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Mohamed Ben abd-el-karim Secondary School Second Year Literary Stream

Date:………………………………….. Fist Term English Test 1 Group :

Full Name :…………………………………………………………………………… Teacher : Boussouf.N

Duration:1 hour

First Term English Test

Read the text below then do the activities that follow:

In the past, education was very traditional and optional; schools were still very simple and conventional.
Many people did not use go to a formal school. They used to study with their parents at home using very
basic elements and tools. They were only taught how to farm, plant, or breed pets. They only learned how to
survive and live in very simple ways.

Today, education becomes compulsory and modern. Children must go to school and learn many subjects
like, mathematics, chemistry, history and art. They also can attend public or a private school that depends on
the costs and the social status. Nowadays, schools are well equipped with laboratories, music rooms, and
even refectory to satisfy their learners’ needs.

A)Reading Comprehension : (8pts)

1. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false”

a. Modern schools are similar to traditional schools..............................................................
b. Children in the past received formal schooling...................................................................
c. Nowadays, children are expected to learn different subjects...........................................
d. Modern schools lack equipments and do not respond to learners’ needs......................

2. Answer the following questions according to the text

a. How did children use to study in the past?


b. What were the basic elements of traditional teaching?


c. What is the difference between modern and traditional education?


d. Why do schools nowadays afford the necessary educational facilities for learners?


3. What do the underline words in the text refer to :

They (§1) = …………. their (§2) =……….

4. Choose the best title for the text:

a/ Modern schools b/education c/ Education between the past and the present

B)Text Exploration  : (7pts)

1. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following

traditional =/=………. Private=/=

2. Put the verbs between brackets into the correct form to talk about past habits

a/ In the past, pupils (to obey)............................................ their teachers.

b/ They (not/to rise)......................................................... their voice in their presence.

c/ Learners (to respect) ........................their classmates.

3. 3. Divide the words into roots and suffixes : enjoyable, information, friendship,learning

Root Suffix
- -
- -
- -
- -

4. Classify the words below according to the pronunciation of the final /–s/
Pets- schools- parents- learners- needs- elements- horses- classes

/-s/ /-z/ /-iz/

C. Writing: (5pts)
Make predictions about the future using the clues below (don’t forget to use phrases to express
certainties or doubts )

1. Scientist / cure/ Kidney desease / soon /invent

2. Some day /Man / live/ on the moon

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