Connect To Become NEARLY Perfect

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Part 1: Goal, idea, topic of the event:

-Goal: (phần giới thiệu mở đầu bạn đã viết nói bình thường mình ko ghi vào đây
vì đây là kế hoạch sự kiện)
Club ELFs have decided to hold an event to connect all members of the club together. Being future
members, we made plan for it as follows. The slogan of the program we chose is “Connect to become
perfect”. The event has following main points. First of all, about the form of event, we design it in the
way of a gameshow combined with a talkshow. That means the program will consist of 3 parts: Club
Introduction, Gameshow, Talkshow. In accordance with our event’s name, we chose a topic that
focuses on energy, spirited, activity, enthusiasm, and knowledge. Thus, our events are organized into
three main parts: Introduction, Gameshow, and Talk Show. Introduction part represents the knowledge
and the wisdom. Gameshow is on the behalf of energy and the young. And the third part, the Talkshow,
is the best way to convey experience and enthusiasm. We will detail each part to you on the next
section. The second part is about participants and the goal of the event. Attenders are all member of the
club and all activities in it are organized with the aim of helping everybody understand and interact with
each other better, and developing team work skill. In term of time and place, we arrange the event on
Sunday morning from 7:30 a.m to 11 a.m, after all new members are join the club. Our institute is
chosen to hold the event.

We chose the name: Connect to become Perfect to reflect the event's main objective. In terms of
connecting, the event focuses on letting new members know more about the club, as well as giving
them an opportunity to meet seniors who share the same passion for learning English. Through their
shared stories, they will develop a strong friendship on the basis of respect and mutual trust, in addition
to learning more about each other. From attending this event, we believe they have made the first step
on the one hundred step journey to becoming a perfect group whose members understand and have a
strong bond with one another. That why the word “become” and “perfect” came about.

Part 2: Media channels

Like we said before, this event is specifically for club members, especially the new ones. So to announce
this event accurately for each members, we choose three communicate channels: Club’s fanpage,
emails and poster. On the Facebook channel, we think it would be great to advertise this event by
writing a blog post that provides details about the activities and timeline of the event. The purpose of
this post is to provide all members with access to the event information and ensure that no member
misses any event details. With the email channel, we will email each club's members with information
about the event, like when, where, etc., and ask whether they will be able to attend from that we will
able to estimate the participants. In addition to the above, we have decided to announce this event by
posters, which we believe is the most effective approach to ensure all members receive the information
about the event. The poster not only contain information about the date time or activities but also a
picture depicts topic of the whole event. By presenting the idea in a more visual manner, we think this is
a great way to draw more attention to the event.

Part 3: Detail plan of the event:

The event started with a greeting to all guests. We will give a brief introduction to the club so that
everyone can better understand the club for about five to ten minutes then move on to the game

Stage 1: Challenge your fitness

Overall: Physical games are played using the body and may require a variety of skills such as physical
strength, running speed, stamina, flexibility, and the likes. We believe that physical games can bring us
closer together throughout the way we perform, the way we assist, the way we react, and so on.
Therefore, we bring here the game that challenges your fitness and endurance. Even though the game
demands many physical abilities, the key to victory is collaboration.

Rule: -The team will select the one who has good physical to undertake a plank workout(2 minutes)
while the rest of the members will begin jumping rope (total: 100), which means each member left must
take 25 jumping ropes to reach the goal. Also, That number is customizable for each member, members
can help each other if someone can't complete their mission.

-During the time finishing the task, if any team member fails, the task can be continued by another
member or redo by this player, but you should notice that because every time you fail and request for a
substitution or redo, your team will have 1 minus point.

Stage 2: Play with water

Overall: After experiencing a physically demanding game, let’s go on to stage 2 with a smooth task that
requires everyone’s rhythmic skill. It may appear simple, but players typically spend a long time
completing this stage. Like stage 1, the team’s collaboration is essential for success in this phase.

Rule: -All team members will be blindfolded and seated in a row. Then organizing committee will fill a
cup with water (250ml) and place it on a plate.

-The person seated first will pass the cup to the one behind and the cup is delivered to the final

-If the water left reaches 200ml, the team passes. It means that if the team which has the water left
doesn’t reach our goal, they would redo the task.

Stage 3: Scavenger Hunt

If stage 1 and 2 necessitate physical strength, endurance, rhythmic cooperation, stage 3 would feature
your agility and quick wits. This phase can be considered as one of the most exciting activities with a lot
of laughter and fun time. We are sure that finally lingering in memory of everyone in that race are happy
and memorable moments with the team.

Overall: A scavenger hunt is a game in which the organizing committee prepares a list defining specific
items, which the participants seek to gather or complete all items on the list, usually without purchasing

Rules: Make a list of goofy tasks for each team to do as a group. Tasks can include taking a selfie with a
stranger, taking a picture of a building or object around a specific place(such as The walking street,...)
But while doing a task, all members of this team must complete this mission together. It means all
members must gather to complete the challenges.

Stage 4: Finding crossword-endgame

Throughout 3 stages, this stage-endgame can be said as the most expected race because it involves a
great number of secrets, treasures that players must find out. It’s time to express your abroad
knowledge, quickness and don’t forget “two heads are better than one”

Overall: Crossword puzzles and other mind games generate hours of healthy fun, and are credited with
keeping minds agile. For some people, creating a crossword puzzle is just as rewarding as solving one.
The process can be very simple, or very involved, depending on your interest level.

Rule -All teams will be given a letter or card including the same questions and their mission is finding all
the answers and then putting them in the crossword. The keyword is located in the middle column of
this crossword that was completely highlighted with a dark color.

-The keyword is exactly the area where the treasure(prize) was stored away.

-The team that completes the crosswords fastest and finds the treasure is the winner.


-There are 3 administrators in each stage, they will be responsible for supervising all players, following
the process to make sure that which team finishes the task in advance. With each foul committed by a
team will make that team wait 1 more minute before starting the next stage.

-Players’ duty is to complete the mission in each stage as fast as possible before moving on to the next

-This race will take about 100 minutes. When almost the time is up and there’s no team can address the
problem given in the crossword, they will be provided some suggestions to support their work progress.

+Talkshow (ko phải talkshow nhá, nhớ đổi cả chỗ phần 1 nữa)

Part 4: Timeline, risk and backup plan:




Part 5: Tools and expenses of the event:


-Expenses of the event

Part 6: Feedback
After the event is completed, the organizing committee will finish the post-event work, and evaluate,
summarize and draw lessons for the following events:

-First, we need to do a survey of the people who attended the event ((by online form, secret ballot), let
them state their opinions and feelings about the event, about the good and the bad that need to be

-Secondly, determine the criteria to evaluate the success of the event, specifically this level of success
depends on the following criteria:

1. Did we fulfill the purpose and objective of the event? Compare the original intent and the outcome of
the event, does the event achieve the core objective of the original purpose?

2. Feedback from participants:: Are they satisfied with the event? let them talk about issues that are not
appropriate or need improvement.

3. Regarding problems that arise: how many unexpected fields arise when the event occurs? Are those
cases included in the plan? And how are those problems resolved?

4. About working style: Do the people in the organizing committee do their job well, are they often late,
have a superficial attitude, are professional or not, can they create an enthusiastic atmosphere for the

5. Unplanned budget: try not to incur costs outside the plan, Suppose if there is more or less, and has it
been resolved well?
Summary: Learn from experience: These criteria will be the basis to help evaluate the success of the
event, and we can clearly see the weaknesses and unforeseen arising in the working process, from
which to have a solution. draw lessons learned to better prepare for future events.

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