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Tài liệu ôn thi ANH 10 Teacher: Phú Thị Hoài Thu-Ulis

LESSON 8 ( 25.10.2021)


3. Chuyên đề 19. TOO- SO- EITHER- NEITHER


Although Despite
Even though + S+ V In spite of + N/ Ving
Though Regardless of
Despite the fact that Notwithstanding

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. …………….his denial, we all knew that he was guilty.

A. Despite B. In spite

2. The cameras take good pictures……………… their small size.

A. despite of B. in spite of

3. . …………he denied, we all knew that he was guilty.

A. Despite B. Although

4. I could not eat …………….I was very hungry.

A. despite B. although

5. ………….he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

A. Despite B. Although

Exercise 2 : Write a new sentence with the same meaning , using the word(s) in parentheses

1. They lost the match although they were a better team . (despite)

 They lost the match despite being a better

2. She didn’t eat much though she was hungry . ( in spite of )

 She didn’t eat much in spite of being hungry

3. He couldn’t solve the problem though he is good at maths . (despite )

4. Mr Pike doesn’t wear glasses though he is over sixty  (in spite of )

5. Although he had much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine. 


6.In spite of not being feeling good, Jack went to class (even though)

7. In spite of not having eaten for three days, he didn’t feel hungry .( even though)

8. In spite of her injured feet , she managed to get home before dark . (although)

Exercise 3: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. ……….. the heavy rain, we went camping.

A. In spite of B. Because C. Although D. Because of

2. The children didn’t sleep well ………….it was noisy.

A. in spite of B. because of C. although D. because

3. The children slept well ………….it was noisy.

A. in spite of B. because of C. although D. because

4. Despite……………, we enjoyed our trip.

A. the bad weather B. the fact that the weather was bad

C. of the bad weather D. A & B

5. He didn’t pass the exam ……….. of working very hard.

A. despite B. in spite C. because D. though

6. He didn’t pass the exam ……….. his laziness.

A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. though

7. They couldn’t do the test …….it was difficult and long.

A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. though

8.. ……………her lack of hard work , she was promoted

A. In spite   B. Even though  C. In spite of   D. Despite of

9. . ………….they are brothers , they do not look like .

A. Although   B. But   C. Despite of D. In spite of

10. Tom went to work despite ………………………

A. that he did not feel very well    B. of the fact  not feeling well

C. he did not feel very well     D. not feeling very well

11. Though ……………., they are good friends

A. their sometimes quarrel    B. to have a quarrel sometimes

C. they sometimes have a quarrel  D. of having a quarrel  sometimes

12 ……………it was very cold, she did not put on her coat .

A. despite B. because of C. although D. because

13. …………the increase in their salaries, many French employees spent Saturday at work .

A. Despite     B. Because of  C. Even though  D. In spite

14.. …………..he is the boss, he does not find solutions to problems very easily.

A. Although   B. In spite of           C. But D. Despite

15. …………..some German and British styles are similar, there are many different between them.

A. despite of B. in spite of C. because D. although




Quy tắc Ví dụ Ngoại lệ
Quy tắc 1: ‘children, ‘hobby, N: ad’vice,
Đa số các danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ 2 âm tiết ‘habit, ‘labour, ma’chine, mis’take,
Trọng âm nhấn vào âm 1 ‘trouble, ‘standard, rou’tine, to’day,
‘happy, ‘angry to’night, cam’paign,
, ad’dress

ADJ: com’plete,
a’lone, a’mazed, …

Quy tắc 2:
Đa số các động từ, giới từ 2 âm tiết Trọng âm nhấn be’gin, be’come, -er: ‘enter, ‘answer
vào âm 2 for’get, en’joy, re’lax, -en: ‘open, ‘happen
de’ny, bet’ween, -ish: ‘finish
ac’ross, be’cause, -age: ‘manage

-le/ al/or

Quy tắc 3:
Từ có 2 âm tiết mà âm tiết đầu tiên là chữ A/ hoặc bắt a’lone, a’gain, al’low,
đầu bằng chữ A Trọng âm nhấn vào âm 2 ap’pear, ap’ply

Quy tắc 4: typewriter/ˈtaɪpraɪtər/ 

Đa số các danh từ ghép có 2 âm tiết Trọng âm nhấn greenhouse/ˈɡriːnhaʊs/
vào âm 1 ‘breadwinner

Quy tắc 5: Eg:

Khi từ có hai âm tiết và kết thúc bằng “ever’ thì trọng  however /ˌhaʊˈev.ər/
âm sẽ rơi vào chính “ever”. whatever /wɒtˈev.ər/
forever  /fəˈre.vər/
whoever /huːˈev.ər/

Quy tắc 6: Eg:  myself  /maɪˈself/,

Trọng âm của đại từ phản thân nằm ở âm tiết thứ hai. himself /hɪmˈself/,
herself /hɜːˈself/,
themself /ðəmˈself/,
yourself /jɔːˈself/

Quy tắc 7: Eg: thirteen /θɜːˈtiːn/

Với từ kết thúc đuôi –teen thì trọng âm chính nó, fourteen /ˌfɔːˈtiːn/
nếu đuôi -ty thì trọng âm được đánh ở từ đầu tiên.
twenty /ˈtwen.ti/
thirty /ˈθɜː.ti/
fifty /ˈfɪf.ti/,…

Ngoại lệ: Một số từ vừa là danh từ, vừa là động từ ‘study (n=v)
‘focus (n=v)
‘visit ( n=v)
re’search ( n= v)

Exercises 1 : Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from
the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. contest B. talent C. album D. de’bate

2. A. breadwinner B. ap’pear C. housework D. children
3. A. produce B. product C. actress D. dentist
4. A. pollute B. supply C. provide D. healthy
5. A. compare B. single C. include D. consult
6. A. prepare B. section C. problem D. reason
7. A. admit B. account C. conquer D. decree
8. A. address B. involve C. respect D. access
9. A. language B. involve C. foreign D. succeed
10. A. poison B. timber C. immense D. contour
11. A. private B. regard C. approach D. permit
12. A. release B. cancer C. human D. surgeon
13. A. focus B. notice C. absorb D. interest
14. A. member B. repair C. frankly D. closely
15. A. gather B. protect C. suggest D. reform


- Eg1: He works in a bank, I work in a bank, too - Eg1: He doesn’t work in a bank, I don’t work
He worked in a bank, I did, too in a bank, either
- Eg 2: They are late, I am late, too - Eg1: He doesn’t work in a bank, I don’t ,
They are late, I am, too either.
They are late, me too - Eg 2: They aren’t late, I am not late, either
 TOO: Chỉ dùng trong câu khẳng định, không
- Eg 2: They aren’t late, I am not , either
đảo ngữ
 EITHER : Chỉ dùng trong câu phủ định,
không đảo ngữ
Eg1: He works in a bank, so do I - Eg1: He doesn’t work in a bank, neither do I
Eg 2: They got a strange mail, so did I - Eg 2: They aren’t late, neither am I
Eg 2: They are late, so am I - Eg 2: They aren’t late, me neither
 SO: Chỉ dùng trong câu khẳng định, cần -
phải đảo ngữ
 NEITHER : Dùng trong câu khẳng định
( mang nghĩa phủ định, cần phải đảo ngữ)

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (Neither/ either/ so/ too)

1. “I can’t see the stage very well from here.” - “…………...”

A. Neither can’t I B. Neither I can

C. I can’t neither D. Neither can I

2. “I won’t go camping next year.” - “I won’t…………....”

A. too B. neither C. either D. also

3. “I can hardly see the stage well from here.” - “…………...”

A. Neither can I. B. Neither can’t I. C. I can’t neither. D. So can I.

4. John never comes to class on time and…………...

A. neither does Peter B. so does Peter C. so doesn’t Peter D. neither doesn’t Peter

5.He doesn’t go picnic this weekend and they don’t, …

A. too                                 B. neither                           C. either D. so

6. Jane should prepare for the exams and ……… should you.
A. either                             B. neither                           C. so D. too    
7. I don’t like listening to music, …
A. either                             B. too                                 C. neither D. so
8. A: “They don’t think he told jokes. ” - B: “……….”
A. Neither do I/ me neither                B. So do I                          C. Me, too D. Neither don’t I
9. A: “My sister likes listening to music so much. ” - B: “……….”
A. So am I.                        B. I do, too.                        C. Neither do I. D. I am too
10. A: “I can’t go there. ” - B: “…………”
A. So can I.                        B. Neither can I.                C. I don’t, either. D. I can, either
11. A: “She’s good at cooking. ” - B: “…………”
A. So am I.                        B. So do I.                         C. Neither am I. D. I am neither
12. A: “You don’t do your homework. ” - B: “…”
A. You do, either.              B. You don’t, either.         C. Neither don’t you. D. So do you

Complete the sentences with so, too, either, neither.:

1. He can’t swim. …… neither.…… can I.

2. Nam and Ba are playing soccer and ……so…… is Minh.
3. Hoa doesn’t like pork and her uncle doesn’t ……either……
4. They won’t come the meeting and ……neither…… will we.
5. Jenny ate too much cake last night and I did, …too………
6. She phones to her parents twice a week. ………… do I.
7. My sister doesn’t like the red skirt and she doesn’t like the green one …………
8. Jane loves dogs and she love cats, …………
9. We don’t eat fish and she doesn’t ………………..

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