive instrumentation, sophisticated opera-
tional skills, laborious sample preparation, and time-­consuming analy- The blood films used for MM NRBC counting were prepared both
sis.11 Recently, a new generation of automated HAs was developed to manually and automatically with a Mindray SC-­120 slidemaker/
enumerate the NRBC concentration in blood with excellent precision stainer using Wright-­Giemsa reagent (YD Diagnostics, Kyunggi-­Do,
and accuracy, depending on varying technologies and methods.12,13 Korea). Two experienced technicians performed 200-­cell WBC
At the Central Laboratory of King Chulalongkorn Memorial counts using a light microscope at 400× magnification on both blood
Hospital (KCMH), we provide routine complete blood count (CBC) films. The average NRBC numbers from both were reported as an
services totaling over 350 000 tests per year, and approximately NRBC absolute number according to the ICSH guidelines9 and the
50% of these tests are sent for review by MM because of abnor- CLSI guideline H2O-­A 2.10 The NRBC counts for the two blood films
mal flagging by automated HAs. The NRBC is one of the most fre- were then compared.
quent abnormal morphology flags. In 2016, our Central Laboratory
changed the previous automated hematology system to the Mindray
2.4 | Flow cytometric NRBC counts
CAL8000 (Mindray, Shenzhen, China), which is a cellular analysis
product line that comprises the Mindray BC-­6800 automated hema- The FC method (the reference method) was modified from two previ-
tology analyzer and the Mindray SC-­120, an automated slidemaker/ ously reported studies, namely, Tsuji et al11 and Simard et al15 Briefly,
stainer. In this study, automated NRBC counts were evaluated for 25 μL of EDTA blood was incubated with 10 μL of FITC-­labeled anti-
the possibility of reducing the manual review rate. An FC NRBC ­CD45 (CD45-­FITC, clone 2D1, BD Pharminogen, San Jose, CA, USA)
count was used as the reference method for comparison between for 30 minutes at room temperature in a dark environment. Next,
the automated NRBC count using the Mindray BC-­6800 automated 250 μL of 1X BD Pharm Lyse (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA)
hematology analyzer and the traditional MM count of the stained was added and gently mixed. This was followed by a 15-­minutes incu-
blood films prepared by both MM and the Mindray SC-­120 analyzer. bation at room temperature in a dark environment. These incubations
allowed the lysis of the RBCs and the permeabilization of the NRBCs
to proceed. The mixture was centrifuged and washed with 250 μL of
2 |  M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
1X PBS containing 1% heat-­inactivated fetal bovine serum (PBS-­FBS).
The pellet was resuspended in 25 μL of PBS-­FBS and incubated with
2.1 | Blood samples
5 μL of 7-­aminoactinomycin D (7-­A AD; BD Pharminogen) for 30 min-
Clinical blood samples sent to the outpatient department at the utes at room temperature in a dark environment. The stained samples
Central Laboratory, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital (KCMH), were analyzed by a FACSCalibur flow cytometer (BD Biosciences) at
are routinely analyzed for CBCs using the Mindray CAL8000 sys- a flow rate of 60 μL/min and a forward light scatter (FSC) threshold
tem (Mindray). Samples with an adequate remaining volume were of 52. A total of 10 000 events were analyzed in each sample. The
included in this study. One hundred samples with initial NRBC flags NRBCs and WBCs were classified by quadrants on a bivariate scat-
and a report of an NRBC count >0.02 × 10 /L by the NRBC channel ter plot representing the fluorescence for CD45-­FITC and 7-­A AD.
from the Mindray BC-­6800 analyzer (Mindray BC-­6800) were used in NRBCs were identified as CD45−/7-­A AD+ cells, and WBCs were iden-
the comparison study. All samples were anticoagulated with K2-­EDTA tified as both CD45+/7-­A AD− and CD45+/7-­A AD+ cells. The values of
(Vacuette; Greiner Bio-­One, Frickenhausen, Germany), stored at room the NRBCs are stated as an absolute number ×109/L.11
temperature, and further tested within 4 hours of blood collection. This
study was performed with approval by the Institutional Review Board
2.5 | Statistical analysis
of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University (IRB no.480/60).
Statistical comparisons between the counts obtained using the
Mindray BC-­6 800 analyzer and the MM NRBC counts obtained
2.2 | Automated NRBC counts
with the FC reference method were performed using Passing-­
In routine CBC testing, if an abnormal NRBC scattergram flag is de- Bablok and Bland-­A ltman analyses according to the CLSI recom-
tected in the sample by the Mindray BC-­6800 hematology analyzer, mendations.16 The bias and 95% limits of agreement assessment

F I G U R E   1   Passing-Bablok and Bland-Altman analysis of the manual microscopic nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) counts between
manually prepared blood films and blood films prepared by the Mindray SC-120 slidemaker/stainer. In the Passing-Bablok regression
analysis, the gray line represents the y = x line or the zero bias line, the bold black line represents the regression line or mean bias; and the
dotted lines represent the 95% confidence interval [CI]. In the Bland-Altman analysis, the bold black line and dotted lines represent the mean
bias and 95% limits of agreement, respectively

of the NRBC count were assessed by Bland-­A ltman analysis and NRBC-­flagged automated samples were included and reviewed. The
calculated as the mean difference between methods (FC vs BC-­ absolute NRBC counts ranged from 0.02 to 151.10 × 109/L accord-
6800 or FC vs MM). Proportional and constant systematic errors ing to the FC reference method.
were evaluated by the slope and intercept, with a 95% confidence Using Passing-­Bablok regression analysis, compared with FC, the
interval (95% CI) on a Passing-­B ablok regression. A Spearmen’s Mindray BC-­6800 analyzer yielded a slope of 0.958 (95% CI, 0.939
rank correlation nonparametric test was used to evaluate the cor- to 0.984) and an intercept of −0.0099 (95% CI, −0.028 to −0.004).
relation (r, correlation coefficient). The statistical analyses were There was a strong correlation between the Mindray BC-­6800 and
performed using MedCalc Statistical Software version 18.2.1 FC measurements (r = .994; 95% CI, 0.992 to 0.996), and no evidence
(MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium). of systemic bias was observed. The mean bias was only 0.3 × 109/L
(95% limits of agreement between −5.4 and 6.0) (Figure 2).
The MM method was also strongly correlated with the FC refer-
3 | R E S U LT S
ence method (r = .989; 95% CI, 0.983 to 0.0992), although the slope
was steeper at 1.384 (95% CI, 1.316 to 1.445) with an intercept of
3.1 | Comparison of blood film preparations
−0.046 (95% CI, −0.085 to −0.036). Consequently, this resulted in a
between manually prepared films and automated
mean bias of −6.0 × 109/L (95% limits of agreement between −28.4
and 16.4 (Figure 2). Notably, a marked negative trend was observed
The comparability of the MM NRBC counts obtained from the manu- in the difference between FC and MM when the NRBC counts were
ally prepared films vs the automated films prepared by the Mindray increased.
SC-­120 analyzer was determined using the same blood samples
(n = 100). The Passing-­Bablok regression analysis yielded the equa-
tion y = 0.997x + 0.000, in which the slope and intercept were close to 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
1 and equal to 0, respectively. In the Bland-­Altman plot, this resulted
in a mean bias of −0.4 (95% limit of agreement between −7.9 and 7.0), The NRBCs are present in the peripheral blood of hematological and
in which the mean of the difference was close to zero, and there were nonhematological diseases and are typically related to bad prog-
no definite biases, although some outliers were identified (Figure 1). noses. The NRBC count can be a beneficial indicator of ineffective
erythropoiesis and can support patient monitoring to determine the
necessity of transfusion therapy, especially in thalassemia major
3.2 | Comparison of NRBC counts determined
patients.3 Recently, advanced technologies for automated NRBC
by the automated BC-­6800 analyzer and manual
counting have become available in all modern HAs.12 This study
microscopy with counts determined by the reference
is the first to compare the performance of the Mindray BC-­6800
flow cytometry method
analyzer for the quantitation of NRBCs to that of a reference FC
The NRBC counts measured using the Mindray BC-­6800 analyzer method and a traditional MM method. In addition, the performance
and MM were compared with the reference FC method. One hundred of the Mindray SC-­120 slidemaker/stainer in blood film preparation
4       HOUYHONGTHONG et al.

F I G U R E   2   Passing-Bablok and Bland-Altman analysis of the nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) absolute counts obtained by the Mindray
BC-6800 automated analyzer (BC-6800) (A) and by manual microscopy (B) vs the NRBC counts obtained from the reference flow cytometry
(FC) method. In the Passing-Bablok regression analysis, the gray line represents the y = x line or the zero bias line, the bold black line
represents the regression line or mean bias; and the dotted lines represent the 95% confidence interval [CI]. In the Bland-Altman analysis,
the bold black line and the dotted lines represent the mean bias and 95% limits of agreement, respectively

for MM NRBC counting was assessed. There was good agreement both the Mindray BC-­6800 analyzer and the MM method and did
in the NRBC counts between the manually prepared films and au- not reveal a statistically significant proportional (slope) or constant
tomated films (Figure 1), confirming the results of the study by Lee (intercept) error. In the Bland-­Altman plot, the Mindray BC-­6800
et al17 These data indicate that the automated slidemaker/strainers analyzer showed a low mean bias (0.3) with a narrow range of 95%
are capable of producing blood films that are comparable to those limits of agreement (−5.4 to 6.0), while for MM, a progressive nega-
of well-­prepared manual films currently in routine laboratory use. tive bias (−6.0) with a wide range of 95% limits of agreement (−28.4
Flow cytometry has been proposed as a reference for studying to 16.4) that increased proportionally for high NRBC concentrations,
the results derived from new automated HAs and for ascertaining was observed. These results indicate that the NRBC count by MM
the accuracy and reliability of traditional MM.18 Therefore, a mod- was an overestimate when compared with the FC reference method,
ified FC method was used as a reference to evaluate the NRBC and this may be because of differences in cell distributions along the
counts provided by the automated analyzer in this study. Using a length of the smear as well as variation in the microscopic examina-
combination of nuclear staining with 7-­A AD and CD45-­FITC surface tion area. This finding is in accordance with an observation made by
labeling, NRBCs were identified as 7-­A AD-­stained cells (nucleated our laboratory technicians in that their routine manual NRBC counts
cells) without CD45 cell surface expression (nonleukocyte cells).15 are always higher than the counts derived from the Mindray BC-­
The absolute NRBC counts obtained from FC were compared with 6800 analyzer.
those obtained from the BC-­6800 automated analyzer and MM, To discriminate positive samples with the Mindray BC-­6 800
the most routinely used technique in most laboratories. The results analyzer among the initial NRBC-­flagged samples with a subse-
showed excellent agreement between the reference FC method and quent report of an absolute NRBC count >0.02 × 10 9/L or an NRBC

percentage >0.01, a NRBC cutoff of ≥1% was defined as the pos- ORCID
itive threshold, in accordance with a set of 41 review criteria for
C. Ketloy
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