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NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.

Introduction to Spectrum
At the end of this experiment, the learner should be able to:
• Demonstrate the characteristics and operation of a spectrum analyzer as it is applied
to communication systems.
• Measure the phase variation between signals, period, amplitude and overall signal
performance using the oscilloscope.
• Analyze signals using spectral analysis in frequency domain.


The Spectrum Analyzer is one of the most essential testing instruments in the field of
electronics and communications.

Please click on the link to watch a 5-minute video on how a spectrum analyzer works

Spectral analysis is encouraged in Multisim through use of the Spectrum Analyzer.

Multiple duplicate instruments may be utilized for further convenience in the study and
testing of AC signals.
AC Voltage Source Power in watts
P = Vrms2/ RL (Equation 1-1)
• Oscilloscope
• Spectrum Analyzer

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.


Figure 1-1 Experimental Circuit

1. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 1-1.

2. Double-click on the AC Voltage Source. Select the Value tab and set Voltage (Pk) =
10V, Voltage Offset = 0V and Frequency = 1 kHz. Click OK.

3. Double-click on the Oscilloscope. Set the time division to 1 ms/Div and the Amplitude
to 5 V/Div. Start the simulation and observe the 1 kHz frequency on the time versus
amplitude scale. Stop the simulation.

4. Double-click on the Spectrum Analyzer. Select Set Span under Span Control and Lin
under Amplitude. Under Frequency, set the Start and End frequencies. Since we are
interested in a frequency of 1 kHz, select Start = 0 Hz and End = 2 kHz.

This will define the frequency settings for the beginning and end of the window, thus
centering the 1 kHz frequency. Click Enter to enter the values. This method of setting the
Spectrum Analyzer parameters is called the Frequency Control method.

5. Start the simulation. Place the cursor over the vertical marker line and drag the line to
the center of the peak of the spectrum shown. Observe the frequency value in the lower-
left portion of the window change as the marker is moved. Record the frequency and
voltage values in Table 1-1. Verify that the frequency and amplitude values correspond
to the AC Voltage Source settings.

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.

6. Stop the simulation. Double-click on the AC Voltage Source and select Voltage
Amplitude = 10V and Frequency = 10 kHz.

7. Since the frequency of interest is now 10 kHz, set the Center frequency to 10 kHz. Set
Span to 10 kHz. This will designate a total window span of 10 kHz. Click Enter. Notice
that the Start and End frequencies are automatically calculated. This technique is called
the Span method. Note that one of the two illustrated methods may be used, but not both
at once.

8. Start the simulation and move the marker to the left side of the window then the right
side of the window, noting that the frequencies at each end correspond to the Start and
End frequency settings. In order to obtain the Span setting, subtract the Start frequency
from the End frequency. Record your results in Table 1-2. Verify the span setting. Record
LIN voltage and mW values as in Step 5, converting the voltage to power in mW using
Equation 1-1. Complete Table 1-1

EXPECTED OUTPUT (for your reference)

Figure 1-2 Frequency Spectrum of a 1 kHz Signal

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.

ACTUAL OUTPUT (using Multisim)

Spectrum Oscilloscope

Fig. 1-1 (1 kHz)

Spectrum Oscilloscope

Fig. 1-1 (10 kHz)

Note: Fig. 1-2 is same as 1-1 (1 kHz)

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.

Data for Experiment 1

Table 1-1
Frequency LIN Voltage Power (mW) Frequency LIN Voltage
(measured) (V) (calculated) (Hz) (V)
(measured) (expected) (expected)

1 kHz 9.996V 49.98mW 1kH 10V

10 kHz 9.990V 49.98mW 10kH 10V

Table 1-2
Frequency START (Hz) END (Hz) SPAN (Hz) SPAN (Hz)
(Hz) (measured) (expected)

1 kHz 0Hz 2kHz 2kHz 2kHz

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.


Table 1-1 (1kHz & 10kHz)

1 1
𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 = (𝑉𝑝) = (10𝑉 ) = 𝟕. 𝟎𝟕𝑽
√2 √2

𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 2 7.072
𝑃= = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟒𝟗𝟗𝟖𝑾 𝒐𝒓 𝟒𝟗. 𝟗𝟖𝒎𝑾
𝑅𝐿 1000

Table 1-2 (1kHz) Span method

𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒏 = 𝐸𝑛𝑑 − 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 = 2 − 0 = 𝟐

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.


In this experiment we construct the circuit shown in Figure 1-1. We set

the AC voltage source at 10 V (Pk) and 1 kHz frequency upon the first table in
the category of 1 kHz frequency.

I observed on the oscilloscope that the sine wave is too firm to observe.
The default settings of per period is set to 5 mS/Div and 5 V/Div, for able to see
the sine wave definitively, we adjust the 5 mS to 1 mS and that made the span
of wave clearer and wider. Further adjustments were made to make the wave
steady, therefore we set/click the display capture to single as shown in the
bottom right of the oscilloscope.

The Spectrum Analyzer has been connected to the circuit and we take
look at the control settings. Table 1-1 require to measures a 1 kHz AC voltage,
we set the Span at 2, Start at 0, Center at 1, and End at 2. The analyzer displays
the parameters of the spectrum according to frequency details we input for
provided AC source.

Gathering value for line Voltage is to move the vertical line at the peak of
the spectrum. The values upon the lower left will determine the peak value or
optimal frequency. The lower right on the display of the spectrum we will see
the line voltage.

Changing the AC voltage source to 10 kHz frequency would make

adjustment upon the spectrum analyzer to maintain similarities upon taking
reading. If we not to change that, there would be a line voltage to observe that
is not symmetrical and not fully displayed, but a portion of it only, therefore we
adjust the Center to 10, and Span to 10. When we hit enter it will automatically
input values of Start and End.

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.


Spam method is automatically calculated by the Spectrum analyzer, thus

this will provide the most left side by a 5 kHz frequency base and as the
foremost right it shows the 15 kHz base. We now see the 10 kHz data for the
table 1-1.

7. Since the frequency of interest is now 10 kHz, set the Center frequency to 10
kHz. Set Span to 10 kHz. This will designate a total window span of 10 kHz. Click
Enter. Notice that the Start and End frequencies are automatically calculated.
This technique is called the Span method. Note that one of the two illustrated
methods may be used, but not both at once.

Record LIN voltage and mW values as converting the voltage to power in

mW using Equation 1-1. To further show and confirm the precision value of
Vrms and Power we can measure it by adding a wattmeter and a volt meter in
the given schematic. See additional notes section.

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.


Throughout the data I gathered, accordingly with parameters checked and

sustained utilization of the virtual observation I made.

I conclude that:

1. Demonstrating the characteristics and operation of a spectrum analyzer

we can determine the Line voltage of any AC voltage as we can discover their
nature of Power and amplitude in overall performance with the use of

2. Notes, E. (n.d.) Spectrum analysers are invaluable test instruments for RF

design - they provide essential insights into the operation of RF circuits, modules
and systems. As such they are one of the most important items of test
equipment for RF design, electronic circuit design, electronics manufacturing,
service, field repair, etc…

3. The horizontal axis of the analyzer is linearly calibrated in frequency with

the higher frequency being at the right hand side of the display. The vertical axis
is calibrated in amplitude. This scale is normally logarithmic, although it is often
possible to have other scales including linear ones for specialized
measurements. Set the frequency of a spectrum analyzer, there are two
selections that can be made. These selections are independent of each other
and on different controls.

Changing the AC
NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.



Internet Source

Notes, E. (n.d.). How to Use a Spectrum Analyzer: Operation » Electronics Notes.

Electronicsnotes. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from https://www.electronics-

NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.

Additional Notes

Given Schematic

Now we can see the Vrms and

Power of the given circuit
without computing. I revised
the original schematic to
determine and confirm my
computations are correct.
Thus, this provide how
computation can be
inaccurate when you don’t
include all the decimal values.

Revised Schematic
NEC3109 Experiment No. 1 Comm. Systems Lab.

Additional Notes


DATE PERFORMED: August 18, 2021


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