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1. The bomb ________exploded in the garage. Fortunately no one hurt.

A.put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up

2. Have you decided to apply ______ the job John told you last week?
A. for B. at C. on D. in

3. Your daughter's just started work, hasn't she? How's she getting ________?
A. by B. on C. out D. in

4. Garvin is_______ a new computer application to see whether it works.

A. looking after B. putting on C. trying out D. turning up

5. She was tired and couldn’t keep_________ the group.

A. Up with B. up against C. on to D. out of

6. Sorry for being late. I was ______ in the traffic for more than an hour .
A . carried on B. held up C. put off D. taken after

7. Terry is a very imaginative boy. He always comes_______ interesting ideas.

A. out of B. down on C. up with D. in for

8. I can't _______ with this noise any longer. I'm going to write a letter of complaint to the
local authority about this problem.
A. put up with B. take away from
C. get back to D. make out of
9. Whenever problems _________ , we discuss frankly and find solutions quickly.
A. make up B. come up C. put up D. turn up

10. Jane had a difficult childhood. She ________ a broken home.

A. came from B. came over
C. came in D. came up with

11. Somebody ________ last night and stole our stereo.

A. broke off B. broke in C. broke out D. broke up

12. I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well
A. go with B. go through with
C. go ahead D. go off

13. Did Mr. Tan ________ the class while Miss Fiona was ill in hospital?
A. take away B. take over C. take up D. take off

14. Paul, do you think you could ___________ for the night? It's a bit too late to go home now.
A. let me off B. go me out
C. fall me out D. put me up

15. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.
A. turn out B. carry out C. carry on D. keep on

16. The racing car ______ after it crashed into the fence.
A. blew out B. blew over
C. blew up D. blew down

17. Vehicles also account ________air pollution in the cities.

A. on B. at C. for D. in

18. Our car _________ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.
A. broke into B. broke away
C. broke in D. broke down

19. I think we'll have to throw this milk____ as it's really starting to smell.
A. by B. down C. away D. off

20. It’s cold outside________ your coat.

A. Put on B. Put down C. Put off D. Put into

21. Paula applied for the post but she was__________ .

A. turned down B. checked out
C. kept under D. pushed ahead

22. My wife backed me _________over my decision to quit my job.

A. down B. up C. of D. for

23. Brian asked Judy _________to dinner and a movie.

A. out B. on C. for D. of

24. Why do they__________ talking about money all the time?

A. keep on B. side with C. take after D. work off

25. That problem is______ them. We can’t make__________ our mind yet.
A. out off/on B. up to/up
C. away from/for D. on for/off

26. What time does John's flight get______ ? I think it's due at 6.30.
A. in B. onto C. out of D. up to

27. She got angry when they started to _________her private life.
A. ask for B. enquire after
C. ask about D. enquire with

28. If you want to join this club, you must__________ this application form.
A.make up B. write down C. do up D. fill in

29. The firemen had to break_______ the room to rescue the children.
A. off B. up C. out D. into

30. Could you ______ me a hand with the washing-up, Kent?

A. join B. shake C. hold D. give

31. When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will _____ that position.
A. stand for B. catch on C. take over D. hold on

32. He is coming _______ a cold after a night out in the rain.

A. across with B. down with C. away from D. up with

33. I could hear voices but I couldn’t _______ what they were saying.
A. turn up B. bring about C. make out D. try out

34. It is very important for a firm or a company to keep _______ the changes in the market.
A. pace of B. track about
C. in touch with D. up with

35. I found it just so exciting to take part ______ that camping trip to the mountain last week.
A. on B. to C. with D. in

36. Global warming will result _______ crop failures and famine.
A. of B. to C. from D. in

37. The table in the living room should be moved to _______ the new TV set.
A. get rid of B. pave the way for
C. make room for D. take hold of

38. He's sometimes bad-tempered but he's a good fellow _______.

A. at heart B. by heart C. with heart D. in heart

39. It is interesting to take _______ a new hobby such as collecting stamps or going fishing.
A. up B. over C. in D. on

40. My mother told me to _______ for an electrician when her fan was out of order.
A. send B. write C. rent D. turn

41. The Second World War _______ in 1939.

A. turned up B. took out
C. brought about D. broke out

42. He died _______ lung cancer last month, leaving his wife in great shock.
A. by B. for C. in D. of

43. I am sorry I have no time at present to _______ detail of our plan.

A. bring in B. take into
C. come in D. go into

44. He _______ till the early hours of the next morning listening to pop music.
A. took me up B. kept me up
C. caught me up D. held me up

45. I accidentally _______ Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. caught sight of B. kept an eye on
C. paid attention to D. lost touch with

46. Jimmy is very good ______ playing the piano.

A. to B. at C. from D. with

47. Jimmy______ science fictions to documentary films.

A. prefers B. likes C. enjoys D. hates

48. You’re already grown up, Jane. Hope you can take good care ______ yourself when
you’re home alone.
A. about B. to C. on D. of

49. Little Jimmy is really fond ______ comic books.

A. of B. about C. on D. in

50. Would you like to participate ______ our class football match next Sunday morning?
A. on B. in C. with D. to

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