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Lab 6.

Simple Pendulum

• To understand why we take multiple measures when gathering data
• To understand how to identify and account for systematic error.
• To distinguish between systematic and random error.
• To design and perform experiments that show what factors, or parameters, affect the time
required for one oscillation of a compact mass attached to a light string (a simple pendulum).
• To use a simple pendulum in an appropriate manner to determine the local acceleration of

A simple pendulum consists of a relatively small (in dimension) mass on the end of a string, so
the motion may be analyzed as if the mass were a point mass. (For masses with larger dimensions
the rotational motion of the mass must also be included in the analysis for good agreement with
experiment.) The parameters that potentially affect the period of a simple pendulum are relatively
easy to study. Therefore the simple pendulum provides a good “test case” for the application of the
scientific method. Although you may ask your TA for help, each lab group is responsible to decide
how to take and analyze data for the relevant quantities on their own in the second half of the lab.
It is especially important in this lab for you to record how you make these measurements and then
analyze the data. Your choice of method also affects how you interpret your results.

Preliminary observations
Although theory is helpful, it is unwise to design an experiment on the basis of theory alone. A
few preliminary observations can dramatically improve your experiment. First, set up Capstone
to measure the elapsed time for one complete oscillation, or period, of the pendulum by selecting
"Pendulum Timer" as your sensor. Be sure that it is measuring what you think it is. Also remember
to increase the precision on any display of digits. Use care in releasing the pendulum at large
amplitudes so that the photogate is not damaged. Practice releasing the pendulum so that it swings
in a single plane. Then let the pendulum oscillate 40–50 times and display your data in a table.
The mean value and the standard deviation of the period can then be determined. Do this for at
least two initial amplitudes (initial angles). One amplitude should be about as large as you can


reasonably manage. The other should be as small as you can reasonable manage, where the mass
swings through a distance of only three or four mass-diameters.
Consider carefully whether the period varies randomly from swing to swing, or whether the period
changes in a systematic fashion. If the period varies randomly, the standard deviation of the mean
for the data in your table reflects random variations and is a good measure of uncertainty. In
this case, averaging the period over ten or more back-and-forth swings can improve the precision
of your period measurement. If the period varies systematically, the standard deviation is more
related to (possibly unknown) changing conditions than it is to random variations. If at all possible,
your experiment should be designed so that any systematic variations are smaller than the random
One way to reduce the systematic error in this case is to make five separate measurements of the
period for single back and forth swings; then calculate the average and standard deviation of the
mean of these measurements. It is important to have a reliable value for the uncertainty in
your measurements, as they are needed to determine which parameters affect the period in
this experiment. Real differences must be larger than these uncertainties.
Another way to reduce systematic error is to include a correction factor. Doing so does not actually
improve your data, nor your resulting theory. Having a correction factor is admitting that there is
something you are not accounting for in the experiment, but that you do know in what manner
this unknown element influences your data. To build a correction factor, you look for a consistent
pattern in the data which can be compensated for with a formula. Finding patterns in data is most
easily done via analysis of a graph.
Do not proceed in the lab until you have agreed with your partner on a measurement approach (data
collection and analysis) which you want to use for all subsequent tasks. Justify your choice in terms
of practicality (time taken, difficulty in execution), and final results (uncertainty values)

What makes a pendulum tick?

For the simple pendulum determine which parameters affect the period (defined as the time for
one complete back and forth swing) of the oscillation. Consider such things as the amplitude
(the angle of the swing) of the oscillation, the mass of the bob, and the sting length. Vary each
parameter over as wide a range as is feasible with the equipment at hand. You will need to support
your findings with adequate data in order to be convincing. Explain the effect of each parameter
on the period.

Determine the acceleration of gravity

When a pendulum is displaced from the vertical position, it is the gravitational force that is ulti-
mately responsible for bringing it back to the vertical position. Thus it is not surprising that there is
a relationship between the oscillation period and the acceleration of gravity. We can imagine that
on the Moon, where the acceleration due to gravity is less than here on Earth, the force bringing
the pendulum back to vertical would be smaller; thus the acceleration would be smaller, and the
time for an oscillation would be larger. It appears then that the period of the pendulum and the

acceleration of gravity are related by an inverse relation; that is, when one parameter gets larger
the other gets smaller.
You may need to look in a textbook to find an expression for the relationship between the acceler-
ation of gravity and the period of oscillation. (A PDF copy of the open source OpenStax College
Physics is available online.) Be sure to note under what conditions the relationship is valid and
plan your experiment accordingly. Then take data to determine the acceleration of gravity. Some
of the data from the previous exercise may be useful, but you will need to supplement it in order to
make a good determination of g.
Use a graphical technique to find g. (Hint: Find a way to graph the measured parameters in such a
fashion that g may be calculated from the slope of a straight-line graph). Use the uncertainty of the
slope (the standard error) to determine whether your measurement is consistent with the accepted
value of g for Pullman, Washington. Your TA will have some suggestions here, if necessary.)

General reminders
Carefully describe your measurement procedures in your notes. Be sure that any conclusions you
make are justified by your data. When can differences in measured values be attributed to random
variations, and when do they represent real differences? How do you decide? Show representative
calculations for each step in your analysis.

No Effort Progressing Expectation Scientific

No deliberately identified Description of Some aspects of the All major shortcomings
SL.A.a reflection on the efficacy experimental procedure experiment may not have of the experiment are
of the experiment can be leaves it unclear what been considered in terms identified and reasonable
Is able to found in the report could be improved upon. of shortcomings or suggestions for
analyze the improvements, but some improvement are made.
experiment and are identified and Justification is provided
recommend discussed. for certainty of no
improvements shortcomings in the rare
Labs: 2, 3, 5, 11, 12
case there are none.

At least one of the All measuring tools are All measuring tools All measuring tools are
SL.B.a measuring tools used in identified with mention identified with identified with proper
lab lacks a clear of the precision/limitation of precision values and
Is able to identification of precision/limitation of each tool listed. thorough discussion of
explain precision/limitation each tool, but no details Description of how to limitations. Descriptions
operation and on how measurements measure using some on how to make
limitations of are performed tools may be measurements are
measurement incorrect/vague, or complete and could be
tools precision may not be understood by readers
Labs: 2, 3, 6, 11, 12 adequately justified. with no prior familiarity
with the measuring tools.

No Effort Progressing Expectation Scientific

No attempt is made to An explanation for a An explanation is made A reasonable explanation
SL.B.b explain the patterns in pattern is vague, OR the which aligns with the is made for the pattern in
data explanation cannot be pattern observed in the the data. The explanation
Is able to verified through testing, data, but the link to is testable, and accounts
explain patterns OR the explanation physics principles is for any significant
in data with contradicts the actual flawed through reasoning deviations or poor fit.
physics pattern in the data. or failure to understand
principles the physics principles.
Labs: 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12

No sketches present and Sketch or descriptive text Sketch and descriptive Sketch and description
CT.A.a no descriptive text to is present to inform text are both present. The address the shortcomings
explain what was reader what was sketch and description of one another to convey
Is able to observed in experiment observed in the supplement one another an accurate and detailed
compare experiment, but there is to attempt to make up for record of experimental
recorded no attempt to explain the failures of each to observations adequate to
information and what details of the convey all observations permit a reader to place
sketches with experiment are not from the experiment. all data in context.
reality of
accurately delivered There are minor
experiment through either inconsistencies between
Labs: 3-8, 10 representation. the two representations
and the known reality of
the experiment from the
week, but no major
details are absent.

No explicitly identified The description of the The description of the The physics concepts
CT.B.a attempt to describe the physics concepts physics concepts in play underlying the
physics concepts underlying the for the week is vague or experiment are clearly
Is able to involved in the experiment is confusing, incomplete, but can be stated.
describe experiment using or the physics concepts understood in the broader
physics student’s own words. described are not context of the lab.
concepts pertinent to the
underlying experiment for this week.
Labs: 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 12

No attempt to explicitly Some variables identified The variables relevant to All physical quantities
CT.B.b identify any variables as as dependent or the experiment are all relevant to the
dependent or independent are identified. A small experiment are identified
Is able to independent irrelevant to the fraction of the variables as dependent and
identify hypothesis/experiment, are improperly identified independent variables
dependent and or some variables as dependent or correctly, and no
independent relevant to the independent. irrelevant variables are
variables experiment are not included in the listing.
Labs: 2, 3, 6, 12

No attempt is made to The pattern described is The pattern has minor The patterns represent
QR.B search for a pattern, irrelevant or inconsistent errors or omissions. OR the relevant trend in the
graphs may be present with the data. Graphs are Terms labelled as data. When possible, the
Is able to but lack fit lines present, but fit lines are proportional lack clarity - trend is described in
identify a inappropriate for the data is the proportionality words. Graphs have
pattern in the presented. linear, quadratic, etc. appropriate fit lines with
data graphically Graphs shown have equations and discussion
and appropriate fit lines, but of any data significantly
mathematically no equations or analysis off fit.
of fit quality
Labs: 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 12

No Effort Progressing Expectation Scientific

No attempt is made to An attempt is made to The analysis is The analysis is
QR.C analyze the data. analyze the data, but it is appropriate for the data appropriate, complete,
either seriously flawed, gathered, but contains and correct.
Is able to or inappropriate. minor errors or
analyze data omissions
Labs: 2-12

"Some data required for "Data recorded contains Most of the data is All necessary data has
IL.A the lab is not present at errors such as labeling recorded, but not all of it. been recorded throughout
all, or cannot be found quantities incorrectly, For example the the lab and recorded
Is able to record easily due to poor mixing up initial and measurements are in a comprehensible way.
data and organization of notes. " final states, units are not recorded as numbers Initial and final states are
observations mentioned, etc. " without units. Or data is identified correctly. Units
from the not assigned an are indicated throughout
identifying variable for the recording of data. All
Labs: 1-12 ease of reference. quantities are identified
with standard variable
identification and
identifying subscripts
where needed.

No force diagrams are Force diagrams are Force diagram contains The force diagram
IL.B present. constructed, but not in all no errors in vectors, but contains no errors, and
appropriate cases. OR lacks a key feature such each force is labelled so
Is able to force diagrams are as labels of forces with that it is clearly
construct a missing labels, have two subscripts, vectors understood what each
force diagram
incorrectly sized vectors, are not drawn from the force represents. Vectors
Labs: 1-12 have vectors in the center of mass, or axes are scaled precisely and
wrong direction, or have are missing. drawn from the center of
missing or extra vectors. mass.

No graph is present. A graph is present, but "A graph is present and The graph has correctly
WC.B the axes are not labeled. the axes are labeled, but labeled axes,
OR there is no scale on the axes do not independent variable is
Is able to draw the axes. OR the data correspond to the along the horizontal axis
a graph points are connected. independent (X-axis) and and the scale is accurate.
Labs: 2, 3, 5-9, 11, 12 dependent (Y-axis) The trend-line is correct,
variables or the scale is with formula clearly
not accurate. The data indicated.
points are not connected,
but there is no trend-line.

Print this page. Tear in half. Each lab partner should submit their half along with the lab report and then retain until the end of semester when returned with evaluations indicated by TA.

Lab 6 Simple Pendulum:

Name: Lab Partner:

 Return all three pendulums which are not hanging from the bar to their bags, with strings
wrapped around the included holders.
 Quit Capstone and any other software you have been using.
 Straighten up your lab station. Put all equipment where it was at start of lab.
 Required Level of Effort.
 Complete the pre-lab assignment  Arrive on time
 Work well with your partner  Complete the lab or run out of time

SL.A.a CT.B.a QR.C

SL.B.a CT.B.b IL.A

Lab 6 Simple Pendulum:

Name: Lab Partner:

 Return all three pendulums which are not hanging from the bar to their bags, with strings
wrapped around the included holders.
 Quit Capstone and any other software you have been using.
 Straighten up your lab station. Put all equipment where it was at start of lab.
 Required Level of Effort.
 Complete the pre-lab assignment  Arrive on time
 Work well with your partner  Complete the lab or run out of time

SL.A.a CT.B.a QR.C

SL.B.a CT.B.b IL.A

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