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1. Which one is the expression of giving suggestion?

a. I don’t agree with your idea.

b. You should ask to your teacher before leaving the class.
c. Could you tell me about what should I do?
d. Would you like some snacks?
e. I’d like a cup of a coffee.
2. Which suggestion is match with the picture below?

a. I recommend you keep your laundry on your closet.
b. Do you need a laundry service?
c. Why don’t you put your laundry in to the trash can?
d. Would you like to do my laundry?
e. I suggest you wash your laundry.
3. Which one is the expression of asking for suggestion?
a. How about making brownies cake?
b. Why don’t you tell your exam score to your father?
c. Could we meet Dani after school?
d. What should I do to win the competition?
e. I recommend you to study hard.
4. Yuta: “The sky is cloudy, you’d better bring your umbrella.
Mark: “.... I will find my umbrella first before I go.
a. I don’t feel like it.
b. I think you’re right.
c. Thank you for your suggestion, but I think I can’t do it.
d. What an awful.
e. Would you like to bring my umbrella?
5. Why didn’t I think of your idea?
The italicized shows the expression of ....
a. Giving suggestion
b. Asking for suggestion
c. Rejecting suggestion
d. Accepting suggestion
e. Giving recomendation
6. Your sister has just broken a plate. She feels so sorry and worried for your mother may be
angry. She asks you to keep the secret from your mother. You refuse that. What
suggestion you give to her?
a. I suggest you tell mother that you have broken the plate.
b. Let’s break more plates!
c. Why don’t you break another plate?
d. I advice you get out from our house before mother comes home.
e. You should be break all of plates we have.

Dialogue for no. 7-9

Ten: “We’ll have mathematics test tomorrow morning.”

Johnny: “Are you serious?”
Ten: “I am. You can read the announcement on the broad.”
Johnny: “It’s impossible for me to study then.”
Ten: :”Why is it impossible, Johnny?”
Johnny: “I have science club after school. I also have Physics course in the evening and after
having dinner I’ll do some task and homeworks. Do you have any idea, Ten?”
Ten: “What about studying at four or five in the morning?”
Johnny: “Ah I think you’re right. Thanks for your suggestion.
Ten: “You’re welcome.”
7. Why can’t Johnny study after school? Because ....
a. He has singing club
b. He has dancing club
c. He has science club
d. He has mathematics course
e. He has chemistry course
8. What will Johnny do in the night?
a. He will study physics
b. He will study English
c. He will study mathematics
d. He will hangout with Ten
e. He will do the assignments
9. Which Ten’s suggestion that Johnny accepts?
a. He should study in the early morning
b. He should not come to physics course
c. He should join science club in the evening
d. He should do his tasks at school
e. He should study after having dinner
Text for no. 10-14

10. How long has Robby liked singing?

a. For 7 years
b. For 8 years
c. For 9 years
d. For 10 years
e. For 11 years
11. What does he want to be in the future?
a. A singer
b. A vocal coach
c. A compose
d. A contestant
e. A teacher
12. How many competitions has he won so far?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 1
13. How many pop songs has he mastered?
a. 3 songs
b. 30 songs
c. 3000 songs
d. 300 songs
e. 303 songs
14. What competition has he joined?
a. Teen Singer Contest
b. Contest of Bengawan Solo’s Voide
c. Your Singing Competition
d. Show Your Singing Contest
e. Adult Singing Contest
15. Which sentence is in form of present?
a. Haikal would have done the task
b. I have some sugar in the cabinet
c. I sent a letter to my uncle
d. Irene has wedded with a British man
e. I have no idea to finish the essay
16. The tailor has sewed the uniforms for the elementary students ....
a. Right now
b. Last month
c. Since last year
d. Next year
e. Tomorrow
17. Dita: “....”
Denise: “I have eaten vitamin after lunch.”
a. Have you eaten vitamin after lucnh?
b. What have you eaten after lunch?
c. Do you have any food recommedations?
d. What did you eat?
e. What were you eating after lunch?
18. Arrange these words into a good order of sentence!
since – the – 1950 – Korean – has – restaurant – opened – been
a. The Korean restaurant been has opened since 1950.
b. Since 1950, the restaurant Korean been has opened.
c. Since 1950, the restaurant Korean has been opened.
d. The restaurant Korean has been opened since 1950.
e. The Korean restaurant has been opened since 1950.
19. Aldebaran: “Are you .... to Angga’s birthday party?”
Andin: “Yes, I am. It’s at seven tomorrow night.”
a. invite
b. invites
c. invited
d. have been invite
e. had been invites
20. My mother (wear) the necklace since I was in elementary school.
a. has worn
b. have worn
c. wore
d. has wore
e. have wore

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