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Statement of Purpose

“I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.” This quote by the famous American
writer Isaac Asimov best describes my affection and admiration for computers. Hello,
I am Harikrishna Shah, a tech lover, and science geek. I fell in love with technology
in my childhood days because of its use in solving real-life problems. I was always
fascinated to see new tools and technology in use, and I wondered what our life
would be without them. I was constantly obsessed with those thoughts and thanked
the innovators. Not surprisingly, I also fantasized about becoming someone who
innovates new technology that would make life effortless and efficient.
I spent my weekends watching YouTube tutorials of programming languages like
C++ and Python and making simple programs and fun games. I decided to turn this
love and interest in technology into my career-with a view in mind that with a better
understanding of computer science, I could make something useful for the world. So,
after graduating from high school, I decided to pursue my career in computer
science. Thus, I am applying for an undergraduate program in Bachelor of Computer

Academics and Extracurricular Activities

I have always been a hard and smart worker with quick learning skills and a passion
for studies. I completed my Secondary Education Examination (SEE) with a good
GPA of 3.65(A+) from Bhagawati Secondary English School. Following the
Secondary Education Examination, I graduated from high school with a CGPA of
3.15 in the science stream from GoldenGate International College.
Besides computers and technology, I love debates. They are a means to improve
critical thinking skills and reasoning skills. During my school days, I took part in
myriads of debate events. Presenting my ideas, views, and opinions to people has
always been more important to me than winning debate competitions. Moreover, I
love playing cricket and badminton. I have played and won several cricket and
badminton competitions for my school. These sports have significantly improved my
leadership skills and teamwork skills and boosted my confidence to face crowds.

English Language Proficiency

I took my IELTS on 14th December 2019 and scored an overall score of
7.0(Listening-8.0, Reading-7.5, Writing-6, and Speaking-6.0).

Why a Bachelors in Computer Science?

Computer Technology is one of the best tools to solve real-life problems. I have
always been fond of not just solving problems but also discovering new problems
and challenges. I loved writing VBScript and QBasic programs that solve complex
mathematical programs in seconds during my high school days. Those programs
helped me do my homework. As I grew up, I came to know more and more about the
powerful tech tools like AI and Machine learning and their application in solving
major problems of the world. Nepal is a poor country that lacks technology. Every
year thousands of people are killed in floods and landslides. Machine learning can
be used to forecast floods and give an early warning which can significantly reduce
the death counts. It is also being used in solid waste management-which is one of
the biggest problems of the world. Machine learning is a versatile technology and I
love how it is being used in various fields like manufacturing and production,
agriculture, transportation, cybersecurity, etc to solve real-life problems. I am
convinced that AI and Machine Learning are going to be the next big thing. So, I also
want to be a part of it. Studying Machine learning and AI will help me build better
solutions for the existing problems of the world. Such solutions will ultimately make
all our lives effortless and convenient. Thus, I decided to opt for a career in computer

How will this course help me in the future?

“Only A life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” - Albert Einstein
Solving Real World problems is my passion and love. Climate change, waste
management, good education, low-cost international payment, precise weather
forecasting, and cyber-security are some of the current major problems of the world.
Computer science seems to be the most powerful tool to solve these problems. I
want to learn this tool and be proficient at this so that I can develop smart solutions
to these problems. For me, computer science is more like a platform to contribute to
the world than a way to make a living. My plan after graduation is to return to my
home country and start a private company that aims at developing smart tech
solutions to these problems. First of all, I want to develop a robust AI system that can
forecast floods and give early warnings so that precautions can be taken and life can
be saved in time. I wish to work along with the government for developing this and
some other technology that can help in disaster risk reduction and relief. My second
plan is to develop an AI system that gathers seismic data and predicts the chances
of upcoming earthquakes.
Optima AI and Omdena are some of the organizations which have already built
programs that predict earthquakes. But their programs are neither efficient nor
reliable. I believe with better research we can make reliable, accurate, fairly precise,
and effective AI systems that do the job of predicting earthquakes perfectly. After
developing such tools, slowly, I will shift my attention to other problems and build
solutions for them too. All these thoughts of my ambition excite me even more about
my higher studies.
Why didn’t I study in Nepal?
It’s not an easy decision to leave your home country and go abroad for four years.
But we need to make the right decisions, no matter how tough it may be. I love my
country, and I wouldn't leave her if this wasn’t for my dreams and studies.
Unfortunately, Nepal has one of the weakest education systems in South Asia. The
highest-ranked University of Nepal is Kathmandu University ranked at 3280. Nepali
Universities still have the same outdated curriculum and syllabus. The professors
here aren’t well trained, and they don’t practice practical teaching methods. The
classrooms aren’t well managed and are over-populated. Moreover, science labs
lack the necessary pieces of equipment. The faculty-to-student ratio is very high, so
students don't get enough attention from the faculty members. There are only ten
universities, and most of them are infamous for their bad quality of education. Only a
few of them are preferred by Nepalese students. The number of seats is also very
limited. Thus, students have to perform well in competitive tests to ensure a seat in a
fair university. In the end, it is not worth it because even the best university in Nepal
is not good enough, and it doesn’t provide quality education. Most Nepalese
students either give up their further studies or go abroad for their studies. Choosing
to study in Nepal is almost like the suicide of your dreams. My relatives have always
warned me about this condition, and they supported me to go abroad. Hence, I also
decided to opt for abroad studies. I hope situations will change one day, and
Nepalese students will get a good education in their own country.

How did I utilize my gap year?

Taking a gap year or two was never my intention. I had to take my IELTS and SAT,
so it required some time. Preparing for IELTS and SAT and taking those tests took
almost 4 months. I spent another 2 months learning C and C++ Programming at
Broadway Infosys. Then, I joined Web Design Classes. It took another 2 months to
complete it. By that time, Corona was all over the globe, so our country too went
under lockdown. The lockdown took almost a year out of me. I spent that whole time
inside my house. But, I didn’t waste the entire time. I utilized this time to learn
economics and the stock market. I read the book, The Intelligent Investor, written by
Benjamin Graham. I loved the book. I got to know how the stock market worked and
how prices of the stock were affected. I taught myself to read financial statements
such as Balance sheets, Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow Statements, and
Change in Equity statements. I also learned how those transactions were recorded
and reflected in those books. I was overwhelmed by that book. I read many articles
on value investing and the method of value investing. Since I am a tech enthusiast
and by then I knew C++, I used my programming skills to develop a program that
could calculate the intrinsic worth of the stock, its future growth rates, and yields. I
integrated my knowledge of the stock market and computer science to make a tool
for stock market analysis and aid in the decision-making process.
Therefore, computer science helped me solve my problem again.
During this lockdown period, I created my Demat and brokerage account and started
investing. I think that was an achievement for me because I learned so much about
something that I was completely unaware of. I think I pushed myself a bit here, and
the result made me happy. I also taught the art of value investing to my friends.
I think this gap year gave me some time to discover myself. I spent quality time
alone, and I wasn’t bored being alone. I read some personal development books to
keep myself motivated and cheerful. After this gap year, I have become a more calm,
confident, and even-tempered person. I think I have started to love myself for who I
am. I have forgiven myself for all the wrongs I have done. “Knowing yourself is the
beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle. Though I don't think I have become wiser
brain-wise, I think my emotional intelligence has increased significantly.

Hence, I spent almost 2 years learning new things and acquiring new skills.
Honestly, I think it was a good experience for me. I don’t regret anything. I think
things were not in my control, so I shouldn’t blame myself for anything.

Why did I choose the UK?

Though the USA and Canada are some other countries that offer an excellent
education for international students, I chose the UK. And even if I were to choose a
hundred times, I would still select the UK. There are many reasons, and they are
simple. A crucial factor for me behind choosing the UK is its formulated syllabus and
its world-class education quality. UK Universities use the best teaching methods and
tools to ensure effective and efficient learning. They also have some of the best
research and development facilities. Computer science is a practical subject where
research and development are very crucial. The research and development labs of
the universities are well-equipped and advanced. Thus, this makes them an ideal
destination to study computer science. Other facilities offered by universities like
libraries, laboratories, and playing fields are also quite impressive. I also read many
reviews of people about their study experience in the UK. After reading so many
such extraordinary reviews, the UK became my most desired country for study.

The desire alone is not enough to make a decision. The cost of study, the
environment, and the culture affect a lot in the decision-making process. So, I
researched about them and found that the tuition fees were affordable. The cost was
cheaper than most of the USA universities, and the UK universities had better
rankings that gave them an extra edge.
Also, the UK is a welcoming country. There is cultural diversity, and the people are
tolerant and friendly.

My Sponsor
My father will be sponsoring my study in the UK. My father owns assets worth GBP
150,000, and he has also saved an amount worth GBP 24,000 for my foreign
studies. He owns a kitchenware retail store which he has been running for 35 years
now. He generates an annual income of around GBP 15,000 annually alone from the
retail business. Furthermore, my father has investments in gold and debt instruments
which generates passive income for us. So, money is not a problem for my studies

It will be a joyful moment for me if I get a chance to study in the UK. I am looking for
a positive response from you. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,
Harikrishna Shah
Passport Number:11586970
Phone Number:9844523112

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