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Industrial Relations, Nature and Importance

1. What do you think are the root causes of the problem?

 The root cause of some problem if you don’t have a unity to your co-
workers and the others are aggressive and temper person, even a
small argument it’s a big deal for you to get angry to others.

2. Do you agree with the approach in this case? Please explain.

 Approaching is good for the people who have an small
misunderstanding or what kind of arguments you encounter. I agree of
approaching because that is the beginning to your relationship build
again and talk about your mistakes.

3. Can you think of other situations that would lend themselves to this kind of low key
 For me on this situation other people don’t approach their mistakes, so
it is a big decision if you approach someone.

4. Does it necessary to have effective EAP training so that supervisor are comfortable in
turning to the EAP for advice?
 Yes, EAP is a big help for the employee and employers to train and
know how will you site your side if you encounter arguments.


1. Do you agree with the approach the employer took in this case study?
 Yes, I agree with the approach of my employer because we don’t know
them and we don’t know what their path of their life, we don’t have
right to judge them we will accept what they approach the important
they learn their mistakes.

2. If not, why wouldn’t that approach work for you?

 Approaching works for me because nobody’s perfect.

3. What other approaches would work for you?

 For me I have some mistakes to, I approach and learn my mistakes and
don’t do it again, and approaching works for me if they claim their
mistakes and say for the forgiveness.

4. Do we have adequate resources to handle such a situation?

 For me it’s a yes because we have a mind were not a child anymore
don’t know what is right and wrong but I know some people get some
mistakes because we are not perfect, we get mad too we have
arguments but we can fix it if you want and know what is wrong.

5. What are the lessons learned in this case study?

 I learned how the way you approach and handle your employee and
employers and you use it on that situations.

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