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Core Principles of Waldorf Education:

An Introduction and First Discourse

In January 2013 the Pedagogical Section

Council of North America (PSC) crafted a
document entitled ÒCore Principles of Waldorf
Core Principles of Waldorf Education
by the PSC of North America
(amended August 2014)
EducationÓ; since then it has been periodically
revised. As the document circulated within the Waldorf education can be characterized as
Waldorf movement, the PSC received several having seven core principles. Each one of
requests for further elaboration on these them can be the subject of a life-long study.
principles, as well as supporting references. Nevertheless, they can be summarized in the
With this issue of the Research Bulletin, following manner:
we begin a series of short articles in which
members of the Council offer study materials Image of the Human Being: The human
and commentary that elaborate on these Core being in its essence is a being of Spirit, soul,
Principles. and body. Childhood and adolescence, from
birth to age 21, are the periods during which
A Little Background the Spirit/soul gradually takes hold of the
The impetus for drafting this document physical instrument that is our body. The Self
was a prolonged period of debate over the use is the irreducible spiritual individuality within
of the name ÒWaldorfÓ in non-independent each one of us which continues its human
(public charter) schools. Members of the PSC, journey through successive incarnations.
like others in the Waldorf movement, were not
all in agreement about the questions raised by Phases of Child Development: This
this debate. However, since the Pedagogical process of embodiment has an archetypal
Section includes teachers who work in both sequence of approximately seven-year phases,
independent and in charter schools, and since and each childÕs development is an individual
the question of ÒWhat is a Waldorf school?Ó expression of the archetype. Each phase has
has become a legal question, the Council unique and characteristic physical, emotional,
decided to focus on the pedagogical rather and cognitive dimensions.
than on the legal aspects of this question. We
have attempted to identify the essential aspects Developmental Curriculum: The
of Waldorf education so that every school curriculum is created to meet and support the
and every teacher can study them and then phase of development of the individual and
assess their work relative to these principles. the class. From birth to age 7, the guiding
The document was never meant to be an principle is that of imitation; from 7 to 14
enforceable criterion, but rather an anchor for the guiding principle is that of following the
discussion and study on the meaning of the teacherÕs guidance; during the high school
term ÒWaldorf education.Ó years, the guiding principle is idealism and the
We now present these principles and the development of independent judgment.
first in our series of contributions, starting with

     Freedom in Teaching: Rudolf Steiner
elaborations of the first two Core Principles. gave indications for the development of a

Research Bulletin Autumn/Winter 2014 Volume 19 #2

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Core Principles of Waldorf Education53

new pedagogical art, with the expectation colleagues are also essential to the wellbeing of
that Òthe teacher must invent this art at the class community and the school.
every moment.Ó Out of the understanding of
child development and Waldorf pedagogy, Spiritual Orientation: In order to cultivate
the Waldorf teacher is expected to meet the the imaginations, inspirations, and intuitions
needs of the children in the class out of his/her needed for their work, Rudolf Steiner gave
insights and the circumstances of the school. the teachers an abundance of guidance for
Interferences with the freedom of the teacher developing an inner, meditative life. This
by the school, parents, standardized testing guidance includes individual professional
regimen, or the government, while they may be meditations and an imagination of the circle
necessary in a specific circumstance (for safety of teachers forming an organ of spiritual
or legal reasons, for example), are nonetheless perception. Faculty and individual study,
compromises.1 artistic activity, and research form additional
facets of ongoing professional development.
Methodology of Teaching: There are
a few key methodological guidelines for the
grade school and high school teachers. Early 1 A note about school governance: While not directly
childhood teachers work with these principles a pedagogical matter, school governance can be an
appropriate to the way in which the child essential aspect of freedom in teaching. Just as a
before the age of 7 learns, out of imitation developmental curriculum should support the phases
rather than direct instruction. of child development, school governance should
support the teachersÕ pedagogical freedom (while
Artistic metamorphosis: The teacher should
maintaining the schoolÕs responsibilities towards
understand, internalize, and then present the society).
topic in an artistic form.2 2 The term ÒartisticÓ does not necessarily mean
From experience to concept: The direction of the traditional arts (singing, drawing, sculpting,
the learning process should proceed from the and so forth), but rather that, like those arts, the
studentsÕ soul activities of willing, through perceptually manifest reveals something invisible
through utilizing perceptible media. Thus a math
feeling to thinking. In the high school the
problem or science project can be just as artistic as
context of the experience is provided at the storytelling or painting.
outset.3 3 This mirrors the development of human cognition,
Holistic process: proceeding from the whole which is at first active in the limbs and only later in
to the parts and back again, and addressing the the head.
whole human being. 4 There are four basic rhythms with which the Waldorf
teacher works. The most basic of those is the day-
Use of rhythm and repetition.4
night (or two-day) rhythm. Material that is presented
on a given day is allowed to Ògo to sleepÓ before it
Relationships: Enduring human is reviewed and brought to conceptual clarity on
relationships between students and their the following day. A second rhythm is that of the
teachers are essential and irreplaceable. week. It is Òthe interest rhythm,Ó and teachers strive
The task of all teachers is to work with the to complete an engagement with a topic within a
week of working on it. A paper that is returned to
developing individuality of each student and
the student after more than a week will no longer be
with each class as a whole. Truly human interesting to the student. The only interesting thing
pedagogical relationships gain in depth and will be the teacherÕs comments, but the topic itself is
stability when they are cultivated over many already past the Òinterest window.Ó A third rhythm
years. They cannot be replaced by instructions is that of four weeks. Blocks, or units of instruction,
utilizing computers or other electronic means. are usually best covered in four-week periods. This
life-rhythm can be understood in contemplation of
Healthy working relationships with parents and
feminine reproductive cycles, for example, and can be

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54Core Principles of Waldorf Education

said to bring a topic to a temporary level of maturity. capacity. Thus a mathematical concept introduced
The last of the pedagogical rhythms is that of a early in third grade should be mastered sufficiently to
year. This is the time it can take for a new concept be assumed as a capacity for work at the beginning
to be mastered to the degree that it can be used as a of fourth grade.

A Contribution to the Study of the First Core Principle

Elan Leibner
Image of the Human Being: The human lawfulness that would remain even when the
being in its essence is a being of Spirit, soul, physical specimen is no longer before us; our
and body. Childhood and adolescence, from soul forms a relationship between our subject
birth to age 21, are the periods during which and the flower in question.
the Spirit/soul gradually takes hold of the The following exercise can help make
physical instrument that is our body. The Self the threefold human being more readily
is the irreducible spiritual individuality within comprehensible:
each one of us which continues its human Place a manufactured object such a
journey through successive incarnations. pencil or a paper clip before you. Describe its
appearance in detail (size, color, shape, smell,
There are four thoughts woven together in and any other pertinent sensory attribute). This
the first Core Principle: description originates with what Steiner calls
1. The human being is a being of Spirit, soul, the bodily aspect of the human being.
and body. Next, describe your personal response
2. The process of incarnating the Spirit and to this object: like or dislike, attraction
soul into the body takes approximately 21 or repulsion, and so forth. This response
years. originates in what Steiner calls the soul.
3. The essential Self is an irreducible spiritual Finally, try to articulate the concept of the
principle. object. In manufactured objects the concept is
4. The Self incarnates repeatedly and in nearly identical with the function. A paper clip
human form. is meant to clip papers together, for example,
Let us review these thoughts in order. and the clipping is more or less the thought or
intention that brought it into being. You can try
1. Rudolf SteinerÕs basic introduction to to follow as best you can the series of steps that
the nature of the human being is found in led from the functional intention through the
the first chapter of his foundational book manufacturing process to the presence of the
Theosophy. The threefold (body, soul, spirit) object before you. This thought process, which
principle is presented and then elaborated is not observable through the senses, originates
upon considerably. Briefly, and using SteinerÕs in what Steiner calls the spirit. Only the spirit
own example, when we look at a flower in the can perceive the spiritual, hidden aspects of the
meadow, there are three aspects to consider: world around us.
Our bodily senses give us the stimuli necessary
for the flower to enter our consciousness; our 2. The process of incarnating (literally
spirit allows us to recognize the flower as, for “entering the flesh”) takes 21 years on average.
example, a daisy, which means recognizing a In her discussion of the second Core Principle,

Research Bulletin Autumn/Winter 2014 Volume 19 #2

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