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This paper discusses about the sense of patriotism towards our country Ethiopia and also the five
requirements that will increase the sense of patriotism. The relationship between time and work
with major time management strategies has also been discussed. The relationship between
hardworking and development by comparing them between developing and developed countries is
the other topic which has been elaborated below.
The concept, the type and the importance of active community participation has also been
described below and finally the low-level saving habit in Ethiopia and ways to improve it and also
the negative consequences of the low-level saving habit for a country’s development has been
Keywords: consequences, strategies, habit, developing, developed

Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ i
Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1. List and Explain At Least Five Requirements to Increase Sense of Patriotism from
Ethiopian Perspective .................................................................................................................. 2
2. Explain Relationship Between Time and Work by Mentioning Major Time Management
Strategies More Than six............................................................................................................. 2
3. Elaborate the Relationship Between Hardworking and Development by Comparing and
Contrasting Developing Countries and Developed Countries?................................................... 3
4. Describe the Concept of Active Community Participation, Types of Active Community
Participation and Importance of Active Community Participation for Ethiopian
a. Describe the Concept of Active Community Participation? ............................................ 3
b. Types of Active Community Participation ...................................................................... 3
c. Importance of Active Community Participation for Ethiopian Development ................. 3
5. Saving Habits in Most Developing Countries Like Ethiopia Is Low. Explain the Main
Reason Why It Becomes Low and How It Can Be Improved and Negative Consequence of
Low Level of Saving in A Given Country Development? .......................................................... 4
a. Why Saving Habit in Ethiopia Is Low? ........................................................................... 4
b. How to improve it? ........................................................................................................... 4
c. Negative consequence of low level of saving for a country development ....................... 4
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 6
References ....................................................................................................................................... 7

UK United Kingdom
GDP Gross Domestic Product

In order to love the motherland, to become an active member of it, its formation and development
in students is an important educational and moral aspect. One of the most important processes in
the historical development of humanity is family, its formation, appearance, strength, social and
psychological process, which influences the development of the society, bringing up children,
parental relations and many other issues (Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020). Therefore, the
following requirements such as knowing our history, being law abiding citizen, paying our taxes,
being hardworking citizen, accepting all nation and nationalities equally must be fulfilled to
increase the sense of patriotism.
People who practice good management techniques often find that they are more productive, have
more energy for things they need to accomplish, feel less stressed, have more free time to do the
things they want, get more things done, relate more positively to others, feel better about
themselves. (carney, 2020)
Farming demands hard work, industry demands hard work, and academic success demands hard
work that we can transform our livelihoods to become and advanced and developed nation.
Through hard work, we become real and respectable to other nations and those nations will also
become more influential (mohendrewa, 2019). Developed countries have these characteristics that
the developing countries yet to develop.
Active community participation can be loosely defined as the involvement of people in a
community in projects to solve their own problems. People cannot be forced to ‘participate’ in
projects which affect their lives but should be given the opportunity where possible (union, 2020).
Saving habit tells how people save in a country in order to realize the economic condition of the
country. It is normal facts that if people are saving more, the levels of their personal disposable
income are increasing as well (UK, essays , 2017). The saving rate of Ethiopia to GDP is 9.5%
which is the worst saving rate in the world as compared to china, Bangladesh, and south Africa
which have a better saving rate in the world. Ethiopia is characterized by poor saving habits which
result in very small domestic savings available for investment. The cause of this poor saving habit
identified includes lack of appropriate saving products, lack of incentive to save, low-income level,
high level of debt, low interest rate, high inflation, and others (jornal of economics and sustainable
development, 2013).

1. List and Explain At Least Five Requirements to Increase Sense of
Patriotism from Ethiopian Perspective
a. Knowing Our History: history plays a major role in building and increasing the sense of
patriotism by helping the upcoming generations to understand and learn from our forefathers’
mistakes and goodness in their life.
b. Being Law Abiding Citizen: law abiding is very important when we come to show our love
and sense of patriotism towards our country because when we don’t abide law, we are harming
the other citizens of our country which will harm our country.
c. Paying Our Taxes: paying tax is instrumental for convincing one’s self to develop patriotic
sense because he or she may see roads, hospitals, schools being built and thinks that he or she
is playing a role in it. And also, could initiate others to be patriotic in paying taxes
d. Being Hardworking Citizen: being a hardworking citizen makes our country develop and
protect us against our enemies. We don’t have to serve in the military we just need to work
e. Accepting All Nation and Nationalities Equally: discrimination among nation and
nationalities is the danger that Ethiopia is currently facing and it should be avoided as soon as
possible. When we accept and stop discriminating against all nation and nationalities sense of
ownership and citizenship towards Ethiopia increases and all the peoples will try to work
equally and develop the nation.

2. Explain Relationship Between Time and Work by Mentioning Major Time

Management Strategies More Than six.
Effective and wise use of time helps a person to accomplish its task on time and be prepared for
the next task. As a matter of fact, work needs to be accomplished on time. Therefore, time should
be managed.
▪ Know how you spend your time
▪ Set priorities
▪ Use a planning tool
▪ Get organized
▪ Schedule appropriately
▪ Manage time wasters
▪ Stop procrastinating
▪ Limit multi-tasking
▪ Review your day
▪ Be focused
▪ Be structure
▪ Be self-aware
▪ Be intentional
▪ Specifying goals

3. Elaborate the Relationship Between Hardworking and Development by
Comparing and Contrasting Developing Countries and Developed
Hard working helps to discover many new things. This experience helps to think smartly to solve
a critical problems more technological products being produced and finally achieve success. It
teaches discipline, dedication and determination which leads to development of a country.
Developing countries are hardworking but not as much as the developed countries. Some of the
developing countries are not working hard having all the resources such as man power.
Developed countries work day and night in order to achieve development. They work hard to be
successful. They efficiently use their resources and achieve their goals without being lazy.

4. Describe the Concept of Active Community Participation, Types of Active

Community Participation and Importance of Active Community
Participation for Ethiopian Development?
a. Describe the Concept of Active Community Participation?
A process by which a community mobilizes its resources, initiates, and takes responsibilities for
its own development activities and share in decision making for and implementation of all other
development programs for the overall improvement of its health status. Through this process the
people will get control over the political, social and economic and environmental factors
determining their health.
b. Types of Active Community Participation
▪ Spontaneous participation
▪ Imposed participation
▪ Defacto participation
▪ Voluntary participation
c. Importance of Active Community Participation for Ethiopian Development

▪ Enhances the democratic process with the process of voting which has been done few days
▪ Helps to ensure more equitable distribution of benefits, by facilitating access to these benefits
by politically or economically weak groups
▪ Creates the sense of ownership where local peoples tend to make better economic decisions
and judgments in the context of their own environment and circumstances.

5. Saving Habits in Most Developing Countries Like Ethiopia Is Low. Explain
the Main Reason Why It Becomes Low and How It Can Be Improved and
Negative Consequence of Low Level of Saving in A Given Country
a. Why Saving Habit in Ethiopia Is Low?
The reason behind the low habit of saving in our country Ethiopia are:
1. Income levels: Rising income levels will lead to a rise in total saving levels. As households
gain more disposable income and have the ability to save more. Typically, households on low
income will have very low saving levels. They need to buy necessities and do not have the
‘luxury’ of being able to save. As incomes rise, households tend to have a higher marginal
propensity to save. This is because with higher incomes there is a diminishing marginal utility
to consumption – households with extra income are more likely to save it. If there is a rise in
incomes of the low paid, this will have a bigger impact on increasing savings than if there is a
rise in incomes of the wealthy.
2. Inflation: Inflation can have an effect on saving. If there is high inflation – and if inflation is
higher than interest rates, then this will discourage saving. Households may look to either
spend money before it falls in value or buy assets which hold their value during inflation.
3. Cultural factors: in Ethiopia there are lots of practices that require extravagant expenditure
like Tezkar and serg. Tezkar is a funeral ceremony after a person passes away. There are people
in Ethiopia who pay a lot of money for the preparation of this ceremony. However, extravagant
expenditure on Tezkar may lead to debt. Most people in Ethiopia, including those who are
poor, think that having a simple wedding is shameful. So, instead of saving the money for the
life after the wedding they will go for investing all the money on the ceremony.
4. Poor family planning: as the number of people in a family increases saving amount will be
low. Because the need and want of each family members will be high and as a result saving
will be very low in order to satisfy their needs and wants.
b. How to improve it?
1. Using banks
2. Planning
3. Avoiding extravagant use of money
4. Determining the needs and the wants carefully and avoiding our wants as possible as we can.
5. Stabilization of inflation
c. Negative consequence of low level of saving for a country development
1. Low economic growth
2. Low investment
3. Low infrastructure distribution

From the discussion and explanation given above we can conclude on each question:
1. The sense of patriotism in Ethiopia can be increased and the following requirements such
as knowing our history, being law abiding citizen, paying our taxes, being hardworking
citizen, accepting all nation and nationalities equally must be fulfilled to increase the sense
of patriotism.
2. Hard working and development are two things which are directly related as it can be seen
in the developed countries that they use their human and natural resources wisely and
purposely to develop their countries. But the opposite is true when we come to the
developing countries since little hardworking habit is available.
3. An active community participation is really vital for the development of the society and
our country Ethiopia because an active citzen can be created.
4. The saving habit in Ethiopia is very low that the annual GDP even is becoming less and
less when compared to other countries therefore this has to be solved and improved by
stabilizing the economy and taking other serious measures.

In the paper there were different questions and elaborated points such as the requirements to
increase the sense of patriotism from Ethiopian perspective which are knowing our history, paying
taxes, abiding the law, accepting all nations and nationalities and others. a relationship between
time and work through different time management strategies such as Know how you spend your
time setting priorities, using a planning tool, getting organized, scheduling appropriately,
managing time wasters, stopping procrastinating, limiting multi-tasking and others. The
relationship between hardworking and development in developing and developed countries is
indirect and direct respectively. The active community participation a community mobilizes its
resources, initiates, and takes responsibilities for its own development activities and share in
decision making for and implementation of all other development programs for the overall
improvement of its health status. Types of Active Community Participation, Spontaneous
participation, Imposed participation, Defacto participation, Voluntary participation. Saving habit
tells how people save in a country in order to realize the economic condition of the country. It is
normal facts that if people are saving more, the levels of their personal disposable income are
increasing as well.

Carney Dana, 10 startegies for better Time managment [Book]. - georgia, USA : [s.n.], 2020.
Jornal of Economics and Sustainable Development assesment of saving culture amoung households in
ethiopia [Journal]. - Mekele, Ethiopia : College of Buisness and Economics Mekelle University, 2013.
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