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How to Shop Plants Safely from Indonesia

According to the Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture till April 2021, the export value of
floriculture products reached 22M $. With various destination countries such as Canada,
United Kingdom, Korea, United States, Egypt, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. But, based on the
data too only 25 registered exporters were found. The number doesn’t match with a lot of
plant sellers who circulate us. That’s why criminalities during buying and sell transactions
possibly happened. Certainly, an unresponsible online seller playing a role in it. To minimize
this maltreatment, we will share some tips to import plants from Indonesia securely.

1. Only the “verified” one is capable 

Before negotiate or deal in purchasing you need to make sure the seller profile. A registered
company would apply the application to the Ministry of Agriculture Website. This
application is used to bring out the plants from Indonesia to the receiver in one country. It
means every receiver's name ought to have their permission from the Indonesia Ministry of
Agriculture, called by SIP MENTAN (Issuance of Certification for Plant Exports).
Strengthened with this SIP MENTAN, the seller able to process the Phytosanitary Certificate.
This means Phytosanitary Certificate is dependent on the plants and the receiver name listed
on SIP MENTAN before.

2. Quarantine Process to get Phytosanitary Certificate

Phytosanitary Certificate would be released only when the plants are ready to ship. The local
quarantine needs to check the plant's condition or health. Every country has its standard for
plant treatment before shipment. For example, the plants that are going to ship to the USA
country need to be free from Potato Cyst Nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis, And
G.Pallida. Then, the Phytosanitary Certificate is published when the laboratory test is
examined. The local quarantine would check the plant's quantity and type on the box
continuing by the box sealing to ship through air freight cargo or another expedition.

Furthermore, based on regulation applied in Indonesia, special attachment needed for aquatic
plants export. This paper called by Health Certificate provided by Ministry of Maritime and
Fisheries. Sometimes, they only published SPM (Loading Letter) to pass Indonesian custom.
It’s needed because according to the Indonesian Customs system aquatic plants are belong to
aquatic product. In conclusion, the aquatic product is under Ministry of Agriculuture also
Maritime and Fisheries management/supervision.

3. Proof before Payment

Ensure before doing the payment the seller had sent complete evidence. Those are export
documents, packing box photos also the airwaybill. Checking the plants' condition such as the
availability, size, packing method also recommended doing to make sure all steps are

4. "Under Name" Method

How about the seller who doesn’t hold a permit or even a company but owns a customer? In
Indonesia “Undername Method” is a possible solution. They can use a service from a
company that provided the complete requirements to do export. But, it only works for
shipment legality, the company does not responsible for negotiation and payment. 

Based on applicable regulation the plants need to be ship first to the company (registered
company). The plants need to get special handling before packing. In case the plants are not
in good health. This concern would bring a disaster for the company that lends the “Under
name” method. Cause according to the authority the plants approved belong to the company
that has the permit.

Be wise and not decide hastily before making a shipment. Especially, if you are a new
buyer and have no history before importing plants. Don’t hesitate to contact Borneo
Aquatic if you need further information and help. We have worldwide shipment
supported with completed documents. Our beautiful and nice staff are ready to assist
fully, see you soon 😊

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