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Repetitive Peripheral Inductive Stimulation In

Comprehensive Physiotherapeutic Approach

- A Case Study
Žarković D., Department of Anatomy and Biomechanics,
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Charles University Prague
Presented at the XXIII. Meeting of Society of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine,
May, 2016, Luhačovice, Czech republic

Repetitive peripheral inductive stimulation (rPIS) uses high intensity electromagnetic field, which interacts
with the human body and causes depolarization of the neuromuscular tissue. This can be used to achieve
different therapeutic effects, such as to strengthen weakened muscles or relieve the pain.

Aim of the case study was to evaluate the efficacy of the rPIS in a 4-week protocol of comprehensive
rehabilitation, which consisted of strengthening of breathing muscles and treatment of musculoskeletal
disorders in central motor impairment.

To compare patient´s condition ´before and after´, spirometry and kinesiology evaluation were performed. In
comprehensive rehabilitation protocol, the BTL-6000 Super Inductive System was incorporated.

After 4-week intensive rehabilitation protocol, significant improvement of spirometric parameters as well as
amelioration of patient´s musculoskeletal system were observed.

rPIS can be effectively integrated in comprehensive physiotherapy treatment and cover various therapeutic

Key words:
BTL-6000 Super Inductive System, spirometry, kinesiology, physiotherapy

Comprehensive rehabilitation usually consists of physiotherapeutic methods as well as physical therapy. By combination
of different methods, we can tailor therapy to our patients needs and improve their quality of life. One of possibilities
certainly is a repetitive peripheral inductive stimulation (rPIS), which seems very promising from many aspects. rPIS
uses high intensity electromagnetic field, passing through neural tissue in which, electric current causing change in action
potential is induced. As the currents are carrying an electric signal to the muscle, muscle contraction is achieved. rPIS is a
method covering multiple therapeutic effects and can be indicated in treatment of various conditions of musculoskeletal
and neural system. According to specific therapeutic parameters, such as frequency and intensity of stimulation, you
can relieve pain, strengthen muscles or release joint blockage. In this paper, we propose how to integrate rPIS in a
comprehensive physiotherapeutic approach.
Materials and methods
Herein, we present a 29-year-old man, who was seriously Therapy consisted of 2 parts – preparatory and active phase.
injured in a car accident in early childhood. Due to the In both phases, the BTL-6000 Super Inductive System
accident, he has persistent postraumatic respiratory and (SIS) and a hand-held focused field applicator were used.
musculoskeletal disease even in adult age (see Picture Preparatory phase was important to optimize the condition
1). We integrated him into a 4-week comprehensive of soft tissues, relieve the pain, eliminate trigger points or
rehabilitation program. Patient was assessed by release joint blockage in the thoracic spine (see Picture 2).
spirometry to evaluate his ventilation parameters. Results For this purpose, BTL-6000 Super Inductive System and
of spirometry evaluation confirmed a combination of combination of manual techniques were used. This process
restrictive and obstructive respiratory disease. Due to facilitated further relearning of motor patterns such as
respiratory muscles weakness, values of ventilation optimal breathing pattern.
parameters, such as slow vital capacity (SVC); force vital
In the active phase, stimulation of breathing muscles with
capacity (FVC) or maximal voluntary volume (MVV)
BTL-6000 Super Inductive System was performed only on
were below the normal threshold.
the patient´s affected side. Consequently, active relearning
In the kinesiology evaluation, the right-sided hemiparesis
of the new breathing pattern was performed in various
was the most obvious clinical problem from many
postural positions (see Picture 3). Intensity of the therapy
aspects. On one hand, hemiparesis leads to discoordinated
with BTL-6000 Super Inductive System was set to above
and efficient breathing pattern. On the other hand, it leads
the sensitivity up to above the motor threshold.
to asymmetry of his shoulder and pelvic girdle resulting
into scoliosis. These evaluations were performed ´before
and after´ to compare his condition.
Subjectively, patient reports breathing difficulties,
especially during inspiration. He feels limitation even
more during physical activity (e.g. jogging). His
assymetric posture and efficient breathing pattern lead to
back pain, especially in thoracic and lumbar area, joint
blockages and discoordination of the trunk muscles.

Picture No. 2:
Thoracic spine mobilization with SIS

Picture No.1:
Patient affected by right-sided hemiparesis
Aim of therapy was to improve his ventilation parameters
as well as to eliminate problems in his musculoskeletal
system (numerous trigger points, joint blockages etc.),
which secondary affect breathing pattern.
Patient underwent a therapeutic protocol comprised of total
16 therapies. He attended therapies up to 4 times a week. Picture No.3:
Duration of one therapy was 60 minutes. Stimulation of the breathing muscles with SIS
The 4-week protocol, in which BTL-6000 Super
Inductive System was incorporated, resulted into
improvement of spirometric parameters. Significant
improvements were observed mainly in SVC
parameters, which report the maximum volume of
air that can be exhaled slowly after slow maximum
inhalation. The most obvious was 45% amelioration
of the IRV parameter. In FVC, mostly PEF parameter
was improved about 12 %. This parameter is
reporting the speed of air flow. MVV profile was
improved about 9 %. This parameter reports the Table No.1:
maximum amount of air that can be inhaled and Results of spirometry evaluation
exhaled within one minute (see Table 1).
A positive effect of the therapy was also observed in
patient´s musculoskeletal system, where numerous
painful muscle spasms, leading to scoliotic trunk
assymetry were eliminated. This positively reflects
on the patient´s posture (Picture 4).
From patient´s subjective evaluation, he reported
effortless inspiration and more comfort during
physical activity, where he has almost no breathing

We consider that distinguishing the ´preparatory´
and ´active´ phase were determining for
the therapy results. Firstly, to optimize the
condition of patient´s thorax and soft tissues
and consequent muscle stimulation resulted into
the improvement of ventilation parameters. The
improvement of patient´s ventilation parameters
was mainly observed in SVC parameters. These
parameters and evaluation are performed slowly.
When slowly inhaling and exhaling, patient is
able to control his breathing pattern and breathe
more efficiently. In therapy, stimulation of both
inspiration and expiration muscles was performed Picture No.4:
as well as muscle coordination was trained. Patient´s uprighted posture after therapies

In this case study we suggest that rPIS can be effectively integrated in comprehensive physiotherapy treatment
and covers various therapeutic effects. Although, the study represents only one case, significant changes in
patient´s respiratory and musculoskeletal system were observed.

Functional Magnetic Stimulation for Restoring Cough

in Patients With Tetraplegia
Vernon WH. Lin, MD, PhD, Harwinder Singh, MD, Rajinder K. Chitkara, MD, Inder Perkash, MD
ABSTRACT. Lin VWH, Singh H, Chitkara RK, Perkash I. partly because of the loss of supraspinal control on the
Functional magnetic stimulation for restoring cough in patients expiratory muscles and because of difficulties in clearing
with tetraplegia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998;79:517-522. airway secretions effectively.
Current management of expiratory dysfunction in patients
Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of functional magnetic with SC1 includes passive postural drainage, suction, and
stimulation (FMS) as a noninvasive method for assisting cough assisted or “quad” cough.4 Each method has a varying degree
in patients with tetraplegia. of effectiveness and all require active assistance. In addition,
Design: A prospective before-after trial. functional electrical stimulation (FES) of the abdominal muscles
Setting: The functional magnetic stimulation laboratory of a has been demonstrated to produce effective expiratory function
spinal cord injury (SCI) service. in tetraplegic patients. 5,6This method requires electrode place-
Participants: Thirteen male SC1 patients, with injury levels ment and can be painful to patients with preserved sensation
between C4 and C7. below the level of injury. FES of the lower thoracic nerves has
Intervention: A commercially available magnetic stimulator also resulted in significant expired pressure and flow rate in
with a round magnetic coil (MC) was used. Expiratory muscle dogs.7 Recently, functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) has
activation was achieved by placing the MC along the lower been developed into a noninvasive technique for stimulating the
thoracic spine. spinal nerves.8 FMS has been applied to stimulate phrenic
Main Outcome Measure: The planned major outcome nerves,9,i0 thoracic spinal nerves,” and cerebral cortex to
measures were the maximal expired pressure (MEP), expiratory evaluate the respiratory system.*2%‘3
reserve volume (ERV), and forced expiratory flow rate (FEF) In a preliminary study using normal and able-bodied sub-
by FMS compared with voluntary maximal efforts. Another jects, FMS of the expiratory muscles resulted in substantial
outcome was the optimal MC placement and stimulation improvement in expired pressure, volume, and flow rate to a
intensity that would result in highest expired pressure. level comparable with that of voluntary maximal effort.14 In
Results: The mean (iSEM) MEP, ERV, and FEF generated most subjects with SCI, the spinal motor neurons below the
by FMS were 66.40 t 6.69cmHz0, .77 2 .14L, and 5.28 F level of injury are spared. Therefore, it is conceivable that the
.42L/sec, respectively. They were 118%, 169%, and 110% of expiratory muscles innervated by these spinal nerves can be
voluntary maximum efforts. MC placement at the TlO to Tll activated by applying FMS along the dorsal spine.
spinous process and stimulation intensity at 80% produced the The goals of this study were (1) to assessthe usefulness of
highest MEP and FEE FMS for restoring cough in subjects with SCI; (2) to determine
Conclusion: FMS of the expiratory muscles produced signifi- the optimal stimulation intensity and magnetic coil (MC)
cant expired pressures, volumes, and flow rates when compared placement for maximal expiratory function, and (3) to compare
with voluntary maximum efforts; therefore, FMS can be used as the effect of FMS with other methods used for restoring cough
an effective method to restore cough in tetraplegic patients. in patients with SCI.
0 1998 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi-
cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and METHODS
Thirteen male patients with chronic SC1 were recruited for
this study. Table 1 describes the characteristics of this study
P ULMONARY COMPLICATIONS are a major cause of
morbidity and mortality in patients with spinal cord injury
(SCI); their reported incidence has varied from 36% to 83%,
population. Patients with cardiac pacemakers, other metallic
devices, or active pulmonary conditions were excluded from
the study. An informed consent was processed in accordance to
with respiratory insufficiency, pneumonia, and atelectasisbeing the Stanford University Human Subjects Administrative Panel.
the most common complications.‘” These complications arise Each patient underwent a thorough history and physical exami-
nation to determine eligibility for the study.
A commercially available magnetic stimulator (Dantec Mag
From the Functional Magnetic Stimulation Laboratory, Spinal Cord Injury Service
(Drs. Lin, Singh, Perkash), and Pulmonary Diseases Section, Medical Service (Dr.
Proa) with a round coil (13.7cm in outer diameter) was used in
Chitkara), VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto; and Division of Physical this study. This stimulator was capable of generating biphasic
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Functional Restoration (Drs. Lin, pulses (280 microseconds pulse width) with magnetic gradient
Perkash), and Department of Medicine (Dr. Chitkara), Stanford University School of up to SOkTesla/sec.The time-varying magnetic field produced
Medicine, Stanford, CA. an induced electric current that facilitated the activation of the
Submitted for publication May 27, 1997. Accepted in revised form September 2,
1997. nervous tissue.i5
Supported by the Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Injury Research
Foundation and the VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Service. Baseline Evaluation
No commercial party having a direct or indirect interest in the subject matter of this
article has conferred or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any organization The baseline pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were per-
with which the authors are associated. formed using a Medical Graphics PFT system.b The measure-
Reprint request to Vernon W.H. Lin, MD, PhD, Spinal Cord Injury Service, VAPalo ments included maximum expired pressure (MEP), maximum
Alto Health Care System, 3801 Miranda Avenue, Palo Alto, CA94304.
0 1998 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American
inspired pressure (MIP), slow vital capacity (SVC), expiratory
Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation reserve volume (ERV), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced
0003~9993/98/7905-4520$3.00/O expiratory flow (FEF) rate from total lung capacity (FEF-TLC),

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, May 1998


Table 1: Injury Profile of Study Participants expressed in mean + SEM, and compared with MEP, ERV, and
Level of ASIA Duration of Cause of FEF-FRC. Statistical analyses were performed using a one-way
Patient Injury Classification Age (yrs) Injury (yrs) Injury analysis of variance and Student’s t test; p < .05 was considered
1 C5 8 56 33 MVA
2 c5 A 47 26 MVA RESULTS
3 c7 A 36 6 DA
Thirteen patients with chronic SC1with injury levels ranging
4 c5 B 48 10 MVA
from C4 to C7 were recruited for this study. The mean values
5 c5 A 42 19 MVA
for the baseline PFTs were MEP = 56.2 + 7.95cmHz0, MIP =
6 C6 A 52 19 MVA
72.6 _t 6.91cmHz0, SVC = 2.10 +- .25L, ERV = .46 + .06L,
7 c4 8 70 1 Fall
FVC = 2.19 ? .17L/sec, and FEF-FRC = 4.73 + .37Wsec.
8 c5 A 43 14 GSW
Two patients (no. 2 and no. 11) were excluded from the regular
9 c5 A 47 15 MVA
protocol because no observable CMAP was observed in re-
IO C6 A 36 13 DA
sponse to magnetic stimulation during the screening nerve
11 c5 A 41 21 MVA
conduction study and their PFT values were also not included in
12 c4 D 45 6 Fall
the baseline PFT mean. The nerve conduction study showed
13 c5 A 47 8 MCA
simultaneous multiple thoracic nerve activation by magnetic
Abbreviations: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association; MVA, stimulation. The T7 intercostal muscle was maximally activated
motor vehicle accident; DA, diving accident; GSW, gunshot wound; when the MC was placed near the T7 spinous process. When the
MCA, motorcycle accident.
MC was placed at TlO, the rectus abdominis and external
oblique muscles were maximally activated while the T7 inter-
and FEF rate at functional residual capacity (FEF-FRC). A costal muscle was only partially activated (20% of maximal
Medical Graphics respiratory pressure module was used to amplitude). No T7 intercostal muscle CMAP was observed
determine pressure, and a heated pneumotach was used for when the coil was moved above T2 or below T12 levels.
volume and flow measurements. The pressure transducers and In this study group, the highest mean MEP obtained by FMS
pneumotachs were calibrated daily to maintain accuratemeasure- was observed when the MC was placed at the TlO to Tll
ments. spinous processes (fig 2). Magnetic stimulation at these spinal
The study was performed while the subjects were sitting in a
wheelchair. Spinous processes between T2 and L2 were pal-
pated and marked. For screening purposes, a preliminary nerve
conduction study of the lower intercostal nerves was also
performed using a standard electromyography (EMG) machine
(Nicolet Vikingc). Active electrodes were placed in the 7th
intercostal muscle, rectus abdominis, and external oblique
muscles. While using single-pulse magnetic stimulation, the
MC placement profile was generated by moving the center of
the MC along the spinous processesfrom T2 to L2.“,14 Patients
who did not respond to magnetic stimulation or did not exhibit
appropriate compound muscle action potential (CMAP) were
excluded from the FMS protocol, and only selected measure-
ments were made for comparison purposes.
FMS Protocol
Subjects were instructed to breathe normally through a
respiratory pressure module. Once they established three tidal
breaths, FMS was applied at the end of a normal inspiration and
the expired pressure was measured. Stimulation parameters
were 70% intensity, 20Hz frequency, and 2-second burst length.
While performing FMS, the center of the MC was moved along
the spinous processes between T6 and T12 (fig 1). The
corresponding changes in airway pressure (AP) were deter-
mined. The MC placement that produced maximal AP was used
for the rest of the FMS protocol.
After the optimal MC placement was established, an inten-
sity profile was generated using varying intensities (50%, 60%,
70%, SO%, and 90%) while keeping the frequency and burst
length at 20Hz and 2sec, respectively. The MEP obtained by
FMS was compared with voluntary MEP. Similarly, measure-
ments of ERV and FEF obtained by FMS were performed at
70% intensity, 20Hz frequency, and 2-set burst length. In
addition, a similar intensity profile (50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and
90%) was also performed for FEF by FMS.
Statistical Methods
Fig 1. Schematic drawing of the placement of the MC along the
Data obtained from the PFTs were expressed in mean t spine for most effective expiratory function. In this figure, the center
SEM. MEP, ERV, and FEF obtained by FMS were also of the MC is located at the T9 spinous process.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, May 1998


levels produced a significant contraction of abdominal muscles 150

without an observable contraction of upper chest or upper
extremity muscles. This effect of varying MC placements on
expired pressure is demonstrated in figure 3.
This study also found that the expired pressure increased 100
progressively as the stimulation intensity increased to SO%. 6
Subsequent stimulation at a higher intensity did not result in a s
further increase in pressure. Figures 4 and 5 show the effect of E
varying stimulation intensity on AP. Similar results were also
found in the nerve conduction study, which showed that the g 50
CMAP amplitude increased progressively with the increase in
stimulation intensity up to 80%. I4 Figure 6 shows the increase
in expiratory flow with respect to varying stimulation intensi-
ties. Maximal FEF by FMS was observed at 80% intensity.
The mean MEP, ERV, and FEF obtained by FMS were 0
66.40 t 6.69cmHz0, .77 -t .14L, and 5.28 ? .42L/sec,
T6 T7 T8 T9 TlO Tll T12
respectively. These values corresponded to 118%, 169%, and
110% of the subjects’ voluntary maximum. Of the three values Coil Placement
compared above, only ERV showed a statistically significant
improvement with FMS (p < .OS). With FMS, 8 of the 11 Fig 3. An example of changes in airway pressure (AP) generated by
subjects generated MEP and ERV greater than voluntary different MC placements along the spinous processes of T6 to T12,
maximum values; 6 of these 8 subjects produced more than The stimulation parameters were fixed at 70% intensity, 20Hz
frequency, and 2-set burst length. The maximum expired pressure
150% of their voluntary maximum. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate was observed between TIO and Tll.
the significant increase in ERV and FEF obtained by FMS in
one subject.
When comparing these results with our previous normal comparable results. When compared with able-bodied, normal
subject study on FMS of the expiratory muscles, MEP, ERV, controls, FMS produced comparable tlow rates but lower MEP
and FEF generated by FMS in patients with SC1 were 61%, and ERV. These values also were consistent with other existing
49%, and 110% of the normal subjects’ values, respectively.14 methods, assisted cough (quad cough) and FES of abdominal
The two subjects that were excluded from the FMS protocol muscles, for facilitating cough in SCI.5,6 Using the assisted
responded poorly to FMS; using similar stimulation parameters, cough method, Braun et alI9 demonstrated a mean increase of
the MEPs obtained by FMS in these two subjects were 24 and 11.8% of flow over nonassisted cough (3.73 t lSL/sec). Using
29cmHz0, 73% and 45%, respectively, of their voluntary MEP. FES of the abdominal muscles, Linder5 demonstrated a signifi-
cant increase in mean MEP from 27.3 t 6.4 to 60 i
Patients with SC1 often have impaired cough and difficulty in This study found that the best MC placement was at TlO to
clearing airway secretions. This is attributed to the loss of Tll, which was one to two levels below the optimal placement
expiratory and inspiratory muscle functions, thus predisposing in normal subjects.‘” This may be caused by changes in truncal
them to frequent respiratory tract complications.r6J7 When and abdominal muscle anatomy as the result of chronic SCI. In
comparing the mean PFT data obtained in this study with a nerve conduction study using normal subjects, we found that
normal, able-bodied subjects,l5 the mean MEP, ERV, and FEF FMS of the spinal nerves may activate nerves three levels away
in the SC1 patients were 50%, 70%, and 25%, respectively, of from the center of the MCI4 Thus, by placing the MC at TlO,
those in the normal controls. This degree of expiratory dysfunc- the spinal nerves between T7 and Ll may all be activated.
tion is consistent with earlier PFT findings in chronic These spinal nerves serve to innervate most of the major
The major finding in this study was that FMS of the expiratory muscles, which include the abdominal, lower inter-
expiratory muscles resulted in substantial increases in expired costal, and serratus posterior inferior muscles. Increasing
pressure, volume, and flow rate. When compared with their stimulation intensity up to 80% of maximum resulted in
voluntary maximum efforts, FMS produced either better or increasing expiratory function. However, a further increase in



50- I
cm H,O 40-

OL T6 50%
T7 TX T9 TlO Tll T12 Intensity
Coil Placements
Fig 4. Intensity profile: changes in airway pressure (AP) by FMS at
Fig 2. Changes in airway pressure (AP) generated by different MC various stimulation intensities, while the stimulation frequency and
placements. The center of the MC varied from T6 to Tll. burst length remained at 20H2 and 2 seconds, respectively.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, May 1996


150 6


2 I
3 50
% *

30 B Time (Set)
Time (Set)
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Fig 7. An example of improvement in ERV by FMS: (A) an ERV of
.5OL with maximum voluntary effort; (B) an ERV of 2.13L generated
by FMS, which is 326% more than voluntary maximum. The stimula-
Stimulation Intensity tion parameters were 70% intensity, 20Hz frequency, and 2-second
burst length.
Fig 5. An example of changes in airway pressure (AP) generated by
FMS of varying stimulation intensities (from 50% to 90%). The
maximum expired pressure was observed at 80% of stimulation and antispasticity medications that may have also contributed to
intensity. the reduced/absent expiratory muscle response to FMS.
The mechanism of expiratory muscle activation by FMS is
more similar to lower thoracic ventral root stimulation7 than
intensity to 90% resulted in a decrease in expiratory function. FES of the abdominal muscles. FES of the abdominal muscles
This decrease in expiratory function may be from suboptimal stimulates these muscles transabdominally from placement of
activation of the thoracic nerves, as previously demonstrated by several electrodes on the abdomen.5Jj Ventral root stimulation,
the decrease in CMAP amplitude in our earlier normal subject on the other hand, requires laminectomy initially to expose the
study.14This decrease in expiratory function may also be caused spinal canal and then the placement of electrodes along the
by the recruitment of inspiratory agonists, such as the upper ventral aspect of the spinal cord.7 Lower thoracic ventral root
intercostal muscles (parasternal and external intercostals) and stimulation has been shown to produce significant expiratory
the accessory muscles. It is unlikely that diaphragm activation function in dogs,7 but there have been no human study data to
would be a contributing factor to this expiratory function date, possibly because of the invasive nature of ventral root
decrement because our previous animal study using thoracic
FMS did not show significant diaphragmatic activation.20
This study also illustrates that patients with preserved lower
motor neuron function of the spinal nerves respond well to
FMS. The two patients who were excluded from the FMS
protocol had no observable CMAP response to intercostal nerve
stimulation and responded poorly to FMS of the expiratory
muscles. We speculate that these patients had lower motor
neuron injury to the lower thoracic spinal nerves related either
to the original SCI, subsequent trauma, or neuropathy from
other causes. One subject was taking multiple anticholinergic


St. Volume (L) 8
BL Volume (L)

50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Fig 8. An example of flow volume loop with and without FMS: (A)
maximum voluntary expiratory flow at the end of a normal inspira-
tion was 5.56Lkec; (B) the FEF generated by FMS was 7.65L/sec, a
Fig 6. Intensity profile: FEF obtained by FMS at various stimulation 38% improvement when compared with (A). The stimulation param-
intensities while the stimulation frequency and burst length re- eters were 70% intensity, 20Hz frequency, and 2-second burst
mained at ZOHz and 2 seconds, respectively. length.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, May 1998


stimulation. Regarding the stimulation focus of magnetic tions. Diagnostically, magnetic stimulation can be used in
stimulation, recent reports have suggested that the point of various cervical, thoracic, lumbar, or sacral motor nerve
activation by magnetic stimulation is at the neuroforamen.11,21 conduction studies. Using repetitive stimulation, FMS can
We have confirmed this by our independent investigation using produce tetanic muscle contraction and result in useful physi-
nerve conduction techniques in comparing FMS with FES ologic function. The present study particularly addresses the
(unpublished observation). This is in contrast to the point of usefulness of stimulating the expiratory agonists to generate
activation by ventral root stimulation which is at the level of the expired pressure or flow in patients with SCI. This technology
proximal root near the cord. Both FMS and ventral root is not limited only to patients with respiratory muscle dysfunc-
stimulation can activate multiple roots/nerves simultaneously, tion, such as those with SCI, multiple sclerosis, or other upper
thus producing similar clinical responses. The number of roots motor neuron lesion. FMS for cough can also be applied to
stimulated depends on the size of the electrode and the intensity patients in the critical care or perioperative settings. FMS of the
of stimulation that results in current spread or volume conduc- expiratory muscles produces physiologic expiratory function
tion. Similarly, the number of spinal nerves that can be activated and should prove to be more effective than the passive postural
by FMS depends on the MC design and the intensity of the drainage or chest percussion techniques. It is conceivable that
stimuli. When compared with our earlier animal study, in this FMS may prove to be a very useful therapeutic modality for
study we used a bigger coil that has a superior design, thus mobilizing bronchial secretions, thus preventing respiratory
resulting in a much improved clinical response. tract infections, atelectasis, or bronchiectasis. Furthermore, this
FMS of the cervical spinal nerves has been demonstrated to study introduces a new tool to stimulate the spinal nerves and
produce significant inspiratory function.g In a separate animal the respiratory muscles that will facilitate greater understanding
investigation, we were able to isolate the contribution of the of the respiratory system in future investigations.
diaphragm versus the upper intercostal and accessory muscles In summary, FMS of the expiratory muscles produced
by performing phrenectomized dog studies (unpublished obser- significant expired pressure, volume, and flow either compa-
vation). By moving the MC along the spine caudally, we found rable to or better than other existing modalities. FMS is a
a gradual decrease in inspiratory function. By the time the MC noninvasive and easy-to-use method of restoring cough in
reached the midthoracic region, expiratory function began to patients with SCI. FMS may prove to be an important therapeu-
tic tool to restore cough in patients with SCI, with other upper
emerge and reached a maximum when the MC was placed
motor neuron pathologies, and in critical care/perioperative
along the T9 spinous process. This illustrates that FMS can be
easily applied to condition both the inspiratory as well as the
expiratory muscles. Patients with tetraplegia often have both Acknowledgments: The authors thank Tamara Bushnik, PhD,
expiratory and inspiratory dysfunction. In particular, patients JamesCanfield, BS, Ian Hsiao, PhD, and Roy Sasaki,MD, for their
with partial phrenic function, without inspiratory assistance assistanceat various stagesof this project. The authors also thank
from the intercostal or accessory muscles, are often ventilator- Dantec Medical, Inc. for providing the magnetic stimulator and the
dependent. By conditioning the accessory and intercostal magneticcoil. This work includesportions of the graduate dissertation
muscles, the inspiratory capacity necessary for the patient to be of VernonLin, MD.
ventilator-independent may be produced. In recent years, our
laboratory has also had good successwith FMS of the bladder References
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 79, May 1998


Functional Magnetic Stimulation for Conditioning of

Expiratory Muscles in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury
Vernon W. Lin, MD, PhD, Ian N. Hsiao, PhD, Ercheng Zhu, MD, PhD, Inder Perkash, MD
ABSTRACT. Lin VW, Hsiao IN, Zhu E, Perkash I. Func- MPAIRED COUGH in patients with spinal cord injury
tional magnetic stimulation for conditioning of expiratory mus-
cles in patients with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
(SCI) is among the most important causes of frequent respi-
complications such as mucus plugging, atelectasis, and
2001;82:162-6. pneumonia. Respiratory management of patients with chronic
SCI includes frequent suctioning, chest percussion and postural
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of functional mag- drainage, quad-cough, and respiratory muscle–training exer-
netic stimulation (FMS) in conditioning expiratory muscles cises. Functional electric stimulation (FES) of the abdominal
patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). muscles and ventral thoracic spinal nerves is also effective in
Design: A prospective before-after trial. producing expiratory flow and pressure.1,2 Despite the success
Setting: The Functional Magnetic Stimulation Laboratory of of these techniques, there remains a need for a noninvasive and
the SCI Health Care Group, VA Long Beach Health Care effective procedure that is suitable for long-term respiratory
System, and the Spinal Cord Injury Services, Department of muscle conditioning.
Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto Health Care System. Functional magnetic stimulation (FMS) is effective in stim-
Participants: Eight men with tetraplegia. ulating the expiratory muscles in both humans and animals.3-6
Intervention: Expiratory muscle training was achieved by In patients with chronic SCI, FMS has resulted in expiratory
placing a magnetic stimulator with a round magnetic coil along function that was substantially above their maximal voluntary
subjects’ lower thoracic spine. efforts.6 FMS of the expiratory muscles is easy to use, is
Main Outcome Measures: Measures taken were the max- noninvasive, and does not require extensive preparation. Un-
imal expired pressure at total lung capacity (MEP-TLC) and at like FES, FMS is well tolerated by subjects with intact or
functional residual capacity (MEP-FRC), expiratory reserve partial sensation.
volume (ERV), and the forced expiratory flow rate at TLC This study evaluated the effect of expiratory muscle condi-
(FEF-TLC) and at FRC (FEF-FRC) by subjects’ voluntary tioning with FMS on pulmonary function in patients with SCI.
maximal efforts. Expiratory functions of these patients were measured at several
Results: After 4 weeks of conditioning, the mean ⫾ stan- stages: baseline, 2-week conditioning, 4-week conditioning,
dard error of the mean values were: MEP-TLC, 55.3 ⫾ and 2-week postconditioning.
8.6cmH2O; MEP-FRC, 29.6 ⫾ 5.6cmH2O; ERV, .57 ⫾ .08L;
FEF-TLC, 4.3 ⫾ 0.5L/s; and FEF-FRC, 1.9 ⫾ 0.2L/s. These METHODS
values correspond to, respectively, 129%, 137%, 162%, 109%,
and 127% of pre-FMS conditioning values. When FMS was Eight men with chronic SCI were recruited for the study.
discontinued for 2 weeks, the MEP-TLC returned to its pre- Patients with cardiac pacemakers, other metallic devices, high
FMS training value. blood pressure, or with active pulmonary conditions were ex-
Conclusion: A 4-week protocol of FMS of the expiratory cluded. Informed consent was processed in accordance with the
muscles improves voluntary expiratory muscle strength signif- Human Subjects Committee at the Department of Veterans
icantly, indicating that FMS can be a noninvasive therapeutic Affairs, Palo Alto Health Care System, and at the Department
technology in respiratory muscle training for persons with of Veterans Affairs, Long Beach Health Care System. Each
tetraplegia. patient underwent a history and physical examination to estab-
Key Words: Magnetic stimulation; Muscles; Rehabilitation; lish eligibility for the study.
Spinal cord injuries. A commercially available magnetic stimulatora with a round
© 2001 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- magnetic coil (20cm in outer diameter) was used. A cooling
cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and unit that circulated oil in and out of the coil was designed to
Rehabilitation allow continuous stimulation for 30 or more minutes. The
stimulator could generate biphasic pulses (280-␮s pulse width)
with magnetic gradients up to 50kTesla/s. This time-varying
magnetic field produced an induced electric current that facil-
itated activation of the nervous tissue.7
From the Functional Magnetic Stimulation Laboratory, Spinal Cord Injury/Disor-
der, Health Care Group, VA Long Beach Health Care System, Long Beach, CA (Lin,
Hsaio, Zhu); Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Baseline Pulmonary Function Tests Evaluation
California, Irvine, CA (Lin, Zhu); Spinal Cord Injury Services, Department of
Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA (Perkash); and
Baseline pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were performed
Department of Urology and Functional Restoration, Stanford University, School of with a Vmax 229 Sensormedics System.b Subjects were tested
Medicine, Stanford CA (Perkash). between 1 and 3 PM. A 15-minute rest period was required to
Accepted in revised form May 17, 2000. avoid the influences of daily activities on the PFT results. In
Supported by the VA Rehabilitation Research and Development and the Paralyzed
Veterans of America Spinal Cord Injury Research Foundation (grant no. 1692-20).
this system, we used a respiratory pressure module to deter-
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research mine pressure and a heated pneumotach to measure volume and
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any flow. The pressure transducers and pneumotachs were cali-
organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. brated daily to ensure accurate measurements. The maximum
Reprint request to Vernon W. Lin, MD, PhD, Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder Health
Care Group (07/128), 5901 E Seventh St, Long Beach, CA 90822.
expiratory pressure at total lung capacity (MEP-TLC), the
0003-9993/01/8202-6087$35.00/0 expiratory reserve volume (ERV), and the forced expiratory
doi:10.1053/apmr.2001.18230 flow rate at TLC (FEF-TLC) were measured as indicators of

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 82, February 2001


the expiratory muscle strength. For comparison, MEP and FEF Table 1: SCI Profile of Study Participants
at functional residual capacity (MEP-FRC, FEF-FRC) were Level of ASIA Age Duration of Cause of
also measured. Other PFT parameters, such as forced vital Patient Injury Classification (yr) Injury (yr) Injury
capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume (FEV1), were
recorded. 1 C5–C6 A 57 18 MVA
To detect patients’ responses to magnetic stimulation, MEP, 2 C4–C5 A 47 23 Fall
ERV, and FEF at FRC generated by FMS (MEP-FMS, ERV- 3 C5–C7 A 49 26 MVA
FMS, FEF-FMS) was conducted on each patient. The stimula- 4 C5 B 43 20 MVA
tion parameters were 70% of maximum intensity, 20Hz fre- 5 C4 B 40 6 MVA
quency, 2-second burst length, and a T10 magnetic coil 6 C5–C7 A 66 27 DA
placement.6 The stimulation was performed while the subjects 7 T5 A 53 20 MVA
were sitting in their wheelchairs. 8 C4–C5 A 55 2 MVA

Abbreviations: ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association; MVA, mo-

FMS Conditioning Protocol tor vehicle accident; DA, diving accident.
The experimental protocol continued for 6 weeks. In the first
week, subjects underwent screening histories and physical ex-
aminations. Thereafter, a baseline PFT was evaluated and
recorded with subjects in a sitting position. Physical examina- FMS, ERV-FMS, and FEF-FMS were 42 ⫾ 4.9cmH2O, 0.6 ⫾
tions and PFTs were repeated in the final week. Before the 0.10L, and 2.9 ⫾ 0.42L/s, respectively.
conditioning protocol, subjects were instructed to maintain PFT Results After 2 Weeks
regular diets and their routine activities of daily living. At the
beginning of the second week, each subject received a 4-week All subjects completed the first 2 weeks of training. Condi-
FMS conditioning program (20min twice a day, 5d/wk) in the tioning sessions were at approximately the same time each day.
SCI center. During this conditioning program, a PFT was No unusual alterations in daily activities or diets, including
repeated at 2-week intervals, ending with a 2-week postcondi- medications, were reported. No medical complications or side-
tioning PFT. The subjects were asked to note any changes in effects were noted. A routine skin check after stimulation
their physical condition during the 4 weeks. Before each con- showed no inauspicious conditions. Blood pressure remained
ditioning session, subjects were asked if they had any discom- within subjects’ normal values during FMS conditioning. The
fort and/or abnormalities. After each session, subjects’ skin 2-week conditioning PFT results showed that the mean MEP-
was checked for possible thermal injury. Blood pressure was TLC, MEP-FRC, ERV, FEF-TLC, FEF-FRC, FVC, and FEV1
monitored before and every 5 minutes during the conditioning were 56 ⫾ 10.1cmH2O, 28 ⫾ 5.9cmH2O, 0.51 ⫾ 0.1L, 4.1 ⫾
period to ensure patient safety. Magnetic stimulation parame- 0.4L/s, 1.9 ⫾ 0.3L/s, 2.5 ⫾ 0.1L, and 2.0 ⫾ 0.1L, respectively.
ters were initially set at 50% intensity, 20Hz frequency, and These values showed a 22%, 24%, 40%, 4%, 20%, 10%, and
2-second burst length. Intensity was gradually increased from 9% increase from subjects’ respective mean baseline PFT
50% to 70%, depending on subject’s comfort zone. The center results, respectively. Significant improvements ( p ⬍ .05)
of the magnetic coil was placed at T10 to T11.4 FMS of the were seen in MEP-TLC and MEP-FRC (fig 1). FEF-TLC and
expiratory muscles was performed 5 days a week. In week 2 FEF-FRC showed moderate increases (fig 2). The results were
and at the completion of the training session (week 4), the not statistically significant. FVC and FEV1 had negligible
expiratory muscle strength was evaluated by measuring the changes. Among all the parameters, ERV showed the most
MEP, ERV, and FEF. improvement after the first 2 weeks of conditioning (fig 3).
When asked for their reaction to FMS conditioning, 6 subjects
Statistical Methods said that they experienced “tightening” or “strengthening” of
their abdominal muscles, and an improved ability to cough up
Data from the PFTs were expressed in mean ⫾ standard
secretions. These changes occurred within the first week of
error of the mean (SEM). Statistical analyses were performed
conditioning. Two subjects reported no changes. None of the
by using a 2-way analysis of variance and Student’s t test; p ⬍
subjects had any negative responses or complaints about FMS.
.05 was considered significant.
PFT Results After 4 Weeks
All subjects continued the second half of the conditioning
Demographics protocol. No medical complications or adverse effects were
reported in the final 2 weeks. The consensus of the participants
The mean age and time since injury of the 8 subjects were was that FMS training of expiratory muscle was not painful,
51 ⫾ 8 years and 18 ⫾ 9 years, respectively. Seven subjects was well tolerated, and was helpful. The 4-week conditioning
had a SCI level between C5 and C7, and one had a SCI level PFT results showed that the mean (n ⫽ 8) MEP-TLC, MEP-
at T5 (table 1). All subjects completed the conditioning proto- FRC, ERV, FEF-TLC, FEF-FRC, FVC, and FEV1 were 55.3 ⫾
col. 8.6cmH2O, 29.0 ⫾ 5.6cmH2O, 0.6 ⫾ 0.1L, 4.3 ⫾ 0.5L/s, 1.9 ⫾
0.2L/s, 2.5 ⫾ 0.1L, and 2.0 ⫾ 0.1L, respectively. These values
Baseline PFT Results showed increases of 29%, 37%, 62%, 9%, 27%, 7%, and 10%
Baseline PFT results are summarized in figures 1 through 3 of subjects’ respective mean baseline PFT results, respectively.
and table 2. The mean baseline PFT results were: MEP-TLC ⫽ The improvements were significant ( p ⬍ .05) for MEP-TLC,
48 ⫾ 9.7cmH2O, MEP-FRC ⫽ 24.3 ⫾ 6.1cmH2O, ERV ⫽ MEP-FRC, and ERV. FVC and FEV1 increased by ⱕ10% of
0.4 ⫾ 0.1L, FEF-TLC ⫽ 4.0 ⫾ 0.5L/s, FEF-FRC ⫽ 1.6 ⫾ their normal values after 4 weeks of training and were not
0.2L/s, FVC ⫽ 2.4 ⫾ 0.1L, and FEV1 ⫽ 1.9 ⫾ 0.1L. Two significant ( p ⬎ .05). Final physical examinations showed no
parameters of interest were the percentage of the predicted new abnormalities. The increases of MEP-TLC, MEP-FRC,
normal value of the mean FVC ⫽ 50.7% ⫾ 5.2% and the mean ERV, FEF-TLC, FEF-FRC, FVC, and FEV1 from the second
FEV1% (FEV1/FVC) ⫽ 82.8% ⫾ 1.7%. The means of MEP- week to the fourth week of FMS conditioning were 6%, 12%,

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 82, February 2001


Fig 1. MEP improvements at TLC and FRC. Changes in airway pres- Fig 3. ERV improvement. Changes in lung volume (L) throughout
sure (cmH2O) throughout the conditioning protocol. (䊐), MEP-TLC; the conditioning protocol. *Versus baseline, p < .05.
(■), MEP-FRC. *Versus baseline, p < .05.

19%, 4%, 6%, 0%, and 2%, respectively. However, no statis- indicating a decrease or absence of expiratory muscle func-
tical significance was observed for any of the parameters in the tion.6,8,9 Patients with thoracic spinal lesions may have only
last 2 weeks of conditioning ( p ⬎ .05). expiratory dysfunction with preserved inspiratory capacities.8
In this study, we applied FMS to restore the impaired expi-
PFT Results at 2 Weeks Postconditioning ratory function in SCI patients by using a 4-week FMS expi-
ratory muscle-training program. This is a continuation of our
Six subjects returned 2 weeks after completing the condi-
previous efforts, which showed efficacy in magnetically stim-
tioning protocol. The mean values of MEP-TLC, ERV, FEF-
ulating the expiratory muscles by placing a magnetic coil in the
TLC obtained during this postconditioning protocol showed
lower thoracic region.3-6 By conditioning the expiratory mus-
decreases of 13%, 16%, and 5%, respectively, from their values
cles for only 2 weeks, we observed significant improvement in
at the end of the 4-week conditioning protocol. The poststimu-
voluntary MEP (22%), FEF (20%), and ERV (40%). We also
lation data, when compared with the baseline data, showed no
observed continued improvement after 2 additional weeks of
statistically significant differences.
conditioning. According to the present protocol, expiratory
DISCUSSION muscles were stimulated for 20 minutes twice a day. The
stimulation intensity was set with a minimum intensity of 50%,
Persons with chronic cervical SCI typically show a restric- and a burst length of 2 seconds, which produced a substantial
tive respiratory pattern with both inspiratory and expiratory contraction of the expiratory muscles.3
dysfunction.8 Their PFT results showed low mean TLC, vital Recent respiratory training protocols have focused on in-
capacity, and inspiratory capacity as well as a high FEV1: FVC spiratory and expiratory efforts against a closed airway or
ratio, in addition to low expiratory pressure, flow, and ERV, airway resistance loading for respiratory muscle training.10 In
patients with SCI, reports have shown improvement in inspira-
tory muscle strength and endurance after inspiratory resistance
training.10,11 Biering-Sorensen et al12 showed that the peak
expiratory flow of 10 cervical injured patients improved by
11% (from 371 to 412L/min) by using a 6-week inspiratory
resistance training protocol. Suzuki et al13 reported a 25%

Table 2: PFT Profile of Study Participants

Patient FVC (L) FEV1 (L) IC (L) ERV (L)

1 3.09 2.34 2.56 0.53

2 2.87 2.47 2.19 0.68
3 2.67 2.02 2.35 0.32
4 2.17 1.52 1.84 0.33
5 2.24 1.29 2.04 0.20
6 2.75 2.36 2.32 0.43
7 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.00
8 3.13 2.52 2.71 0.42
Mean 2.44 1.89 2.07 0.36
Fig 2. FEF improvements at TLC and FRC. Changes in airway flow SEM 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.07
(L/s) throughout the conditioning protocol. (䊐), FEF-TLC; (■), FEF-
FRC. Abbreviation: IC, inspiratory capacity.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 82, February 2001


increase in MEP after 4 weeks of threshold pressure training (at are important factors for stimulation effects.22 With magnetic
30% of MEP) by using healthy subjects. Their subjects were coil placement near the spinous process, the loci of spinal nerve
trained for 15 minutes twice daily for 4 weeks at their own activation is at the neuroforamen.23 Activation of the spinal
breathing frequency and tidal volume. The length of training nerves at the foramina leads to simultaneous contraction of the
and stimulation duration were comparable with our protocol. major expiratory muscles. Depending on the appropriate design
Smeltzer14 reported a similar finding in patients with multiple and placement of the coil, significant inspiratory or expiratory
sclerosis. They observed an increase in MEP of 19.4 ⫹ function can be produced.6 In unimpaired subjects, FMS pro-
9.9cmH2O from a baseline value of 53.6 ⫹ 14.9cmH2O after 3 duced expiratory function similar to the subjects’ voluntary
months of expiratory muscle training by using a threshold maximum. In tetraplegic patients, FMS reached a mean expired
training device. pressure, volume, and flow rate of 121%, 167%, and 110%,
The goals of FMS expiratory muscle conditioning in patients respectively, of their voluntary maximum.6
with SCI are to restore strength and endurance of the disused The mechanism underlying the effect of long-term FMS
expiratory muscles. Muscle disuse usually leads to a decrease conditioning is likely the myosin isoform shifts induced by
in muscle mass, in the proportion of type I (fatigue resistant) near maximal muscle contraction.24 The intensity of FMS that
fibers, and in oxidative enzymes, and results in reduced is applied to reload the disused muscles in patients with SCI
strength and endurance. There are 3 major principles of muscle may also induce transient muscle fiber injuries.25 It is proposed
training: overload, training specificity, and reversibility.15 The that exercise-induced injury initiates muscle fiber proliferation
muscle must be overloaded above a threshold to a point at and phenotype remodeling.26,27 Whether FMS conditioning
which the muscle will be activated more than usual. The applied in the present study induces changes in muscle mass
stimulation protocol given to the muscles has to be specific to and other metabolic or morphologic properties attracts great
the desired effect. The training effect is reversible once training attention.
is stopped. This study has shown significant contraction of the The benefits of FMS of the expiratory muscles were not
expiratory muscles with stimulation and functional improve- limited to improvement of voluntary cough function, thus,
ment of the expiratory muscles, as well as the reduction of reducing the risk of life-threatening respiratory complications.
expiratory function after the conditioning protocol. The clinical We also observed improvement of inspiratory function after the
significance of our results is that FMS restored partial strength 4-week conditioning protocol. The inspiratory capacity in-
of the disused expiratory muscles and potentially improved creased approximately 5% after 4 weeks of training and was
coughing capacity in patients with tetraplegia. The limitation of associated with a 6% increase of the FEF-TLC (fig 2). Similar
this study is that we have not provided results on respiratory improvements occurred in FVC and FEV1. We propose that to
muscle fatigue or muscle biopsies. Nevertheless, this is the first achieve the optimal respiratory muscle conditioning results,
report on the effects of FMS in the conditioning of the expi- both expiratory and inspiratory muscles should be trained. In
ratory muscles. addition to patients with SCI or with other neurologic pathol-
Two weeks after the conditioning protocol ended, the vol- ogies, patients with respiratory dysfunction, or who are under
untary expiratory function decreased sharply to a level compa- sedation, or are in intensive care settings, may benefit from
rable with the baseline. This functional decrease is comparable such a controlled expiratory muscle stimulation technology. In
to that seen by Gurney et al,16 which showed decreased skeletal addition to the respiratory muscles, FMS has been used to
muscle performance after cessation of training in SCI. This stimulate the bladder and gastrointestinal tract successfully.28,29
also suggests that for FMS to be beneficial to subjects with Placing the magnetic coil near the lumbosacral region activates
SCI, persistent training is required. pelvic nerves that facilitate micturition and colonic transit in
FES of the respiratory muscles has been an active area of patients with SCI.30,31 In unimpaired subjects, FMS of the calf
research in recent decades. Devices have been designed to muscles has also proven useful in improving fibrinolysis.32 In
stimulate the phrenic nerves,17 ventral roots,18 intercostal the sedentary population, FMS may be an attractive option for
nerves,19 diaphragm, and abdominal muscles.1,2 By placing abdominal muscle strengthening.
surface electrodes on the abdomen, significant expiratory func-
tion was observed.1,2 DiMarco et al20 showed impressive ex- CONCLUSION
piratory function in dogs by using plate electrodes implanted in Expiratory muscle conditioning was achieved by placing a
the ventral aspect of the spinal cord near T9. Electric stimula- magnetic coil along the subject’s lower thoracic spine. A
tion conditioning of denervated skeletal muscles at 20Hz, 4-week conditioning protocol resulted in significant improve-
5-second bursts, 15 minutes to 8 hours a day for 24 weeks ment in voluntary expiratory pressure, volume, and flow when
increases the proportion of type I fibers, and enhances endur- compared with baseline. Two weeks after the conclusion of the
ance properties of the paralyzed muscles.21 FES techniques FMS conditioning, the voluntary expiratory function decreased
require placing electrodes on the muscles or on the nerve sharply to baseline. For patients with SCI to benefit from the
tissues, which requires skin preparation or surgical procedures. FMS technology, persistent stimulation is required. FMS of the
These procedures may be inconvenient, painful to patients with expiratory muscles is noninvasive and easy to use. FMS may
preserved sensation, or they may result in medical complica- be an attractive therapeutic tool for patients with SCI or other
tions.2 neurologic disorders.
In contrast to FES, FMS is relatively easy to use, is nonin-
vasive, and is not painful. As shown in an earlier study,3,6 the Acknowledgments: The authors thank David Liu, BS, Ellenore
optimal placement of the magnetic coil in patients centers near Palmer, MS, PT, Kathie Kim, MPH, RD, and Marilyn Yu, MD, for
T10 –T11 spinous process. This placement stimulates spinal their assistance in various stages of this project.
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 82, February 2001

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