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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

1997, 36, 2547-2557 2547

Reactions of Nitrate Salts with Ammonia in Supercritical Water

Philip C. Dell’Orco,*,†,‡ Earnest F. Gloyna,‡ and Steven J. Buelow§

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mail Stops C920 and J567, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, and
Department of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas 78712

Reactions involving nitrate salts and ammonia were investigated in supercritical water at
temperatures from 450 to 530 °C and pressures near 300 bar. Reaction products included nitrite,
nitrogen gas, and nitrous oxide. Observed reaction rates and product distributions provided
evidence for a free-radical reaction mechanism with NO2, NO, and NH2• as the primary reactive
species at supercritical conditions. In the proposed elementary mechanism, the rate-limiting
reaction step was determined to be the hydrolysis of MNO3 species, which resulted in the
formation of nitric acid and subsequently NO2. A simple second-order reaction model was used
to represent the data. In developing an empirical kinetic model, nitrate and nitrite were lumped
as an NOx- reactant. Empirical kinetic parameters were developed for four MNOx/NH3 reacting
systems, assuming first orders in both NH3 and NOx-. Observed MNOx/NH3 reaction rates and
mechanisms suggest immediately a practical significance of these reactions for nitrogen control
strategies in supercritical water oxidation processes.

Introduction tion activities (such as Hanford tank wastes) contain

high amounts of nitrate and nitrite. These nitrates are
Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) has been pro- also thermally stable, except in the presence of an
posed as a method for the conversion of hazardous appropriate reducing agent (Foy et al., 1995; Cox et al.,
organic compounds to benign byproducts. Bench- and 1994). Hydrothermal treatment has been proposed as
pilot-scale studies have demonstrated the technology on a method for treating such nitrate-containing wastes
individual organic compounds (Crain et al., 1993), waste (Robinson et al., 1993).
simulants (Bramlette et al., 1991), and actual wastes
(Shanableh and Gloyna, 1991). Cited advantages to Due to low regulatory limits for the discharge of
incineration include no NOx production, the complete ammonia and nitrates to receiving streams, treatment
conversion of organics at relatively low temperatures of wastes using SCWO may be unable to meet nitrogen
and residence times, and cost effectiveness (McBrayer, treatment requirements without using prohibitively
1995). Although organic destruction has been rigorously high temperatures or additional treatment. One pos-
studied in supercritical water reactors, little emphasis sible method for converting ammonia or nitrate to
has been placed on reactions of other elements common relatively benign byproducts is suggested by off-gas
to waste streams. Nitrogen, in particular, is present treatment processes for incineration and energy produc-
in many waste streams of interest. tion. Technologies such as thermal DeNOx and the urea
Ammonia has been reported as a primary constituent acidic process use ammonia or NHx free radicals to
or stable reaction intermediate in several waste streams reduce gaseous NOx species to molecular nitrogen and
targeted for treatment with SCWO. Shanableh and nitrous oxide (Lyon, 1987; Lasalle et al., 1992). Other
Gloyna (1991) and Tongdhamachart (1990), using SCWO abatement technologies use metal oxide catalysts to
to treat industrial and municipal sludges, reported promote reaction efficiency between NOx and NHx
ammonia as a refractory reaction product at tempera- species (Wong and Nobe, 1986; Baurle et al., 1978). In
tures of 400-500 °C. Studies of the SCWO of metabolic fact, NHx-NOx reactions have been demonstrated to
wastes for space missions have also shown ammonia as occur in near-critical water. Reactions of ammonium
an oxidation-resistant reaction product, remaining pri- chloride and sodium nitrate at 300 bar and 350-380
marily unreacted at temperatures up to 650 °C (Taka- °C were found to produce primarily nitrogen gas and
hashi et al., 1989; Hong et al., 1987). In a more basic nitrous oxide, with near complete reaction occurring at
study, ammonia was relatively unreactive with oxygen 380 °C (Dell’Orco et al., 1993). These air pollution
in supercritical water environments, at 248 bar and control strategies and initial near-critical water results
temperatures of 600-700 °C (Webley et al., 1991). prompted the current study.
Conversions of less than 20% were observed at residence This research was conducted to determine the poten-
times of less than 20 s at these conditions, using tial utility of NH3/MNO3 reactions as a waste treatment
stoichiometric oxygen. strategy in SCWO processes. It was hoped that such
In addition to ammonia, nitrate and nitrite have also reactions would result in the chemical conversion of
been reported as reaction products in the hydrothermal NH3/MNO3 to more benign chemical forms (i.e., N2), at
treatment of energetic materials (TNT, RDX, HMX) reasonable SCWO operating temperatures (<550 °C)
(Harradine et al., 1993). Wastes from nuclear produc- and residence times (<2 min). Ammonia was consid-
ered the most desirable reducing agent for nitrate, as
* Author to whom correspondence is addressed. Phone: no additional elements are added to the system. An
(505)-667-7854. Fax: (505)-667-0500. E-mail: additional goal of this work was to develop empirical
† Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mail Stop C920. kinetic models for reactor design and to infer reaction
‡ The University of Texas at Austin. pathways for nitrate and ammonia in supercritical
§ Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mail Stop J567. water systems.
S0888-5885(96)00589-1 CCC: $14.00 © 1997 American Chemical Society
2548 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997

Figure 1. Experimental apparatus: tubular reactor in a fluidized sandbath.

Experimental Approach tions were fed from collapsible polyethylene bags with
zero headspace to eliminate volatilization losses. Flow
Kinetics experiments were performed in the reactor rates of nitrate/nitrite feed streams were determined by
shown schematically in Figure 1. The primary feature measuring the mass loss of the solution over time. The
of this apparatus was a fluidized sandbath, which total volumetric flow rate was measured at the reactor
served to preheat feed streams and provide an isother- exit, using a calibrated graduated cylinder and a
mal reaction zone. Reactant feeds were separately stopwatch. The flow rate of the ammonium hydroxide
preheated prior to entering the sandbath using auxiliary solution was calculated by difference from the measured
clamshell heaters. Reactant streams were further flow rates. Reactor residence times were determined
heated to reaction temperature in the sandbath. The knowing the measured flow rate, reactor volume, and
preheated streams were mixed at a tee. A coiled piece water density at reaction conditions (Haar et al., 1984).
of tubing (alloy C276, 6.35 mm o.d. × 2.11 mm i.d. The system was brought to temperature while flowing
(reactors A and C); alloy 625, 6.35 × 2.11 mm (reactor deionized water through the tubing as the sandbath
B)) leading from the mixing tee served as an isothermal heated. When the pressure and temperature were
reactor. The total volumes of reactors A-C were 13.1 stable, the deionized water was switched to feed solu-
( 0.25, 12.3 ( 0.25, and 12.2 ( 0.25 cm3, respectively. tions. After approximately 30 min, sampling of the
These values were determined experimentally (Dell’Orco, effluent was initiated. For each residence time, three
1994) and differed by as much as 10% from volumes sets of 40 cm3 quadruplicate samples were taken. Upon
calculated using quoted tubing diameters. Reaction the completion of sampling at a residence time, flow
quench was achieved with a heat exchanger placed at rates were adjusted to provide a new residence time;
the reactor exit from the sandbath. The small uncer- the system was then equilibrated for 30 min, and
tainty in the reactor volume arises from an uncertainty samples were collected for this new condition. Effluent
in the exact point of reaction quench. samples were typically collected at five residence times.
Following the quench, the reacted stream was filtered For ammonium hydroxide/sodium nitrate/nitrite reac-
and then reduced to atmospheric pressure with a tions and for sodium nitrate decomposition studies, each
backpressure regulator (Tescom). Eleven thermo- set of four samples was analyzed for pH, nitrate, nitrite,
couples (type K) monitored surface and fluid tempera- ammonium, sodium, and potential reactor corrosion
tures in the preheaters and the reactor. An Inconel- products, iron, chromium, molybdenum, and nickel. This
sheathed thermocouple, in contact with the fluid at the approach to sampling and analysis provided three true
mixing tee, provided the primary determination of replicates, from which combined experimental and
reaction temperature. Surface thermocouples placed at analytical error could be estimated.
various positions on the reactor tube were within 1-2 One gas sample was collected at each residence time.
°C of the fluid temperature at the mixing tee. Pressure Gas sampling was accomplished by diverting the efflu-
was measured with transducers (Ashcroft, K1) placed ent to a gas-liquid separator consisting of a 2.54 cm
near the pump outlet and immediately preceding the o.d. stainless steel vessel (100 cm3 volume) previously
backpressure regulator. evacuated to less than 0.1 Torr. Later, a gas-liquid
Feed streams were pumped to the apparatus with separator with a 150 cm3 volume was used. Additional
low-pulse, high-performance liquid chromatography details of the gas sampling apparatus have been pre-
(HPLC) feed pumps (LDC Constametric 3000), which sented elsewhere (Dell’Orco et al., 1995a). Gases evolved
accurately metered flow from 0 to 10 cm3/min for each from approximately 80 cm3 of effluent were collected in
feed stream. Feed solutions were prepared daily using an evacuated gas sample cylinder and analyzed by gas
analytical-grade reagents. Ammonium hydroxide solu- chromatography (GC). Some samples were analyzed
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997 2549
qualitatively using mass spectrometry. Because the
water used to prepare the reactant solutions contained
dissolved oxygen and nitrogen from equilibration with
air at ambient temperature (25 °C), a background gas
sample was collected, and the quantities of nitrogen and
oxygen in this sample were subtracted from those
measured for gas samples. The absolute yield of
gaseous products was determined from the known
effluent volume, gas volume, and partial pressures.
Gas products were analyzed with a gas chromato-
graph, using a Chrompack CarboPLOT column (30 m
long × 0.53 mm i.d.) with carbon molecular sieve
adsorbent, helium carrier gas, and a thermal conductiv-
ity detector. The GC unit was an HP 5890A Series II,
operated with HP ChemStation software control from
a 80386 based computer. This arrangement allowed the
detection of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. A quadrapole
mass spectrometer (Balzer) was used to qualitatively Figure 2. Reaction products for NaNO3/NH4OH reactants at 500
determine the presence of NO and NO2 in gas samples. °C and 300 bar. Experiment performed using reactor A.
Nitrate and nitrite were measured with ion chromatog-
raphy (IC), using a bicarbonate/carbonate eluent and a rately preheated prior to mixing. For the most part,
Dionex IonPac AS4 column, on a PC-controlled Dionex reactions were performed at equimolar nitrate/ammonia
4500i Series ion chromatograph. Ion chromatography concentrations (3-10 mM). Hydrogen peroxide was
standards were prepared daily. Ammonia was analyzed used for some experiments as a cooxidant. Concentra-
first with a gas-sensing electrode (Orion 95-12), using tion and pH data provided in the following discussion
an ionic strength adjuster (ISA) containing 5 M NaOH, are values at ambient conditions.
0.05 M EDTA, and 10% methanol. Calibrations for the
Alkali Nitrate/Ammonium Hydroxide Reactions
electrode were performed with standards prepared
and Alkali Nitrate Decomposition. Typical trends
daily. Later, ammonium was analyzed using the Dionex
of reaction products for MNO3/NH3 reactions are il-
4500i ion chromatograph, using a CS2 column, mem-
lustrated in Figure 2 for an NaNO3/NH3 experiment,
brane suppression, and a dilute acid eluent. Am-
performed at 500 °C. Observed reaction products
monium IC standards were prepared daily. All metals
included nitrogen and nitrous oxide gases, and nitrite
were measured by inductively coupled plasma spec-
ion. As nitrate and ammonia concentrations decreased,
trometry. Mass balances were performed using nitrate,
the concentrations of nitrogen gas, nitrous oxide, and
nitrite, ammonia, nitrogen, and nitrous oxide data.
nitrite ion increased. Nitrogen gas was the primary
reaction product, while N2O was only produced in small
Data and Results quantities. The mass balance for this experiment (102%
Reaction kinetics results from four separate NH4X/ of nitrogen recovered as products) indicated that all
MNO3 (M+ ) monovalent cation, e.g., Na+; X- ) reaction products were identified. These data im-
monovalent anion, e.g., Cl-) systems are reported here: mediately indicate the utility of MNO3/NH3 reactions
NaNO3/NH3, LiNO3/NH3, HNO3/NH3, and NaNO3/NH4- for the conversion of ammonia and nitrate to benign
Cl. In addition, NaNO3 decomposition was also inves- gaseous products at moderate reaction temperature/
tigated. Experiments were performed to determine the residence time conditions.
effect of the cation M+ or the anion X- on product yields In addition to the main reaction of interest, MNO3
and reaction rates and to aid in the elucidation of with NH3 to produce benign gaseous products, other
elementary reaction mechanisms. Most reactions were parallel reactions were found to occur. One parallel
conducted at a constant pressure (300 ( 5 bar), at reaction of particular importance was the reduction of
temperatures from 450 to 530 °C (except for NH4Cl/ sodium nitrate to sodium nitrite, and eventually to NO,
NaNO3 and HNO3/NH4OH experiments). Assuming a apparently through the oxidation of reactor walls (e.g.,
negligible effect of the dilute reactants on bulk super- corrosion). These results are illustrated in Figure 3,
critical water properties, experimental conditions re- which compares similar experiments performed using
sulted in water densities from 150 to 80 kg/m3, a reactors A and B. The difference in decomposition
dielectric constant varying between 1 and 2 (Uematsu reactions is evident by the lower nitrate and higher
and Franck, 1980), and a water ion product ranging nitrite concentrations reported for the reactor B experi-
from 10-20 to 10-23 mol/kg (Quist, 1970). Based on the ment, at the same residence time and temperature. In
known properties of supercritical water (Franck, 1970; addition, mass spectrometry analysis identified NO as
Marshall and Frantz, 1987), these reaction conditions a reaction product for the reactor B experiment indi-
favor ion association over dissociation (Mesmer et al., cated in Figure 3. This nitrate decomposition is impor-
1988) and free radical reaction mechanisms over ionic tant to dispel the common assertion that NO production
reaction mechanisms (Xu et al., 1990; Antal et al., 1988; cannot occur in supercritical water environments at
Holgate and Tester, 1993). Reactants used in this moderate temperatures. This assertion, although likely
research would, in most cases, be expected to be in the valid for prompt and thermal NO evolution mechanisms,
associated form, i.e., MNOx(aq) and NH3(aq). may not be true for fuel NO mechanisms (for a descrip-
Concentrations of nitrate salts were chosen such that tion of NO formation mechanisms in combustion, see
these values were less than solubility thresholds re- Miller and Bowman, 1989).
ported in the literature (Dell’Orco et al., 1995b). Except The explanation for this decomposition phenomenon
where stated, NH4X and MNO3 solutions were sepa- is that reactors A and B had quite different histories,
2550 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997

Figure 3. Comparison of NaNO3/NH4OH experiments at 500 °C

and 300 bar, using reactors A and B. The decomposition behavior
of sodium nitrate is different from reactor A to reactor B. This
Figure 4. NH3/NOx- conversion trends for NaNO3/NH4OH
decomposition was found to ultimately result in the observation
experiments using reactor A. Points at the same temperature have
of NO as a gaseous product. The formation of NO was mediated
the same plot symbols, with the reaction temperature shown next
in future experiments by adding H2O2 in equimolar concentrations
to the corresponding data.
to NaNO3 in feed solutions.

in terms of hours of usage and passivation. Reactor A

had seen approximately 200 h of kinetics reactions,
involving sodium nitrate, simple organic compounds,
and chloride at concentrations less than 10 mM in
water. Reactor B, on the other hand, was simply
passivated for approximately 12 h with dilute NaNO3
and H2O2 solutions (∼10 mM) prior to conducting
experiments. The decomposition of sodium nitrate in
reactors B and C was linked to reactor corrosion, which
was more aggravated for these reactors than reactor A;
a more detailed description of these nitrate decomposi-
tion reactions is provided elsewhere (Dell’Orco, 1994).
This result also illustrates the dependence of observed
reaction rates and byproduct trends on reactor metal-
lurgy and passivation.
To partially offset decomposition reactions, equimolar
H2O2 was added in reactor B and reactor C experiments;
it was hoped that hydroxyl radicals formed by peroxide
decomposition would react with decomposed nitrate
products, shifting the redox equilibria toward original
oxidation states. This approach worked to the extent
that added H2O2 eliminated the presence of NO and NO2 Figure 5. NH3/NOx- conversion trends for NaNO3/NH4OH
in gaseous product streams. The formation of nitrite, experiments using reactor B and H2O2 as a cooxidant. Conversions
however, could not be completely suppressed. are similar to those in Figure 5 for experiments without H2O2;
the presence of peroxide appears to have little effect on reaction
Figures 4 and 5 display NOx- and ammonia conver-
sions as a function of residence time at several temper-
atures for NaNO3/NH3 experiments conducted on reac- similar temperatures and residence times in Figures 4
tors A (no added H2O2) and B (10 mM H2O2 in feed and 5, it is evident that the effect of H2O2 on reaction
solution), respectively. NOx- conversion is defined using time scales was insignificant.
the molar sum of nitrate and nitrite concentrations in To compare reaction time scales for NO3-/NH3 reac-
the effluent divided by their combined concentrations tions with NO2-/NH3 reactions, some investigations
in the feed solutions. NOx- conversion is used in these were performed on the NaNO2/NH3 system. Reaction
figures rather than nitrate or nitrite conversion because products as a function of residence time at 500 °C and
either of these species can react with ammonia to form 300 bar are displayed in Figure 6. N2O was undetected
gaseous byproducts. As observed in Figures 4 and 5, as a reaction product. Small amounts of nitrate were
both NOx- and NH3 conversions increased with resi- observed as a reaction product. Comparing Figures 2
dence time and reaction temperature. Ammonia/NOx- and 6 (conducted at similar temperature, pressure, and
conversions greater than 70% were achieved above 500 residence time conditions), it is evident that reaction
°C at residence times greater than 7 s. Nitrogen and time scales for the NaNO2/NH3 system are quite similar
nitrous oxide conversion increased with ammonia and to those observed for the NaNO3/NH3 system. As with
NOx- conversion in reactor A and reactor B experiments the NaNO3/NH3 system, NOx- and NH3 conversions
(e.g., Figure 2). Comparing observed conversions at both increase with increasing residence time, as does
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997 2551

Figure 6. Reaction products for a NaNO2/NH4OH system at 500

°C and 300 bar. Data are similar to those in Figure 3, which used
NaNO3 at the same temperature and pressure conditions. No N2O
is detected in NaNO2/NH3 experiments. It appears that NaNO2
reacts at rates similar to those of NaNO3. The small amount of
NO3- generated may be due to dissolved oxygen in water used to Figure 8. N2 and N2O yields for MNO3/NH4OH experiments. The
prepare solutions. slope of linear fits to the data sets are stoichiometric coefficients.
For N2, the stoichiometric coefficient of combined LiNO3/MNO3
data sets is 0.8. N2/N2O selectivities are slightly higher for NaNO3
experiments than for LiNO3 experiments. Experimental temper-
atures ranged from 450 to 525 °C at 300 bar. Residence times were
between 5 and 20 s.

The slope of linear fits to these data yields stoichiometric

coefficients for the N2 and N2O, with an NOx- stoichio-
metric coefficient of 1. For the combined LiNO3/NH3
and NaNO3/NH3 data sets, the stoichiometric coefficient
for N2 is 0.80. The N2O coefficient varies between
NaNO3 and LiNO3 data sets; for NaNO3, the stoichio-
metric coefficient is 0.03, while the same coefficient is
about 0.06 for the LiNO3/NH3 data. The average N2/
N2O selectivity was slightly different (16 vs 21) for
LiNO3 and NaNO3 data sets. For all of the MNO3/NH3
experiments discussed above, nitrogen mass recoveries
were between 90 and 115%, with the majority of
experiments being 100 ( 5%. These mass recoveries
indicate that unknown reaction products are minor or
not present.
HNO3/NH3 and NaNO3/NH4Cl Experiments. In
the reactions discussed above, the pH of the effluent
Figure 7. NH3/NOx- conversion trends for LiNO3/NH4OH experi- solution ranged from 9.5 to 10.6 (an alkali hydroxide
ments using reactor C. Conversions are similar to those in Figures salt is a reaction product). To help in elucidating
5 and 6 for experiments using NaNO3. reaction mechanisms, several experiments were per-
formed using nitric acid as the MNO3 species and using
N2 gas production. This similarity in reaction rates and NH4NO3 as a premixed feed solution (in all other MNO3/
reaction products demonstrates why reactant disap- NH4X experiments, reactants are fed and preheated
pearances are best represented using a lumped NOx- prior to mixing). Results from these experiments are
term. shown in Table 1 (experiments H1-H3 and N1-N3).
Using reactor C, lithium nitrate was also reacted with H2O2 was also used as a cooxidant for these studies. The
ammonium hydroxide. These experiments utilized H2O2 effluent pH in these experiments was near 3. Reactions
as a cooxidant. A plot of NH3 and NOx- conversion as of NH4NO3 and HNO3/NH3 proceeded to near-comple-
a function of residence time and temperature is shown tion at temperatures from 427 to 478 °C, using 0.014
in Figure 7. As observed in Figure 7, LiNO3/NH3 M feed solutions. Conversions to N2O ranged from 8.6
reactions had reaction time scales similar to those of to 9.7%, showing no pattern with increasing tempera-
NaNO3/NH3 reactions (Figures 4 and 5); conversion ture; corresponding N2/N2O selectivities varied from 4
values for NOx- and NH3 appear nearly equal at similar to 5. Conversions to nitrogen gas ranged from 77.7 to
reaction conditions. Similar to NaNO3/NH3 experi- 80.6%, also showing no particular pattern with increas-
ments, N2O was also a detected byproduct in LiNO3/ ing temperature. These conversions, especially to N2O,
NH3 reactions. The yields of N2 and N2O for MNO3/ contrast from results using sodium and lithium nitrate
NH3 experiments are shown in Figure 8, which plots for feed solutions, where N2O yields typically varied
N2 and N2O yields as a function of normalized NOx- from 1 to 3%, with N2/N2O selectivities between 16 and
conversion (XNOx-/θ, where θ is ratio [NH3]0/[NOx-]0). 21. In addition to lower N2/N2O selectivities, NH4NO3
2552 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997

Table 1. Results from HNO3/NH3, HNO3/(NH3 + NaOH), and NH4NO3 Reactionsa

Co Ce
expt temp (°C) τ (s) pH NO3- (mM) NH3 (mM) NO3- (mM) NO2- (mM) NH3 (mM) N2 (mM) N2O (mM) N rec. (%)
H1 477.7 ( 0.4 7.2 3.1 6.86 7.95 1.75 0.14 0.19 5.94 0.64 103
H2 445.2 ( 0.1 8.7 3 6.86 7.95 1.74 0.12 BDL 5.75 0.72 100
H3 426.8 ( 0.2 10.3 2.9 6.86 7.95 1.82 0.10 BDL 5.97 0.68 103
H4 426.9 ( 0.1 10.6 9.4 6.86 7.11 3.29 0.99 3.18 3.07 0.26 101
H5 456.8 ( 0.3 8 9.3 6.86 7.11 2.91 1.47 3.55 3.00 0.19 102
H6 427.8 ( 0.1 7.6 10.5 6.99 8.10 4.75 2.22 8.08 0.56 0.09 108
H7 427.9 ( 0.1 9.6 10.5 6.99 8.10 4.65 2.15 8.04 0.36 0.08 104
H9 427.5 ( 0.4 13.8 10.5 6.97 8.12 4.46 2.31 7.99 0.73 0.06 108
H10 446.8 ( 0.2 11.1 10.3 6.97 8.12 4.00 2.26 7.36 1.29 0.09 109
N1 450 ( 0.1 9.0 2.8 10.31 10.28 2.26 1.81 BDL 7.75 1.68 111
N2 450 ( 0.1 13.2 2.8 10.31 10.28 2.27 1.76 BDL 7.67 1.72 111
N3 450 ( 0.1 22.6 2.8 10.31 10.28 2.04 1.98 BDL 7.44 1.58 107
a “H” indicates HNO /NH OH or HNO /(NH OH + NaOH) experiments using reactor B. “N” experiments used only one feed, NH NO
3 4 3 4 4 3
dissolved in water, also in reactor B. All reactor B experiments utilized H2O2 in the MNO3 feed solution, at a concentration equimolar
to the NO3 . All concentrations were provided at ambient conditions; feed concentrations are concentrations at mixing tee. mM ) millimolar,

ND ) not detected, BDL ) below detection limit and τ ) residence time.

NH4Cl/NaNO3 reactions proceed to completion at much

lower temperatures than NaNO3/NH3. At these reac-
tion conditions, NH4Cl is expected to be dissociated into
NH3 and HCl, based on the known ionization behavior
of NH3 in supercritical water (Mesmer et al., 1988).
Apparently, HCl significantly enhances the rate of
MNO3/NH3 reactions. Reaction rates, N2/N2O selectiv-
ites and yields, and effluent pH values indicate that
NaNO3/NH4Cl and HNO3/NH3 reactions occur by simi-
lar elementary mechanisms. Additional data on NaNO3/
NH4Cl experiments are provided elsewhere (Dell’Orco,
Reaction Kinetics Determination: A Simple
Second-Order Model. The reactions studied were
those of MNO3 with NH3 to form nitrogen gas and
nitrous oxide. Due to the difficulty of separating reac-
tion rates of MNO2 from MNO3, these reactants were
lumped as an MNOx reactant. Specifically, the following
global reaction was modeled:
Figure 9. Reaction products for NaNO3/NH4Cl experiments, 366
°C at 300 bar. These reactions exhibited lower N2/N2O selectivities MNOx + bNH3 f cN2 + dN2O + MOH + eH2O (1)
than MNO3/NH4OH reactions. Also, notice the reaction temper-
ature is much lower than comparable MNO3/NH4OH reactions.
While water was not quantified as a reaction product,
and HNO3/NH3 reactions had much shorter reaction its production is necessitated to balance global reactions.
time scales than MNO3/NH3 reactions. For instance, The reactor was modeled as an ideal plug flow reactor.
at 427 °C and a 10.3 s residence time, HNO3 reactions The Reynolds numbers for these reactions varied from
proceeded to completion, while at 450 °C and similar 1500 to 5200. Reactions performed at similar flow
residence times, NH3 and NOx- conversions were less conditions have been successfully modeled using the
than 10%. Because nitric acid is a different reactant plug-flow idealization (Holgate and Tester, 1993; Lee
than sodium nitrate, an additional experiment was and Gloyna, 1992).
performed in which 0.01 M NaOH was added to the NH3 A second-order global reaction model adequately
feed stream (experiments H4-H9). This served to make represented the data. The choice of a second-order
the effluent pH similar to that observed in sodium and model was based on crude initial rate experiments,
lithium nitrate experiments (∼10). Sodium hydroxide which indicated orders near 1 for both reactants
addition to the NH3 feed solution slowed the reaction (Dell’Orco, 1994). A noncatalytic, plug-flow rate expres-
such that the NOx- conversion at 447 °C and a residence sion was integrated to yield eq 2. In eq 2, b is the
time of 11.1 s was 10%, compared with an analogous
sodium nitrate experiment for which an NOx- conver- 1 - exp(-ktCAO(θ - b))
XA ) (2)
sion of 10% was observed at 451 °C and a residence time b
of 11.3 s. Apparently, the presence of sodium inhibited 1 - exp(-ktCAO(θ - b))
the NOx-/NH3 reaction.
Reactions of ammonium chloride with sodium nitrate, stoichiometric coefficient for ammonia (see eq 1) and θ
which produced effluent pH values less than 3, reacted is the ratio CBO/CAO, where the subscript B represents
to completion at temperatures less than 400 °C and MNOx and the subscript A represents NH3. CAO and
residence times near 30 s, producing N2/N2O selectivi- CBO are reactant concentrations at experimental condi-
ties similar to those observed in experiment H1. Figure tions. The rate constant k was assumed to exhibit
9 shows typical reaction products for NH4Cl/NaNO3 Arrhenius behavior; specifically, k ) AR exp(-Ea/RT),
experiments as a function of residence time at a where Ea has units of J/mol, T is in Kelvin, and AR and
constant temperature. As observed in Figure 9, the k have units of s-1(L/mol)-1.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997 2553
Table 2. Second-Order Kinetic Parameters for NH4X/MNO3 Reactionsa
data set AR, L/(mol s) Ea, kJ/mol b NOx - NH3 k at 500 °C, L/(mol s)
NaNO3/NH4OHb 7.814 × 1018 247.9 1.20 7.4 × 10-3 8.3 × 10-4 139
NaNO3/NH4OHc 4.703 × 1017 224.6 1.09 1.2 × 10-3 9.0 × 10-4 315
LiNO3/NH4OHd 1.293 × 1019 247.6 1.09 5.1 × 10-3 2.5 × 10-3 241
NaNO3/NH4Clb 2.910x 1023 278.2 1.53 1.2 × 10-2 6.8 × 10-3 46540
a All models are first order in each reactant (NO - and NH ). b Denotes experiment performed on reactor A without added cooxidant.
x 3
cExperiments performed on reactor B with added H2O2 equimolar to MNO3. d Experiments performed on reactor C with added H2O2
equimolar to MNO3.

Using the solver function in Excel 4.0, values of AR, Figure 10; this may indicate that the stoichiometric
Ea, and b were optimized such that the following coefficient b has a slight dependence on reaction tem-
variation of the χ2 statistic was minimized: perature. From Table 2, it is evident that nearly all
reactions are equally activated; this may indicate that
N (XA,i(expt) - XA,i(model))2 all MNO3/NH3 reactions share a common rate-limiting
χ ) 2

i)1 Wi
+ step, despite exhibiting different overall reaction kinet-
ics. The NH4Cl/NaNO3 model has a significantly higher
frequency factor than the MNO3/NH4OH data sets,
N (XB,i(expt) - XB,i(model))2 perhaps indicating that this MNO3/NH4X reaction pro-

i)1 Wi
(3) ceeds without the inhibition present in elevated pH
In this equation, XA/B,i(expt) represents experimentally Discussion of Reaction Mechanism
determined conversions for the ith observation, while
XA/B,i(model) represents the model prediction of the con- MNO3/NH3 reactions have been studied in aqueous,
version for the ith observation. Wi represents a weight- gas, and liquid melt phases. Aqueous- and melt-phase
ing factor, which is the standard deviation of experi- reaction mechanisms at temperatures below 200 °C
mentally observed conversion. proceed ionically through a nitronium ion intermediate
Parameters were determined for three different data (Friedman and Bigeleisen, 1950). The nitronium ion
sets. These included data collected for reactor A (NaNO3/ (NO2+), formed by Brönsted acid equilibria, electrophili-
NH3 and NaNO3/NH4Cl, alloy C276, no cooxidant, cally nitrates ammonia to form nitramine and water;
reactions), reactor B (alloy 625, equimolar H2O2, NaNO3/ at temperatures above ambient, nitramine rapidly
NH3 reactions), and reactor C (LiNO3/NH3, equimolar decomposes to N2O and H2O. A similar mechanism
H2O2). No constraints were placed on the values that occurs in nitrite-ammonia reactions, through the ni-
the estimated variables could assume. Different initial trosonium ion (NO+) intermediate, to form N2 and H2O
guesses for AR, Ea, and b reduced the chance that (Feick and Hainer, 1954).
solutions were not simply local minima. Studies of NH4NO3 decomposition in the pure-
Table 2 shows the values of the variables obtained component melt phase have been determined to undergo
for the different data sets. Also included in the table an ionic to free-radical reaction mechanism change at
are a comparison of calculated rate constants at 500 °C, temperatures near 290 °C (Brower et al., 1989). The
and the χ2 statistic for the data sets, defined as ionic melt-phase mechanism is essentially the same as
that observed in acidic, aqueous solutions (i.e., through
Xiexpt - Ximodel a nitronium ion intermediate). The free-radical mech-
χ ) ∑i N-K-1
(4) anism involves the decomposition of NH4NO3 to HNO3
and NH3, followed by the homolysis of nitric acid to form
OH• and NO2. After the OH• abstracts a hydrogen from
where N is the number of data points and K is the ammonia, NO2 and NH2 react to form nitramine. As
number of adjustable parameters used to fit the data; with the ionic mechanism, the nitramine decomposes
for the proposed model, K ) 3. The table shows that to form N2O and water.
the three MNO3/NH3 data sets have similar adjustable An immediate difference between previous aqueous-
parameters. Rate constants at 500 °C are of the same and melt-phase results and this research is the fact that
magnitude. Small discrepancies in kinetic parameters N2, not N2O, is formed as the primary reaction product.
may simply be due to differences in the reactors used; This behavior was observed for experiments performed
rate parameters are similar for sodium and lithium. The with and without added oxidant (as H2O2). Two possible
NaNO3/NH4Cl model, while having an activation energy explanations can be provided to explain this behavior.
similar to those of the MNO3/NH4OH data sets, had a Either nitrous oxide is initially formed through an ionic
substantially higher preexponential factor and a much or melt free-radical mechanism and then reacts quickly
higher 500 °C rate constant than the other data sets. to form molecular nitrogen and atomic oxygen or
This is consistent with experimental observations. nitrogen is initially formed by a different mechanism,
A graphical comparison of experimental observations with a small side reaction leading to N2O formation.
with model predictions is shown in Figure 10. Overall, Possibilities for nitrous oxide conversion to N2 include
the model prediction is within error of the experimental unimolecular decomposition by collision with third
observation, and the simple second order rate expression bodies (i.e., water), hydrogen abstraction reactions with
appears to adequately represent the data. In fact, the ammonia to form N2, OH• and NHx• species, and
second-order model produced lower χ2 values than zero- oxidation reactions, such as NaNO2 oxidation to form
or first-order models. A slightly S-shaped curve is N2 and NaNO3. From the observation of HNO3/NH3 and
evident in the ammonia conversion comparisons in NH4NO3 experiments (exeriments H1-H5), where NH3
2554 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997

Figure 10. Comparison of experimentally observed conversions with model predictions. Reactants and reactors used are indicated in
the upper right-hand corner of each plot. Points falling on the dotted line exhibit perfect agreement between the experimental observation
and the model prediction.

conversions were near complete from 425 to 475 °C with following reaction mechanism for describing the system:
no change in N2/N2O selectivity, it can be concluded that
the decomposition of N2O via reactions with water, NH3 + NO2 T NH2• + HNO2 (7)
molecular oxygen and its radical species, and nitrite was
not significant in this temperature range. Because NH2• + NO2 T NH• + HNO2 (8)
ammonia was depleted at these conditions, reactions
with ammonia could not be discounted. Further inves-
tigations have indicated that N2O is unreactive with NH• + NO2 T HNO + NO (9)
NH3 at temperatures up to 600 °C at 300 bar (Masten,
1993). 2NHO T N2O + H2O (10)
Gas-phase reactions between NO2 and NH3 have been
shown to form N2 as a primary reaction product (Oden- NH2• + NO T N2 + H2O (11)
brand et al., 1986). In studies involving heteroge-
neously catalyzed NO2/NH3 reactions, global reactions A difference between the supercritical water reactions
shown by reactions (5) and (6) were observed. These and these gas-phase results is that the SCW reactions
are all most likely at their high-pressure limit. As a
6NO2 + 8NH3 f 7N2 + 12H2O (5) result, species such as HNO2 are likely unstable at
supercritical water conditions. Nonetheless, the gas-
2NO2 + 2NH3 f N2 + N2O + NH4NO3 (6) phase results presented above qualitatively agree with
the NOx/NH3 reaction stoichiometries and N2/N2O se-
reactions resulted in NO2/NH3 stoichiometries of 1.33 lectivities observed in this work.
at 302 °C and 1.22 at 252 °C, due to differences in For supercritical water reactions, a simplified reaction
reaction branching at the different temperatures. mechanism which considers these gas-phase results is
Gas-phase NO2/NH3 reactions were studied in more suggested by reactions (12)-(19). In this mechanism,
detail at temperatures from 342 to 387 °C to elucidate the production of reactive species is initiated by a
the elementary reaction steps (Bedford and Thomas, substitution reaction (reaction (12)) involving an alkali
1972). This study investigated initial rate data to nitrate/nitrite salt (MNOx) and an acid (HX), which in
determine reaction orders and looked at the effect of these experiments was H2O or HCl. Such reactions
added NO on the reaction in order to elucidate elemen- (e.g., hydrolysis) have been observed previously in
tary reaction mechanisms. The authors developed the solubility studies of NaNO3 and NaCl salts (Dell’Orco
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997 2555
et al., 1995b; Armellini and Tester, 1993). Following Cl reactions is due to the substitution reaction (reaction
this substitution, either nitric acid or nitrous acid is (12)), which is suggested here to be the rate-limiting step
formed. Both of these species undergo homolysis to for alkali nitrate studies. When this substitution reac-
yield HO• and NO2/NO (reactions (14) and (15)). HONO2 tion occurs quickly (NH4Cl/NaNO3) or is not required
to occur (HNO3/NH3), the rate-limiting step is proposed
MNO2 + HX T HONO2 + MX (12) to be the homolysis of nitric and nitrous acid. Nitric
acid homolysis was also determined to be a rate-limiting
MONO + HX T HONO + MX (13) step in the free-radical decomposition of NH4NO3 melts
(Brower et al., 1989).
HONO T HO• + NO (14) The reaction mechanism described here demonstrates
why nitrate is a better oxidizing agent for ammonia than
HONO2 T HO• + NO2 (15) oxygen in supercritical water. Oxygen oxidation of
ammonia both in the gas phase and in supercritical
OH• + NH3 T NH2• + H2O (16) water proceeds primarily through successive hydrogen
abstractions of NH3 to form NO, which can react with
NO2 + M T NO + M + O• (17) NH• and NH2• species to form N2 and N2O (Webley and
Tester, 1991; Miller and Bowman, 1989). The succes-
sive hydrogen abstractions from ammonia to eventually
NH2• + NO T N2 + H2O (18) make NO require temperatures higher than those
reported in this research. Moreover, the formation of
NH2• + NO2 T N2O + H2O (19) HNO species through reaction (9) is not possible due to
the absence of NO2. Conversely, NH3/MNO3 reactions
homolysis has been observed in NH4NO3 melt decom- require only one hydrogen abstraction from ammonia,
position at temperatures of less than 350 °C (Brower et which is energetically possible at temperatures below
al., 1989). The HO• produced from reaction (16) ab- 500 °C and <1 min time scales. This is due to the fact
stracts a hydrogen from ammonia to make water and that NO and NO2 are produced by energetically favor-
NH2• (reaction (13)), which then quickly reacts with able hydrolysis-homolysis rather than hydrogen ab-
either NO2 or NO to make N2O or N2 (Kurusawa and straction reactions. The mechanism also explains why
Lesclaux, 1979; Miller and Bowman, 1989). H2O2, nitric acid is utilized as a rate enhancer in SCWO
present in some experiments, may also provide a source applications (Bouhris et al., 1994): the homolysis of
of OH• radicals for reaction (16). Because H2O2 did not nitric acid forms OH• at lower temperatures and at
significantly affect observed global rates, reaction (16) shorter time scales than O2/H2O reactions. Thus, free-
does not appear to be a rate-limiting reaction step. radical pools which can both promote O2 conversion into
NO2 and NO have an equilibrium shown by reaction useful radicals or react directly with oxidizable species
(18). At reaction temperatures similar to those used in are established at lower reaction temperatures, and
this work (377-427 °C), calculations have shown NO with substantially reduced induction times.
to be the favored NOx equilibrium species at low It is evident from the suggested mechanism why it is
pressures (∼2 bar) in even in the presence of oxygen possible for NO and NO2 to be observed in SCWO
(Odenbrand, 1986). Elevated pressures, as used in this effluents. Upon reaction quenching, these species only
research, would only shift the equilibrium in eq 15 convert back to their original ionic state by the equi-
further to the right. The favorability of NO as the libria shown in reactions (11) and (12) or by reaction in
predominant NOx species partially explains the high N2/ slow equilibrium steps with water. The equilibria with
N2O selectivities observed in this work. This results water proceed through N2O4 and N2O3 intermediates
in reaction (18), rather than reaction (19), being the and are generally too slow to be significant. Thus, if
primary NH2• removal path. Increased N2O formation quenching radicals (i.e., OH•) have been depleted by
for HNO3/NH3 and NaNO3/NH4Cl reactions may be other paths, such as corrosion (reaction (20)) or reaction
attributed to higher equilibrium values of NO2 relative with organic matter, it is possible that NO and NO2 will
to NO (via reaction (17)) at lower reaction temperatures, appear in gaseous effluents.
resulting in the increased importance of reaction (19).
A problem evident in reactions (9)-(16) is that this 2HONO2 + Cr f H2CrO4 + 2NO (20)
mechanism results in a stoichiometry of 1 mol NH3
reacted/mol of NOx- reacted. Experimentally, this ratio In nitrate decomposition studies and solubility studies
was observed between 1.08 and 1.22 for MNO3/NH3 (Dell’Orco, 1994), the appearance of NO and NO2 was
reactions and was even greater for HNO3/NH3 and linked to reactor corrosion, as implied by reaction (20).
NaNO3/NH4Cl reactions. That is, experiments produc- Specifically, Cr and Mo were selectively leached from
ing the highest N2/N2O selectivities resulted in stoichi- the alloy C276 and 625 surfaces, in proportion to the
ometries nearest to 1. In order to account for this excess amount of NO3- decomposed. This, in part, explains
ammonia disappearance, species such as HNO (reac- the difference in reaction rates observed in Figure 3;
tions (9) and (10)) need to be considered. The result of the unpassivated reactor (reactor B) undergoes reactor
reactions (9) and (10) is that two initial NH3 molecules corrosion, which allows reaction (20) to proceed in
react through a series of elementary steps to form a final parallel with the primary reaction mechanism. As NHx/
product, without the consumption of an NOx- species. NOx reactions are known to be catalyzed by Cr and Fe
This may account for experimentally observed reaction oxides (Baurle et al., 1978), it is also quite possible that
stoichiometries. In order for reactions (9) and (10) to MNOx/NH3 reactions observed here happen to a large
occur, NH• must also be formed; this can occur through degree at the reactor wall. Because most SCWO ap-
reaction (8), or perhaps through reaction of NH2• with plications operate under a high excess of oxygen (and
OH•. OH• radicals at elevated temperature conditions), the
The significantly reduced rate of alkali nitrate/am- chances for NO and NO2 to persist in gaseous effluents
monia reactions relative to HNO3/NH3 and NaNO3/NH4- are generally low.
2556 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 36, No. 7, 1997

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