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The Self
Name: Mike Ryan O. Medina
Section: BMMA 101

There were four college friends who decided to open a business
in four different branches. They have a total of 100,000 pesos in
capital. Two of them decided to open a milk tea business, while
the other two decided to open a clothing shop.

 Member A has shared 40% of the capital

 Member B has shared 30% of the capital
 Member C has shared 15% of the capital
 Member D has shared 15% of the capital
Members Amount of % to Reason
be given
Member A 40,000 She’s determined to
open a business
because it’s her
passion and dream,
so she put all her
earned money from
her previous jobs into
Member B 30,000 She doesn’t have
stable job now so she
can’t share large
amount of money
Member C 15,000 He’s in doubt when it
comes to an
investment, so she
doesn't give all her
money to the firm.
Member D 15,000 He's the lucky-go-
happy type of person,
so he didn't take the
business seriously,
but at the same time,
he wanted to have an

How and why did you come up with

your decision:
I decided to come up with an imaginary "friend," but in real life I put my
real friends in Member A, B, C, and D. Our shared capital is based on
our personalities, skills, and strategy in real life. Member A has the
highest percentage because she's knowledgeable enough about the
business firm since it’s her passion. She’s really into business things.
Member B is the second one who has the highest amount of shared
capital because she’s the type of person who can socialize with
different kinds of people, especially in the business field.
While Member C is the most flexible in all aspects of the business
firm, which is why he has one of the lowest capital contributions.
Lastly, Member D. He doesn’t have that much experience in the
business field, and he was just convinced by a friend to invest in a

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