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Exercise 1 Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. They will stay there for some days if the weather _____ fine.
A. would be B. was C. is D. will be

2. If you _____ in my position, what would you do?

A. are B. will be C. were D. would be

3. If people _____ after their houses properly, the police wouldn’t have so much work to do.
A. looked B. look C. have looked D. should look

4. If it rains this weekend, we _____ camping.

A. don’t go B. won’t go C. didn’t go D. wouldn’t go

5. Unless you _____ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.

A. answered B. answer C. would answer D. are answering

6. If you had taken my advice, you _____ in such difficulties.

A. won’t be B. hadn’t been
C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been

7. If I _____ money yesterday, I would have helped you.

A. had B. did have C. had had D. have had

8. If I _____ get a pole, I’ll go fishing.

A. can B. could C. may D. might

9. If you _____ to be chosen for the job, you’ll have to be experienced in the field.
A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants

10. If you just approach the job with the right attitude, things _____ well.
A. would have turned out B. will turn out
C. would turn out D. turns out

11. If she _____ rich, she would travel around the world.
A. would be B. is C. has been D. were

12. If I had the map now, I _____ a short-cut across the desert.
A. can take B. take C. could have taken D. could take

13. If everyone _____, how would we control the traffic?

A. could fly B. flies C. had flown D. can fly

14. If the weather _____ worse, we’ll have to cancel our camping trip.
A. will get B. would get C. got D. gets
15. All of our rain forests _____ unless we find some ways to stop people from cutting down
A. will be destroyed B. destroy
C. were destroyed D. will destroy

16. If it _____ for the heavy storm, the accident would not have happened.
A. weren’t B. hadn’t been C. isn’t D. were

17. You _____ pass the exam if you don’t study harder.
A. won’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t

18. “I _____ to see the doctor if I were you.”

A. was to go B. had gone
C. would go D. would be going

19. If I were ten years younger, I _____ to drive a car.

A. am learning B. will learn C. would learn D. learnt

20. If I didn’t have exams next week, I _____ camping with you this weekend.
A. will go B. will have gone
C. would have gone D. would go

21. If I _____ taller, I _____ better at basketball.

A. am - will be B. were - would have been
C. be - would be D. were - might be

22. If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health _____ better.
A. be B. will be C. is D. would be

23. If she _____ sick, she would have gone out with me to the party.
A. hasn’t been B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. hadn’t been

24. If you can give me one good reason for your acting like this, _____ this incident again.
A. I will never mention B. I never mention
C. will I never mention D. I don’t mention

25. _____, he wouldn’t have missed the train.

A. If he listened to me B. Unless he hadn’t listened to me
C. If he had listened to me D. If he didn’t listen

26. “Thank you for your help.” “_____ want more information, call again tomorrow.”
A. Were you B. Had you to C. Might you D. Should you

27. “My car broke down when I was leaving Detroit and I had to take the bus.”
“_____, we would have picked you up.”
A. Had we known B. If we have known
C. We had known D. If we did know

28. If I _____ to him, I wouldn’t have lost my way.

A. would listen B. will listen
C. had listened D. would listened

29. I’d have told you if I _____ the book.

A. had seen B. should have seen
C. saw D. would have seen

30. If he _____ tickets yesterday, he _____ on the beach now.

A. had booked - would be lying B. had booked - would have lied
C. had booked - would lie D. A and C are correct

31. _____ today, she would get home by Friday.

A. Would she leave B. Was she leaving
C. Were she to leave D. If she leaves

32. “Did you go sailing last weekend?” “No. We would have gone _____ nicer.”
A. had the weather been B. if the weather has been
C. would the weather be D. if the weather might be

33. If you _____ less last night, you _____ so bad today.
A. had drunk - would not have felt B. drank - would not feel
C. had drunk - would not feel D. would have drunk - would not feel

34. If we had known your new address, we _____ to see you.

A. would have come B. will come
C. would come D. came

35. If you _____ as I told you, you _____ sorry now.

A. did - would not be B. had done - had not been
C. do - would not be D. had done - would not be

36. If he _____ his work yesterday, he _____ free today.

A. had done - would be B. had done - would have been
C. did - would be D. would have done - would be

37. If you _____ into accounts his behavior then, you _____ so much trouble now.
A. took - wouldn’t have B. had taken - wouldn’t have
C. had taken - wouldn’t have had D. would have taken - wouldn’t have

38. You _____ a star now if you _____ the part in the film then.
A. might be - had been offered B. might have been - had been offered
C. might be - were offered D. might be - would be offered
39. If she _____ to change a job last year, she _____ to China next month.
A. did not decide - would go B. had not decided - would have gone
C. had not decided - would go D. has not decided - would go

40. If the students _____ on time, they’d have enjoyed the pictures.
A. had come B. came C. have come D. come

41. If the United States had not entered the Second World War, probably the 1940
unemployment rate of 14% _____ still further.
A. would rise B. would risen
C. would have risen D. had risen

42. If he _____ a good musician, he _____ part in yesterday’s concert.

A. were - would have taken B. would be - would have taken
C. were - would take D. had been - would take

43. Had they arrived at the shop earlier, they _____ a better selection of clothes.
A. would be finding B. will have found
C. will find D. would have found

44. Had she worked harder last summer, she _____.

A. wouldn’t have been sacked B. wouldn’t have sacked
C. wouldn’t sack D. wouldn’t be sacked

45. If you _____ the movie late last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy now.
A. haven’t watched B. didn’t watch
C. hadn’t watched D. wouldn’t have watched

46. If my candidate had won the election, I _____ happy now.

A. am B. would be C. was D. can be

47. My cat would not have bitten the toy fish _____ it was made of rubber.
A. if she has known B. if she should know
C. had she known D. if she knew

48. _____ anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.

A. Should B. Would C. Can D. Did

49. It would have been a much more serious accident _____ fast at the time.
A. he drove B. was he driving
C. had he been driving D. he had driven

50. _____, he would have been able to pass the exam.

A. Had he studied more B. If he studied more
C. If he were studying to a greater degree D. Studying more
Exercise 2 (Using other words rather than ‘if’): Choose the best answer to complete each of
the following sentences.
1. _____ the storm, the ship could have reached its destination on time.
A. In case of B. In spite of C. Because of D. But for

2. She will be ill _____.

A. unless she takes a few days’ rest B. provided she takes a few days’ rest
C. in case she takes a few days’ rest D. if she takes a few days’ rest

3. _____ without animals and plants?

A. What would life on earth be like B. How would life on earth be for
C. What will life on earth be like D. How will life on earth be like

4. _____ heat from the sun there would be no life on earth.

A. Except B. Without C. If there is no D. Despite

5. I won’t lend you this money _____ you promise to pay it back.
A. if B. unless C. or D. or else
6. Provided that he________the car, we _____ able to drive to the country.
A. services - are B. services - will be
C. will service - will be D. services - would be

7. Without your help, we _____ in such a short time.

A. will not do it B. did not do it
C. cannot have done it D. wouldn’t have done it

8. But for his help, I _____.

A. would not have succeeded B. had not succeeded
C. did not succeed D. have not succeeded

9. I didn’t know you were asleep. Otherwise, I _____ so much noise when I came in.
A. didn’t make B. wouldn’t have made
C. won’t make D. don’t make

10. Hurry up! We’ve got to leave the house immediately. Otherwise, _____ the opening
A. we’d miss B. we’d have missed
C. we’ll miss D. we’re going to miss

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